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October 17, 1909 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1909-10-17

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TheMcian Daly

VOf,. XX.


No. I2.

1909 Team Takes Ten Straight
(lames from Ohio State In as
Many Years.
laigcircles artouitt the (over-confi-
lest Oioi State teaum ill the first half of
Satttrday's game tlte WVolverines scored
21 points. The Btuckeyes catte back
strontg gilt tite secoit pileriodl andt held
Miiichtigan tot 12 poinits while scrinig a
Seth-flke oucdow tlenliSces, tihe
amcoiitg teiit a score tof 33 toi 6.
Catptaitt Allerdice was tihe star of thte
cotsn t onl scoring thtree goals
fmiteld1 bttt ity Icing rttts gettinig one
tor a seconttd.
Ohtio wentitot the gamte conf itent in
he atbility tol it least htotd the XX oleer-
istoalttt scotre tttt half expectitig
to wint. Butt bty thte etti tf tie gatme they
tere conidtering thtetmselves fortuatae
tot secure the oritottchlduowtn as they
lid. Witht only fotur mintues to play,
tite Ohtioatts titted attt the tall wentt
far eoler 11reitcy's lteatt. Freettey at-
tempiltedl tot tick tile ibatl 11111o1 thle -tMichi-
Jonies tell itt tilt itasi inch ies acrotss
tite goal lits.
Witih tile exceton 1 of is failure to
get tit blas its sitoulil tare dote til
this 1 put Frettey jutifieil ever ex-
peta'tiott, ieingo espliceilly effecive til
th,' Oi irtttitits wi it unierring tackles,
Alltouight evere mtembt o11 f thle Michi-
Sgilt teamt itut til thle satte defenie1
lieht prtoved initncible tto Cast, tileI
wot f WXellsitt tiat lint wats lIrtlelt
takeredeemted ee bit tf te pes-
liewiche lost to s11m11 extent i Ith~e
Caegilitt, little attd aigaint breaking
trtoight tile Ohito lute teo thtrit thlt rtti
Caiptaiti Alierilice pltyedi the greatest
"'tite if htis caireer. Hie secutreid tile see-
1n1ll tltettl otf thle cay bty breakittg
through itfa ll Ior a tforty-yardl rttt attd
at score and1 lit carriedl thte hall fronm
tile Ohio 4(1ar irtl lto W ithiit twoe
card s ofi t goal, enttalling Laitn tol bei
sved aros lil thle text play. Fourtt
titles its trieti fitr a goatl fro etldi atti
,m tliree of thoilse t' itelts his toe sent
iheblluerringly racrotss tile biar.
ceecil gat is ofeivtsre wotrk sels not
lii is tile sittndael set ini the Cases cont
test n ih iwas utnable~ to rak thtroutgh
itr anyt long gis. Clark, irho retlaced
him11 attulliac in lthe illsltter part of the
seo d haltt i f, illayed a billiattt gamte, get-
ting ithigh fur frtott ire to fifteet
sarst5er te he tias calledl on1 to
carry1 it hall Iits otnly failure oicturred
titn it gaini it two ya risi wold avt
mtil a1 11o1ucliiiwnl but lie colid nt
iirc:te stitne wal1l wh~ichithle' Mia
lichga iii uel ailiost entirely to old-
style football, treiig' but onte forewari
lass, whiicht was si failire. Ohtio at-
intel iver of lie lontg' passes, three of

