E MICHIGAN DAILY ties. It is given is eight or FORMI;R STUDlEtNTIS oSC"I'hi' the (=reeks letter societiesand P111)CF LITIF ,RY PhLFIS.I ipated in is mac bthIe tpter- - - It in these societies as hi the 'woe o Michigani's st ns ae en hemnselves. It is n more repsaking good in th e ii ra-feld ad ive than at assemblelsdonce, hae reentls reetveri positie reco' -i is amost identical isith theI nition. Clares Cshitg, 19:77 Ft, has wisthn istn objectioni to euntiomtg the pst es weeks sold two store t, ht there is anttojetion and eleven editorials to Collier's Wteekls lie se of the- inae, sophi prom, and one story ah ote sulok, Lee- deide dh mtisleaditng. lies, Hatsptotn's adOitig.Cusisg' ha enwrigi e oksw.last fall, atd since tatt imehts latel AMONG BEST EIGHT a nulttioti er ricle titi silti iorials awith Clliers i ii siort soniesl ssith oler rmagziesWhilite is enlege, o Tribune Places Michigan Cshitg seas a ileflt le r oIte Ilnd ly Among Chosen Papers. er staff, oif PitaiiiKpp an o Chseticago iitne int atptoe an"- Qitestrmtigie. At tes ihe is is srks ii tittits mts itspapsiiers se- ii llbe rtitittwith ltChlitle s C-tilelll sthe tielesgi h tUited -anthier fortter msemssietheit lidt-ti( The MiehitsI0tis of the Latiter stit. sits oft i h sitanil(th' 0 D il Ial NItis ha w s hits - f telUivest'Fusets o icagon ttthe is res tirtwI yearslists specslstslt lush ioi the LF vs atfs I i liittsts dst itn t eha sis 'pfisi liiIane slreis- iserils NIissousitsnitofithe F t iittndeiti itfte FIChisoiDsity Nests., of Missouithe aiyI) tisNelit s 5wilhtheuli godstlalistndalslots te UFivessitiyiotN ebratkathe resilene istnttPits tutu t tis wih lists if th dieritu of tsentyti wossi-ears oldisi stiifisbee t tt heDiyriaof t heistuis F of csllee'hlit t s bee ofi Wiscontsitsinadtuhtin ale ittr iiihe usen t ileteprtets Ion Newssof N tie Fniversity. A-il(!iiiago News. tiltas i tite-Tribunethe isse are thecollege' itt wa5s ativesyinitersstesinit tititi tgls trtail itsewstpes i a s ist erar safais, servn ris man- 'itliiSitt's. i nllothit agngediorofthi NI itgatily a is' toi thts' last satdsetismt itt rs ruted itr f t - Inttiatdtert. ar tiead ind re-reatdl ittdi teat --. let stdents, I etttaltettliters eosti-fo~Flk t inteir varioultit l STLS Ci FRPAt IIi(TF es" .\g'il thlisTribunstys: eollege tdaily is tttotdsledi tore \\tl tte 'Isi 5rtts i ll' l t totre, st least int t'e M iddsls' N e si e tu t hm l iii' tftse bttt tl te leaingits' et'rotposlitnspalis ti i i sthitig ini t e ,tile f uthe l e d vv t l t h o p o t u n t y o f e r d I c a d n c - I slpd a e th it m otsts P r s r isbo nd to be prfied h} it c hi rt 1treiint t list isis Assntttgibttr. 'SO N RITSNITP I ~ Th e.tcitirdiotstheFsce atte _______ lstofthlis-istlears isieso is scedle 'huerFMsrdi ji nttitier''tis-tite ttigi'altt toaON sireliLASisT tent isnei fl ls ron'Good Fridayi it5was tittittil "lthite ischr hv po isd\oNer usThe Lst Fofnir"sisrithF.titestfIairesis'' stiths a 'omp -ae it.o beroorktssirwh ichhstut eritt iiiry.edhstrecet soni trie si tl tIi s ~til imsos -o proessor olstsAte111ria istor, tiltdoter setalze] t-h itesrilt for smte titme snd it fitally ofnvlie.A n omr-easti toe fritithtie ihublisers wstudws ti prt il- eifo m l I stle Februarytenst. The bsokwillpainAnAbriabuawek ThsicdclbtSycsesa 'lhe' 1ook1F deals wthtuthe- brestitig iuiisivelfitsurs- of