THE MICHIGAN DAILY i Spring and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESINS-Orgnal and Exclusive COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable REULTS-Pleasng and Harmonos - IN - Suitings, Vesilns Trowserngs Now Ready for Your Eaminaton G. H. Wild Comfpany TAILORS 311 S. STATE STREET CLINTON The "SLI PEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BARKER BRAND COLI NTON" BUTTON EASILY Ans SIT PERFECTLY. MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AD QUARTER SIZES 155 2 for 25 W ARKER C2 MAKERS. Sold In An Arbor by WAGNE R & CO. sae sret A. (.SPALDING & BROS. aetelargest massu The Spaling art acturersIn i th e world To ade-Mar-k of OFFICIAL QUIP- " MNT,oralatheic 1.tIqa spors and patims. ti I / 1 ap f ynssare tolr?ct- 4' ed in Athletic S-Il V - yush,nd hflecl.P5 1 0 * of the Sucolny tti '- ew y' aout, It's 5('0plte encyclopedia of is known throughout What's Nw In Spor the world as a Gmuarant"a of andts snt free or Qoaity. uest. A t3. SPALDINO M BROS. CtsIoago Detreot Loose Leaf Note Books All Size. Paper to Match, Card Index's :x5 and 4xfi We urn having a special sale on Card Fileo. Cards to Match. AT Sheehan & Co. STUDENTS BOOKSTOR E THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Munaginsg Editor Ci..stRNcE E. ELDRIDnE, Business Manager CAseL H. 0. ADAM. Addres: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Office Hours: Managing Editor, 8-u1 p. m. Business Manager, I-2, 7-8 p. m. Except Sunday. Both phones. EDITORS. News ................. Lee A While Assistant .............. Harold Titus Athletics...........'Wilbur D. Elliott Women ...........PFrieda Kitiocdk Music and Drania. M ollis S. Baker Exchanges........... M. B. McHugh EDITORIALS. James K. Watkins Morrison Shafroth Charles Good G. S. Lanher John T. Kenny ASSOCIATDTORS. Walter K. Towers Harry Z. Pole. Dion Birney D. A. Hinckley Arthur B. Moelilmaao Wadle Oliver Free Lawton Harry G. Mysert Frantk Rowell Charles H. Mylandter Morris Mouser M. Monk Ryan BUSINESS STAFF C. A. 3swman Norman H= Hill Walter Q. Wilgus Myer Robin Kenneth Osborn 'Nurman Wittet MUSIC AND DRAMA Aihou gh mostl,- instrumcntal in char- acter tact cnght's faculty concert pree sented a curied a nd most in teresting group of compositionsc. Three compo- sitions iwerecinclndedl whIicht hacttheir first heariicg inc kin Arbocr at lte eon- cert, lice s citefr two ioclinsoamyi pianto, antet wo v1cliolaci 11numbttelrs. Mr. Satmuel Lockwod playedclthe viola,acd thte tivo cnmbers in this. instrumntie provedt pop- ular.Th vlio clai gives opporunity for a depth o oneciicqucality' whicc dues cot lie itn thes'icoliic, ctndIccwis skillitlly play- ed by lMr. Loickivocclalst nighct. His stork inc the siuite sihicwedt ittish and depth. tic tis cwcii aiidccd Iy -Mioi Emily We'bcbcSadlcr, whlose ite twork ccan especialy good. Mrs. Riteact played seeral nutitmters wcchticlie brilliattc and carefnulCcttenctioc to cdetail iviccitcharac- tenszes tier layCitcg. licelprocgra'mitryasc caried btin o ccArt Battads stun gbliv Mr. HIlandcii. Loewie's "Sir Olti" 'cud "()iln's Ride" are dra- itic andetpowverfuil specimientsccf this typte 01f soig aindI were effectively giveni liv Mr. i iloanciwhioccis alwcays mot effectice e l redramaitic wcor k is posi- sibile. Twoo mmore faculty cicceric retttinittctl- nit the coiurse, 'ccciithey wilt1libe givetc Apcril 7jecticMa1cc;v A ccitmplete list of the musicacl ccveicscschediulced for the rest ofi theiyear ficllicic 41arch 9, 4:1 . .