T 14 E- M _____________- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 111:: PAY YOUR CANDY \\AjE) BETS WITH __________________ GILBE2R TS lrlsumrGodmicvf C CHOCOLATES ocalonIeo'. l roi)s . ii '- 'Cd Best isn the World 60 to 80 cents AT M1 ISC'I:IANE OUS iii 'alr is f R iiia," ( 'o . Iil's tyS ti;. it QUARRY 'S XCII ifFIIth-nrd.)-i ' lIL, C'I'l'IIIKI- F l lIP, tis l1 Money Loaned - us fu itt it sill Iinds' of litiverslv 'thir On Watches, itriondiuii, Lw oks.oos 'tTie Studels' Bsokstores. \t or other persso lprss ety. shihrs&so.tf Watcsssoandi Jewelry relpaired. ca,< Bargains in Wacsiso& Diamnondo Tviii $ FontinPsi siseelsot's r Officesatsresidence 3301 F.0i i lielieu overSIf Coi's Ann Ar-bor. -il Isiste et vr.t tlours:i-to 11:30 assm.. 1its" :00 ndr"s o -- is JOSEPH C. XWATTS I eiii ii ul th I liii i tis bei ('\- is I I TH1E1FARMER0S AND MEC[HIANCS BANKI1i MAIN ANO HtUR~ON STRE LIS Capital $50,000 Surplus atd Proftsn$105000 om wil in o s yleisis ili ne t 5 0 is h General Bankinsg Business. 3spercenispasi sssissr'cris E\Vcisiiscars r~ilIiisi ri on Time and Saviogs- iso-pisoiuss aret~uy D - 155 grsard Co rr~tiisis o all r iith postsitioxessto roes -it Jf200land uswords 5itt I. tfussscn, Pres. 1I G t.y ls, i- N.s C1'e inds. It. A. W rI sos ' as sris' I'. T Sowr ' '.C tr l 's IT x ic ii ri . f1 C 5 siNcA1, 5i ll5 r a p ani- nn e c i i slheis l s' ; in t e is isti ah1 a C 11 sisiusiss!\\.- c\ r !'d w 1 I i e is li i i e Is (' 5 1 i t' l iii Ilans foIs I'h sr t,,l y ar is cisis 'rl5 l li ( I' lich Ing is a i 5 li ti} 11 5at Iin I i Ili rc tlia ltt e L i r I *i r isisra ien istills Iild i l y ti'I i i rts,, I I i ii. c 5 . \ i (, Ile li,'s 'ii fI FORMAL EXPOSITION OF SPRING STYLES SUITS, OVERCOATS AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS 1910 Styles Men~'s Clothes Ini'i'fevt'ets'usto thiis itmpor-tans, occea'ucs tsoinn yiiiuiuitmen and bo~ys. sv insih to call yorintespecilal attention to oar dC pl iy this seasnr far several t'easotsu. The autheticity of the styles. theiIt' risilissivs' ness, and pts- fact thrat they are i harmony swith she v'ery latstsityle infsrmation frost the first sosures. Thai these usc cesoer'ial sh0icis swosldl rces'svery' considueratiuon is genctally apprieisatedl. 'hsec Spring styoles iniSuits, fOvercoasrVancy Vss, .Shits s' 1unihn~s out5 rank in scoipe and exclusis'enessteat of all former s-s sions. So wes dir-ect vsitors' attcntions to the indiv'iduality iii-have this itopjarted. not alonte in Suits and OvIercoats, Iut in our otoik if tiss's, hoy's sail childr en'- furnishinegso wrsn in this"sor mal Sprinss, 1 i tion. 211 SOUTH MAIN STREET 't , t s 1 1'ti <3 I t 1 t' 31() S'. t'iteS t.. 1(1iii cii r. l ; it c I I lw( II r The Ann Arbor Savings Bank# CapialStocklsX50ii00ii iiiil i--290i000 A (Oneral Banking Stunsress'Tranaced OFFJCES:s Cuss E. hiss oils Pris.; i' Is. Harr-iman, Vice tPres.: 1. 1. ritz.'rashie r 1 STATE SAVINGS BANK W.VJ.tBooth Jno. V. -Sie#rlo lVr.Arnoild tDr. V.C. Viuihas las. PH. Wade E. F.Mill Jon5 arr Jo bof.H.S.Carhart Henr W.sDoogls Christian Martie Dan I.Zinirman FIRST NATIONAL. BANK' OFi:ANN ARBORi, MICH. #+'. II. ICINEt. 