sutlisfit. I tieleast isesterntfrontislers ioi the ________ suittry t the tie of thae ecotletioti -ShITIOIF . PPP S" (ii telht iof tie-i-railiads ini'"ou. Fhut sie, atiabaristsiuneilscisipset-i lTe history of tiiie55esti ii sis Ifrtimtset o ichN~eiign tRepotis, flls'-ntiltI td3o to t89o is givenint the volume and dslgtyue.Goasnw condtitiostasre tdesriediIrum the ltle LFt LGlTS. (F FCCJ stunt the ctontrsryesi f (if astss t f for'st IHurnticsNh-i. seas Fitknownas thleGreat 'Americsan IDes- ent throsugh the Inianisifrontieierrsnil is the te is-leu the rairoadis tisse the J-Flip andsialiOperattec e Msi for settlemienttof liiiwsteirn sisses sie, sle ti Shebserle & Sot 's Music 1-ouse, sitd the fronttlier icomple'sly isipitearedi. to S. MaiSt. ltf - -i Clothing ii -'Sale JUST PUB3LISHEID LIBR ARIES University of Michigan THEODSOREW. 0111 'ril , st z s uu tilt its tliartyt Litt.-ititt-ti1 .ttmai 's Ii egrd t 64 Pages Price 10c University Bookstore Law Medical Dental Fitgeit1 S t C in i i te tliii Sec ond-banmd Lnie[Books Ia rid it edicaeDii c ) tin ties Quiz BoIok sete. Comiplete lute Ness and Se- Old tooks takeniniExhxange C. E. BA RTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Flor Tel. 761 Ge your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical -Dept, [ie Wati n tch t wlrpialin HIALER'S iIWI L IIYSTORE 216 South Ia Mai~aSt. Tlintstefiase ltheies lie CHOCOLATES in imPttrblor. DO YOV KNOW? E. E. ALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. J ,DIe. sports and pastims. tat in Attletiec tl '65 - a ttushotdtn hattt initeltlt :40 't if the etaldtittC ast- is Isn~tiotiotietut t Whats Now in ;pert the worldt as a OOi-at00ofaf ntu iel tnreint-n A. G. SPALDINO ft . ROS. ChaicagsDetroit UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS New and Second Hand FOR ALL, I)HPARTMEiNTS Drawing Instruments We raer Agrnts far Eugene Dietzgen, Atleneder and Keuffel & Esser Instruments We < ua sire all Instrumnets amid Supplaiersofallminmds. AT THlEa STUDENTS BOOKSTORE Sheehan& Co. lli l_0 ttir' itcy hess IParty.,lBar- I'h ' 2t -- Ns it-ti 1ass oratosricalticenttest. Feb.'18-Class hiashsketal, 'I2 Laws vs. Marc sie --iClaiss bit e iul, '12 eninteers vs. 3 enineli'ers. I21itS s.s'13IUts. Masrch It -Cites ba skeetball, 'iot Medlics V 13 hcis.i ii Miiss.s Dents. Macrch 3--Clsiss basisktal, 'io lawsevs. MasrchPf-Class sksetball, ' I ing.s-s. ItI Eng. in Tit ivs. I' it. Mfarch 5--111h (oldenGfirt," WPhitney Tlhueatre. 'ie desiutiiuui of suItane'to lbe ,gien taninually IIItile secondit seitester is thi sostptitpromim s aitenttirely tut- warrantteid use ofl thast title. This eivent is in nitsrespeteaiclaiss affair tntr is it ini the leaist repressuettive antit it shltd' not lie allioedto ai ssutie that chiaratcter eventiniithi n ame.i It night lbetirgutid that nteithemr thet j I[(.)ptsr thur freshman bi anquhtetate clauss taffairs btllthetir contrtol is iprac- ticatlly ini the hattnds of the fraiternities,j which is iperfeetly trite, bt ievserthe- less they tire smtewhast retpresenttise Ili charaicter, the tattenttane'nlit b eitig dlefitnitely linmitedl toially spieified enoil or crowds if mnt. The s -an- enalt. ironm is not ieveniretire ILk OUR ENTIRE CLOTHING STOCK DIVIDED IN THREE LOTS Lot 1 Lot 2 = 1+3 Off =1=4 c = 1=5 Trowsers at Discount ns & Co.1 12 No..E RANDA !raph ers Pboie 591