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March 05, 1910 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1910-03-05

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\i~t XX.'\NN ARB7OR, \IICHIGAN, ft 7 ff) 7 7 i

Vol'. XX.

Former Pennsylvania Track S
Will Fill Position Vacated
fit-. . 7'. f-.t-einti rco
atheticsan oah f te t ta
lercerobr \acn\ odro
hutrfesoand theo adito itt -
gct stanro ~oia tetic
.Michitgani heflaceit to i lacinta i
resitio n fetiat tiekl
tor of \ ti'tt iii ttiti t
Drt. K a1 zei. il oal , , hi t
at the beii ngtii of i the scotol ea
fall and kilftlbit t li\ orktra
hteMihigano otall ta. Iei
lwc'iMN fttedfor his i of -vr
he hsw nfi( tpoteucetriof it
tith e nwohye eiclter
tith h io int. tIn tioo ho ttid te ri
of Chaeo oot vo ha
lios iirun the htgohutrli', i;
tGittret fM cgl lo ag iitO
tallftick i t i ti ttl in 11),7 a
iatnI t erolgae btillr Kr
delidit it esno e"ii a its
ointhI hude s it33;
Ast wsei pecedtile\\I]<o
Fitzpaftrik wa li dd, . ft i
letn eing'eti rd t d ith ou
the ad eti anig i( \
ditorolethtliittitt aittit ~r
was grduaed fro .bl ftll11,0
hats b-enrttatic iga o i
\\Ibil at Y'le h irn itsto)ti"
itmbr iof tet tu ran
tDriraen 0 s orn r o
to itti ititi adIle spent01 ie c
-te I ittiit it t f \it o tto, pl
fir, t fo ob l eii d i t r.
went fothifi B de sh"At
at Nti cesotti or ou
Teiifr o i Ottt , ;ri-Ii
lioe pitt httkes, 1 F ,, th
whniet i s od.ht h . t 7
Ira n l lr e."iretorIr li
1)' K a tzlit 7\~ 1iii ii[,)fiteri
ft zei' gma m Il, iiil

Otlttituti i~t*(' Ox it IiI fi h\tlitt t ft
it ii ft it iotea h t ~i ."' itt iirr

gant oo trio terii-o usetiit i i t ittet fit
for thefi rsiiti tttk ri tste hsoi
thei cletart e iTO lifct it I
itt loe ott , a dl hettetitr
h" lft Iith te oilsa u i;s

Regents Pass Role Reqiuirintg One
Year Collegiate Work for Efn
jtrance to Legal Study.

sit h R, l tI I I,1. t IItt \ t, iii. t . l
i t 1;. 1uiin, e lft. >1111rc ft Iv , \'n
c7 \c K 7 S . t . niti J tottiIi.. S17 fif.
a" \\ill. \\ . t\io77est i t ot i
I la h r 1 " icn f.I '.ttCO r(1)ft k,
tiil.X lt I 01an .Josphfl .1Waft.
Says it is Not Radically D~ifferent
from Christianity.
it tr Cf . 1. i . 7 c inI fit d
I that t tilt m it a nttiothought i

Many Aspirants Make Record
Entry List for Fresh-Soph Mecet
--Classes Evenly Matched.

77 iii r
patft iiic
ftiti clftor i

]Met tolitittifi llse
('it hu-ot t- al al
Itos. :1>o l ti i ti ii ll
ftl e-iap 1- ' itt I i
tl-tiui<tiurtr, lft fl

Re- Bulletin Shows Adoption of New
iS<t Courses and Methods.
th tif tt . 1111 1 l ft ~ tat liii lilt itt-
lic - f ttle trilci-i it I and still- itiit. I ftce (}
IIe the summri sesson c0ftilt ii ii 1-,111. i
ltt -s ttlt 0111 A ift oilaii-tbeini set co l
net cV r1 ei flout l ift oii il o lt iiil
lit( si li(, tus -1111 te1 ch o m r
.rals- llu liiti at he sam fi ittc. f> l-t
iii it pots ()f ilt i flt ift
ii i m i l i t ()le ttousn litt\i t n h-d l sx
ti su ens111( 1-Me ll tle 11111
(,o d s sion ciit)0), I ti lt 1111 lstate in
I f ttrd ~h hd1e i ttaii tnd
--tl t. lC'iii to 1 tutrl u i -l i tit iii iiit ifian
i . ii it- tti ilt icus ctt-i f acti ti- t at the
ri(u - T hlisi i i rea 's fisi t i ll i liltult
i dthefit , ittrl a dilhlii toli tfli
ail fts~ cscntit hi or ni e}
and t c i nth.1 fii
itt cl lctt-esW lta oics f rto eit f 11111
-i the c if ln i atnlllt a h
s in fite.
iii(, i ited ls s nile st t i tit Iti ft i
1 t.111- a co lls(')1lit "in trucors. Thtt 11111e
111 1 1 - 1 ililtin c t l wl t il( iiii )
f( ll bii l
al ick 1r fsiik n v (f tlc L m cs
-si -t f Misu ,ha hed sru d to ' c

