The Mlichianal
No. to&.
".x S. and R." Students Need Ele-
mentary Reviews to Meet Re-
quirements of Advanced Work.'
Goadeui on isy the criticism of the
tmetropoitan papers at the large soisler
of metn who were retortedl not passed
or coditioined is 'S. & R." last semester
the faculty of the egieerig depart-
ment adopteid a noel plan at the e-
gnniug of this seuester for the mecu
wishing toi take the course fr the first
time. A siecial four liurecour se sas
forumedt for them, aldte re instruct-
eel in mathematics f rm the eighth grae
arithiuetie thriough tighlushoosl w Iiok
anid the terst tsro ears of eolleeimathe
mats first giving them a shrt r etia
aind thenafitlsteaiina tin asntesh
_ jets treated.
The facult eleclare ta t thee is is
reasosnwhty a sat shotiusldnt pailss this
sushdreadedt course if le Isas stff
cient pretiiniar trainig ilthe 1ritch
mnts of mathematitls."Thliristtiiieit
that a gstdly' percetage at temiii
who comnitii this cusie haveiisniit hail
this trainig hae leeiijutiledhp lthis
fact that uer ioue-fouirths ofi tse isss
inthtis tprelimsitsarcouiisehase b itleni
fousid swating adi a giolls percetage
of these ae falens ioiwnt on the egtth
grade arithmetic adstfundiamisesitIlsIpris-
ciples of algelra.
Professor Gatrditner S V ills ite s, ii
was so Ieartity cindemed es iteuits-t
papers at the endsilalst seetsstris
responsible for the statemsent ttat the
clildretn of toay regarit the ir euctatits
sore as play than s isrit
"The chldiitof tiastie rslst kidie-
gardlenswseneile is ssi oug ti relie
w shat it is,'' si Ih, saitistsle
amusied istsorier thatle sits le ets
euiet. Cinsetuetl rac ttills ll the
traininig the ciltitgelss it the kidirs
gardenes is tatilie letiar ss wt5 plais
With this iseas otirwitt shsisol is lie goues
ona up through the grids ''sisighi
school asdIistrhoule seeol tuIliteis aone
"Whets le gets tisclee it is Ia
differentThese Its is strtd iisIislife
worklHe smsu tst isi isosuitndsfidotsst
for Iimsself issteadt iiihintsostseiconse
tell ists whatle is t leris. Itriseg
his preiparatiin lehIsisbIeestcstmedsss
tstllow his ritotsrei its ile suit
sinprtsraelsetynsittihiigfor hissel.
Cnsequntly shenesla is t lst fitscesdi
tisdosliomtsetintg for htsself las flls
dowit andi the Isesler is te lam s se.
fessorets ensch its is cilietstheist
are afrai tsIliunk'sthemsitclistheyt
are safrai it sill reflest oisis slietslit
as Isteahers WethIi~ersfitse t lst
they io get ositotsthe tirdl itsfousrts
year tf terscturseandscoeistttu te
hanstesos(f .smse tuen iwlho fel1 a list
fessional ristonsib ilitfor the id osi
mnssthey 're gint'o tuIres sot uthe
world, ltsty re sidtoIteitesr tinkis
for temsselv es oitaIkes5tetcoslt estsi
andilif thes Iattrsoteers theysare heIt
t as twityrs toiapooraustes"
'his setartmen it is totiessinuesithis
curse for al testi isho s is otaI ki
"S.&I."ithlistfutriasithisses its
(Csstsssed as loe 21
At the ir msititgSusndati fternoonssss
the tGriffins',distusesd1 te'advisbilit' si
permisttnguivrsistety msitso t iplay ists
tier tbaselll witouitiuitg tlirin-i
wisdomstsis1s couistnning ' ~th istsacie
was cnsisiseredt Inist tll ptitsoIs iet
lby slestfruits tll clssesnd st froimtll
derpartmsents. 'ultitetpowerfulsiargs-
miesnts weere tadvtance's its ftavor sit tallow-
isig collee athletes tos hells teisele
fianilly isy platying~ si iser stll.