thent heitig failures, gaints u1, letnatnd
fleetn yards heing made ott:the other
two. Mtichiganti ried tnutmerousott-side
kicks, one touchidownt occurring iwheni
J ots fumbtilesdotte of thtese utnder tite
ltaitoiv of Iis goal. Wel~ls fell ott the
hall atnd wriggled across the finalchlalk-;
ttark, A' pleasinig feaitre of the WVol-
verinses' gamne was the tmarked absette
of f utmtles, although otte of the thtree
tat wcere chtalkeid against -Michigan ga-ve
Ohio thteir ottly score. Thte Ohtio teamu
tad only onr othter chtatnce to count, bti
WVells ibroke itroughktattilblockeid Jontes''
attempilt at aiplace kickt froti the 35-yardl
For (Otio, tile worek cifItwo umentwas
restptotsible fur all their test gaitis.
Wells antd Captaiti Jonies sid spetculaisr
worki, the stter binitg especially effective
itt ruitttttgbisck puttts sand gainuintg till
fake kicks.
Michtigatn scored withini liremiue
atfter lie first kick-off, thle resitlt if ia
hail pass bty the hio ceniter to Jonets,
whoti tas residy toiputtont thle thirdi
dlowni. 'The hball cwent I icer, aldit n
stratiglthttcks Latontivias setit across.
Three anid a htalf mintutes later Aller-
iice brike through for si forty-yatrdlrutn
attd iatoucltut. 'ITent for twenty
smitlutes 'tlichiganticoutld lilt coutit, al-
thought the bill nwas inithe Ohtio terrn-
torey1most of the titme. After that lieu
scores catttcintqtiick sutccession, Alte-
dice kicksittgsi goal fromti the 33-yardlline
attd L.awtoni taaking ttuchdowncetiafter
thle Michtigant captstitn's seconitdlspecitcu-
sir run.
At the' opentiing of the seconid half it'
seetedi ts if MichtigatnItrttil roll itpa
large score fitr, fiilloiit'tg thlelick-eff
to il. S. U., Allerie secueth eItbtll til
a fttttble satnilwithin twoiinu1ttes oithits
openling of tilt'lhalf ite1pu1 tse ill across
i he litr for iioseconuietliilit gil.lAfter
two ttmnutes I torecacoe Michtigan'scolt-
sile kick which Jontes futttblesd, Wells
secutritng thes't'ouchdtcwn.iOithietiatook
asig ubrsice studhforitatttme kettle till
itt ichligant's territory, uit t cc s lina lly
tewirkedl tic te Ohio two-tird tnt tile
tic htave Ohciiotltdfoir dowists andilpunt11
tite tall hack. 'wen Ity-sevent tminuttesj
rlater cantie Freeniey's isastrouisftitble
cihicht gasvc Ohtiottetr ontly scorseitid
two itutes afterwatrid \lleruluce setisi
ttirid goal from ielid beteenthile 'gosl
111)ts from thte 4i-yaird lite.



Somo Say Yes, Others No---Fac-
ulty Members Warm Up on
Cook Controversy.
As ail interestinig suppllceent tot the
Cinik coiiitriteersy- as pcuhlishedl in Satur-
dayiputortning's iDaily, lironmittenltllo-
fessor s tsve e xpressedl vasriotis viessoil
thle sublject, thce irevstilinig opintiontobtit'-
stIslypilpoin Ili-f ob.-
Ptrof. C. 11.V\ nie i f thino
iht Coail:shuld ialt least ccit tittil his
litoots liecioils availablle bitsrtiltieItstarts
arudthe country ithiitheiipurpos ie of
lectuititng. lisis lie test pliiig1t5bitsi-
nessc iniAmicttta---eveniimore11 sothant
.. ii prieparisdito b oniceisi
Prf Ptt aIsontt ti bothi I sire andi
Ctoiiismit i ave ble nissi cesstil.lIti
thitk it i tit hlpemuutre toi g't iii-
sltc ieovthte clauhimsitfseitheri
P~r'f. Rd. Xl. ('culer : "lTe sitana
seems iltn' 1t111arra111nt nthing hut
sthspciise if jitugicit. ''The citl ui is if
lie news'papei5rs tire t'e laot place in thle
wrdfor tile cirtuhutsliest iicutsioihf
anty seicuttiit probllemh. 'l'ithtis point,
almoist all ofiitshis llie'noi lther e'vidlencse
than thaut trickedsotit is i shire fur 11111-
ulari tiiisittntio 11
tlerrnsteil is DisAppointed While
Yost Feels ()ood.
"arfret scatistirul, ftir'fromusatis-
' id"is ithe arykCoach I terrtistei if.
Ohtio Stast' ied'itipt Satiurdlay's gamte.
''kUndhoubte'dly llisligaui liss oo
tembt ihihot set'whtithluy shoiuld
runiihhpiaIscet 'lileht' 1. I'll tell yiunhe i
,whoile stoury. Tlhey' rati its off tour fest

sktirted ouhr ettds imally times.,luecause the 'T O ~lI
mtc di otulthplan as inructted.l 1hit CL SS OMI ATI N
cree cno ellaitmtecor iit t l - A E SATURDAY
atnd, catset il e oir cull inustances, oth- -
lilacyci Ohio State.", But Little Competition In Nom.
1The score sluiws th' rcia tire differ-" inatiens for Elections Next
ce in strenugthbetweenit bothnteatts," Saturday.
saildiReferee IHoaglandi. "Olhio State,
htotwever, realhly hilale ai better shuoscitug
at tie hntesoeWudindticate. Cndr ths rulings ofthn Studnlt
Thtei' hascksuwcle siteedyt iindIhsard tight- Cotutcil tiltst ofthe nomtit ions tutfur
ers. Ms'ichiganihas5a sironutger teathai l asu esss itfic1'rs inere lueludSatutrdty. t
sast yeaurhb' fsar." wnith the exceptionh of the senior classes
thee ws tltiu~a lakif comtlpetition
.\ I-Pg (511II~fURN uh LI 'fur tile differetipositionis. Sho tuutice-
- su~~alet'was1 this ihnth sescouf lie sch lhits
Ada.I ,.(leOt. ft. -(Spieciaul th icli-111tha tite metings adj1 o~thh unedlutil

