j I '01' hi4~ .'N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, t\EBtAR>Ioo Vol-. XX. - -_..--_ o TRACK SEASON iOteeeiFitzpatrick tahistbeti)apprach- MEDICS AND LAWS 1 E ]e h rie fteMso aleBGIN SATURDAY Iuivexsity t ieroif lit c>li f r send- uGETINSPIRATION Ingat( ilet1elax'teamto) iicomipete. icI n-liii F~iide it.l ft i il th Preliminary Meet to be Hield in * Gym--No Successor to Fitzpat- rick As Yet. Ihe iiidloor trac: seaso wtiill be tfi-t cially' iauguratced Saturdayc whlen the tattuict prelimtinart meet twill beield [fairies for thisi meet as wteli as for the class relay contexts ithiicli wil ibe ihl cat the santic tite lust lbe int le- fore six ocltck today. Abtout sevety aspirtseti ftor track honories ihtae alreadyi signifieid their fin- tentifon ttf enterinte andt feiot tihs re- slls if thi l t a ftil goo tttidfiea ean lie tintedi asx t tile calire of itie iiit who arliti e tig cr for fthle vatsty team. 'Tte distance-rnt xqtuatds ri ll litre tring inttio 'he tileiiat soeeriehito the lashes attract the etestt tutue if int tutd soeti toild tltl 1111 lie exp.iected in thit spit . Evr vn hasitw lxx mor ai'tl Ccthletes xf bil ity- ini it andt close Cositsi are expete liioi rule. circuit if til tirack in ? - etr (lay', at miark withi ait ftloiaseon if the trticli reco'ied liii that distance., helti lit Ra~lh eCaig. Wit a coituu- atio oii xf such rit ng hi"le xiliiea lin.to11 vas'ttity lais Nvithi eae Otesmyb expectedi tot do sesionlwok a Saturda's met. Conttrary lto dcustom11tilt varsity itti wxi itt taloiedt ci met lit anyevnt evets ini wicuh ity av wo tei "" ihswllsreto tincretatse the sevty i ti ihit stllomtpe 11 titi itd will also serts o i showt It~wthit lite liii 1111 nkt wxith the x'eteranst. Bohnttsaect, xxiii iia tiepet f rutl entee- ofi in injurti o iifs hietl is agint itn shapec autd caii 'e epectedto t'akecare taikitig lreaet for his nuya o i ny mlit i tt the mu cles if ie injuredi hitl d( 1)(t tit' ti the samtie degee' as the 'otel 11 ' i iixt t' if hifs body. Haingite scoure itht i ei ast ini sarchi of .1itt man ablei aind willingi'' tak Keene Ititatric~ I 0o. Di iri iw'I Itelm wtili nor-s tilt is a xttenitionti I exmtutu tng wes ternitr1ainers', iii tie hope of se- tuie at~i man ito ca ' ti akeliii t g lilt' 'To factorsex ter 1th serh th 5'rs bin'tthe lii tomtency f thlitnan thi ecn, i «iing"Is to come. ut Tha t it till1 its liis ximpasibi~leito indi AL 411e1 lhoi cani tquu1 fit FitzpaticisI Direcliii Ifaitli lintybdo111 an eastern1 lii trcesc ve hs otythvn ac ieve naitiona Io1 iir aelt o venur west iii flit A legeiii i xoime thl ilesp rins 'x Gunsaulus Lauds Washington'si MISS GOLDMAN DEFENDED C.onscience---Parker Tells ofati Life and Work of Frothinghamxli Faculty Man Thinks Hissing Was liii 1 f ils eiii x. i'oratr ai!i iii Unwarranted. bet idg 1 "a1r iiit enhciii il th le 1 C L~aiY assumes no 1e111nitt ii t'uiene 'hih tngdii 1 "'r'iyh l forlusta' tm ns pes'sli e i n com xit i ffe etw e f h ahelili iii'' ndii li i fte