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March 03, 1910 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1910-03-03

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The MDai

Vot. XX
Noted Football Authority Up-
holds Judgment of Former
Michigan Half Back.
Walter Ctmp i the' Cetur mag-
nine delares tats the plat hy "Den y
Clark ill football gamse et wen lichi-
gan and Chicagoin i1 905, which resulted
ini a safet an which lst tle game adi
chatojionslip for Mlichigan, tas the cor-
rect tply 'andItat iitot ae should e
attactedelto Cierk ot it
The tilas itqusti on 's is fllows
Ekertsll is teil oitet the M1iehigais goal
line anditClark atteitipteitoirun thte
l tiut sts tsisas taskle1 tfter the
Itad tiassdt the lhne aitidtrownst(ak,
esltigiuta saet, tetle setteeof
tesgamte feCoetshSYtst itdltither cm-
ptncrttts e ttcited tter the toe
that tte scort thus mtttie sold otli t
havtsetttttedt s tees astirle ii
ittrcc at the ties sttitng tatt the all
wa s downsi as sontitas its tforadrog ie-
ress wasitstttitet
Mr, Campbscs itsitxnertiottioft
Clark itn tht fct tt i ttther iws a ston~g
wei inblcwingtticandititt toulitbe l toust
impottssibletfos Gr, c skikintgiotitaiter
a tuchdon'a'gaist itthe stontg wisndii
li oe ueof his tfamousisrp icks.
The atiettb}litCampiic~sich retesitso i
te idrelsidisuissditplay iis stfolthus:
'lii 104 Slitlit iihiaittetcfetsitChi
etgot 2tot'itand Site smte ears it ht
seemiedil n~tiighaimpo iiitssiilit oe
Cicagoiorintsfact tutuoI the temis
ini the AitletsA\ est to defieat the ihif-
gaittggetgtiton.tt The gamte of x905.
terefore, tokIOntadietite iirest, tatnd
A tas diptectacuaritheeit i remie. It wats
cod, ut terei hadtt lesni tilittle sitow,
lesstdageouts I'Ecesll, ie Ciatgt
kicter, 0ws ii gooid tftritiadtdinttg' x-
cellent wis , i r~s tetit irs iihis putiniitg,
ut Garres ofi \l i I t iitaisittualy
holigtimtuTu hIe "guelhtadgne st
lntg tatt it seetcutsikitlely lTt either
cie wtul sette Cifcagolhslt the tlt
just imid-Geld, suetwhtindicth lere wa s
edthemugThi ~ershtdcfietotii gahsiniiati
Eckerestilt itropedihtck fota ickleThet.t
tiailt wenttialittle lw-, utti sc Ishad
uexpectditstasiliiit si thtat it taeis-
ci tetsr rtlicirtnthe li \ltsuli
backts Itaittexpslt etdianttiosed thtec
goatutlinei heeth itshtgniihalt
hatc seued ititatnithItittjlst aninisita t
tiltcid wt his plit stttul Its
Noit, s ima tters iiturned outt, the iwtitle
restoittilititsofiithe ctatie itwas tron i
uohifs soutlderistitid mats' seerthe
y criticismi s i5 iji itupontimtutu tttgiit
ha lttiat 5seemetot I e ttuhattifromitia
fooiltalit o f iew this ptattatsiiright
out f tn-fx tttenersttotdtthat
kiker ,tie k from ticti tme itwul
itiottlitl hve in, tndthere wais
sotn(lind avrin t tttcing sptie
indicle igc it It iffiult tsttt utafe
sia ttoch-acksithoeu tiig hut'Cell
ifouletedsit ii tncsliig te h fl ott
pro llbt-tadvanc t Itsfihoinds,
sothatu it trmiingtie hiag

ittssitit tiwaiv'saverby n etrardiar
Hice Its' is'hnthis sine 'couiili t itht
nttrnttthehdneistg of iiatifree tish at

SuNN ARBOR, MICIGAN, T'CiP'SD'AY, Sl\tiCt 1 ,go.

edtly, the iMi ciiiintihtlf a tutuim ediaitt-
ly uponicsecutring the btilttiranti iali
across his nitat, thus avitittteliii"
twho tiersetiearly otthtutu-cucing-iit iii
to the tieted ofipitay. tlehd;(Oa:-
ori twoi i nto itthe ficldt ittpttityci~h iten i
tthe lit Cluitgo ndcinfotirceditby an-
other Chticagoiplther, struii cIhie.Tti hIt
C'liettigati tcant wint crasingut''liii is 'ii
his goalt firi safety,' vit lii tcitilethl
gamce ic Chicaigo's -t tic
baik; hut eren thtoutgliit ietted ut hd-
In it has alvvavs seemiedto mttie ilhati s
jsiudgent wascort."

