THEI MICHIGAN DAILY PAY YOUR CANDY 4 BETS WITH GILBERTS CHOCOLATES Best in the World 60 to 80 cents AT QUARRYS 1Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds, Law Books, or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 331 K. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Hours :O8to 11:30 a. in., 1to 4:30 and 7 to 5 p. m. ALL BUItNESS CONrIDNTIAL JOSEPH C. WATTS THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Captat $50,000 Surplus and ProfIas$10S,Soo General Banking Business. 3 percent paid on Time and Savings Deposits. Safety De- posit Bones to rent at $2.00 and upwards B. KnMre, Pres. DT. G. PRPTTYMsAN, Vicer-Prs. Hl. A. WILLIAMS. Cashier . T. STOW-. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $,;0,000 Surplus $290,00 Resources 5,501 SB0 A General Banking Business Trannacted Orricints: Chas. E. Biscock, Prens.; W. D. Harriman, Vice Pres.: B. J. Frito. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan US. B. Wade E. P. Mills John Baarer Jno. Koch Prof. B. S. Carhart Henry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan P. Zimmerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN ARBOR, MICB. E. D. KINNE, HlARRISON SOULE Pres. Vice-Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Capitkl, $100,000. Surplus and Profito, $00,000. (mna n- mercalS * sJBask Cormmerota.1 a.nsd SeLvi51Sg Con-. Maim~ ansd Libert-y Stroets CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WANTED. Woined-College men to act as agents duriing summcr. Good money for right men. Coil Bell 302-L, or address or coil on Geo. F. Brown, 619 E. Uiii- versiiy. gotf Tooled-Siudenst who is a rapid asid accurate stenographer and typewriter. Part iimc work. Apply at the office of Secretary Smith. FOR RENT. For Reiit-A frolntsoite, 710oIF. Csther- isle; very reasosiable. Iniuire of Lynsdons Photographer. 1o6-107. LOST. Loot-Browis purse. Return to 202 S. Thtayer. 107. MISCELLANEOUS Swecotero ciii over, or repaired at "The Palais Royal," tog E. Liberty St. tf YOUNG'S IIATS. (Noise better mlade.) Spring styles now ready. ALLEN'S CLOTHES SHOP. The Store for Style. Maiss St. tf. Hargaiiis is alt kinds of University books at the Sisidents', Bookstore. Shcehan & Co. tf Try ossr $t Fountain Pen-Sheehan's ILeadcer is the bsest ever. tf The sesiors at Illinoeis university save petitiosied the faculty to be cx- esisieteel frossinlsal examslinaioniDs st tee esni of thse seconss sesmeter. Yoou wil fiel outr typewritisig scat sstd accusrase. We prinst cards assd doaice! programis, atiu do enigravinig of slt Agesncy L. C. SisithsTypeswriter. 1.IWADSKI AND LANE, If. 310 5. State St., 211d floor. Sssft washs lauinsderedsitse, 6 anst 8 cenits, 40 ceitt' per sdozess. Caissyoeuuso seller' 'lendssisegfrese. W. K. DUNN. 682a J. 636 S. Thayer. Catl Moniday -aftersnooiss. sob tos). SOPIIDUDRES D PLATL FIRST YERTFAkit. (Continued from 5'oge 1.) o tosnof 38 feet 6incehes,slotbe hind his snack of last wee. The race between Cortis and Roiss, th fisnalrunses isinte relayias ssaged- ingly close. Ross jusstinsong is to tse frosst. Thsis ees b rough.kite greastest enssiuiassie of ithe me, tI soise ibecomssissgsiefening as thelstw resscirete traiseel. wills seih tavin ans pass entavnag. I juiisr lits duefeaeduithe juioenner isn tse secossdlerounid of te les s rels. The sesior lisdeatsedethledeits . a tig osargini, De lekssnin iss lee la briilliasnt race stingfrsehe l ties Th lie 51555510: (12), second;sel:Mttles is13),ssi .I~Is tassce, 38 feet, (is lee. 35-yaseidsh-ssusiess e3),eflrst:1ps iey (se3),sscsn;e mih,(1; ,iihiii Tisne, 0o23 dosyarss ois hIdses-isiie 1) fss i Itll, (e1i3), s lse esTh~ itcs, e 40-yascsi hisghs ses itls Co() s, 2) fist; Piess 2)i ecn :Tis ~ it tnissislig2)secn; ~ ns 'i CthissfsHeih, o eet0 nclc- foe seconsds. Hig uhi, I eel c)inches.i Three-lasps-ss(12 '-fs S ih, e12 , necesses; K rI 'lisler. 