THM ICHIGAN DAILY i Our Spring pecials C1LORINGS NVis-L. fABRIS 1e dhk THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor CLAR5:NCE E. ELDIDGE. Business AManager CARL H. 0. ADAM. i\ddress : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Ma1ynarad Street. Office 110o1r: Managing Editor, 8-II p. in. Businss Manager, I-2, 7-8 p. m. Except Sunday. Bath phones. RESULTS---l(i ili nxu Sulirn s, Vesli gs IroWSeriB s 6s H FWild olpally 311 SO®."SlATE STREET 2 2 Sold in A+1nA-bnr be Slate Street A.Uq. PA!,,INU IBROS. -- d- )k 0-I CI[AIL3QUIP- 51.5 ,lrnIIatIhletic Gi',rt antIpastimnen. Il Sr'.a1fate tttIRt t t. h'S SP ~ :t)lN I eo s owo 1 j DRt - nlr(tc1/ SPAlyMCat- OD o EDITORS. Ness.......Lee A White Assistanst.......Harold Titan Athtetics .....Wilbur D. Elliott Women .....Frieda Kleinstfick Music anod Dramas...Hollis S. Baker Exchanges ......M. B. McHugh EDITORIALS. James K. Watkins Morrison Shafroth Charles Goad G. S. Lasher John T. Kenny ASSOCIATE EDITORS. Walter K. Towers Harry Z. Palz Di on Birney D. A. Hinckley Nrthuor 1. Moelloitit WadteOQiver Fred Laweton Harry G. Myser Prank Roseett Chartes H. Mylanlder MIorris Hlouser M. Mack Ryan BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Cowman Norman H Hill W~alter Q. Witguis Myer Rubin Rena etli Oshorns Normtan Wittet EXPERT ENGINEER TALKS ON TESTING MATERIALS. "Testing the Materials Used ini Elee- trical Construction" is the title ofi the lectureswhichs will lie delisvered iii she Physsies teeture room at S o'clock to- ight utnder the auspices iif the Enigi- steerinigsociety. J. Wi. Esterlin e, ishIo is ass authosrity ott the subject.,still lie the speaker. 'The probslems of cotmmiercial testisig is a large otie. A discussits of its pur- pose, useanis atid mtchos cosvceoa large attd raidcly grossisig ieldl. The selectioss of the msaterials bestsusiitedl for cacti particolar pusrpose, teipreparation of spiecificatiossunuder sihichisawcanss- serials are purchased asidte testisig if hoth raw anid fintishieud materials pror to their use ini smachisserisre sosmse of the spases of te subiject toi le conisid- ered. The speaker, its addlitioni to Iis cots- stections siths the school iof electrical eniginteersig at Purdue, Musts., liss luarge consslstinig esigisseerinig ractice, is presidenst asid siasager if The Fsterlisse companysr, imanuifasctuirers iof high gradse electrical itistriuents atnd aptparatuts. Mr. Esterlisie is te chasir- tutn of the commsisittee of te Amisrcant Society for Testinig Masterials, onTthPie Magntic Propierties if trots sasd Steel. The pusrpiose of this somittee 5c is so stanidardtize the msethosiofii testingigross sisedsinitselectricalsmaintettery sait apara- tns. 2utr. Esterliniiis teirnivientor ofa snssmsber of electrical inistrumetss andI m a t- chutes, largely issed itsnmanuifactuirinug plns for testisigtisrsioses. The leiecture will he illustratedl snitis oiiens tciall ititerestedt. [UNDERCLASS GIRLS MEET IN BASKETBAILL. COURT. Thuarsday afternonissmiarks te iffi- cial cpetning of the basksetbll seasoin for te girls of te Uniiiersity. The first gamse ott the schsedusls'siill li elitwie en te freshme nesstd suphooesc, aiiilvv-ill start at 5 o'clock. Membners of te Vomn's Atletic Assoicialit i ili e admsittedl tree, sir all others assacdmsissiots if tecentcii. s ill tie cisargesd. Conttrary iiiexpecaionis mienswilt he sadmiittedsinitstimiteid num-s hers. Anty girl sii cesirisig stnd obltain- isig perissions cats invte'osne gristle- stats friende. Ticksetsiwill he onsiasle at IBarboiur gymnium Wiii \edniesday afternoiinsfrui ts o i 4 andtilsll lThursdisy aifternioon. "SENIOR LAWS.' Fur sale, at si bargsini, use cismsletc set of Michsigani Reports, fistic sio toted, sligtly usodi. Good a's nW George S. Claris, Port Ilisrisi, hMichs. Q5) i34, ILI'IIA NITS MEliUI' ith 1- GIRL LITERARY LIGHTS. For the first time ints he history of she Onsega Phi asid the Alpha Nu liter- any societies, a joists meetisig was held t the Barhour gyminasiuim parlors Satuirdaysevcinstg. The first hour andi a salfisas devoted to a literary pro- gruit, itswisckhiboth societies tools part. Pe.rhsaps the miost issterestitig snm hers givsetssecre the reacdinig of use cuirrenis issue ofi the Sybhit assethledec bale cii Resistsvcd, "That the woeniesof te Uiversity iii uliciigaishould adlot ani Officissl