HONORS GO TO JUNIORS iii i IttitiPcYE iS ,_ tC, .
Itthe Casse''isnc' tit t'stirl','i'
"Third lErening's Play Marked by "'it" '5 \ccitti
Roiugh Work. *tiurv itasi atie- ''l: l c isi(dc
t liii'\-i,'d ctiict itI' StIititi l am ti' seres ito rcic et 'c 't' Situ'

kc t)
1 ',O( .

() 1 , 11
night's l,1
tll 1-it s.
(,tl)<tll tact
tl " jul i
IcN ill this
: <iltcr .tile


( 1" t 7 to :
,ft h(. te ii

it, k ' til -
1 he it>rc

Phi Beta Kappa Eilections Alone Can o h
Solve tlystery. rt i lis
Nuwts tthestir o K pp chttarfsol
iiti ic're da kg na, hs Q tshbet eea e i s aits" s ic g m r h "ta
ussials seevos.Ts he is usst itsis big Ih
askedt ibosut thes siltsusc,9"1ht'wiltt e hei
suk n esii itetl S I itt'itbitio so e
whoare 15 ii t itttut o hittnhg f e
bettinig' 1 A55 t155 tsit slit'slit Intit hese-ii Merril
it is conssidseredsi thess' seisis's' i g, for I' n
eesh itasessnteesto itabtaant itte
himitself. Osie ms it te itsh ye r ist
lit cla5s haing pe ty (f sprism. te cGt
oni Iis hants, s Ii seects itA t comi leti r
the' sfsis''w i stIN ofsit orut ingichalists :
''A ctiinisis t i l s it ih a it , I
shot twinnesIint O e c s eao fponn l utis
tutmisy iswillaIso is ishiti it st isd c r la
the lurst thtre tushnd easd p ti t ha w k
"A swtn cs sted il 5singer- i t i-ts r ws
gals t es o i pr sasrd(fa T es
serth amiongs the fvrd SI 'r.'oIa\
'Ihese tre studtenits are 5 it-to o stiots-" 'pail
cetaintitirry set arliiidit asitu i - 'till
runt ceker playtics res range'' ou' he'u 'ii i i isis.it
doelts'ster's hook a52i ooIshi'san'isid)
slie israng' ()n listn' util a lo 'iii Itic- 1111c
tance i irun erI 5n551 a till citap1 Ind) tlt t' "ni
amongss th' tiss 40 d'isiso1jsi 1ti As.ciii it
Ihetilte ite ho iasut t hat Luther,
cotsn sfiidnt tisti iii smitt ie e sts ediii1 ''ii Is
if thseir cliasues.s Tseeaem i-wlo a r(
w ntdn th ir cometi ng ii h()pe i' iii'
fosr the scsisi ts 5ois te titst pat s i s
yersliteraryi ccliii's are nlii' lst inthit t i\e
extremesssst evis arngsi ot hiit tf155 ii lt

135 at ti
icr "(11
clc nrirt
I1 1)f'Iili
111(.'1 , '
'ltrtl 1F;t

link hnter poins
till' yelw il h lte
IIe h e irs 6 11r
tlnelt ch llip))ns i ciestl
th ias l st' 'sitwer
1 i ll f rm ai \c c n

