THE MICHIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY NOTICES ______ mu T-h,-AV R2 FIAY, February 25 {one Night Onaly B. L. WHITNEY . __ , r = : :i S S 5 ON We are t m~ e ductonco4f~ noc wrinter o eur t tointr ie price. An eal ~ofon counts. SPRING LINE NOW READY ;f ,/ 1 A - '7 L:: y ,. rt''a ;i '.1 ; :: t'' : j Jutttor lit oratorical conorest Slondav evenoing, 8 p. at., roootB I tle bildeig Atdmissiott fret. Mandolin club practict at Phi IDIlta Theta htouse, 3 P. m. to~iay.. Drawings for the Gargoyle shlouldlhr hsanded in hy Tuesday night. VMeeting of Sopht lit track lealll in Trophty room,NIlottdav, 35ipat. lttport- antl. All oat. D~r. A. W. WVishart speaks at tir"a becrry tall at 6:30) todlay. -1rc. Cacl Smlihawill presidle 1a1nd1speciaIltsic w5ill he rendleredl. Ir. \W. C. itltin~g If St. l,ollis, will spea2k at teBalptist Studenclts' gulild, 53East -Haronastreet, lat 1111111 1today O,11 "In TIrainling fo~r Citizenshlip." EV 'R" CCC f; IIr "'r hIe Musical Farce Loved By A., 1-1 z-Laspsie By Geo. Arliss Henryf E s. ' J.K.Malclm, 18 E Libr Read the Book! r t-t:- Play!I Big New YorkhC,3't 111.Il 11111-11wI s II N 1 1 t ~iN( Yo011,. Ono Iltd jc \i t r l T l o tl ll t' I N c . Chas. Evans and Alice Yorke 51 n, 1 V a ',s mricaInBitay Gllaaa- 'IWO LITERA\RY SO ClE171E5 PricesyMainee: 4 H I VEhFIRST JOINT SESSIdE. Pricesyih: 2 I r (anxer's Schoo ofDancing -7 M4o clc. 1w1 l11) l y I Ie 46 TH1ECLOTHESFOR YOUNG MEN ARE REUL, COLIN FIEEL'S They are different in style and pattern but not too much so. Come and see them. HABERDASHER The correct fixings for wear with either Full Dress or Tuxedos, white shirts, neckwear, collars, jewelry, etc, that fashion demands. r5O-75-$1-rices:$1-$1,50 -Seat Sa le Wednesday. Seat Sale Sat. Storo at" Thte jtinttmeeting of thete tgalP'ii and11 A\deltpti ssas 11e111in 1111 rur v1- I'Cllek. The tprogramtltarriedl Inttile idell of a mtagazinec. Jolsephlinle Raninl, ipresidenttoftOttegaOPti , ill e 11Mtl- ols f twelcotttcill tile forml oflan .\deltdli. Margaret Smlitht rea111n 111 tictto "Comets," JohntlGltknlecht gavl an1 orilgintal1po)1em, SarahlSllthlerillnd an1 iegitl lstory, antdtthle funny13plge 1a11d 111111rtisemtetnts terreread 1)yiL oultise 'Tltlller attd George Meltonl. Mulsicali numblt ers mere farnlishled isy Arlihur Cutrtis a11111the Adelphti qulartet. After tile programtttdaiin tg andlllighltrefresh- ttettIs swere entjoyedl. M\rs.Birdel, anlilonorlary membtier of Omnega P~hi chapelcronethl ~e Imeeting, Next year Dr. tWilliamltHo11t1 531r ci; inlstructolr inl semiltics i int elcdialide- ipartmtenlt, goes to te HartfordllTI'll lrgical Senminary at HIartfolrd, Cr111111ti- cult. Dr. 'sorrel swill act a'slassi'stant S. W Cor. Broadway , at 54ith St., NEW YORK r KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome I Special F erms for College Teams f.. lY Ideail Location. Near "Theatres, Shops ' '= and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. IC All Outsidte Rooms. Send for Booklet. Harry P. Shim nor_.ri, 1Y c ic Ii 1 111 ill. IC, J, ~ex~h~rs o betas ly swit Hotel \Voodtward / ~"ACK'S TEA ROOM-2nd Floor rI Lunethes and Refreshments Fo Lais1id etlno .- w ro 1 tr . to11111o.r1111 a r~~e~d i'll 11,, It ll 11,01111'is lir llt' t 200-202 Soth MR