THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sprin~g anid Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGINS-Original1and Excsiv COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependabe RESULTS-Pleasing and Hanmonis __ IN - Suitiugs, Veslings Trowserings Now Ready fr Yer Eaminatin G. H. Wild Comlpany TAILORS 311 S. STATE STREET ! LINTON T he 5'SLIPEA"SY" BUTTON HOLE MKES THE BUTTON iEASILY AN SiT 'ERFECTTL) (MADE OF Liven ,BAPCO Siruwib, REGULARF1 Ai D QULARER S IZS I r.0 2 r 25 Wi JP - i-RKERC02 MAKLFLI Sold in Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. State Street A. G.SPALDING & BROS. Il p jg are Cielargestmau jh (CJ~aOdin fatrers in thesword Trade-Marie ofOFF ICALE QUI P- MENT,oralatblti ,OtSG porto and pstite. 1 1 t - fyounare intceret- 5' ad in Athletic Spa t CO.' of the Sadinilat- S11 aopuee. I's a canpe is kown rougout encclopedia of te world as a whtsNwiSpr Gua,rantee of ateil isert freta e- Quan~iit. quet. A, . I.SPALDINYG (d. 1BROS. Ciaica>sdoeDtroit VNWIVERSITY TEXT BOO'"hitKS New and Second Hard FOR ALL DE PARTMI NTS Drawing Instruments WetareAgnts for Eugene Dietzgen, Atleneder and Keuffel & Esser Instruments Wegaate al llInstrauments andl Sapplies of all liads. Al OUE STUDENTS BOOKSTORE S-hee,1 han & Co THE MICHIGAN DAILY. and1( adairesese sal ecumada by ell cleat Proafesstar George A. Coea atl iev.A. l~e Ihasav,' W.\Wsharitaon "The Riealita of Re-' lMrs. Sall Mlataging oEditor -I.AEC E-t~la ELRcatasi Bllasiaae an aaager CAR[ 1aaiIi. ADAM. Adalress: MIrtCHANDIL iY, Press Bldg., bltaiaralStreet. 0fficcDaoars: Mtatauging Editor, 8-11 p. itt.Bineaess N]aitager, 1-2, 7-8 p. ma. Except Sunday. Bath phones. EDITORS. Nes ......Lee A White' Assistant .......Harold Titus Athaletics .....Wilbur D. Elliott Woamtent...,...F.rieda Kleittstiiek Mulisic attd Dramtat.iollis S. Baker Exchianges. . M. B. McHugh EDITORIALS. Jamecs K. Watkints Morrison Shafroth Chiaarles I lood G. S. Laslcer Johna T. Kenana Walter K. Tasters loarry Z. Palo Dicta liracy I). A. Hinckley Artlhur I'. Macdllat taat Paaul (Gra'er Fred aw tonta Ilarry G. Myscr FrcanakBoatealt Chcara's II. Mylanader Morris Houser \I. Mack Ryant W~ade Oliver BUSINESS STAFF C. A. ;ascuan Normtan H Hill Walter Q. Wilguts Myer Rubiat Kennaetlh Oslaornt Noratan Wittet SU.ND)AYb, F,"IlKUARY 20. 1910. Lidiac t Today ilac S. BIRaNsEY. We 'ather: Ilatacatt~< UNIVERISI TCAL.ENDAR. 'igia." Additiottal meaetinage sae trenatrarang- ed be the Student's Y'ountg .\la'e Citris- tia0 Associatiota at MNIlillaa call ifoe Monaya, 'Tesdaya, CCcaitee- lay atad Thulrsday at 4:'Itt atnd 7:tact to. tacit day."Theetmeetinag s wr r rneprmrlfounvriysuet"say s Carl Ssmitla, tiac local secretcaca. 'The idea of tite cmttaee iii chare 1 i affairs has beta to aheract ale an staidetits as poassile. iecry ote of Itaee ateetitags arc apeta to tale pitttl ct a t e aotoly tl ope (car, tat cexpeca larte atdti aptreciatire audaiiccs." Miss Ruth P~axsona, athactis in AnntACr- tear to tailorchaurge ofliat'hetatatet'sIdeaeI- tags athict are alto b hldllnex.Itaret' in ecattanetiona withatheacocnaf erence oc tite Schaool caf Rcligion,.wathe lacgulet ofasattar at a1 re'aceptiaangi' eitit \'eaa 1cr h at'v s tartdcat altarnoonacbtata he 'taaung' 'a atlan' lata ai soiain Pllce are''aatamcrof acutIa alatyalacac preseant tat assist tlice mtbatiers ofthe1c cabitnct intthlie catetea aca t. Befoa're ttercetionact \lacc iPaxscn sipokc ta thteclladiecccatheata ec t''"Thie Colilege' Carl acnd tliar Iattilty W0111tac A. large numtbIe r cat "rls we re areset ceivedc. Alter hc al the eceti ;aIt shotri t tlalltn attiers'ofatecia tateeat tat tt wenatl a. Ilc'lt't'e tts twara'seated by tt'ecaine t ct 1 ca' bliss. Paxsona asill