'... si )k a ten
S t1I i1( Iliiibs
Ir<c l 1 tu {, tuS~ n
fr. ~ tlt ur.14",wa~c. 1hrot
it > l . i: iil w i. m prei
(3i . Yi7)
1.' ( . . . . . . .I', 11 1

d he sit iiheri ltishittitti, sit'' 11'a
is 'hiase Wich eshet ith pis iig i f
lts liit ilts 555. se' i tui II i it
ii stis intrsic't. il' Issss tus hfris h
itr this is i s ite' CCc s' piii t'is'C hli is tud
ci t ill.
Is criiS / t s uslsiteditoli 1111list-
h ipi thet orguIivtt 'it tll
Chess and Checker Players Decide
University Championship.
tiwe's'hitcc dt he'tcskir tmillitlilt.
\icl lss hts (sects tstiutu'csssig fo l
tms''uamonssg'the' ususss hue'' sofhthis[' 'iii''s
''tulICsh l CkissitCi lucae',itoI'
a ls lr hit nt this uiuotithi
tutu stsits em ao Cn dcaes
Th ae frtetics 55 s lt lutist )it tii-i
lrUlotin th 5' se isoituciii50c sI)Lit it
e tr l th o n t etthisits s t ushw
t frt etiettitss tith e g tilt s
in il tts stssit If thisal ugt ustt le
it 1 thi stes h llis isue ii i 11cu 0l1this
tutut ths tltm s its' Ti e team:s s I"lit' -i
I,:)n 1 . . In asl i, 'to sI t Iad h-
hid a e 1t luistth l t t it i
99ig t~ scoire, anistu th ereforeu its n
slits ilt tcessuits t itutl o ls n"tr
ci i sio ustthisrtatu
silts i l t mistals noIinitutu w[a
ua ttigttheces playtiers \teI.L a
stam Co tefurhthic tutu 's
\\. 1).bat hut tis'91 't s'''su lshitlcec
c 'i t s' ofti'i l, uut'ut''it il't I
T situ hir so d lieltir lce
luitthe itit hs tillthetuttt "ceund. lt i
thus' s s iss litist tsh slush et t he l iti-ut
ititeIlchampis . u s bbl hat
t~s'u issoe -I -tt%11 Ih m cut S\ i ul.h hu;IA
sor Ches cub. Th ttll cllutais
C I hid 'ien I 91rough ''t'i) h''1
s't'r e'ttttti beenthis t iss s tIetutu oi.it
tetbe tec e eill Hanks o ' 0ri
this elii 1 alupt it' tutu i o tils's'" ll
ISta ut sstt his r st'ts \ ro
ts huts Imus' hel l ocal titus 1st 51 e
m, a m d Nit i tut tush 91 ;tlr~
infru its t i ittt leit, I 1 htsI itt
ths 'li iUPit huts Ittsil\I l "I rS
cti' uii2 it e 'uuitan t o 'ltd it
iii t C C lutitths st cit l1 Irc
e~~ks n ittis i th lut I esntall s lit hut
t e lits ~irtush g ill lit 5X5 . u'. s't'' s
sits,'11 R.II askiii5 ils ill sit Ilil

Pi lets Iappa honors
LI~thS hts9HAtlS N Pon1s).
This clisc listosithe s(Iir ltrr
class susi itsbe supo std inth te 1 susususs_9
sotut door5s51ssh in i sit ilttut
if thusclaisctie reqstssles x ineli
it caseefiullcy tushd usake tt s ut rust'ctic
necessari. Tistlist isit istansts ect
rut stiltl itse sisdit he s its tth is
andh histhis tesureo tecsssi
preparinig hi h it ftil t 55hisitti tileO
taes msts't gos ts)theega ersac
9', sosthis cursesttns titlst hetmadatit
this tt t sme ueittititi h t_, h
usi ltion lurouomsatitwhichiiim91 usutusu s
site invai n s wss ib a ts hssIs til, i' s
Sai.nsCssueshC ihav'been lt it,
tlt mueumlues iof thus' as sttn h
l;istAS us' ii't'''t'G usD1 i''''u .\Ii
Modsicnsanssitats itus asinc ihl
itself, 'uac'uordinsg to hiuthsh Cullt ii i,
whoit sss s iinc s'geoft heitntstillig''f
this hea tint ansuitttn yte~ l
thus tu e nd tsussu issa uits'' Inhut ei
couscc f ai tlll it reths Sucv~i
soscisetyi M . Si mr ise 'is suuiusulthe
differedn u twasof hueatint" lnld 1entislatilt'
school roomussu ansdush lari''e''us ttu nm
hI'e i's's'sth uifere t stitods fc
this lutst pii utive ito thoses useduit he
msts up- t-litste bildn sus h
sir isuwatshidans lend's It i s e

i Iia

at the 111
inatler cif
proper all
sihle ; hil
our edit
givingy yo
the hissi1
A111cnt t
fwcd hov
the Grst
had the
duct disl
"Ten a 11
Olt sprin
10, tar
twin that
A) 1)111 o!
}Cell IN)
varsity c
!)cell in 1!
Iii ganws
u11on thei
has hc<-n
haselml l
ro for
Kaska f
colored 1
% c aim)
Tal Nor i1
: , far
cmul)ns ;
a f iclli .
sits A .\
lw collsi
vc>ur deli
the color
of nary)
I" stud

lass Poet Takes Umbrage at
Recent Dis-cussion of Negro's
Place on Campus.
ith tail t uplets n it s it sbiit
th te II]i esits u i shei ll 1, s
ill d f thuistud s s hu nns Arthtmt-
ast ii iii ltthits uhu deaut shot ld
he 1dl 1'" su it 1i ant h ltern mti'u i i's i
i, ani tutu ha tey husd. 1n
. pressisuientthe 'dttc titeclum s ofs
th' cii t itt thCis s tissit sssu
thu ~ res(Ii teeitsohuiatti'thi
helatatat iss ils uth t oftnctne M asli
n id ixi' sue, tiltus hut re ilto hexns oths
w ite I {,if 5th ur ti'e, i' tl' e'ui'5ii
I t tlk(es, ','t''timl it 'ih yout as t o
iats. Suit g.u\'c sht t uuight "tilisari'tut
ths surfaie I e rgt ht ,i i'it p1tl sible' ex-

it litt
t )I-ila


it iii, ot1Ihttocthedt
luda iii' wi iits uls ia
() t utuis-s iti. Ite i tc
itn icr ll try tilstep
it stilt' a smt iini
III,( d(Ims r t i o'tutu
in t tutu' e i d fen
111111 tl-cy i ngoi ttu stil
iot atii apleri in

Class Comedians and Singers Will
Essay hole of Minstrels.
I Ill aft rll(M tl t e rll titus ln it-
tllt tiil c~l tu ) lc 11 r li 111
stl s mit ill ck oori l 511155dc -
slura cl; p t t ill t' th isoard o 515's
atlc i-a firsits ' il- he 1l t tuuc
tilt pcr ))rllalc~r ;tii1 ttc 1~tl l tis ftho is
11111 tiIIll I t)) 11, ti i tc.iT het tul iii has
'till lu'stSt'ltli )1 , 1ai''t litat it
tit+''th h) pl i t he Ills tt ii'. tits
lT hec 1laliii rrtt 1i1cs t a l
the 1111ii n c~l 1 il hr iltie ' tilt1
itr a~\ Il t i"h ilt' t I 111ile t(Il 1't

liii' utis 55t~lcl1c mp tti' utc tir '''u t t i
n(- ' t utt, iiel-tat 111111 thu \-isi
nc:;~ws- i th t i situ si
c alih c sin e \"()l ansI h v
hcm thMiltc hinlls parsits's e
vth(hrui(Isitu suiaings
n ci 1i refit tl t o t ith si-u Iisc
plain b t a tf( i\ t yea s itu its it
se t ic ( 'Ilt 1a5 i i'' sis i
r asthe se~ullcilcr tp l tnil
arccI(r d I maitat5i thit
;'il e r( 'ssuct ut ' s d 12 11 li" r

C 99th I,, )111 it suits hit:
A t ir~tu slu ft u ss h et silts rdii 9ot
Go trl ofstdet uiictu s F.iuC.
991 l tssut, nw k o laus'sIl.
and a c tuh i t suits ofte aiy stf
Th te n ut1es hties N1%W -
li m i iltf s m. (y , c~t
this'c ,sand']shuts sit It,' tnd CcRus sel ''"
111111 this' i m I-u ly. Ib s e r

tergoal.t 99iiuls thusits lutisdtut suout- Ijitotuas rtiomt.

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