ichi'gatn 1111lx i llDa '~~i.:iThe i 1 iatiism if'\'tush xiiion wa tato al M t he s'eniii i ii time ti i tt r c u eat ts ii teir'el uestI liste'ad. ii spect to xisssINi. it'll maniiti hi chthix.i' ii s nnI yc the lo iet personslit' te fxil1 e timplx Ofre te chrate f clasii xx' h Ili cn t e ~uc ontesit'forthetAr'xur I it itIea w s nthuiasi tei i e ypet i xch « " re l l it pr ed he fu ahm fcueo ter th habst eoliiie v lou. H t Iteatiiil rf'sr~hl aa atiltritnk ti sat haiti rherngwlciswl ngl hl w sth cee o 'tilmlxoiflthejrng wichtgtu t dh :withuseatured, 11e to it 'i'' I t erl t hercet arexx lthers tiwhi, iwouitdI t nsi' I iasitei Pint xlit' ci l confesit' siilariti li 'iie'fee lit lng ti )es , sieu rii icit Dr.til lti tltilti''- toe lx' in cthivalryii t crta iniki ndit offlii xi t xii if it ll:.1 i ii0 il \\-Omat and it s e t'i ts' la ws t ntt'eii1 sit lilteeptel l ip i t i iiou f11111 )crhaps anarchiis tsi iiit paticu 'tlar t aI I t I ncc,"he sid,. c-1i til e cit. li selve abtii indti i ngti ither f thsei eer 1ii ingit' an o m n"o h t igs.It's'rikesi" le thtit edsbene m iii xiii fon it n .lmci- iithigtodil s 11tiltryi it i -stu' suh cn n heiur q aliyif i t ~l Ito ltiins tic, i 1 she sas w ataig od hetruh 1s''tlixw s ae rle iof life - ieanyicomen, li t o ly i i ra asbu wth \ sii 1m lio istlt of ithem iare tpobablytining ndi1nciaiiii cll te t'tit - cojcur ht h oe1 a ko sopnd is chin1 tt"6 i t'e about thecrrn f h uhtwt w ih fo n otn''ee isus sif b iece is id etiid,'antoi hcia ic 11 hch ~,e t huhe utu atenionis t it g 'ive lycoussieletteitiaie o h lhihet mans al. t1s1o1 mbitt I liii tc merici sm T is m riansm ha a It-t a e e s m p ios p er ho oi t -tl a c'tn nt uts~ititti lide t u itncei nd aits t ti IItICS a -iaxh l a; int te'liii o Ii al f1asd1o1Kn 11lieatlinult ingiit lre m ria im o n ida trt a goliiideal iOf instruction irnsthei stre1ngth111. T h uh'ctoy li e eli iii - saine phi itt' 'rii 0 i)cone tillnptlix 'ioii 'l i olt' c ause x it isthett vitorv mor h n o w t the d iies ~ire t s tillof theinletit Itill ti lt: I , xaiI'te tiltev tn t uus fom tu i t i it tutuo iR, iisttiii 1ii 'I sidix .T hei hastjtti subjectitt it self'.iliHutiiisi i t tiltasn t o mie s te AmI ici sm' ofi are ken b u desta d inacism.cleti lt a'i I fturing is t ay iii the GEDDJES HILL IS P~OPULAR j Coasters are Numerous==Autos Tow Bobs Back. 'uel , etl' 7i I t e i ii i t c' t) i l { t c Ix' itt lt i ii ii t' '1im 1 ti " I td it xi it~ f The 'is( Ixc, t ihil t o)IItndi ith ii h Th ;egs tee ii than ) ict I and, i t t atti g'e t ill An It i linii ii t is y it wici s t) "al it I iii tip lit tl,an i orliati flit e iib e lfse all antestil il t er c th il the 1>(lit -n d lxiii t xiiiat stee 1) l r ral ' I i ' i s)1it sit ill nit ts I S hills ,i'i t he t urnit ii s "my lee, ith ilt '' t alhl ill se'dliii 'lic t en'll Ii itv I st',,t I-ttt a , sigh tili l tit n fIii 1 f w ill r t( iii l ilw sit t1 . tra ks wit si ' 51' t s ') i 1f(1 'iii O I'( IT li )N "' e I'I 1 I, 1 \ I titPh 1i t c m I'