BANL ON MASQUED REVELS: issues1 ' i sis isssis'
Omegas Piilte irlI~s itrsoce
Faculty Regards Sophs' Party Plans'ill sntia te set its sv' e mbsisslies i
WVith Extreme Disfavor. ight ittIhsitbstir ttlist sits. 'bl
tnitliatitsn still csiss mI lcsste t silt tt at
Ptermisssionsshas ibeess refussesd tte ssl six"o'clock. t ut s eo'licthe ls tti
etiiore lit ectiss tois lds atifancyp theses iititistIut lste sirgsyi atitis 'l IItk
ani aqess spand ttels lc nte iigro fteg eetinig if the class. :Accoringtitog siliM'trs. 'Ilt i sill catert
is tutu(I I )ctans ordanistafter etare ftlts'
diisssig btsi silesf the ase
thoustgt the schemse antilttiseoe.
Wh~'ieniseertal isessiers sf te ctss
letarntedthastt such wats the tttitueso f
the tpoweers thatitble, te immsseittey'
disclaimiesd tiltresposibilsity, eenetsti-
tug thttt the ctss hastispsutatntsed ctoti
give ti ptrt f this sature tet rthter
that it sas tie semeso f severtl isems-
listsThitsdesiatisse after the sat-
es isd eestsdiscusseds insta r sit mteet-
isus ingad tesosit's1 5sissittes giet
powert to eitiss a stangte idisret-
At IFsiltys miseetisg senssthe stg-
gestitns teatediusits the girls id
lit appear i ts e against schlta party,
eveti if thteysudsit estusiatstitiplysui-
tiltst the i ida Sinceten sait'dseegtini
Ias istets teIaitsJordanse stting sforts
isssirimssoslteitistss 'IAsssumbers ofithe
sorrities hlistso looktesituptotithe
pla withtsdssifavosr
Whil'ttlt o50riills seiite obtjetonss
tiers gissitisysaetsbodytiit is sunderstoodss
thit onsiltsf thsselhief retsssss for the
facutyefual lite fasct thtt a simlattr
pairty, heistyeis ibstefore,wis tissttsu-
cesseful enomuhto twa'trrat thetth'linitg'
at anothser.
'his tet\t iforsmststluscheonsssof te
class sill h ldsiiit ini ists' gmnaiiisittmt
sn as ltrchs 28.
Work of Raising Funds for Mam-
moth Clubhouse Begins.
Bettlstuns htslieus legtisuitsthis
Lfiolsi's camitpaigns tosrtise fiuds fist
thesset sopo,ooo eclbhouse. 'fle cos-
muitte iIsewIichs thes itsrk itshais
usalizing thetu uismsensity ioi the tasit tut
iserfusto esserothkitg siciipthasee f
it isproce'e'inug shtwis suitcautioiutsy'
hn ai tg thorotuh phaisisThissplis
re s ystinusthe uprocesssof folesstus lst
itnh fete detaslistsss etseee wredlstit.
Somste"eer'lid seas isaseheer seens
disstsedl tush deieds iuon It is suit-
sit tsthisthis situof this tresent monsth
thus tichshetshwsiltitaue this ilasis f list
stiltsseth buildinuug isitpe for fi lubtl-
mlission.iThisses witlitbe itpublisedh soit-
th°[ in sa tprospectuss alng-gwithstiset-
testdsetrstits atnshexistaustiosofsi
this uses towictuh thisvariussitpatts sot
thte htittuitg wilthisut issrutsrts
suschitheusmtusis sit is tpropotsedt hut:se
usc itetutlerI throughu the agecyesitof ss e
suitsritswo ushutstt restllowing theistote
rusthe campaiign init their respetivesu tis-
Iics.Is Wh iethsersomueu sutssilt he set
eut fromus'sutsn suArbo t thissios isse-
pesessthisvisit these sarioustsal ussissu-
gaizttiosits tnosittestsdeied.
