_________________THE MICHIGAN DAl This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burclifiedd Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully Guaranteed watch Rep.eind Specal ty THE F'ARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURPON STREETS Capitol $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100,O0 General Banking Business. 3 per cent paid an Time and Savings Dseposits. Safety Ge- poos Banns io rant at 12.00 and upwards R. KEMPer, Pres. 11. G. PanETTssAN. Vice-Fees. H. A. WILLIAMS. Cashier F. T. STOWE. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock 030,000 Surplus $290,000 iResources $2,F0,000 A General Banking Buasiess Transacted UFICEReno: Chas. E. Hiscock, Fran.; W. D. Harriman. Vice Fran.: M. J. Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jano. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. V augh an Tns. H, Wade K. F. Bills John Haar Jno. Koch Panf. H. S. Carhart Henry W. Gouglas Christian Mtartln D~an F. Zimmerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN AROR, MICB. E. . KNN, ARISON SOt'LE' Pres. Vite-Fees. S. W. CLARIiSON, Cashier Capital, 0100,000. Surplus and Proits, $00,000. Lerman- merican avints Bank Coomrrercli..I an~d Cot-. Mainm and Liberty Streets DOOMS RADICAL PLANS. SIMPLIFIED SPELLING ANDl D-OW A SENIOR USED) IT. (Continned team Puae1.1)___ they believed regardless of the conl Mr. Bluebook Mac sert his hiresof sequecces. "Have some faith, it need hint devils o111 to torent 1il lI1tn n01 he mite, hut hove some faith. Has-c seiiioe during the list semtersis s. a great optimismc and hope. The sworld Nose what a fate anwails th ose whlil is icesing. Ge of ihe arnie thai is cot- cii their examis tito its ithe powes ii iiig it and y0o1 nill hate a great joy. sate lieen laitidowini tha ithook ah ii Let meni revile yol t oIu wh1iikow which so little is ktnowniiand wischctli iin yorr titanof starts thsat von arc do- lains so m111h1 t1at1ouightito beknower iiig theitine will of yotir Creator." -the literate anttuetttsmeint. Somieboudyin loonitg litcr isb - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING hooks happencecitoithutikof a rue ini 5IANTED.inteliigblsetibltbooks, andilwhen ilii))lon tWaaed-Coltege nien to act as agents iitup "Afunditin o l ac k hartt ifaIced dutring suommer. Good mconiey for writteit sork ofasudn eitMS right oitii Call Dell 302-L, or adtdress defective in Englisht is cxpecitetor- or call oii Geo. F. Drowni, 619 E. Viii- part tie ease, toigethiet sithiii lin 1 i versity. 9otf calrletitttttts tiitli FOR RENT. theDeati antihis professortf ii t~rc _________-Li___t__suite__and__single__room.__tiositltsrk 1i5compoitintit iit, Furitace teat, all amodelrnit mplrove I credit.' itittts. 901tIF. \asltittgotits. Dell The intruticrithoughtiti t he I -chi 494 L. to8. tunec requtiremtti rganain ii - lie thoughgtiofetletDeiausait thi ii i- LOST. fessitr ittrhtetoic;adthnh Ioa if thit resut of leting t it l'I Li'l s tikssandtichains frtottigoldlseniir lutiste tiponthti it- iltssiti statcht-fobs. Initials "H. It. P." ott uitosrld i siwt itt cmandtif1 ii 1.1 isi chiarmt. Rewsardl. R-eturntotii-. R. a Seystettiof sptillitit itiflingtit th Potrtr, 1335 Geddies ite. Delilitthtne usohstcte.Tihenilie sent to th 120-. 08 CmistifttittteeonDeiqet it iii i thei MtISCELLANEOUS sometoii tth im ratpt ip iiithei sde- .S'sctlcers tilt ovtr, or repaired at "The tiit i~~t itssi-.'. Palais Royal," 2o9 N. Liberty St. if ite' itittimeditely iselt it x ecu_________________ tivet csessititanditilhetrie ligislted YOUNG'S hATS. that ssomiethtingtgti lt bedonito ( Notte sitter imadle.) itresersve the gloriiousitnametitandii iI 't Spring styles tnows-ready,- tion oft hitrihtidepartinciit. m]i ALLEN'S CLOTFIES SHOP. somtinttg wstshuts. 'Tli Store for Styit. Mai St. l1ir it uuil~isthtil~ _____________________ iiti ean iEgilihas site is witi, anitsl Dargatins in all kinds of Untiversty slit is spike." ebooktsanat .the Sttitentts' tfBookstore. ets reduailn howltie witeandI i I i Try our $1 Fountain Pein-Sheehan's__ Leader is the best ever. if LATVE SEN IOi iiiII'S 'jis Yonustill fitd otir typewvriting teat :IAES I-NI N I IllN N IN I anid accurate. Vie print cards andtiiane iitoio'.tts. 