iganiu (stilt. hPla in gitrillitant footballt.
Michigani's .ilresheleceit defeatIsd
Oio~ Noititi i il 'huh lattr'sut grcohunduu s
th is; afhl'uuuusIu. 'T'I I c yotIugs 'st sclesd
ivt'l'i h'ct' eight andexpriene o th
uivlersity' eleve't'. At iithe thnd of heitst
hluf tt'he frsthmenuhad setmdstiuix ci',ituu
Sihist itnutioths s'erh't' adtatli thet' legihi-
igo hts eodt alu adi hescr
hl t hito t'taisl of nt ee'I . s t it
ttu Iesueshlie'attu'igharvn
itin Att rbohr 'turiyndattt-yittortnitg.
IS L 101 itV 'SPI D1l.1(" kil.
g'ame yeni'tthserd'ya thy netitoiiite firt's-
yessrutentanise. -\ e wat Spider'.
yelledtiheut' petrit'lassmen't. Andth tatlltih
futrtiofiiarrt'-' 1..ku'otilts foibily
beingttushutts's u'ifd,'hldte rwdo.
ofthiichliligan ttrtcik''tutu.Sintcte'gradi-
a ithes' lsteen'stwork'lsing a15slupehini-
te d n if 'otns'ut utun fortr hts' ita
C'me'ttt'iIC'o. ifXMichtigsa niteter.hico'u
'The' iohicesrs'andh lllwnerts o tf irthar


'Filue lithe-upts
i ;dthuttds
Stmitht, Conukliin
Cawthnlt, Clsurli


S utmmihers,
Xick'srthuy, hisite

ini he it tsix ci iuteuuts, scring audozn ii utsuuhutsti)f thes.utiverscits Ihitgitissi tu
pits. Is hlt ii settledh t'lt paice rhglit itt utit
then and utherles usftreas mi ntuu g'. tIp' - -
bos tutuoctly greenu, tuly twit if last BOYNTON AND HASKINS 'WIN
p-ers reg'ula'rsansituihrheesutbstituttecslie- ____
ing hak. omeplaed ettr tan !Largest Athletic Association Elec-
cxli tei tui tthee ftilulhu ht stuuuuuhution Ever field
'us I luol 'oped for.
ltreet ttie s we tailthe tball citiut k-is titng thlar igestvethlatias ee
'(Michuigstt',-yard inthe iai scene lethal- bueet ptlled meth ustltr s ttheii Atihletc
i sis' hictitti'e. XXIt it otutu il I lon't \sntcis it'll yesterdayie tle'cted'u I (sit
hittu, hut thts justfitch buhall Ituckt. I;. iii\1ttun, 'tot lit. '12 situ'. 'f lheasanti
Y'ost's te us i itwheighhdi is allt h tet nPlauiins, III., testS ittuiget'. 'tutuI h h'uut hu
I''} hit ot ithe tuI tell slieryfun s ee Haskints, 'i te'ngineer''.ofk'htitcag,.bust'-
notp stn hegf.Outeiwr al 11anausgr. l th ic were elelted'by
coultlCompletelytsorti ti ilyflt Ihtst.enas acomfrtblets majsortiint'. Nc'srl'yneight
ctuttts'p etI . ' h u i1155 u1dreduvslts'sutile csbthipehtt'sssuteiii-
''that httlliutouhdw uwsn 't luhi de swse onm be. ThAutainalt
siliul tavt's' neutteI er. I a dssti- sestiwaus eds foithi firlst tue. "tis,
tidtrutghl authlhihhiuilt.gltcotuldciii tilat li thai t t it''ws
Coatschu X'ost Isis iiin a merry Iitnulslotte'd'by proitlis tou htto be thu in- h
after tile guie.lt e ore t lde Irespo'siibhle fortiht t ,ussptstulait
''ihurt's-till" smile thai itilae inut aunlex- lheytballout plted.
cetletut subiject fir caric'atutre''somue p-ears
ago Spor1tingwleSwoeclmsa ttat shutle tnshesirs cartooniutici 'Flue XX't'lcte'nci'e'hu''of thut'Iw'de-
earntedl noismtall phil of11hutis salaryier1t'titut. Ietd ~ I.'XHiIi ilu resi-
tryiiig lto dettichtte X ottetituscotach eth* ; stud Carl ii thttii i tt iceipresi
isithlar iger utndh uertiterI smile.'Tliat dett utsent, u soficetscfIr thuthunch
outu siieitmadhe tc iltstpearntepeste'rdhty ith iof tliicoeitge iyear, Xt its nit x
sandt wsuriot111 n elst sighut of ascthue electiont 'thu etc nullibe tilts {outith
Cocltei toldfthfetsgatuti j uuirs andt orhul eislust shilltiemtbert
'''hete wssomiuueetissl pyig tand if lthefrieshuiancla1s:iwill b ie
sce hah' itd pstint s asidt ht 'he ttlis uhusnie'to show th ir bin tlity s p s tuh'th hut
playedatighiit' giot'od am a i'uthlles tilt1officers.

