MICHIGAll( N DAILYt PAY YOUR CANDY BETS WITH GILBERT'S CHOCOLATES Bestin the World 60 to 80 cents AT QUARRYS Money Loaned On Wa tches, Di amons. Law Books, . r te personaliproperty. Watches aid Jewelry repaired. Bargain4 in WVtcheo & Diamonds Officeatresidenc c33i E. Liiierty St Hours: Htoh 10 a.m. tel 4:0 antidto JOSEPH1 C. WATTS THE FARM[RS AND MECHI~ANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus aed Profits $10,000 Gienerai Bankitig Buietst. 3i percent paid ou Time anSii ngs ieposts. Safety tDe- posit Fones to ranni sit $.00 and npwards It. KEtisit. Irc. 11. G. tutu test s, icet-Fri'S. F3. A. W tstsststc. tooltito I . ,r.Snee. Asst. The Ann Arbor savings Bank Capiitai Sok 50s~,00i0 -urpius $290,000l lit testes 'VSi01000 A (tenenrl Banking Bueinene Tranac~ted OFFmEteis. Chas. E. Iliscoct, Pres.; W. D. Haruritnan. Vice Ptres.: N. ,1. Ftritz, tCasier STATE SAVINGS BANK WI.Booths Jnio. V. lSeehuan Wmn. Artnold lir. V. C. Vaughsan ian. HI. Wade E. F. hills John llnore iso, Koch Ptrof. Eit Carhirt llenry W.lDouglas Chritian Martin inn F. Zinirermatn FIRST NATIONAL BANK r.0N Nt .NRORt, MtCH. E. Is. 121NNE,. 11ISOtiN Sot, Il. lPres. Vice-Preos. S. W5. i IA itSiN, Csier. Capital, 2110000. Surplse azis Proslits. A50.000. Cor .meresia1 mnd Saving~s Cow-. Me),. enad Libercty Streets CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR RENT' Foitt (cii t -R sso 11( ii Id dlonesingieosueas nitC tc<~ l~c . i lint and *icol is iit II t l 1( 2.81, isitirislN I _ 1r 'ssned---College meit .ic t sac tight Iutu . C ill 1 1130 -I~or ii s +c ir cill cit (sn .F. r Ii (l)F L 1- 1( 1LOST. gltli ctn ithrit cnF l' NIh l, I\O1 Its. Nbitr lldc FORMAL EXPOSITION OFr SPRING STYLES al i il i \l 1, SUITS, OVERCOATS AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS 1910 Styles Men's Clothes I tilecte to his im tportant sccturanee toutent,yotug tacoand boson. sic wish to call yout especial attention to our display this season, lot sevetral teahson?. The authenticity of the styles, their exclusive- tins' anttlie fait that thtey are in harmony with the vetry latest style inlftrttastiotn fromtshefirst aburces. That these are essertials ,nhtcit woulsdi itsciseeery consideration lIgenerally atsprecistted. These Stir styles ittSsuits,(Osvercoats, Panscy Vests, Shitso and Fttrnishitsgs, miii ratik in soptetaod exclusiveness tthat of all fortmer seasns. So iws direct visitors' attention to the individuality we have thus impsarted, not alone in Suits and (Overcoats,, bet in outr stock of metits. oiy's stnsd childretnsfttrnishings shownn itthis Formal SpritigisExtposi- tiont. 211 SOUTH MAIN STREET A i h is ( io~ t te Studes' SheehainissitCo. let itsour$i FtontainPe sxlijs tehetint e iThe sci O tis i lii if (IFORGE YEE Chinese Chop-Suey' Restaurant t1ft j tittese Fancy tttshes, Steastsand Chnps. s ti~lt. American Lanches ot all kinds, Evere- lsinnfirst sistss fur ladies sued gentlernf r I>sis e ! Citeanest Kitchtetn in Attn Arhor. rrt tin.s514 S. STATE STRIET ttt 1Rowe's Laundry stTHOMAS ROWE, Prop. ~i ithti 326 N. Fifth Ave. Newonlute4507 Be11 Phone 457"L IIstst tsiti in ts lIst 2 sssl Vt C i m ihllstlr iyt I111 c: Ins.. t. 31 cS ta e St., 1ti 1 - Colttit hutl i h ss ll Is I tsts i si is s ll ssl $28.uiytt,tnts T hi Tctle tt 01s11 tandtsteter chl ilit l te sisltr is (, Inuts I Sta for(sirs s0 s sstsstssl 1stilt _5,tt1, ooott, andsltlesn sollows I I avr, C ic2 Vae Corn(s eusll andttt I \ts illt 1s w it ll 11101t get 11is lrs h,)p 1. 3L ite are-lstitto ithc tttts'usct 1I I I)IN&sit )I t17( AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch Room Yes c an findl a fine line of confectionery i A most comfortable and stylish AOW COLLAR 15 cents each -2 for 23 cenis l Ciseit. Priabodt P:Ca.. Stit- ARROW CUFF.Ttctsea Patr It1' ~ iis tstt I t IsI tlt.~ AT LOVELL'S .t. 332 S. STATE ST., UPSTAIRS You canm e -__--- ISweatern cutt over into V shapue on Vests I Y our fancy vest ot suiting- Dry cleaned s ~l lc, crcnlf 1,± ; 1trus Uli- Insignia, Numerals, sewed on sweaters. etc. l i 't ilI 4,t s.it Neckties and gloves cleaned I Student mending Michigan pillows--Banners of all other colleges 1 51 '] t tr Notions, gas inantles, chimneys, soaps, towels fr5?t ; ct tcsl to! WeS give eatiafactiot% COXMe anid see s I ball means order orn C now before the rush season is upon us. May. save 1you worry and anitoyance ltner. WAGNER & CO. Imtnn Ti lottrsStaenStreent -d e tIF'IY=SIXTHI SEASON SIUDtNIS' LECIUR[ ASSOCIAJION The Premier Lecture Cotirse of Anlerice8. l,lltU7'.I'IRNI.ST H. SHACKLITON Whot ha, teachneedhfairthest Sotht (sIRAI5I)STANLEiY LEE I tettent ilditor, iEtsayist, ettd Lectnrer May Festival Reserved Seat TICKETS Nt ltt $3.00 anid $2.00 it tt) i5)sas ii itgi ii Moiiltiyimorttitng, Feb. Si Schlool Of Music Detroit United Lines On information to Division ut aetiti. tendent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit United Lines by officers of Varsity or- ganizations of the movement, beytond thin capacity of the regular service. of any group of students to or frotmtAtnn Arbor extra ears end extra service will be promptly supplied. ew for Sprin Nit c2 ls leIsis ncxtenssve litneof Woolens for Spring. lTlie assirtmnitcoimprisetostveryitiOR that is new attd nubby in Itesugi, noloildsquality. We can .say without exaggeration outt stock t ii aristzo " adoewe hv vrson 11" Ntil radily aspe1 l 5 o1the oseittilparticullar patrol. FRATERNITIES Silver Links Scarf Pins Fobs Rings WM. ARNOLD, JEEE 2230South Main Street. Watchfor (lie prospectus Season Tickets on Sale $1 -so 117 E. i. berty at. ita. .sity Tla iAor- q 1CiS - -j- .e -14 a ant -d .-. ~2LJ7ILQ.LJILtrJ1tLSJL1 PP I.