'itnd do enigravinig of all Gatihe-ed Itogete-fo h irtil)1 kintds. sice gradutin aott or- ioc t ACgency L. C. SmttithiTyewsriter. enjotedi a ibeef siiitea inter Iast iSat- ZEWA3SI tAND LANE, ilday citiig. Peiet1 e'vc- k tf. 310 S. Slate St., 2n111fdoor. Veddter. ickfontel' -lit,;( bricutyhis aing(' rciCS :d Sotltwatsh latutdesred'tlshirts, 6 aniii Shei- the roleliif-toastmastersit lls d t r - ti-tit,40 cents plioenbt. t'ani iiiuiiio tllyiandstoriies fromitheili~ iii I ir. bietir' T'li e vi eningti itas 'passe sii I str? l-lendtitng fri-u'. i v~ts l alumni tatlitii gs i 1< Wi. IC. IUNN. iticmake thitanue a i ii 1 trt'n Call Moniayiae fternoontis. io6- ouj presenti yili. FORMAL EXPOSITION OF SUITS, OVERCOATS AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS 1910 Styles Men's Clothes In i'cei'iii'i to this important occurance to men, young men and boys Nve lislito ilici your eopecial attention to our display this season, tie-'-. s ituliie~'.Teatetctoftesyeterxlui-ante factthat they are in harmony with the very latest style iiit ini otfo I ttifitirGstsouorces. That theoe are essentials ashich woul I 'lsii e ti sty to nsideration is generally appreciated. These ;pist-s±}'h-t iii Stilt'-, Overcoats, Fancy Vests, Shirts and Furnishings, out ratuk im s'opetiand exclasisenesotnat of all former seasons. 'So w is"reict visitors' attention to the individuality we have thos irnpati itI alonte in Stilts and Overcoats, hat in one stock of men's. bo' il's ithci ldren's fuirniohings ohown in this Formal Spring Expooi- 211 SOUTH MAIN STREET Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant 5'xi -i '-'iim.t.iesofialltindls. Bery- j I i s ss f it- fr tailts tutdgenttlemten Clme i ce iAtn Arbor 314 . 8TTE STREET ee's Laundry I THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Ave. Niw clonte 0417 lell Phonae45-I AT TUTTL.E & CO. Lunc h Roome You canofiad a liar liar of Cofectionery ow ManyTrips Mak aundry? Makthem and urn -- Corliss Coon Collars outwearoitliers. They are strong, hand made collars. Absolutely, you aan- not get beaierapa pearseestyle, fit FIELD CLUB TINKER & CO. J.F. WUERTHSC0 3B4 State t 211 S. Stain St, LOELL'S 332 S. STATE ST., UPSTAIRS Yoeax gee et Wieaters cat over into V shape or Vests 'Youri fancy vest at' suiting-Dry cleaned itttr Iall suit dyed (Ange'y Peters, Detroit) Insignaa Nunmerals, sewed on sweaters, etc. Ne'ckttes and gloves cleaned ititteit so ding ;Mic higan tillows-Banners of all other colleges Notuitosgas mantles, chimneys, soapo, towels 7 e g'-Ve satisfactioe Come aced see uns ISPRING SHIRTS ISPRING SHIRTS ICOAT SHIRTS--ufsntteackhed -plain or plaited fronts-pattuurns uali Si the higher priced goods. The higgest naluen possihiueSi1.i0 Made hp same umanfacturer that makes nur helter shins WACNER & CO. StateaSS. I FIFTY=SIXTH SEASON SIUD[NTS' [[CTUR[ ASSOCIATION PRIESENTS The Premier Lecture Couzrse of Arneric. LIEUT. ERNEST H. SHIACKLETON Wino has reachad farthest South GERALD STANLEY LEE timinent Eiditor, Esasayist, and Lecturer May Festival Reserved Seat TICK ;TS $ 3.00 arid $.a0 t I ;I > eat s i tts Iii' ulu t 5 sorit tgii Fe1.).2 School f sc We are shiowing an sxti.tasve titusi Vt Woole nstrSprinig. The assoontimenit comiprisstverythuingts-utii s tutiindsoboby iun design, rcolor and quality. WVt 1.11siithout exoggeeralioul otur stock this year is theio 10t t-satcltus' tIIwe ha einvershiowun, and will readily tappel 'o lathuemti ati ular Gut urson DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detrt, MAnSArbor sad Jackson Limited Cars EastI Snad-7:sO a. ni., hill 4;50 p. in., 7:50 p. mn. LimitedS Cars Wees ouned-tuB4 a. in., 22 p. ia., 5:2t p. i., 8:2p, i Local Cars East Bound-ti~etuolt, 5:t5Oa in., and every houreto 10:45 pas To Ypsi- lasti, 5ti4ta.si. uad half hoariytoiili 5p. at., also 12:15a. m., 12ao0a. . i. °0a. as.'To Saline, chinga at Ypsilanti. Local CaseWesl Bound-5i;45a.ain., 7:15 a. inand every two hours to 11:15ap.in I FRATERNITIES Silver Links Scarf Pins Fobs Rings WM. ARNOLD, EWLE 220 Sooth Male Stent. Watch for the Prospectus Season 'Tickets on Sale $0.5® "W. E. DI ..T x . an17SE. LAborty St. Ve%,alty Tailer' ___________________________________________ ~ii Ii Portrait Sui ~i- sii