m. .._ . ---__ rThis Space Reserved FOR_ YSam Burchfied "" Co. . Ann Arbor's Leading 'TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Olpp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1,75 Fully Guaranteed Watch Raparlnsgri¢ Spealt.Iy TilE FARMERS AND$ MEIICHANICS BANK1 MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $10,000 G eneral Banking Business. 3 per cent paid ou TLime and Ravingt D~eposits. Safety Ie- posit Hoxes to rent. at $0.00 and upwards I;. IKesen.' I'i s. 11. G. '15100' sA\. \'iis-PVS. GI .Oo ashlier F'. T. Ssottt. Anst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Sitocl. -50,001 Sur plus ;?10000 Itesources $2,800N) A tenneral Banking Busine Treansacted UrriEsusu Chas. K. iscock, Ores., W. I). Haurriman, Vice lees.: MI. J. O'rite. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W,. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan 0W. Arnold tDr. V. C. Vaughan Ian. H. Wade Kl. F. Mtills John tHaarer Jso. Koch Prof. tH. S. Carhasrt Hdenry W. Dousglas Christlan Murtin lanKF. Zinmmermaun FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0j: NuN ARnOn, MICH. E. 1). 151MM., lIAttRISON So111.0 lees. Vice-Pres. S. WV. !LARKAIIN, Cushier. Capital. $100,000. Surplus andl Profts, . f0.000. {r~nanmericantinsdank Corcrxercles.I awend 5ta..vltn ss Cor-. MaIm' arsd Liberty Streets CLASSIFIEo ADVERTISINGl NI IT~l) flMwic ana Drains 1'111,8 1011'e'nor 0and ha., s( )15151 Ifo j ig O t1' l 7o c II. 1 1 11 !).1)~~2 A S T cxc ' 'Ibll o- Irto.SIln ilyI)rt( ,i ct,,'d povd h refa ro 3 II8111) ' 1 w ki a11111)11 ) t cal f rh 11 111,ite 1n si3<,I111111s fy"3 75 111, week 1) it p one '31, 1c11t ch i Iue wa at re . i The different Store of Better Clothes re Colleqe Suits 4, 8. 1.1.181 o . r"c s c 'li to C. 1 ' .. I " 111 p 1.1 ' cold > i \\ 1,' l anid Overcoats furnishi ngs, hats, Gaps, Etc. J. f. WUFRIN COM1PANY I 1k,) I-, 1')fI. .. I I 1 I i11 .4 irkcvJY.(I 2 NI:ll irc A Ikomlp .\I Wilard I; OcAr.J':Clyli I.) :rl' A r Rlw :IS 11110. ~ r. ,.C.:Ila. J. (11.111 AIr.Sa 1 .: I ". Al:c i ln1 A S;.(i Ir. .N. I 'chr,111J.'C.: A1,111 1 0101c: Nc"ri ii.M.Nc. _N .I AC1r. d a SItoly' . 1111001.1 1. I SiO t- AI11 r.N I la11100 : 111111w . 11111i~rA i 11, :Tr' 1 l15kc ,_] ' . Miss ANr I ), n --Tw h sM r.Fal, ir. Q (a ilh!., Nir Airs. 11. Al.: t+ 1 Al- \.: I. I t .1,11 I 1 Miss11Ill- Is 0m t ii\I~ ' N N.111151 -AI) N' 1l ;-015 0111i)111511).V :1?C111P1I. i; l 111 - -inlasc ll \-s (pold 0cl ,It1011111 the sophl ) 1'shiny e - oits. N sh11 tIl 1111511155 111111110 1was (IAI l)Ind plans I iI'he 0ird frsh a ir11 1111 11111i.1 1s1c1 C 'n" its 1111, 1 (4M 11s t() lls cr 1111111h 11ai 1111 W I sotefrs11, ashl tt