'Tle tltsrnivt't eihich ishbesg tis-
eussedsby hipi e cts sssttts uis i stoihae
stitss'etuisitstic utitius useasie stoststhe
maututer' stfsia se Untiontisluhoisest
ievey titusbilt' etit r si'funsutnlus t hul-
srnug. lut this quslt io'sitif rechinsg
tut its ltitusi cste~tres i ssmpartvelyt
eaisy' somsptares to tha ttof itersstig
thsei smallItows nivuidtualtislyut
it snil gro511suptts. Thitat is thsuitsealitss-
tlionhutfisethitesstutuitte t present.
Insping stof thiss prspecstuse his-
fessorsPates sid lst nigilt 'se ses
watiuiting st'wlurte arsuit iies slit
use thes fitised ittnsts1I' see i s lses
is IsadsIlt itis pib e tatitIthis pltans
stilt he islshuedIby te situ of thus
ThssUnivt estsof Nlissouitboutusts sit
beinig this'titmo iussttocrtchooin th ie
ctry.u ls
Mikado's Representative Pauses
Here to Tell University Audi-
ence of New Japan.
'suitsA'sborsau'seeus e soonutiSit his
thus opporssstuitin sitlisteninitg' t 'strs
distinused' Japanuu'u'iseshlt, thes tnrs-
sit t)iruleetu Kihuseci, ltutu 1tMiistert'
E~dutcatiouiof Japainsutd suwits' P si
teint fthis Imperiale' 1 stil ue 0f
s~t. I e w ll probtblyshut ar in
sits r'h i hi ' sin t "Itoftc -
snlte tintctusslefoe IsltesCitsi'sFtoram
lus this sit ity.t o scull 5'ra
thus ihateiss se\insts Iofsitrelusts
ais s s fsitst illsitt tush beins t the i
tist i sunbetoisIavitJapnt a
kiskncetuetts sells in his stadi . Coinug
underlthst rmtae s s hcuit
list his suet "heNc h s
thusue dess his hadittitrutetisaliter-5
esl tush ipor Itanee. ittrosiKiksl uist
introuceditout tshis 'ets Voitastiltsce
It Justiet re erofitthis VtitdStelsa
'Suprimesourt.ssIei l tepethuat slts~l
'sbo tuuthus atileuss tutu hiitas gte see
Thssa1d1dres5tu'wib its' ushil Isutes-
sit Iall suit sill bes'frss' tosthee uhihi
the itro hellsin'ug'sd'c'ineds'llcomt e
sa t issues titie sttte'utttit tatu is titlsdu
hidl i itsthe taddress fosteu oo
effset his itsesuit Itmuight littei' lein
AmsseicusnIfriens' stundcust-stand.' apan.
issues Kikuhcti suas furse'esca.
thus eliitemus u f theshut mi usu sI its-
quae th e titit"lstComititeesOf Jap-
an, sait huas be ~~ dt dr
a go'i it''ttt't t l isrtorti rths5 est ilsst
itOf ttsuu thtgnks ater edluistrit
beftre this Uniltvest f Idotasr
ies fetures is ittpanst luttti
i ui st Ioo f itssit tidut e tite t h msI
shmetlte adtuh tuititit woItn h
subjtset i tutu' lnuaug'.t' lit" i is
shuts eductattin tstcarrted tstin art
il inlnt r luts utt tie tk highest hlut
sus at this stsi> f Ca bits .
Whstit'leen AssesA'bi rtIleht ui hut' thes
guest tel Iressit tclsShinse
thi sse'ondh usstut ,t rite t uts itiiti Iat
the LUn itnu hostust. it list sof I-'
rirs fuse thes ,en it his 1(4Steel e ennisoest
tue-t e u it edictis lpit t a ags's
umb'rof play1 estan cotestedatstlast
peait. Eighut t ls as eialIt hatS ass t'
tutud imat stitetmendtuhiee ac'
tll 'satinmoesssl tauseugu'h tll'm entI
theuse. O hit ur tsda e ni nguus' terfo'
this' su ititiig csnelsuhssta t wilt 'm
mc c h i lay is Itit s sill hb t l's
titedulth hIaiitilats adtus ped
that t lertil'bee ugh ust stoeeok, iissglt
morse' ttbles. Plat/ usill situuu titee at
7:0 att nd w silt I 155 utilh ,;. h ets t ds'st es
sit tesreu-s insesg utids i llt itli tes'n
tull ede'sIater.'
'Twoe ew ~til teinls ilt hawis''
u-uto lithuse Itst ill's n lihay ig i t' hi gh t
Slosson Raps Present Requirements
for the Literary Honor.
Mri. lutes see>. I, Sutsiuu aswlese artieles
in The' ule pcIs st isase leadh' attract-
e lse() ittle si tsiii lto huees prosblessof
the t stictee s o diree of the
j veac 'I 'Is 1).in sue I tss le t, hs' offers
Slcrte u)tit tcompa rusisnsbetwseens
thn reuiruemuenate lr tissdegree anad
ccc snshsuuu les" gcrces lee other hbranches
of sudti andsummrize 5asfollows:
"tseas tonssle tit wIosutldse ossly
ua i t cuiu-et euses uucenditate for
h'l 1. issate ihteraurte the sell-
ing;()fit uccssfu rnvel asoluetseof
d Isa\s hapemiiofel iistinttemenit,
anuscpthl payorsoeconutributions
touelolctes ts hutsilt mest-with the
else' . l ofthes 5 suiot sseaifnsttof the
puh I it theuseuirerent that the
us utdtc shouldttit\-s a ghoust story ac-
islt- tdbus /wBac an tt afeatture
1 'hl a tntit us titspstalser, wostld
sereto tvcc orn a cnsierablte pur-
'us of tht teem"nthepsurtenst. Thai
ii ica uis a sec iesc it shoauld re-
sutc on-mal ci t 'suit issoss to knoawl-
lie t eltierst i e es. If it is
iiiart t shuld equ e aftismsansthip
likethe therarts f tupartakes of
lischtra iiiofbhe,tit sieiho st eel
Ist te ut tues5 ilt ti nsateadh (f dodg-
see' li(th te k e eititus usbetwseens."
Single Taxer Favors Violence to At-
tain His Ideals.
Its1ternti ere,'j suueusist'reel imsself
lisa ttes on ionb ubomtinig the
s11 01 t~ iea undy eensing leehis
idrs t 'aistlAsisses achurech.
's1h i cita i need its this
couurX aslcd \1 r Gurge. "This
stilltie lutissoil justie'. Hosw cats
\\tsec asithi' \\h-,b axinug lanad,
eel coelitrsc.IIvtaii ladI ito not
Second Year Men Collect Clues
and Concoct Schemes to Check
Fresh Banqueters.
Followinsg their usual custom, the sopi-
osuore class claisss to lave the fresh-
sn baasquet at its mercy. Te sophs
eo snt deny' that the freshsmasn baqupet
will take place as ussta butt it is their
firm convictions that o freshmesn of
impotacee-bie he toassmaster er cott-
mitteemn, will participate is the fes-
tisities util he has stffered te to-
ments that experiesce has taught te
secontd year mten. If such is the case,
this year's crop of sopis will prove a
notahle exceptioss to the geseral rule,
Geseraly, quasstity and tet quality has
hers she result of their efforts.
Monday afternoons saw the first step
towards organised actiont y te sophs,
swhest every seutht of that class attesd-
ed a meeintg. Several memsers of the
class whets asked what had eest dote
at their smeeing were exceedingly re-
ticent concerning any actiosstat mightt
have heess takess. No ose cared to ad-
suit that he knew' the date of the la-
quet, though several admitted that sev-
eral memhers of the weaker sex had so
far forgot themselves as to reveal the
desired informatiotn.
There seems to le a difference of
opisiosn regardisng the idestity of thee
freshmuan toastmaster. On this poist
the class "dope artists" seens to e
divided. Massy caism that "Bo" Scottest
is the mast to le watched while others
are equally sure that "eel" Dougherty
is tse chosen ose. Who the geseral
chairsuan is, has also aroused muds dis-
cussioss amosag secosd year sme. A
soph seuh in a mosment of forgetful-
nss staled that either Ed Hasscock or
"Shorty" MacMillasa hed tis appoist-
"We're sot sure right ow," said he
"hut we'll find out efore the asquet.