1,111 :-13 3-3. Six tests- S l t,( ,fis tis ( 13), seconsds : S115al (3 ,t id I re,1:4ii3-5. Relasi-sSiphmoslit eaedf c - mece 'to las e felie lt liles: I eefeatsed 'l is esigiecrs Manasseger ArthuriLswI oee t i liii1ii iii tsesatrehas s ii neo teilc -i issimorta t 5v susdevI itleshsisesw se el s - torc' (if tse Mesti o pnsctMii- Iaysigh fogriIss tie u sal iitie dils -. "ras-ess- I lireacts, eaislofiwiscuhwill lee a fietue', w lisis ake III)tisei r-is telimoe-st -sesionl act ss c111ii h risn moethiss.elais dlssta mi sce bissi Te viiollsof i arb- wiii lie fosunsesn at55 ctiowiclshsies 1 i f anythsisig icluipsei-thei great5 axesim c ..large csssssny f iimsitletndI suel modlslew.illpse e p reidsentationsof famssessgsirosssiof isisirieandsis I ic statuass- aodsthleise e is leutieel and ssttlig. 'leT sle'st lislar of el week thes muich expliedisi 'igaes"laugh tng ]horses siill he- hee and tIelitees wilt lie saseotsbe-,ses-ins'usesAItesr Ithessilsis. rORMA14 EXPOSITION OF SUITS, OVERCOATS AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS 1910 Styles Men's Clothes I isic e- to this important occurance to men, young men and b-- .e Gis ito leesl yossr especial attention to our display this season, I iiiS ( v ci i-isiso-. The authenticity of the styles, their excinsive- is7:; - se ii iect eliot they are in harmony with the very latest s.tyle test iseti ieeelesses ele firot sources. That these are eosertials which i eteie ever- consideration is generally appreciated. Theoe 'vs,-c s in stuit-, Overcoats, Fancy Vests, Shirts and Furnishings, isutse t ie scoipel -snd excluoiveness ilsat of all former seasons. Soi is dirsit s itosn' attention to the individuality wce have thus essep sitd. seetalsuer in Suits and Overcoats, hut in our stock of men's. b'suetd ciiildreesfusrniohings shoswn in this Formal Spring Exposi- 211 SOUTH MAIN STREET L1hinese Chap-Suey Restaurant Cineseluancy DisshiestassaidiChiops. Amieican Luz i e isllalllkinds. Every- till i-, fir ii l s for lies an d enilmen, r ealsi l Ii5,cin-lu As nnssArbors. 3t4 S. STATE STREET ~oe's4L aundry1 IT-fOMSAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Fifthi Ave. Zewaski L 10 South ewadski & ane 3State Street We will sell you a Typewriter, rent you a typewriter, or do your typewriting for you. Michigan and Fraternity Stationery a specialty. NewcPhone457 Bll Phone 4571 AT TUTTLE & Co. Liunli Room You can find a fine linle of confectionery 332 S. STATE ST.,n UPS~TAIRS Yosarra. get Sweaters cot over into V shape or Vests Yosus fancy vest 01' suiting-Dry cleaned Vor Fall suit dyed (Age'y Peters, Detroit) Insignia, Numerals, sewed on sweaters,-etc. Neckties and gloves cleaned Sident sms oding Msi higan pilows-Banners of atl other colleges- Nortiosns, gas mantles, chimneys, soaps, towels We pgive satisfaction Consmsanci Mee ss 1 ---- s 1 I bf you intend to buy Spri ng Clothes ball means order now before the,; rush' season is upon us. May' save you worry and annoyance later. WACNER & CO. Importing Tailoss Slain Street ii - - w ~ e~ a I FIFTY-SIXTH SEASON SIUD[NJS7 L[CTUR[ ASSOCIATION i'iIIIsItNTS The Premir Lectuire Course of Americen. q.JEUT. ERNEST H. SlIHACKLETON Who has reaahed farthest South GERALD STANLEY LEE t~inient E~dtor, Esnsayist, and Lecturer Watph tot the Prospectus Season Tickets on Sale $1.50 May Festival Reserved Seat TICKETS 'sti $3.00 anid $.00 > . . ; seats hbegisMon'aioe rn i n111, Ieb. 28 School of music F AM I LY J THEATRE _MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDINESDtAY IMARCH 27--8-9 Russell Sisters 5 Noveand A5t Detroit United Lines On information to Division Superin. tendent Allen, 'Ypsitanti, of the Detroit United Lines by officers of Varsity or- ganizations of the movement, beyond the capacity of the regular service, of any group of stndents to or from Ann Arbor extra earn and extra service will be promptly supplied. FRATERNITIES Silver Links Scarf Pins Fobs Rings Prices iifsst 220 South Main Street. MATINEES DAILY 2:30 and 3:30 a rc 1 / < ...Y.. Portrait Studio - 319 East fHurofl tret