rlg Hats Sprillg Hats We have received our Spring styles of IMPERIAL HATS in all the new shapes and colors. See our Pearl Derby it is a beauty. bLintdensehmitt, A fl & Co. .tMtC i A b A 11 UNIVER~SITY NOTICES Ait junior Tits selected tor iniistret sthoxv , ecept orchtrstra, umeet this afte~r- noni at i o'clock sharp f orrehtearsal ini room A, U.If. P's ryrs l ot. SUM-\MER StitO0t, NFARING. (ConstinusedtfromsPages1. woirk is rtiictlytudtrgiraduasste anid is in- ttdcd for those rsens isoi hivse berit forced bytshtie "rexistinig conditiins" toI rrtttrii to stsumer schoolst for m r s'X truuird inistrucitionl. 0The stork itftiiitnginer'sum mer rcaimtiand of tine itiotogiji ii t tionl oni [akr Douglas i Chei ygnt o un lt v is also uniderr the con troil ofthethoiilri- WHITNEY THEA,, R Saturday, Ma Niht Mach 5 The Big Musical, Comedy Presented by Mort H, Siger Noticer' Macksrk C I o. ite inkissis llssi'ess ir's reiterrrsitals o iir ,fr as ;(owst ts oir sei oiir s 'ii -ut selri iiisshiiiitl liaethirs1 slr'i its eairly s itssh Girl 65 People 65-2 Cars of Scenery and Effects---20 Big' Musical Hits 20 Prices Matinees 25c..S0c-75c-$1 Prices Night 35-50-75-$1-$1.50 SEAT SALE THURSDAY, 10) A. r1. is I eI~ts Draiitg, the right kinids at tight prirrs sit the Sissdlnts iBooktsore. Sheehan & Co. if I TH CLOTHES FOR YOUNG MEN ARE REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL' S olIleg'e Clothes They are different in style and pattern but not too much so. Come and see them. HABERDASHERY The correct fixings for wear with either Full Dress or Tuxedos, white shirts, neckwear, collars, jewelry, thr at fashion demands. cub, Conlin &Fiogol L. 200-202 South Main Street. AM I L Y 9jjOr 0 JTHEATRE V THIS AFTERNOON ANID TONIGHT *S VA DeMAKR saprti~ a en RO IJOUS, Barytone LILLIAN FOWLER, Soprano G.$YER (f. GEYEK, Vrdqgze Gymnrasts z: Ke s to .4 11. Afterr~ooims ar~d Evenings , MACK'S TEA ROOM-2nd Floor C. r.S Lunches and Refreshments Vots' 5555 stisttsand 'Ge tl iiji'rit' wr i i r ,a . toi 5 pin. Saturditystoiiii i u. Go to Major'S su al-ppradIt i tnt. iBeing ni tutfaturei'u of patit E~lfo 5to40%,/ We'sll iet ts o tthe eotstsu i' ,there is 4 T }?r~ itii n5 i t on lits oriii z l. 5 t tpit' gallon. ingle CH. MAJOR ~ CO. It ofI 'h(taePints.03o:i.,,Washington St. /iO 4's- JIN former days it cost a lot of money and a tedious delay to obtain first-class tailored - to - order clothesToday master minds and a perfect organization like .Ed. V[tl-0N 5& CO. MATI I NEE ToCYday Corestmt M ornd4&y 5 Big Acts tic a no fot becs any cular dressers to secu~re II )thes satisfaction within few dlays, and at prices higher than are charged fready -made clothing. et us show you their :autiful Spring woolens Ld take your measure. oday if you will. F. W. COS Liberty and 4th Ave. MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North UnIiverstty Ave. 0. A. MOE. VARSITY CAFE i liO i n . . . .. 40 B tZ 5' . . .. . . . .. . :. D u h o m . .. . . .. 0 d.1i n .i u e.. . .. . with.OnonARNES, 13..3 MFre ic.,.....Prop ..'. xWA SIHL'I I MILWARD, THE TAILOR Tilk BES'T OF LEVERY THlING IN TAILORING