Ice mere 'al nete Fridiat aatd aillIhavae flhciaro' afItile' mtaa''ings ashiiha aill 1crItheldaerv ay text ascek. The' con'et rence'oallhet Schttaol ofal eigionttnoaa beitng hldalatill bre''ail up inatot talcsetllcals, onae' ta ashlicia will be lairmtnacit t hetoatdier tar as'omict. lThis ,latter selctn will ted att N'csbetrry haall attad Miss Ptasona wIill be' thea d aer it il t'altark T' RI'T'Z idld lS 'lKII v ' 11,.PL. A' II ili. (Constinued fratm Page 1.1 Iry thac 31st. attdihastetedattlendled tbt thac pcputlaril'tytatt at alwa's re ces Scaits arceattaw catsalc al th1ccSdctoI ot Muaaicaten.Mayntarud stret, 'andlat a .lc- Irate anaddtationlblc o 1ooset 'Pis y'car's Mata Festiv al Ibringsata cAn innovaaatli toisapcastetnaited i Ic. 'T'ia Learancr, itac firstiplanlist salohats Ibeen inclacludedittatMtla etivall iraa.'aaaa an asotme years. \i1lie. Le'rnear is a brilliant younttg Ruscsianatiaiastlo f aIremtaarkiableI techiitue atntalinanatc mulsial csympatahlly. Of thac singcrs, thace coataingof the greact letnoat, Siganor ~isepiccal Camatai'ttrt. ais cal eitecialte tc, its is .alsot t ciga'te- aaa'al t ofCMinc. Jr. ate Jacatlitheit'tal- catediiDuat'achtsopranol. lie. Sidnacyahid- -Ma'. fleal 'a' ret 'e N1C l Cit. Di' strated ci ala IlctaatI ca at aria la lt' aiittalla'' I'l lit C t: 1k s ga tosv ia lti I tle I rt Sl-ND9 SEMESTER F1 1.1 1 Xi PRINS NTS 1nstrumiits and IEn c is Supplies Tae acta cmpl'tlein 'tthe cty5. Laboratory Supplies Shcp Tools FountaiBn1Fens, Etc. touaaony's worth always. University Bookstore Law Medical Denial I.a reel ttockta in cigant Sectnd -Han rd Lawa Books I a% a i b eialci lotares DQui Books, etc. C.t am letc lintacNewasnatiSe- atd a nitd. Dil booktaienkctinExhange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S TATE STREET Second F loor Tel. 761 Ct your MICHIGAN P'lMS, FObs and Spoons 4HALLER'S pti~dl _ Dept. atne It Itca inieeley tRepaiin IA BR'S JIWf RY STORE 216 S o-tMaoi- oS. Every Pennant in the store 4 Fcla. 21- 1' cb. cc- 1111. cla. 23- bela. 24- iea. ?5_a last. Fdeb.25 -ataior 1.11 oratoaricalcontest. -Fresh1.11 soc'ialinat Barbouir -Juno laata,asavcratoriecal catest. -Satahomaltrc 1.t1oratocricati cull -jreel alaa I at ato urical coo- --J Italrtdnitlcral antce at Grailacres Fb. 26a Sacatlorit oraorical contest. Felt. c---Sat ice U, tN'orcaatricaticoalest ldidiIGIi)\' Nil 111CS'l'. 1I,1N FOld C' I'. .I' 1NiIAY. Toay i cll icethat' biggaet religiotas day ii im rbo's hitory. Illadi- titath11ecalternoaonase'rv'ic's 1tSMc- Milla candUivertctsity hltls, ite iaulpits afcts o thealeaicurceasareaolae occ ied lar latlaa ttlc racjig a aneing series,.bytthe1 sipaiaesattendaintg thae confrene ofth all Crbotr Schtooi of cIda ioal amlthelReIdailgicataseFalicaliata .Ce1 rocatacat1 Proessr G ~cato wlsa p ieak ti 1 liar 'maatrning; seric tes aofthe Ifirst lBaptist athacat amltillacfoloweatclI tlae at' tactk lay icca VC . U itit at I tlia Bit ah uittla it ,lio nTe I r.iin t fortlahC-atica siia iIIth ie even- at" sea. ita" stwill delivet the Wes- lya IGtialdalectretia C tOwnasa Ycciu?' Ini ticeClistsiacuchIT hitIuaana~a Crop calsiltlareIthe staht art a therca semb e v.lttaicltsIiIattoat a thtesLim- tat i alaiiurchinl the ev'en'ing. IPa'sai'eut Ozr . ai it eiverariI gpata iet tt h cacaingccervices octhl IPreslayteian11chutile t'Te ig mcd tatfathlilain hc all lilachc anlt d t rteiligiouhs aorganiza- tion act Itl tar~o hae anted, is to ehedi COit'c"'tati'tal chatatch at 3:3ta . ala Presaiet Iatrry' B. Htinwi l prtaeasalle, OUR ENT'IRtE CL. . IHIN~CA ST Oh DIVIDEDII)IN 1111FF I,01OTS Lot1 Lot2 Lot 3 i 3 Of jo4 - =d: Es E Alp Alp Ott All odd Trowser;(-s 201/,1iscount it Wadham,.s & 3Co)l 121 Washington It. RANDALL & PAGK, Photographe'rs: