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March 09, 1910 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1910-03-09

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4M1 , rl {; 1

Voi. XX.


SPRhTIGI E TS Ear and Eye Hospital to be Thor=-~x~
FOR rinuMETI oughly tModern. Ilan

Wolverines Train Hard to Get
Into Condition for Cornell and
Syracuse Contests.
1\iiciiigan roxoers xx-ii dxy thi fir lst
sptas iti cmptitNion 'at I rda ight i
the xaiiiili ii i x mee.x 'his \-]ib
thlas1 t preliimiriflle tci ith saon
tw ek etixi xii1xli ii i igtixxii opii the isi-
lltiiNhe M rciN nltscolwt
theiii tii i oiii n o I sc w l (Ip
withthe mei l iiiii lii xximi de x ri cordsi
foril tl l ii iiiin iiiipast lixi pre

Tic mine ixIxixl laiiix is o iliclxil
xhtc dxiiinded hto 1i h a
tshoulxd take any cxiiii~i \v ti thl l
ich I xvix hemex atr
''eI l ixiixi ma xii Com et iixxii
Hilh n iit i n hs cir ald f I
setn in tNhei polii valiox tel
dtis Hear hut lie haN onlyi tICe im i
prcce ofr rele st
ipolex-xvaulter of bili ty thti has h
tii un ierity foxi sonxiic tiliii an
ciilltiy exetdi l~th
A cclaig tliiiv fet yth iii
Interccolleicate Bceect iii Jne
long xx t1lxx iiiix m l ti i,1t H Iiiii C
hasii ',vo is even iii th firsii t«x i
Thei xx i la raxx c xxx li froi i
'lix x goodi lead il the raxxii ofS<
isccxpxxti d to xxxiii irst pi xlcei
ipriliinalee he Nvas lxxii iiiii
thec mxi le largxeli hclxxh i
thei istn ce xxii I xxiiie I it " i
garelshim as(meio th es 1
tive xii r the N o liii it hais.i
thoixiuht tlhai xiii thei I iiixx
cixi unde \I ii r. llzp t i x
a'ndx ltxiine 'T'rail erxc- lii e rl-
Npitihaii hex will heingods
fll the gap txhi t xliii x ei 11M( xIC
lxxxix by t l oss oifx xx i x iii xii al.x
Ini priixiiie xatiii AIii I~t
pin it e i l x i ll _f:1 t a
miem' ered tha lasti ear i ll theii lii
meet h lii defeati I xiixx [h111xii
andiii cx xxii l i tem txoiii altIl
tiis xx-ar It is do btu ili hexixil
as cixosie xxnp~iiii n 'IS \\-,Iiii
laxxt yexi bx lxxii xnd111iii le
the xxi li tim tk n xc~lii hat.
Ixiii Fome xi x ure toliii 11stn
thei sh titx xi louti i l Cxxiii ;ti
it is (Ilixixfx l i f lxii i l hxxaxi
first i ho or in c iill tei 7 a
ori thei h lxxi l i f e ii rr those

