THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sprill Hats Spring Hats We have received our Spring styles of IMPERIAL HATS in all the new shaper and colors. See our Pearl Derby it is a beauty. Lilldellsolimitt, peo UNIVERSITY NOTICES fuall flec .club rehearsalcorn < TUESDAY, FEB. 22 FRIDAY, February 25 nL vesital, 11ttoast i. mM tfirenrd N1ght One Night Only Ait :-tllta Nu oficers toe both semcs Henry E. Iiixey's Great BC HTE tc's of this year, and mecmb es ot last SuccessNE ye L's culp team meet at Raudal ssd Succest Pcbs photograph gallcry, at It1:3c0~ri uscllac wat dauTsday, Ftc. 22. RI. M. Pnlyder. 6 Couttestauts i tts ltttop tom rc orattorical soittet mtect ml roomti2t.1. U. ., b~ectt n dy 12m nde.AALCandidates fttr freshlaw l as kessstbll eaim call up 1333 J. before tweelve today. Taw x Ftresha lit Itincheon B~arbour gym at loi A L assbi e ftotdat. By HIAROLD) McGiRATHII TH LOTHE YORYOUNG MEN ARE R.EULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL' S College Clothes They are different in style and pattern but not too much so. Come and see them. HABERDASHERY J The correct fixings for wear with either Full Dress or Tuxedos, white shirts, neckwear, collars, jewelry, etc., that fashion demands. Roulo, Conlin& Fiogol 200-202 South Main Street. Motion P ictulres VARSITY CAFE Carriage and Baggage 612EatLibertyStreet; i{G Llt( OA D ifrei 12ocok$1.50, fe . 'lc tIL tI il~ltI$2.00 Boirdt erlek - }3te l. r0 pr i wi Ibe2 Cnt.Ifcrid o Lui nc,aatiuiiitoi30 o 50 rv.Cets r o cti tt olcec cri ag ii a> SeriC W. HI. BARNES, PropROI'-),%c. Go to Major's MTbay Wall-papeand IPasirt. I irir 1a1rrc~r so mn mu call nave pun frotm 25to 400/0.We( i. II tI I cw , rrcrthr tortes eilow prices: In a gallin lots o-ovii f11 I-r llt.Sio1 helltin, $i.25, half gallon 65i, qnat 35c C. H. MAJOR .CO1. Mauftacturecrsof high-(Gradi Paits. 23 e snio :i, Prelinminary lty-outtofii ph111engineer trach cantdidtsee Wdtiesslssc. ; p. ii Nit practice Tuesdlay tight toe 12 en- gineeorliasketliall teatis. \Xl5111pheniginteer lbasehia ndotosiate s ri Iport at gnu \VWedliesdaiat ; . p. M Senioreniginteer rilay try-outs « enI 511SS 'AXSON iTicKS 5TO lTIcODAY5.. Tite College Girl an01 Itrltl. Xflirs It, thle suilject of ant address tihIicti Itill ts deliv-eredl befotre thle girls oftheI unicersity at 4:30 P.In.i. this afternotn it Newblerry hall. Miss Ruth Paxsont, i w iill ideliv er the- lectture, is asoll'),t aind interesitig slitakc fiii i sl It-rileice. IToise Ini clirgc tre( ta i-sery cotllege- grltakthi lis Itlititrt tlts to hieairher. NIrs. blilliaiti J. latss -s ttlll preside. L~ivs-sits studlentswto lstarceinl-itsisi ofthe lbs tlbo renv-- it to at is th a- oln lisisiottl d itti ilatissi t sthIte local 1h1me, Tuesdasi, lteb1lttt t22,sot Io'tclockl. White cars mttlst lhe tr'-- C. . Pt offit, Petretort. N sits1siill findtOII111I*t Intlrititog sca t ssal-irts-. We ti-ilt casrdls and l lot 1rgramls. sandlloto clIgesitilig otf sil ogeiscy I. C. Pimit l It rtoss /C;\\ IIPRI :1 I)t XXI., tr. tin P. Sat Soi .P, and11 oo1 lTh-entto- trc toth pleasdacol I l( hteadcet).-Wlie ts l asotitngtoustand to pleaise toil Youtttton't iorget Iliace il thtse irsTlrsI saletrdaissc-i-s,[I[lot- p lesedtool SotpleatI s- mt-iter t-caIt o sulity liltisiesbIs. il .l lISNIIY & COi. 1Ic svi tg, the right kinds at rigt prces at he tisdetits' IBottkstorci- PShielhin & Co. tf N\ltetr st-oit w, pl1> il- lirds, tsr readil the litters, aottoterstres, iayipor tight. 307-3109 S. Slate Pt. H-USTON BROS.. Detroit United Lines O information to DicisioniStoierts> candent Allen, Ypsilantiufthe Iletroil tniled Linen by officers of Varsity or- gani-zations of theumouemenut, liey 1111 the capacity of the regalner sercici-,ott any group of students to itr frotoAnt Aorii extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. Read tie Book! See the Play! Big New York Cast! -t1it-: tRiCOtot tot Hundrsledinl s i n- isNetvI Prices Matinee: 50c - 25c Prices Night: 25-50-75-4i Seat Sale Sat. Morning l0 o'clock By Geo.Arliss iiitteA AltSitars te Ili ngtt Chas. Evans and Alice Yorke AndI ts eI-sssttttsAmti cai Bois t y-itui hiru Prices: 35-50-754$1$1.50 Seat Sale Wednesday 11mit l d ,i. enprsmspitt atenin.i MACK'S TEA ROOM 12nd Floor aftCzb k s Lunches and Refreshments Exste ots-s -sistl 0 levc( fo as i. to lis1) It., OSturdaylttoi: . w 0 © it TY PEWRITI1NG B fffjj Jssts nsii -011 55s~l1 o I cct- ul sIllS. -)lieI 5 I tit le c-I I i t oll i, b- ti 11b 1itt sot 'v b I,1ii it It s t t ; 1 stts. M nc si :VI\ t ytit > id tf + I ; 1ys I~ star 4 ,t1er- "> c( 1') 1i. 2 t ?c s Iltts, Ceaw- Alf so tusdcblyIts ell-knowntect clle- players. r mQ tt I FMPANY 37 TliaSrk e .hlaelld.r5 I MOE'S BARBER SHOP VAN KLEEK'S 786 North Uniersity AveI. 30 EatW h.eoS 0. A. MOE. 30Es a h~tr t ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Light Lunches Olpposite hlEletitoWaitiing toilsConfect ionary GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor antd IceC Ceai CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Under lHuston Billiard Parlors Phones 7S L. Z78 Ine (Fonesely wittiHarreep Slit ic° -_____________-_ MAJESTIC TODAY, P. M, ti Yss.r e cit- its n ealc 4LW A'YS AHIEAD IN STYLES AM AMP , 'F- BST OF ERY TIiNO IN TAIL OIINO