t5 llS
tl( illt)11
fr unct I


make them11 ifte 1fa -ti il-iI
pca y tre in thi p( Iii vtilt
1tt i lit is te redtai NNIilt i
C ie"fthei t t ift1111 0 efst of 1
iizp ti thinksist0111 111 ,1
11tn i , il littit itc it hi
ifthe 1111t winner fte ilelas t tt i
-Andyi- itnfli h, a
tri sco ol.t
teersto ithav e i o -itt ii i ll i
fve t f the trelay iis sor fto It ia
a l ittis tout ul ifi t i ll 1>
11nti 11the1last runner has111111



>'( -{ ' ts If t11v \ l.t i t;0 t , If i d, ii
s IlII Ii t I-a t iIt l S III -
c i it li ht i 11iiitt of I 1 4 s0
i'dto 01s .111101 ;It ii toii las- i
m~it -tocalfci thatiially
:' -ilti t ilt l ii 1- I ll'
t),a~ ill cItt It 1itf ,It -ii - t iii t

il laiii-c
11w rc 01
-- Otututi
tti ltd
.1t ttiii
Citt- tilt
wt dk ii if

S-,i td ir"ii

;11I t )fiii- i
li t the ti -

t li i
Itit i '3
1111cd t
Ii I s -%
1111: irit

' f t tl
l rll .
i 2 lt t
1 iv
117 ir l
t itit # t
<I.t tllt' i
lllil5t it
tll ' tills
C ral;c Il
t'c1 t'i t
;t rl'll'tt
11 I I.ON
Itl t
. l ltl<il"

10 1 tc S IItoh t 111 itsi dea
i n' alc~ 1I crI Iit nIlt
i+) I I-I Iii f - tir- lti - 11 il
iyt he fac1- as I I 1 1(ft vit x~

the 35i77111it sh.111 i 1) fth oiii s
firt ito 111100s mI II he 117 t-u iI t
it he1 see IIt f 110I- iti ti I Il
elSitti l i c~l -tl T. It til )
1 tN S r ( t w(t111( It fnIII c)
llth e 77 lss In tet t lift -ifif l1)c1
totititheilil is ul ~

I - ft i ani ott o I rii
A i11 th I M( (1
i1 ttulc1 I i11 iil
ii hilct rh
wI'() the- i i 1 1i

t cit7

rl r i
,t l"i'

I I u,!t Stikes Snag in Bloard on Non-
Athletic Activities.
I lii.tl ti h, K I i ;I C ) ti Ir l
h ii h ii t 1 li'm ill ii1_ 1 p ii . T l it 1111t e
Ii A l l I 11tir11 ti it- pla ls - cI l ii k
7 , c t { (1 1 i ft \ (-a th - i A ti i i ' n i
ii i i Ia I. ~chra1. 1 lw ot. Ims
<t . (11'il t li l1 0- iil I ttf ti-i -it t )-
?It c; ;t c ,1111itt c - til tI'litc it 1senitei
- t11 ih i i 1 I t iii1w icidtif ood.
\tilc I haices it t (11ti itti it--i
;1ri l I "1( c.11 1 -atirit-tiitO. t, theii
f-l c , h s l ili 3 if tit «11(m it :1f 1(lit I;
tfi 1t it r t it ct ii fi't I-Ii ttI

f-itt 7\ iii ililllt 1 0 i l
Sophotlor- \\ittcs, ty
ftrs 11111 fitars~vSc
Curtiro. ~ n+}es--
it, flgltln \itr, a s r
lcY, 'ross atl, mi it
'titlc-t - 7Fes n~1 I
I 1 iItilift: I toot Icni to
Rcla- s 1 (,)ii I ii \ . ciii -
is t- fiiit loll cit .1 r. o]
this tiltn it ni i ctt s

-titt. 11
I)5-- )t


t 1
lIv is
l it '

is 1oures it he ou tl111 i --tltdept- i st
ah it their own paticuflar i rei - with
tem itt rigdutmet r
fCosntiued tott tage 4.)i \A


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