THE MICHIGAN DAILY Srig Hats Sprinfg Hats We have received our Spring styles of IMPERIAL HATS in all the new shapes and colors. See our Pearl Derby it is a beauty. Lindenschffitt, pfl.& Co. E f UNIVERSITY NOTICES All' senior lits shaveimcasoueet taken for cap and gioen it 'Pcsetism- mediately. Deposit tot snecessry- ontil gown isIreceisvcit ~All entr ies forsvairsity mee Itsst ib" hanided its at director's otfice, PP atc liii gymnsasiumos Iefore 6 o'clocskItoiay. Cerele Faci etr Prsa Life," bye'Theodre sKochlin arh as itcl Aiigell Will 'it 8p. m.i Oratoreicaiil bordtee ists, p. inin-;- dtav it roomis2P;, it lise 'Pickets Ifir lithe suor lit liucheon i will be ott sale it the. suitysaeM . salt todav. Pie 2je'pei s. All P'isiiinsiii studiectis aric es et it to mteel atlMcli'illl,11,Fiidii isiti isg att 7 p. I. 'Phe Aiio'iuu" ii"liii PIClibstill hl a mteetingas' oclc 1 ili ati thi IUnioni. ill isesi conntcIt is iii tlsth Universitsyishoihavliiiei Il i the hiip pintssatre iniiesi to atteiii Saiaruavioeiii"thes' entceirs (Il ilt will hltheIiriansssnuattoicseitoiisnat msesit. Six cislissisfecertt'still crsis foils at ten o'clsck ints efnigro of Nskatirit ass gi liiiuitmaniht lfor a club insiswhlichiliIMSciee tillsfscsIli lie chlib. Iheii Pit t it I scers Lau rules stillg'ov'eitistdIdirtlyftesth ttrentss a chliblpic'te stll le takcen. t111l'- PS, A IEQ t Just lontg tenoutghi ts actquit you55 wtiths the'facet itha fI1,,NRY & kit'S Quatclity WITNEY THEATRE' IMonday, Marcli 14 SPECIAL RETURN ENG.A GEMENT The Favorite Muzsical Comredy in With the same big company of musical comedy artists and the same big song hits that has made this play famous from coast to coast. Prices: 35m50-75-$1O -$1.50 Seat sale Friday morning 10 o'clock. Order your seats now by mail. Hotel Cuberland 1 THE CLOTHES FOR YOUNG MEN AR] REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL'S Collegoe Clothes They are different in style and pattern but not too much so. Come and see them. HABERDASHERY The correct fixings for wear with either Full Dress or Tuxedos, white shirts, neckwear, collars, jewelry, etc., that fashion demands. Roulo, Conlin& Fiogol 200-202 South Main Street. Mack's Teams Room MACK'S TEA ROOM-2nd Floor Lunches and Refreshments Fin' Ladles and Gentlemien "he irpe pc 1e to takhe your tailyiifriend " Exeellemt C'.lal,. Seceefroma. . taos estaterdays to 9p. m GO to Major's 'P u 6y Wail-paper and Pin.Beig manufacturers of paint we can save you f1n 25 to 40o. W se11idirect to the consumer, there- fore these lwpis es: 1n5 galionlin r over, $1.15 per gailon. Singie gallon; $i.2), half galion 65c, quart 35c. ' C. H. MAJOR ft CO. Maufacturers of High-Grade Paints. 203 E. Washington St. F AMI16Y ]Bij ou THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY The ELttfled Duao Belle-GREGORY and MACK-Joe Special Electrical Effects 5 Conspicuous Acts tf Quality MATINEES DAILY 2:30 and 3:30 r r S. W. Cor. Broadway, at 541 Near 50thS THIiS P 1 PR S"?I NOlRS 11.PP RIN TIHPIRCPXlS V.11 ttl\\ S, MAit XIII PI '111 P1 PP'l AII, 'sti'PP DUPTo X\kA Ill TII, COh'Ul\' iX 1111 ?IS I.I P'PtE, YOUR tiAlRFA SASIJP '185Ill V P SP11AIJsORD IR IMUdST' Ill" I\IN l1I"OII' XIII I C I I. I. [ I (). Draswinop the right kinds at right prices at the Sltudetits' Bookstore. Sheehan & Co. if MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 Narth University Ave. O. A. MOE. Carri age and Baggage For eachouaple toandcifropartises before 1loselecli $t.5tafter 12o'coc $2.00. Fer each Trusetotsor trtmfdoorte price will be 25 Cen. Iftcaeriedl ts er from uip-stairsste price will b 5t Cents Drvers are required to coilecc cash fur carrrage ansdhaggage service. WALKERS ItsrVERsY ROBINSON & CO). W. H. STlARK Hae HIOLMORDLIEndes the dn' tarot. r ' frr t., N. 5c VNDER THE M4ANAGEMENT OF Harry P. Stimsox, formerly wih Hotel Imrperial. W.. J. B31Inlhamer.., forniely wiii thertel Wsoodward ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP tiitisir I Its trsc wasting Hoses Under IHuston Billiard Parlors GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor j(Fosrmrly pwith Harrey P Charlies') MAJESTIC THEATRE Tngh AT LAST SHE COMES! Edna!The Mysterios9 Ednao ewildering THE SENSATION OF THE YEAR HERHERT BROOKS ° MLLE, LATINA Master Magician Physical Culture Girl CHAS. WAYN E & COMPANY In A Comedy Playlet Special added TEIIfUhI OS Feature TELAiUGHINGI ORS The Box Office of the Majestic is open every afternoon from i to 5 P. M. Buy your tickets in advance, avoid crowds at night. WANTED-Amatuer Acts Every Firday COMING MARCH 17, I8, 19 ANOTHER "NAPANEE" ACT CAPT. REA'S th St., St. Sbwsay and 53d1 St. Flreild. NEW YORK 'P test is bss. 'Pailoirs, II alsedasliets. IIattcirs. Sp1r'ing;pmechlaniseicnowirtady. KEPT BY A COLLEGE MN College en Always Welcome Special T'er s for College Teams Ideal Location, ear Theatres, Shops and Cen al Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and U-r All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. ' I I ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWRDTATILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY THlING IN TAILORING