Class Heiadigear." Tue aswek's Syi liiwits comnposedi of esditorials, hesarinig iuonijquestionissif .esurrenst in- terest, sidverstisemsensts, a short posemtsen- tilled "Tue Ciimes," ands a sosry. The siory tsook the fonts if a prophiecy sait con c uted soe of our presenst-dayi isrobllemss. Accoirdinig to its predictioss sot onlyth ie stich talkedt of Michiigsan Uionsiclubhoissuse will lhssee iensinIisthed b' 1(940 mistdte woumtenis dosrmitories comptedci, but te editsir esess weitsso' fsar its to dteclsare sisaltby thasitlimse thosse loyausasiloirs ishoi cheered the 1909 foost- sill teamito iitheir Pennisy victoiry' tadi just receivesd a smemosriasl fromithSie'.st dents. 'Thesdebsate issisottby hrie segative teati comsposecd (f Friecda Klinisstusck sandi Hi H. Smsiths. The programiswits closes thue reasditigof it poems,swriS- tess especially' forte joint mseetisig by \". 0. Lsane. Danscinig followedlatnd light refreshmssenslwsere servcci. SENIOR ANNUAL GOES TO THlE PRINTER SATURDAY. Ail cuby forte Michigasnenssiss isi psisiduse andc there are yet sa few orgasii zstionisswihsi hasve sot senst its their coipy. The ceditors havsisendciiedt te tme util nextSaStuirday. This is the isal dale. .A11 copywiscstsis Its attitaris inte yeasr bosok smastlie its te offce lby Saturdayt sight, -isiareli te tsii. Mansen ciiors save not file sutthe lanks idistribuictediabst te campsluss.All wh havelits nost doniie soi mistsecure hlanuks fromiitiii'Associate Editosofromittheir cls s, ossbcallig sttte Michtigsanenisiani sficc.'The iphortogrsaiphers coissilains that pros 'ire' noit prouttmtly- rtuSrnsediandi assk' thsatssll sattend to this msatter at onsce. GLOVES are not cheapest, but they're least expensive. JHoit and all Operatic Music for sle as Schiaeherle & Sons's Music House, 55 toS Main St. 9151. I Sweater Sale Yion cannsothod to miss this oppotunlsiity it you are go ing to neod within the neat vear a Sweater or Sweater Vest Loos erly hiles ss we ost11l Isveis r irsize WAH 1R'S University Bookstore LDON 71 OT NIVERSITY AVE. Pictures Kodaks Photo Supplies Developing Printing Enlarging The largest line Pen- nants and Banners and Lowest Prices. BAILEY & EDMUNDS usFsngTcie und A m ni mion I sty fili 5n .asircsoty ELibery S. I . Arbr, Mrbican R. E. JOLLY'S 308 S. ST ATIE STREET Lunches, Tobbaco, Cigars and Cigarettes Agentfo Sat Itn1 51 1 yst isisstouglt B.-B ISPIPE '1.' 1S).5.N, .'MARCHi 8, 51oro. Editor eola 3' NI.t'cUuK. TowgnnR. WItissulis '''iiil i: Ge'nera'llyi fsir. UN'IVERSITY CALENDAR. .Mrh8-- isshsetbasll, 'to Eiig. vs. 'Mrh8 sui I.' niiinlriudge tour- Iar hi 8-- 'uso ifu c. s. 1' ii t vs '1,3 :Meici. :Mrc 8OmgaPh bluuhuet stt idar- Ill i sll I ,sis I'.. i sss lo IFis s.ro3lits. 7 i'cloeci. II ishi Io-im ue I 'of g.gatmeuvs. 11I,,hii--ir11 slis'asketsballl. Freshmamn :Mac1 ei s t .ni IiSaleis' Uiviersity :Marc]]i --i 'stir r ty sttGraniger's. A 11-u Ih i it-re oh inausuu cnginlestrsmoker'. .5ar(-hI 1.5 5 iuiou' I,utiiieoi, hBarhour' Band Dan, i,arsuhouii'gymniuutm. ]TIII I'll 110 1h'IC 51315 shI I IJUNIORS. (Continued from Page 1LI lte' Woaelii t le So tass an cxsuuuuu'tisuuini ll thus'muasthesmasticsthey haeheeilulls'ver fro its' slguth grsade o hi'ti rdtyeasr if collerge musst cuter i5ies Ii uiuiistry csurses' stassy there inil tthey havue ssatisfied heurIistrutctoir that thisyknous'nuglihiio go i liuti the mor disfitultl obmlemus sahichsthey wiill hiseito is cl ou sits''uthe mo15r ash iii'ucedmoure' 'hose ohio fail munsalge- hra for examputle'must rs'mausinutakling agbaui thesly sirs' sabse So pass an o uuuus5ina u ll ilithu s .ubhjs'stwsils'thteim' Mach r cusde s so gil toi iigs'omet ry sanum I dlesStuif he subjects until finally thisk sre quifiu ietotakuie te "lug You tin's Have you Keard that strager at the Theatorium 'I -, g; (fin yes Mits ,ohi Suits nldShsos All I It l)1.N'1_S0I,;KS'l'ORt t,1nvV1itt)3 fDusc ioW~e PRESS BUILDING. MAYNARD ST. Nexit utoooieri'tynm Suhoont of Musec. The New i-Hop Numbers ",IF WISHES WERE HORSES " "THE LAST WALTZ" Also the New Song "I'm Going To Go To Ypsilanti" Whisch wil be itrucuediiby tir Olin Clu. They Say That wae have tie best line of 40 ccit CHOCOLATES in Annt Arbtor. DO YOU KNOW? An invitation is extended to call and hear them. IL E. E. CALKS, Druggist 324 S. State St. rboue 595 121 ~slun~t~l Ie RANDAL]l K, Pho t o g