-ub.Pclic Pupmils' Re- cital--Schl o f Mcusic. IvIaircht is-Lectture iRecital -11 igli Schooicl I faill. Malrchc 22-Fritz IKreidecr- Iivie rsite t fall. Apiril 4-COchestra Coctecrt1 Iugh Schioil I]-fall, Aopril,--Faciilty tiCocert-I Iugh Schoiol (~This ciicert mill lie giv etiblitwot proiretit wci'Yorkc ttusicianis: ir. I lecre I iiolei I tics, iaicst tatitCoin- poser, anii 41rs.IHucss, Soipranoc). .Aicril 2n-h,ectre Recittl-Hdighm Schcool I tall. M~ay' -Factille Concert-Hiugh Scol Hall. Ma zit ettutre Recital--Iugh Settiil 'May I-2t-SeyeicteerttlcAnnuai~l May Festivail- ivce (Citcerts-Ccci cirsite Tlue ice l cpratllF't'z'li Scheff woill appiiearatt itetroit Oupera fIolcise, week iif Fiebrcuary 28thi toilar c th, soith Satucrday.' ticc ee only 1. iicre tnecioic opleratsitccess,''Theu'Primai Donintttt".itt whlichi sh e chad a 1 o nitiaIdhighly sue- cessfutl riti al the Kicker 1 icker Thcea- Ire, New Yicrk Ciii. "The ttrittta tDonm- na as ii rilteii fur1acltame Scheff biy I li'n i'liossouc miniVictor I lerliert, who itr rcalso ne'sponcsibul' ol'iretdelightfll Mill.'" .Mr. iBlosoiciis said tic ha~ve futrinishted talioiicthat isas cwitti' as atnythiing lie itas everi' itten wheiile Victor EIten cr1 is saci citeha it utonie hitmsel t iccit thlie ttucic. Tue iiece is more edranmaticthiatt is cisual icithctmusi- cal panys ancdt has a real lot. ;Maamce Schieff enctes the rote of ille .\tlceccee, reigiitg riuma cditinia at the Qipera Comciqite, icc Paris. Wtleilttact auto- tmobitle trip, she meels with icnI accidenit atnd is firced to rcesi atIaIlittle cafe ecatccc, ott the ioutskirtsofo Paris. Thcert site tears the mtusical directoir beratimng a sick sitiger, twho is uncale to apipear, atnd shte imtpulively offers to take lice tnforttunateiistplace. A young liectettatit fromtttlie teighorinig iar- racks getisiter to sinig cite oi his socigs acid icefalls violenitly n' tlovewthicher. Site is itisutedbytis liicapcttii,ccciiit is inthie dev'eloipttent of lice love stun' thint Mir. Blnsscct has wocrketd oat his pl. SMadante Schteff is futrnishtedi tith several sonigs of great citarm, cite of thcecitbeinig ittaltz thcetie, esiteciaitin diti,'cwtileancthier, aci aria, enbles lie tioshcowo lenrmrelcous volt pow-0cc ers. Thte comptiatn' is ocne cof the largest that hacs ever ibeect assetmblletd fora comctii.oplerac intthis coutryit ndticlthere are soumie notecothytcnances icc the east. Proiicetinccthe east aee JcohntcE. iHaz- zard, VertnottDatvidsont, William K. lHar- court, Dotiald fall, Martiti Jaycioti Phil Brantsonc, ArmlendciCicrtes, AtmittiPclhnm, Mtaxitie Veetcctcce, Tithie Saliniger, Grace Delinart, Lat Noveta, Katiteritne Stewart, Hielenc Wilt1occ acdiVirgintiatReid. Tice prctciontis ccf lie tustuai lcvishc Dil- licigicamtytpe, andthe t oc'crchcestrat ciii lie largely autgmcenttcedortite Detroit etc udtgecet. lMauicoders whceicaceomt- pan~tiedi 1y1'check soul he filetiintt he ice lee if thteir receipti. Prices frimt>o centls tit $2.0o. tUGiif SCHOOL EDITORS HAVE THEIR TROIUiiLES. Muctthtexcitetmen t reigncsctbtout Atti Arbortir1gh ltese clays. The