Vol_ XX. LAWS AND MEDICS CELEBRATE TODAY' Dr Gunsaulus Addresses Jurists in University Hall-Medics Meet in Angell Hall. W ashingon'sbirthday aninnyersar will be the ocasoii for celeblratioii in two departments of the university. Both the Law and Medial departments have arranged stecial excises to take tlacae in tie evening. Te lawnxii honor the nemaory of the fatle rof ouir nation, according to the custmiwhih they have foliowd fr several years, and the inis wilt somimeemrae the founding of one of the clair,,xitteir departint.t ]resident 1FrankxW. Gi I ii ix o 'arimoutrInstitteChica, wilideliv the aiiriss befirei te Iawtin ilit ive- sily al.li s subjcti l xii eii.tie "Americaxnisnxof af hingtoa."ti Prxi denialGnsuiius hasx iiraionilxifiamiii as an ale iiiitoi aiiit was wimtt fish- ig O rei aifacton ihatihelati comittlee obaitn ext. GIusaluis lxx the oca in.lTe peidet xvvlaits xthat it will bla r iare ioipixruiiity li lhear xiii if thevcutrys ixormoixstioaorsx xaxd expressedthlirhopxlivthat manyxiioi th students wiold th xxixvaniage of it. The thre tiwmcassesilxviiitIinvl the laiw builiigat 9730,itheixenioriniix rxoo the Isixcoxdxxxiii mexxxinxrxixxi C, and tie fteshmin rooxmiixiK i Irmx tie law uixdintg tiey xwiitiaxcix li classes et iUiversity hlliiwer the prgram in l begini at i9 xxclcxk. Part tf the mi fxrif tel liiixtii bereserved for the laiwtxdvntxati after tey are seaed tie remaintinixg sets will le penedxioteiipiulicx admiiss in ree. TFie gie elub will give ashr progtramn. At the same hnur ttye latwitcxxlxiii tioi n l nivrsiy lal lie eis llxi -sentile itt SarahtiCswxell Axgll ii. x The chief adxress of teir veoramxx wii he giveniby D. W.Vi. if. i-xe wht xill x s-peaks ott Georgi. Frtinxgiiixitfoxixi ter of Ojiliviitoligy at Mivhigitt rl Parker itow iocxtpixs thx xhairxxwixcxxDr Frothlngiinttfountdxedxinxxr870 Prest- dett Cutmxmixgs oxxtheien'xioritMythscal Scictleixtlr whoxse asiceixs the pro-x grain ts to le gisextxiiimaklv a isi introductory reastititt eanx xxVisgni will close lte programiofxsptechesxithcxi a tals on the "Fuitrie xxf lie Mieical Profession.t"lAii oxcviiitrliwill frishx msicteflinrte occ aion, After the xxiexeristete will bexa faculty receptionixii inBrbourxixgvmnasim. liany otoftmtlnwit guest xxaresexpeclxxi chief amnxg awhomxixre the wife xxni - fatmily ifite ste Dr. I'rxtixxglaxx Ritexs CxTxv oesv'eGI'st n xx sixxxi. At the rgurm o thixlyie ietixgxoi the Wiotman's League Satuvda it wax decided to charge nlyttn leinsxadni missioxn to the lecture to le. giveni by Miss Grenfel lxxnNewvberyxxalxi Ieli 25th. Tin advisorey cmmnxxite evcom- mntded that Mis Whitl e exixiniaed as soolicior for tieconitnixg year adx that she carry onixhler wiork ii Nets Yort, Chicago ansi oter western cities. This recotnmeindiiati was arcceltiex -N ARBO~iltR, 1(i itIiiAN. F1 1.\ (ix STUDENTS JEER ANARCHY W INLEY LAUDS TiHE CAMP BOOSTS NEW IDEFA BALL COACH CUTS. Notorious Emma Gldman Flays hereJ ,tthhat noh i~am alrin tl.f l Lmbnto of1ran n irwi HI DI M N niversity Audiene. ,CiIRI6 ?1 JI I FE llii SoughtIty iExpxerts.iS IA ON Q~UAD~ lx iaxiu Goiii anx ha h er ox prv at _.