111" ili
txx 11111e
ill he xi
he oilic

naingiixiiomp xlet ionw i illxxi ilxxxI
io xx xi o he eqipmn il e begn
It wlx xl oalxxxxbe x'xxitlet: ix lxeeks
xxiii xtoixatlcnt1
The h i ldxii isxabsoiliiiely irxliiprolof
xin conxstructedixlillof lxxinforcedxili con-
crtxn i o enini xl ii ii dexilic
xIiin tre i eg t S fetltg a~
18fet xil, iiaddxtotex hoixtaliiplant
liii 1. iiilxvxiiil
Thei i rs dxoxixii r ll be iii xix to xxi
xixxxxxxx w irk ixndicox inii ruction.ii ()it
theii lx flloorxiii iill ixac xteioperaing
roost and he wad xxfo felxxxi a tc
faixx.The l crxx Ir xi aldc for
ch ii xid i lxxl xxxi th irdxii floor.x I
Amon;ithex inx erstig fatursxoixh
xxx osial cliillibeii hxxxiii iii iiii iic
laboratorixcis xxxiixthe i lar ie i d imonstratioin
ati x iingo sis l so e celent:lA t ia
tihtro m Jas iin ro iedin i cihx
Steam, he1lii nsxoiii ii th h ilin
ili ipx a xlso x heaed xilx xe frnish
fxiii thxe xxx xi li mai liaiti: lxxdcit forcii
draftxi~~xi lxxi x ventilating'syst im ii xhY ieigh
igisiiialxoi i xxxii i thii i therelxiii xix xii
Sixteow enTeamineldvatousWins
pia Uni o'sewtl estfiein t
Si i xxtee Temsini i eld to in
Union' Pewteiri i ii1 x Seii n.iiixl
k o e lxiii isiri lain h
M'icigani Unxiionxxfix Ietn'm ctwt
morwxlgh imohrl ixiixii lc l c

\xAS'f lxxxiAxlIRx (_ix xxxi
xxa-e i-o i xItIxr. ixxixil c real xx
t t I a r ' ) l 1}s'ix x II tc rr I', ! -
m~i 1 xli xxixII. C}l r ,; 1cl ::
RO F t DENN!I ONl( TO7c1c Ir
ti IngcsrucItor ll IxeaveC1' i
Ltern Iscool Wlle eve't.d


Iit aniili rsii. \ixcc
cxll xicii. <
I ,c)Cxl lixr),si~ cc xI()~sc

1-(ii )11iti
x I t ii
iis carx
i i l~x
xxia Wxxi
ll theii
TH i1-

1)r. Wlter clxlix m
lxxi xxxix li i Ic xiii liii i
letin li e fili =ftIic l c
xxx xlccac iii xxxiiam
li i c #i ) r i r
cii> o la e i ch x igan.
tixi\ll h 1r s n lxx t()i
x~m. 1 pi l xliciw litt
illi a xii liixi lx h x (lxlxxx xxx
txil lxx silixy lxxidxarci tx) 1x
a u lc tin n)xlx n',1
xIt wa i nxx at thow,
ofx acesx t exxix lhr
lxx iolxx. I e nk
mox iii nenci tciepi l
H i l xiiilix xxxu ix lxi


Itudent Sholdxxxli lxAllowed Oppor-
bullty to Yarn Money
tic ~Itr,> I ill ixilird o lxxi
,t, Isa. ; xpii siom ix illill thexi
coms axxiitiialxxi
h}Il xxxix xeb li flx
c i, l cn it x'H ss i i s ii
it Ian looks lieialxase
Ixii11 xx xxp lxi troxuigh
xI rxxxx lxi i11x;11l"s lxiiia xheci
xxxiii litam, iih xxio
rl~rit li '.M ttcr 'o l i l iiihe xliii
r the iora tial xc
xxmxheis iotbared xromth
0 1 ttr ,;oud k b" 1\It%-ix sh xxuli
xla i h i icdx o h ll lxxii ing
mnl'r Ch ity ixillici-
I*i lix xx x hr l gi ucknel
rx i o lc;e eIi.uh tI
i~ ic fi. tltix cxntetsx,
H='orsters to Cook According to
Camp Regime.
~ ntxx iiiixiix lx ofi lxiilie txxr
i xii li x xxlx ctixx ixxxxxxx lxxi
Irons a xtlgges-
lxi to _ t hiN gatii
dl m ix orxistxir,
ixuixix.i'mc tixixihlax
rc ", : ' I xxnstuc ixxin lih i sc
~r:ii lxiim h xxxiiivn u d irth
' iiiatin ha c'nhxxii lxxi
SIca. i xxxi lii iii
'I t :; la l iii xiiat xthes
~ xxxiica litk ixc xxxiii
I llnisig t roug th