Tuesdacaftern ini'n orer toive htime
lute tmoretuteanidates to ecuter thn field.
huteusenitott littuion ussalsot pust-
poned anus\ii litke ipilite Monday,
Tlcrstilts ofuhotts e nomiattiionus
whchdd ae lce aue sfolloes:
Scnti' Ir I' ug-i'uenrc--'tar presidetA.
1). Jamtiiecson, I,. tnisken atud E. S.
(Iturph'yi orrlut es ienut, G. Rollitic,
C.1. (StonetandstFIt C.(Gates; for scne-
strY, If.M.Pirc, . toes anth B.
I husketi thfolteasuer,1G. iP. Andersont,
XX. it. TriplettX A. 1'Tyloir' for foot-
tall tutanag~en, J.Schub; f' onhaskeetball
tutanasgier,1-1Hamiiton;'tfhuhtrack miant
ager, C.X A Is etc utund A. Cervisott
fore lussb'it'mhiager, it'.''.Pillains, C
[)ewey, 1.1IXX hlsouuu atd J. B.Fierce.
Seituor I uws--lie presidet, F.'N.
McXer'tsI Logan. \ii C~heeS .Josepht
l'imai i' sice' pr'eshtidet, IIM.Cite
lent, C hoceCt ftilt cetalryJ.'i~t.
Siuftulln huttutufotues urertChestsr
(I0'1 ei tit : for se'r'e'a't-a it t-r s, 'tX tue
lv:fit fotballutt ttu'anager J. .1111r
fuin- bst bati-ll imasnag"erI Lite Itither.
fervcuresidentIHeleniShtepherd; for
se: crtG.5S. b'a1hdlr:Ifohutreasure,
H. (111111"n1,thd.XWalshthi forfotbath ll
naaeF. G.tinsyID. tiles, C C.
XXiuhth I It:ittritstseballsmantger, C.hi.
Ilasiti le (icInthh Sccip; lutetrack
manahsger'u' luphtCii':totrturatortcal
dhelegat e, 1.Il Powersc for ibaskethall
m uantagerI I (IContuntor (muett),'Ada
iet u(girls).
it Fl ' uguuueu'u >rposent, ien IR.
Iutit5 lut ie:tspetsiet, IR. C. Comtbtes,
J. W. Coutie' Itr secretar'y, C. E. Cack-
eli:f i'treasurer.C.XX'. 1Hannon; forn
track hmanai ger, K. X.lDougherty, XW. L.
Dicks J.XX stilts litotfotball umanalger,
T.utt sitan;ifoitbacketbatll mtattager,
1'.(..iGtchesccFI XX.Fi.scher, W.VJ3
tut ini tlt itr aebll llnhager, G. 'W.
Juniotr F I'u linerFo tuesneidetut, 5 P.
this; lutie ecurecutheuut,'lout Cotltrop;
ftor scre;ry I.G defer; foe treas-
hune', (,.'suits tutur fotbatllutattager,
TI. l. Simmon i: for bsebatll mianager,
t).I. hICarp hetherIfor Insice manager,
1R. Hammond:tuti or ba setbuahlltimanager,
S. Suls
Curten itulopics, incluudinug hthn aelisa-
ut t otcontinuintheifreush-sotphtrush
in its liescull foirmttsteecigotrously dis-
it IdIattitlist 111111of thlp (tha Nu
lieay scie it ttytrda'night. '.
Sharp1palietilytrnill, iltd hip'Curry
itatd 'Xiihst , folowetd adeluate otithn
tites tutu lurtetsCelntrtlLeagute. ([tiny
11\ sh priiaedl int het programu.

Sitt~itary t Scitte-tirstihiauf (liehi-
'it1t 21t (iusohu fiil, Mchiginii33,(Ohtic
6. Tosuchdtownus-launtoti I2'f Allerditce,
NXelhsc Jonues.Goals fofnield--(then-
dice. (;;).miols tromthouhdown-uti t l-
lerdice 1(4),Jtoneus.Referee-IHoaglatud
(Prntnu).Utitutre--Stahut(I hlittis).
Field Juduge-Olsorne i(Purdulue).I icau
L tiesmanh-F-ler (Ptncuetot).T imeusof
talcves--35 miutets

Mcilan Dean Vaugha Tonight
Hall Pltf allyipoStudent -Life"63

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