___ 1,xixixt xxix: 5 i ~d lci cl t aixitixxi i lii 5tdx i -Philoisopher Plays Highest Trib- onexx elxixhe. xxx a xx iii >>>isis i lxix I ute tox Rli gion -ttnference inc eeitii" xvii -Today and Tomotrrotw. aunti ever}xii tiitt roix hc. tl- -- elect lxx tin socxixl i i ltl ri i -raf tihe t1l> tl- I iij xiii'xi,,wk cli ch x-xi i Ilf iiiixx eucxxi lxxvrse l itr lxthe llxx-ixuimanihaxix l iclwd 'xx,. if \li. \1\x-xix ti xx's -xiri xic , xi>. itlt ix- lxx ixu tie li rey of lxxit ''rexat isstixisi xxis 1 wo'iefulllaicingtini i lieraure ilmni anar-x of thlivuntx bodyxwasxgriiittr.xio,"vicomic speke lxi n rtilsubjectslhav 1xix lx thii amii gladt thatit happenedi asc I it i cefxlititiin it gives xxxix just sxst uch5 sisxxevrisiict ,10xvimixxi forv xliii cti tyii of siimulixixi thaitis to heiii l'l - iv foundtid thelx soitrking)xlxasses wilivrv xad- i lxxxiii' 1\ vaxxiiiedxxi asis are respvicxlii I ] xxiii ic In t xx's giv'ext co txvcxic xlxatt tionxit ese o "li woun ily e iolaxting n t i )i rc 1 cilxit i i In felt iin least angerxdxxxiii i-c orlibvyxtieixmothyspiit htmn uta 1iI re s eti ng the eii ;ecs(i te ( I{sCd beenitireared.ix stButi ia xxiisurpri stht i s appr ieciatle the sigificac fti r lagt' I Tvextitthy I xxxiiihasiidepatedIN l W Ch sltste fixi ixitfial whereii sheihlsix onx he- tI I t- -l lxxix' ight fori frli s peech.ii >She xiint xxs ii tl lxii thisaen lxxix acktoAii A--dolitii lxx "sm a. Beirex dilptvrting mxvit o-\ lisscityshxlivuttesredi thxiinxks ta t eii ix .;t hevrs iofthyesshidetthl ,asse 1i.t0 sltseliiitthesespxiirt in'tievxxidici Irsi fliusgiandstoves-xislling vrater ixixi "Inkcr saxvdi lixsixhaggy craiumisisi nlxxiii sxxiiii xi i l i i 'Narroiw Indoor Quarters Force Rickey tox l-rime His List of Candidates, xeli ii - IIi it f t e I 's] lith xxiia iw io li'xxs'ls'xlles xxxsosctixsi LSx lii Iiclim ng o fil poisis st of Ill' h( 1111 lh sc lalle d tatt pxiii ar .t ii li i s l aii 111 ill'. lt' c( l1Illc l lil< Clit' il 11' 1 "d, whiIc j s )(t11) r}j 1 t.'itii} ric - ri < al1,t sit 2 1r' .ic li 1,, I fh MW, pis i]c'c't - kh, , } ",ttr r.i ., t outi- gx xi 0011- At v thei tit- tiii hec- ke ; xi i liti u shnil xl; ii haxh lxxxe pacicexxill xi a h sif ls inidti toxxi hwiv ( ah Rce xxxillitructii iii- he hs rtie xii t inr i xi iiei xliv lxsxoon s th i-(, meis( h va iustimembte the quad are ascetaindxiikthi iic newxlc v'xtc l xerie'nce. xiell till pixixil i ntot commenxce door 1rceU tivixwek sir lxx" vrc tiihle xriip ithwichx is scxhed- xiii xi ititi mellis d'sea'r iith middlehhi xO ill tli t' f' -(t r I di513t1it c-i-i-xist f fal 1 MAS xxx m's'sIxx xxslxxi i's x AUK issixivl xs relaps xwiiilibe bexuntnexti Saturdayiipgts at.xxthin 15i xitiitirtrackxxi shet Manyclxiii hvi xxiii yt ha xxxi isvacticei t m txheiii rackxi xxidithis manaii- gins lxithiseIstilts xarexxxiiedxbyxIntr. Has tsx anixager La"xMmxtoI mit tht' mxci lxaxe'sonsitip'ractice'. Everys'class tx-lil that competesx lx xxilxrun Inext N xxii xl i nits' i TIii i 55 1 xxi Is T(tixti TOPxxIC. RudolxaphxToximoJr.1. Proxtxs 'x() Germn xat Cilmmlxxx i rsiyi T xill lettre suner heaustim esxxxx ofx tliiheIt i-- schxxer8' i cxxiii Tatimu's lxxii lectuire romxsxxThusdayixsat fu 'lokIIis stun~et ilxilie fimt xxislxxxx"xThss mxx- vii Bll."iMriTtoniiihnisnanx xxx mmmlxxx tlkei r andxx asitxx l r xil xh i tEntglishx xtxxisissiile forx everyon-exx -u) extoopit. tIIi- 2)<15t Ownii Ih lii " 1I'Iifi he nd q a iy ' 'ts'thcnis d tesitii ix' hi~lly saisacor- I csis ,in thin scrins andc ipthi xyer xb t sexviiral n(M "1 Mihian h it e ari i n tmx- nbli" ase hal limitsthvisits. Goc- R ikc s chef vrv thxise Itl~2 di,>, f Dit ye m ivh i si it . in l(,