xs'1"1viii xxCC tic tixix
xi x xxxxii x

No ioq
Field Song Judges Choose Pro-
ductions of Welch and Bryson
for First Honors.
Tiolxxxix1), lix xcht aidiLyit xxiirxy-
xson fxalxthei Ihonorxcxxxfisecuxciuxg thepriczee
Hi $1txxoraxnewcilcixongiixxolxlecrxdby
H )Miichigianixialiumnxusux ofxlxi. Palxi. Welclx
lxxx iitiixguilxcx imixixfx aisxithi wite
soni hasxxxwoni mucxihi lameias a'ri tec of
poetry-, iibeing the x winner ofi ltie Nelxon
lG. 1,xiii anuixaul potryixxrizieioft$io.
hiixcix xihnr fclspe oithfo
senx i uiix r it xleislxxxls o ch lxmie liii
Thucott forx xxi thenw ldsn
which a dxend iiorlyaferCist- o
ofi woxrkixxxii xoxri xi liiiepirt of exit
bulionsxi tet xlixriecin allc amehixi n xtxhi i
and fatu xii xxthexxlast to xias lxii
Axltougxhx the Judgesx'x of coIit,
decisionx xofxlthelxir hiceuxtley liii
extendedix hoxxoxxablei imentixxto threex
othexicoxxxi cuxutixix~hlxxfist NilI
xhoixxx toxihiixuxixtix all odil xix ir
namediti"Minhuof xi iilixhx JoeIHorner's
cii iutixi xxxixsIahdhxcxixxccyxxxxx-
teni biy Haixxld i li uti
Il(x e sn hclxisxt10urgexiccnd
inspirue ichiganxi ' ahtes to xicr- ill
the ur'exixx xwilxeipulixhed xliiithe 'x xxxi
persns xsixnglxxet Hu theirxii songe s
williirecexixi lxxix xxixtlmiii'yhxycxliii ax
xxxibe helix iuxxtidayiMaxh'x17,x -t x
the Nexx ii lx ii xhotiel he iarlrxx
mentsarc ll telhads of Iaxci lxxx xx
Axxii ti ixciituupxrhoraxmis ingu pre-lxx
paredxanditxis deired thatI xxxix xxx -
mihiitxiii xap andgown fori z iistex
ofhi g toixux payxi $i.25 ox lhii as dxidi
Mackxi oif Mtxxix& Co,lhasx lxxiixx lix
fmtii i liiithim ultthatieducedxice.l
RlphCullyx t h irma xciii apan
lhixi toLeave xx therx xxi xxx lx atix x
aboxxixxxii copiiuys soxliii e Ayi
ini orderThatixlthe floxiggr ni e
Iil raiixi essi''x for e sliii g,
iii xi tat lih udatr dt et
Iccs onaspssbe


lxiilxxii I xiiix iixiIx hxM,"ixixix ON

ixh c cxxi °x Noxrix . . . . . . .
Cali & s i t . . ..I. . . . .
S xx xil cr& ixxcc .......
lx c' &xl rx er .....i. .....x
'I'll( rwarq & Meyerix ..xx....xci.
ixxxxxxxi & l l illxhixis iiiii i
W llcsi&ixStu cciaxt .......
xl lxxiixxxc clxi Stouii.i. ....iiiii ..i.i
ixixiiiixiui xxxiii xl h axxx.x ..x ...xx.I


site c? t'

Fliaxl x xxxxxuxxxxxxxx x Ixflxixthei
blxxx xi I xi xia lxixihtt l I xihlla he it
11xtiixuuigI thl WCxx!-c I I lxa aI x
liii lus i a-j rssilr o
lawxvhutiil xi xix yesterdahyx lx l
specxixallxrxiilhas lxxiixhrtr
ncxxi xix xidbig Crowdxxi It

i x

xiii lxx
xxIt ;ix

0")lccIto tilxx hatx
ix liii a J111w '
,() Illsiituixh i l ri

the uppierucclxxx ci xi'(>fl
atxii tixixihhi anx xxii
xxill lxx serxedi

1no l. A
r(dx orth
axlii ac

tadi «F hi
i l iii ic xi

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