THE MICHIGAN DAILY Spring Hats Spring Hats We have received our Spring styles of IMPERIAL HATS in all the new shapes and colors. See our Pearl Derby it is a beauty. Lindenschinitt, A fl & CO. .. THE CLOTHES FOR YOUNG MEN ARE REULE, GONLIN & FIEGEL'S College Clothes They are different in style and pattern but not toc much so. Come and see them. HABERDASHERY The correct fixings for wear with either Full Dress or Tuxedos, white shirts, neckwear, collars, jewelry, etc., that fashion demands. Roulo, Conlin & Fiogol 200-202 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTICESj Fresh laws mseet iareoom ie at 4 Ill. Impotant l.AllSot. NEBRASKANS (liGANIZE/1 SNOT IN SR STAIB (Ii . St iter stalueith-. bees tdedt the list iof rgatiastolsits ss t'ee te eatitsastsealteatadwtitte life of the mtiuvessiOTe C iiislc Clublsis t eststtttttr stmoing teso litsoeetreefrotihe tsae stito he tlredtiadvanttt toIthe s- whrestethsaesse I te lclubepiflita h Vise L ima I k-sStes If ImaaI st fOmathia; serear, i. IH. tessit Omh;treasurer, Ms l St-it 11hait- STUENTS A if Ti O I IAF 'i' IfFSC'i. I)O\'fi\C I lDi"it. - iosws drt '-imicatenon listhusbttand snarttoswliesaped sing hslift, ltsisg pulediuis tswtilts is Ii wife.Tter were ewwiteses o)tie acc t t tt i ad ta hn hl ttsestcrss te plan rSi mottttttt caeliizzysttttcaltiltso lit itttand itt. . lit rtrnittt mmotttttsts pus wtter. sife, htttwasts rom , ttwa it ditsfieults re-cied sssd itswh a fewts miutses lis eteroetitCi thettldy ifis sife. 'ur students who happen- s- totitbetttose- at itttttappliltsit ttttch evi rte ttutsttlI est tts it t tisa. sitt tthe url eansanewe IPrlogedt ef- forls fidles to lit r e - e llill tttm iaitt set c Themtulsrscsitisitei isle.h ttt tprseit st imesich ttadded i lt is itthe itscurettmt ade aisquic c -sIt sliterv tite body tt. 5 lii tsthretmottststcomtiins rmJako tieh trtt il ao, ihe is tutuiedtby -er husai ad ts st oi. tl it,'a51omeriti - lii altkiatt ut abt ' ontlo rs Do ittttnow. Drawisig, the right kinds at rgit prices at the Stdets' Blokstre. -Sheehans & Co. tf MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. . A. MOL ; 4>. Pl U NE MAIN 1491 9 EI GItAYII iG' ESIGXI G " 1 JOERNAL BU LDING DETROIT Wed~ziesday, ari ed Night mva r. 9 The Great Temperance Play Ten Nights *i a SPECIAL PRICES Matinee 10 and 20c Nighi SEATS NOW SELLING Hotel Cumberland WvvHITNEY THEATRE S. W. Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., ftetr 50th St. Sustwsay situ 53diwi-. Fi- ti-it-i NEIW YORK « ' ' :" , .., + t 's hi , KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special Perms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. 1 F AMIL BO THEATRE IlARCII 7 8-9 ti Ni)AY-~TUESDAY-W E[DNESDLAY IIARCH 7- 8-9 _ I5Nvland Russell Sisters 1 oReli ned Acts5 MATINEES DAILY 2:30 and 3:30 Mack's Tea. Rv.oom~ MACK'S TEA ROOM---2nd Floor Lunches and Refreshments -7,11cii ttoipr l t o t i youits a t 5ii sits Excslilo.t C-..tsie I UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF Harry P. Stlmson. fornmerty wilts-Hotel Imiperial. R. J. BIntighey rxv, forimerlytshsstHIotel Woodward ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP oo ise sctis wsitisga ttess Under lHuston Billiard Parlors GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor (torerilysiththarry & Charlies') TheMA The marvelous plfching rec- ft ords tmade b1y5present-day slab /< -tists are do in greai pair t oflue be2acht Base 13all. It is ontly with a / / ball 1s perfect as theiec tat consisist- / eticontrolofittirite oceirves t islssible. - Te Reach Ball Ik Itheoonlysauthlorized baillsit the GreatAmerica tussaglea nd wets 11h0 official ball of lihie Vorl's Series. If > isIte ball tised byfhs'bidcisilege teams in championship itames-little but the bes5 is good etoiiitg adt ebchBase Balls are conceed Dets 1y lll The e& k is is'ark garant~esisahtisatirtta perfesgn'. T111 Beach. (fl. Base (tall Glii. cosntaiss tittit iee ttttio tatiott illTh snesbolana featsbut slalth A. J. REACH 15th. t~c. at d-alers ostbe i jii , l CMPAN --Base BalOait . L- aps11f271 ULa IP STREET, PIBLADELPHIA*, PA. Carriage and Baggage WAA N Q is titT Fr ach uileitosansfrit p arte befrlie 1tt'clistkI.$1.5(0, aftn a'coc $2.00. iaet cs of alt s itknds; ptricessill tse 25Cents. If arredto vry Fitsy isnitntion with sir fromtstup-stairs Cte psiet .w1 iesbe 50 Cents. ttlaitiit iil Ousizeof$5. Drivsterequired55to cltlest cass forecarititit iandtbagaeservi ce W.A If t .4I'S t VlII 1101,is ITs ,' Theatre Office . n. .r Go to Mjor's lT bsall-~ttpaper ant int. sa II 5ii.. manufacstusrerss itfiafint it citn sass-you s isits 01 4f/0 . st-islits-i-b it lirst-tieteriet Ifire tsr listsl ti-pries: In I(gan lots itssir isve-s -$1.iir, p i(Malln. Single I~alo, $.2, hlf(;a~ln 65iequart 3ie. C. Ho MAJOR 6-1 CO. 4a atrrofI i-r (rails Faints. f203ifVWastiington St. r[ ... r TIlE BEST OF EVERY ALWAYS A"EAD IN STYLES MIL ARnD, THETAILOR THiING IN TAILORING