110051isON-(it Pres. Vi'ic-Prers. S. V. t LAiII'-SN, Cisi Iii. CapitalX. 00.o Sl. urpls 55an oit 5s, -4!0000. Commrn-rci n .1 eaed Sa~vings Coo-. Moaraeana Libono-issStreets Ho -e hoel,21 Dcenit rinseoguaranteeds GEFORGE YEE Chinese Chop-Suety Restaurant Chlinese Fancy Dishes, Steakss and Chuops. American Lunches ot all hinds. Eve-rv- shilungfrst clsass for ladies and gentlemen E Cleanst Kitchen in Ann Arhor. 314 S. STATE STREET Rowe's Laundry j THOMAS ROWS, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Ave. New Pthone 451 Bell Phone 4571 AT TUTTLE & CO. You can find a fine line of Confectionery [;ow ManyTrips -~tothe tomlaundry? Mark them aods ce -- Cisrlis CoonCollarsnouto'earotisliroTis p are strong, sandrissde ollsrs. consrutionr,wer. Tinher t&cCo. .IF.Iitesrs'sCIs ,, bM lwc]] (lee " 'I I,\-( dc] It-; cli d( ]-III trc tl;;etit, sIIcratc tl tore that i) )Ii ii iiN [Ii - ii l is. v vIIs' istie vlsit ii )I is t,5555 iii ilisstcl ''i to c ii thcvarwl- t~nls )f lis!,li-i polte io tlla na ilo is fare' wh i is s -lis's'hell stetIiu' d UIsiifcc. T s tele Iis t"' lav is l mga ld ) s h x is-Is-si i i nn. 5his' l 1in Jljiss 'IYou cart gatr Sweaters cut oven- into V shape or Vests ''i iii ii Tr''> onsfancy vest os- suiting-Dry sleancd i l '5 5 T- our Fall suit dyedl (Age'y Peters, Dettroit) , ~ tt~urtInsignia, Numeural, sewed on sweaters.,i-Ps' Il1~, i 3II Neckties and glove= scleanesd Student mending t er ri 'ca01 ichigan pillows- Banners iof all other' sols-cs', (,It<<(lthtNotions, gas manti -s, chimneys, soaps, towel's >5 ?n is un5 We give sati sfaotionm Com~e and see u~s3 breryoumintend to buy son6s,1 uon usICothes 1fnow beore the rush seaso suo s May-sveyo worry and annoyance later. WAGINER &-,Co. Importing Tatrs Stan Sreet 'If;"l'Y SIX"[lII SEASON SIUO[NIS' L[ TUIR1[ASSOCIATION The Premier L ctuire Couirse of A erica.. L IEUL l RN ES'l'H. -SHACKLE'ION Whos eacheidfthtteohstoth fiElALI) STANLEY LEE Fiss ent Iditor- tssnyistuand testes-er Watch for the Prospectus Season IPickets on Sale $1-50 May Festival Reserved Seat TICKI&TS $3.00iarid $2.00 iSal(,- 'fs lug >e iis sMonisay moornisng, F-bh 28 chool00 of Music Detroit United Lines On infotrmatsion to Ditisionsl 01rei i tondetit Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Dectroit United lAnes hy officers of Varo 50 ir- ganizatiosn of thi- smovement, bs' till the capacity of the regular oervice, of atny group of students tsr or'If'osm A sir Arhor extra ears and extra service Iwill be promptly supplied. ew for Spring ."e' 55a1ii' sl i~i nrxlerisdvclinte of Wuooletns for Spring. Vie (005)1 5siil ii10rs' everytig that is new arid nobby in dessign, color ais Il quality.VsWi'catn say withoot exaggeration lolly stuc k tiis ir is ihetiso.t landsome we have ever shown, a _d swsill rvi I l i 511j r a l te 1most partiuslar patron. ;wd I, maw" now FRATERNITIES Silver Links Scarf Pins Fobs Rings Pr-les t sls 220 South Maio Street.E 117 E. Libeety St. v mvwmwAxvm luomam Studio - 5t Huron StreetA