THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sprilign Hats SprillgHats We have received our Spring styles of IMPERIAL HATS in all the new shaper and colors. See our Pearl Derby it is a beauty. Lilldensohffitt, Apfel 6& Co2 UNIVERSITY NTICES All sophomores interested in irack. athletics be at the gym at5 p. in. today. Final tryonts for interdepartmental soph relay train today at 4 :30 All eintries for prelimninaryt meetc iiist be ina totiphi at 6. All eintries for class relay teaissatnt itndividnal entries for the preliminattry uret Feb. 26, positivecly mistblelhaiidet ini todlay before 6 o'cloek at the dir-e- toe's offiee ini the gymii. Interclass Mt~aaer Losston. Juntiior renginteer relayirysouts codas' it 5 p. it. .\leisofiii 1 ilits met icn iroomiiA, U. till, it 4 p. intoday 'to tplan Soc miinstrel shots . Lasher. Dr. Pattttit sill piver tsattddress, "Truth,"ain Harris ihtll this tifternitoit jia 4:30. A11 studeitisswelcoeon. tMeetitig it ll sotphitrack mtin '1ph cltsroomtiof pgymnaicsiumt, \, irlies- 'day, tp.its.Imtilrat. 11ouit. tPir- sose is to elect att tll closs imatntger and caepsli forithe fresh suophs ieit. Sotphl ltibiskseitall puictic'e'toits'I ;0 /:30 shatltp.'Univcrosit im. Spaitttshicli itmeetitnp todayisat5 Freshilitirlasirtit todayibi, 4:30 FRIDAY, February One Night Ornly B. C. WHITNEY PRESEuNTS The Musical Farce E....... ilk=MW .. By Geo. Arliss THE CLOTHES FOR YOUNG MEN ARE 1 '. 'I'i-.1All REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL'S Collegoe Clot rA es They are different in style and pattern but not too much so. Come and see them. HABERDASHERY The correct fixings for wear with either Full Dress or Tuxedos, white shirts, neckwear, collars, 'jewelry, etc., that fashion demands. Roulo, Conlin i gel 200-202 South Main :Street. Motion Picture VARSITY CAFEM Carriage and Baggage 512 astc Liberty Street For e ac u ltot iii fromtt artis, 11(1 LARt BOARDtefoe $ 2 o'lc( $.5,atit):oelcl Botarditurisweet - - $3i50 iic,, tti)e25 Cet?,If ca'ried to Four Weekts - - - '- $13.00 or fromit ip-st'is theiricewiiilibe Lutnces, into atitig to 30cior 50 Cents. over, delivered.irivers ae iii I is dtitto cletcs tite' ietrerci.for 'arriaus i 4ioan a ar ot es rier. W. IH. BARNES, Prop. 69 t. 9 i N&c it3 Medt iic t e Phrose 1591 (tack iiiit "1 .15 Ps I tE Y VOL" , MACK'S TEA ROOM--2nd Floor Ma i Ck Lunches and Refreshments ALWAYS AHIEAD IN STYLE~S \\AGNIR TO StPEA~K bAT' UNION ISINNIOR TONILGH'T. Fi' ilstickets havie senti issuedl for th e seconisiUioit n iet'eshtiptilne- of the rear tottighit. The litcbet's sold ft 'tesierilcit'nd tho itse 'whoi t wist' secrerrtheistimulstcliisit at itnc'e. 'cut iterstintiprIiogirsa' will bl ie iansit a godfeedlits tectktiretisreid. 'Ihe Utionexptects tot gie these dll-- ii rsis.eriytirtitniht fontlstuow o. 'Ill( tellst ii 's pit' itt weko is erex asitidlit iss itoit test ttwist tittil the pttgr iindws overieliet tteinet. Irn o ilts lietisill coeti er y- ctwoi wii l's if the unltitanear ntis itemt. litC t. A66 tnt5 IoitheS'itttsh sitatin i.iiiitwill ''i\eatakol"ulFg- tes"afar l stwilllie title totpiver t(Ic ittersti' sidelgt ' s ca t'ecst Thiice ofnteti ktelts isilthitt In ll iprobaility thl st cn' am bridtlp'ttiu'iicst ot heUsit' onitiwsill blit eli uchthe samesitn e's as the oglie last scrisithi teexr ceiptinthatet suitesml przirobabtily heliv'pento iite itt niiiptsts. lFuil l pat~ilairs is to nruissfor lie touri (sit iiwtillbe-V enit tilh~e list if the were. Setvea team 'siss vits aslreadty sipiidt their itl is ititii of etteriti utildthe Uionotut- the etttry lists tire (lisseid. Staste wstwiritteun thissyeair liy asitem- icr if ilhe faculty. A OI,I 0 lFI. JL ICIILI Nil uisuatlly Itatiti i itlie list theabsluite'liysctrrct thuipgs to tiers'boutitp whitserf Qiality Qstalilies (,quickl. IILNIP's'& C1. Oraiup the right hktels at riguht picues at the Studenits' Bookcstore. Shuleehuan & Co. If * "''opiti-l~stoop" retails tie ihele tiescttIprovement ts ini bowcliuig alleys. T'hiey chiek. spe ed if tills situ le sic themii lear the Bowler.e 307-309 S. Slate St. IIUSTON BROS., MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. 0. A. MOE. 1i I iltiAn Ait Sstar ICastein I i n Chas. Evans and Alice Yorke PriCes: 35-50-Z5-$1-$1.50 SEATS NOW SLLLINs' O rdeared that Easter ult? Better come tn today or tomorrow to get measured and select your cloth from the magnificent new Spring wool- / ens sent us by f/ Ed. V rc o ~ 69 They produce clothes as you want them, distinguished looking, stylish m A, clothes of quality, with in the modest price range of $20 to $40. F. W. GRO~SS Liberty Street and Fourth Ave. Three-Button Novelty [;1si us l~eeniii ut-ttalsisstif & Sack, NO.639 ''i So.,Mc -iat;i '"ittir., tIhicao. CHARLIES' BAR{BE'R SHOP ST. JAMlES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Under H'us ton IBilliard Parlors Ntitss Ittuu51stiliRoom (fo'urmuut etrli Hrry .hrliotis') GEO. V. STOLL. Pr-oprietor ]" AJES TICSTARTING T ONIGHT rTHVRSDAY-IFR!DAV,"-Sk'ATUR DAY NOTE: This is the Geat BItt of the Seasotm. Edw. J. Gallagher Co. Gn.-tteoa..s S scre-y sad Effecsts MarieStori - iliis Cantor & uri StaalDaeleeprs Extra Attractioet The Great Kami Kashi Trupeo Marveloss ChitneseAft Coming Nent Msna 4 vensetian& street' cans4 SE 1)OtN SI~tLtI Grangrer's School of [)ancing 115(,ISI I, a.I the ,y1.Classt dEsill n 51 i 1'n t I Tue l Sndhot - (hyc air~s I' v c lc at i cuascli. "i ( 5 or tt i i5 IE