THIEMNfIUIGAN DAILY <2Q ~Bursting Buds xSuggests the freshness an ttt harmony of our NEW SPRING FASHIONS v The Malcolm 4 > ! " pictures model devoid of fads, yet superh sn is style rightness. Wewill fit yoo with unerrinf t precision. a a price that fits f your purse. Rerve aptern eoday for EASTER-March 27 J.. Karl Malcolm . 118 E. Liberty SECOND SEMESTER Granger's School of; Dancing loss naw. Classes for Ladies and Gentlemen, Tuesday sod 'Thursd, yenscaaO toI 8 o'clock. tor particslars call at Academy or phose 216. UNIVERSITY NO3TICES WH T E v1 isIa ailaa Satuirday, Mal T'act's Sundba itl1LI alafor pitau~re. Sentior lit bLaskeLtballpitarealorrIday at 1 lscharhi at t>o'calocka. Bring suils. The Big Mi Soaph egeroads- a1ncetonightIat All j lilasnaLut toltar lbasketba~ll Presenlted by Leaoi Fcridavaight. fawol.aaL ForIestryLclab smoaat N LI irhigat Untionaluolua seFridavna LinLg, 8 pa iL. 511 Incaesltra inite.c al. 0. o I Soph alitclassiiicting t hin I I iLL * * 8, Iapa L al aI I t 4TIL. Li. :McCorick. Te IL sbvcI IIL . C ristian tl'nt avo5 mem tats ar LLiLLiLtLLI Io attnd thte talmbaerc toight CLome L Iaadgttacqaited. taieIrcIle taLa sLLat galeLILstaetI Chi af,LL ~iL.1 L1 Tikes Lill bI a i latI Wbac a is aitI 1 1:0toaL 301. THETREf Marnhe arad Night a usical Comedy Mort H. Sirier- inl and Effects 20 Big Musical Hits 20 s F A MI L 1Bijo' THEATRE THIS AFTERNOON AND TONIGHT I MISS EVA DeMARR. osspDcl1 d0 F ROY JACOBUS, Barytone LILLIAN FOWLER, Soprano GEYER ft .GEYEX., Uniqisze Gymniasts 1 1 1 65 People 65-2 Cars of Scenery "C :\\\IITS 1I105TII tL" 5 allI Sl-HIi3lC'PFOR SPFI NBG PCIRT. "Goddess1of theIlaLd Baca."\\What loyal it LLILL a-cdii ate aallL resatain it miL- sel f~nt snit ts as iteglaLncesr Litos 0 rI campuLILLs IeauLLI itt." (1??) beautyI withITappLnLLasripplLs wiL pe ll l toa tae ILacht just Lerst If tliar liray Wat 'aLutica of1o11111corl- I* al iaallit LIL lLllitlhlcel lrll lctiI S~cI'I apostedlLat11diLerentlintsI aon theL~l am ts IL Noai t L I ar rts flrtre11 s IlL lave been reapNIorlted a tasheisatILis ikly Iao() Iaoadtfor c t andctoa slmlo« I a pot ll I tatIhelampuLL~s carea kersli a n Itica tea 1111ttlei no tarouble It is r(podl Ithat thelasqttirreabs are brnce ilt)Lae TappaLn aslta Ia-c ~aced m re clsal IsaLiLuin11 juI rirs 5 11)013 F ITllNG S11IT hepst Ic IMI<( 1 111111t Ia). menImO kes y) feel 111oodL( an us} LII run a ; tar 5\c s 1 1 1 fa!ctai q ,llurts. CIITS. \SVb 10 Cents to A 11. Afteramooenasanad Eveexlmjgs ®s r lam AWMACK'S TEA ROOM-2nd Floor fM aC i'S Lunches and Refreshiments For LadiesanadI BetITMr~ID T e ~~..."'teopertlace'jito Ialtke tour IOLIIL IL LL 11.1' K oorrvExisllort Cssllme Seictrm 8a. m. to 5 p oiSatuari a ,a t..n Prices Matinee: 25c-50c-75c-$I Prices Night 35-50-75-$1-$1.50 SEAT SALE: THURSDAY, 10 A. nt. Hotel Cum-nbe-rlaned S. W Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., NE1W YORK Ner 50th St. Suba y aLdLL d .'h i' .fta 1 7' KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN qtr College Men Always Welcome Special Perms for College Teams Ell 'l Ideal Location. Near "Theatres, Shops and Central Park SNew, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. F z All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. VNDESR THE MANAGEMENT or Harry P. Stlassson, formerly wilhtls II pe~rial. W. J. BInvghana, fotrely LwsithIltatel Woodwaartd ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP CHARLIE S' BARBER SHOP 11po 11te leicWaitngtRact Under IHuatons Billiard Parlors GEO. V. STOLL, Pro prlotor- (t'orttatra 111wit ttt I V liarties'l ]FATIMACIAZ E 1420 for 15 c-ts. THE College Tavern. Happy hours. Splendid chaps. Old romances. I T e P w rt "D Th nscomes from eating a brain-building, muscle- making food that is easily digested. That's a LJ~ T~ O~iili aeU U VHeat DISC UiL Contains all the body-build- ing material in the whole wheat, made digestible by steam - cooking, shredding and baking. A pleasant a surprise for the stomach /after eating heavy meats ' / and soggy pastries. Give Nature a chance. N Try Shredded Wheat for breakfast with milk or cream. ALL THE MEAT OF THE GOLDEN WHEAT The r Shredded Wheat ___ Company Niagara Falls, N. Y. }l ) :i i' < t- ti ls irts o lit toaaa 10Talo s, p a t Ia, 3 I or taticat rthat;a atMl ,9-I.;; I(at I h t Mich.l a1 a1> aa t - ragltt k itnisa at L glit if ~ i - - III aidctsltLa Bokst'rr. 3GREAT SHOW TONIGHT Carriage and Baggage a- '7(IaI ! IIt 1"1 t i r a c lt - , IaT tic a)Htc will1ho'25Cents 1'var tt t 5 e it t' R. lt' I~w r r eII rcta t'''1LIIt I~a t', Iri tiLLI Nt a y tO sIL MOPS BARBER SHOP 705 North Univtersity Aver. 0t. A. 1,10E lIItW' P lea san t recollections-- and Fatima Cigarettes. Tihe 'is 1kish (,i ga tt te of mellowa, fulitl-ilas ortaltobha ccou exquisitely lcl')~Y to the tasty. 'IThy Aterci o bacc.I o tC 11( 1 ( I a e). A, ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES5 MI A"4 'L R TI