cattse lies cc thte iteligicitn' cfitwoicmemeries ccf the Log Book etditorial statff, tand their de- tertna~tiltiontremtaitn cccthe hoard. Ptrinccipacl Stmtlley is iterttinetd that thte rutles governinthlie elegibility of lice stutients shiatli e ecnforced andtillutmtake cci cittcessittns. The matter toill unc- doutiedtly bec'settledtodaiI~y. thie text S. C. . m emb ersh iptsiocial nilt Ice heltd this evencitig at 7:3c0icc Mlcccilla'n haitl.ciTheg c'I ilcoImittee cihile intthie waoficIentertatinmtttAi arge' attiendac is e xc'pectedl. J-flop aind all Operatin Munic for scale at Secaeherle & Sons's Music Huto, to S. Miaini Si. qitf. FRIDAY, MARCH 4, tqtO. JUST PUBLISHED Unversity of Michigan fB aOR W.KOCH "Ni t hee ,,o ndtcr s ifi 10 itt -ice n ra ni eadt t4 Pages Price 10c WA lR' S Unversty Bookstore G. [. BAiNll Law Medical Denial Largest Soick itt Michigant Second-Hand Low Boks Law ttaidSt edii lictinries Quiz BHioks eii. Comiplee lue Necw'anict Se- ci -tic .c Old itooks takect inc xcitaige C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE ST'REET Secnd Pior Tel, 761 'Ge your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical DeC, ireWath ,tttt ii' lets IRepaiig NALUII'S AJI L RY STORE1 216t e haeshehetains e if c 't CIIOCOLATES i liiiArbc r. DO YOU KNOW? E, E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. It Editor Today-DEWEY A. HiINnit.vy Weatherr: Paintotday anmdtcotinuned CNIVERSITY CALENDAR. Marccit3-Clasts basketball, 'io Lace ..c iiLatws. Miareb 4-Class iasketbaull, ' TFg. vs. I I ,rig. Manrcht4-Sioire .\tticcle CaI Biarbour gymnasiiumi. Cercle IFerimcams. S'iancit 5-' The Goleni Girl," Whitney Theacttre. Mtarch 5-tFreh-soch l1minet. 34tarchi 7--Sphimts-TIrnicctch DIatte at (~ranuger's. MchriI -Fishier patuniat IGranmger's. COLLEGE ROMANCE WIL CULMIINATE NE-,XT MONTH. Ont April 2, Johni J. W~hiiplme cf Chica- gem,. cwilimarry FElse Kemiificf AnnmiAn- bon. Bocth areSMiechiganm grautes ci four yeabrs ago and lice imarriage is thin outcomne of cc roinmce whichcstaredc while Wippmile was attendminug eclege. The plaee of the mtccmriage has cot deli- ably ice at timeiome of the itride. Whipple wasb5quite proincentovhile at college, ieitng a memher of several ionorary soeieties. Ine is a membter of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity wile Mis Kemf is aim Alpha Phi. Time mar- riage will irobaitly tie the iceeasiomi fornc Aipha Phi-Altpha Delta Phi daicce. TOASTMASTR'S eter 0tPIIet"05. j At a mteetimig of the Toastmasters Cltti last eveining tice following officers 1were eleeted:C Presienmt, I. IL. Evans; seeretary, J. J. Devcos ; treasmirer, 1. B. Chiaffee. PItolowitng the elion the tsual ine cif toas's were given, foliowedl hy aim en- ;joya tie social evenhig. .;.r '.,c4ky r',' OUR SPRING Clever Clothes Sits, Top- y // /. y coats and Raincoats. g yA ____________ $10 to $30 ______ Distinctly the Leading Exhibit in Men's Fashionable Apparel Spring Hats and Caps All thec sew Spring shapes SPRING FURNISHINGS NECKWEAR. See our handsome new Spring Fotir-ita-hand in the swell new shaded colorings. SHIRTS. Alltht~e new negligee and pleated styles, $i~oo to $2.5o. :Al stmh /eelfigt styles at f/ieslrit fleee." WADIIAMS & COMPANY 121.123 MAIN STREET 121 wasb1ootol E. RANDALL & PACK, Photographers Phone 598