If we dosst, why we'll take oths of them
just to he sure."
Asother soph when interviewed dis-
played tse true spirit of his class.
"Why we have it cold," he said. "Just
wait and you'll see. We have the nasmes
uf every toast and comtmitteematn. The
ashy osse we won't get will e the Delta
Gammna girl We know who she is."
Further questioning hrought out te
fact that the sophs have aout decided
that Monday, March 14, is the date of
the asnquet.
"Sure, that's the date. Four out of
towns girls haee given the whole thisg
University Hal's corridors cwiiie is-
ed with tahles of good things ext
Thursday afternoos. The sweet tooth
shsould he provided for theta as hifs is
ahsolutey the last casdy sae of the
schsool year.
Josephine E. Rankle, the geseral
chairmasn, will he assisted hy rs. J. .
Reed. The other cosmsaittees fullow:
soliciting, Edith Taylor ansi Fasnie
Biggs; arrasgemnets, Delete Parry;I ad-
vertising, Nellie _Casnight. Fosrence
Sherwood has crarge of tesmakitg of
thse candy and May Chasney cwiii hasde
the selling.
The cosunittees will be greatly facii-
tated isa their work it hiose wo desir
hu etake cosntnihbstiosns wilt sends thes
to Barhour gymnssasiumsstusday. Te girls
who are going his sake cadtir thee
stale its their roosms eses c at util
Thursday morsnisigtso seiins. Thse
proceeds of the sate wilt gee tward Ike
House funsd of the Wosiens's League.
tiel l
Siltsundersitand , suet uonlysat-
sit, thtwthichi tesosuices renst."
ureite whtich ttuss benctsombiaated
eencry ieminet Ieconomiluist tea
heni, ssthu'uenetuhihtells first
'i cte s heingtheSill' stlt'usetione for
ths srksutsoaitdeeh idustrital ills of
'lute tgc eg usithis lectuere seith ass
ts stureitalutfsthle smutitswsichelthe
snit sa aaaitrampit tulleditftomuinu uder
passnge trin ii hesiddeeof tse
dah desrtand eftt findIis way
sak t ii lizatSion, usitht el food or
ias r ai s hises t etutd. ''This muans,'
sait thi e ten s t i Ii sot seems the
isspic t ofsolush j ustie.lie was asa
uUIs m tparitts teesthe face uof the
eart. Iflle werealo usin his muisery
it aOl htue lt'satdsesuhfous'suie saan
wois not diat justice1us i s etakness
ith iii sitush "irnmdest sit cons-
sssutitss tis. T 're sis teo s ttugh ld itt sty
slits ofCit mrna" ai e, "Tos fursa-
ish utsth tethft uund hemplo suenst for' saney
tampstlint us u isesngcuetivatedi? No,
its I~ituuhelutfufaine'phrlers isn
j ode tatsesusmani tutualreettyihas
ills t an heknos t "tImit owt
can uhsilt/sitstilltrictir
'' t hut Its sush Ilu, e t un " ho atee so
silt tht Ssi they Ioudsutrcitse theeearth.
11wrc re et uss k miiio n tekuow
whte thit e i o ing fsrom.
it u ths imteain suie' utteiltuet I et
thoe woli l shueacetryieace eisut for
titustI "'ee peahuinug the hue-
tri fthin Sicties ''"'usSt this sottof
illn t. hat its t usdone.I' ''e haete
eevl lar in hlattuel iaI It'h' aveti us tit-
hcks aetilittle ts utthall ouer the
'isnrt We In mlsuustalg"uaitt tgainest the
manth taes he awits Iis suwn
hns to euewhti ightfullyhy'Iis.
f's ' tites ocaljutie."
fin. i(Fe'ise''c'hstutdtiitteesn inspirnsg
ila ts}th'eatse rsuntI huo sstund fuss'whsat
(Winued onlags '3.)