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February 20, 1910 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1910-02-20

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Vol., XX.


iDAA', , 'stllkkARY 20, 51()[,.

Medical Faculty and Students to
A Celebrate Birth of their Depart
ment Tuesday Night.
All plans are a nowcmap ltesfor lon -
der's Day celebration ot the meicalde
partment whiNill e eld in Sara
Casw-ell \Agel11hall Tuesua (-vein"
at 8 o'clock
Since ti907 iitie edicl ic i prtiinn
students iinidliats yavitcommeminoat
eltleifounolig andiilthis sear excllnti
plans havishetn d. Teexrse
wil Ie bld snobelteiusics softh
Susents'sM"i cltSocit. Te in-
cipal adrs ill be imaecbyi1)ri 's,
R. Parkcr f toe mttitfactndisul
subjet is "George I'Esirtlisgant, Fouiiti
der of Optht tim iii i kni t isitu iof
Dr. Fd. rotingam'n o -doitsd1ii igos
sas grdatedwsthll dereeitf'it It
in 1164rons tis ninscsity Retneittg
to Ness'Engaindte patiedits iprttoe
sion untit 86. Ai titsse ti c-i
compnied Dtieleetoti i'cignits
was tmadic I etc SiifiiS urere and
iDmonstraitort of iAsatomy
IDr. IFrostinghamaidtt es cl Iici -
tiont teitsdiseisesi e ieyi ititeit
atid ini 187o ticeitiluissedithets.clairiiof
fdthl itutianitiAurl 'Surey. -Itc
fited Sis tsitinfots cas
tit i88ti tr rthuingthattmtresigted
biceasc titss ieas siiiotsremovitaitoi
te cliictisDtrsioit failedtoincid
with th settlelp icsis3 tec Ihisrdt of
Rgetgissswostccidedliiin"ststte iset
of reinoaitAftr 1his rsoitiis le
wettto lDtroit iheisiseIpract idtI
toislath inisignoo
lDr. F'rtinghasis sis a poitnt'
memtbieiftheSlieical itsos.iets iof lhe
coutntrs. sIMity sithisIsecstsitnstadt
dresses ertsiinttoiiiisprofssionishItvi
lcthtbaqutilet Urtisit" th itesS's i
family iand isftrmr illegs
Dean V C.sVaitgnti sill seak isnI"Ts
Fttre is1 Nlestital IPrutes sionisiH.It
Cummoitgs, presidentiofthsi eSiStiudnts
iForiersysaitastes 'sllsiseidlteexr
eises, butithSis 5ycari a cii t recetiotnt
stitt bc hlitheSspiarlos iof shitrboitt
gymtnasitnthSie sicomimittee blievtig
that it this sway teitudItnts asitu5istlts
I site si thte egerli'epetcct pubti's
ieiantietsensitirsilit'ils still refse s
tsimake knsowni t stisa essf thetcplai
whicttieytisa rs t Iprsettptresr ig. :-
meei tsit Sfte ctttwa s li daytit
. in tirlssti'stssiustibut osingtos"
te iailityst'of1 51rs isdto t iisverysi
littews donsesi s Iils dstsritiiig
copiesaf ts oot. isstnothermatits"
st'll1 ticheist 'itotist itt Re''gulrt
relictrsals tillIein frtihc iis
Retorts fromtitFlridalareotie' hleeffect
tt Dr. Atgeltltshowentsth lassb st
wteek ot' his ihalth, sioods Iits'tils twll
antI is suit'rtiiip 'i'cncirsn tutu Ihis
recent ilness.


le. At01,611t 1". FROT

Second Day Of Religious Conference
Has Varied Program.
Ycstcrdil i 5555 iii' 's i's ramiifi ii
conftetretices list Ist sl( iiel slier te isis
pices sit the :Situ c S ho l i R
kiss prstssiet if stReios dna
Sit Asssciain Iltultieu eis's
Iv stettecil isa s icht he ttl )f h s('i's-
susiit ts S .WhttWo~uttli stts.doit i
lie ere a Irofsso ", 1lilet c li
the iesustltst sit-' e'sltioniiisii't-
htits ifthetc silliof Jesuis cult5 1 ar
''it lts soldst stilt iiofGdthes
livess, sui ht i thes aslit ins f a
lftud r dict i r 1.c'sIs'c s ts's sit t
sit tth ttesial woker Iste".111 it1
t Iteta l si te shsit con f sit's'
i roashes'tlieas flt' - t' li ra S
Davi ist 'tushid ii fCia~ Ih~~t<,
tiuscIt itiir imtiit by shuts us' l te silt
stirdsitisv iof ts its'' tah snm l\
or i tI lisis withouli at ' i c-r a l
t sciesics iof it. Its sitiilt as1 sit-e
iiporStincs ofscit iittilis' tiliiss fm-it's'
D l iS 'st its M atthewti s-si's el tilslt-
isis slitup riogttimith-tlta sbeths
sith Slit ffett ctetsc etwtes t- stiltslits'c
an sm itn o ~theri -tiocatios.
'hite ahw ca h es it Mfhutso )1'lrmit}-S iicooliop
ened i theates''on.slssis subj"eltwas
in ts ttn t fo'si t il, m r ;t11 I
istiormatinbut to it goesi~iie
is ist at t l b istisel ol d it be'si' tlts
isd noitSlthemethis iiwi , atdtit hat thsi
iltsvidslityliiif theillit iislitit liihed
it . titCopti ear fteasoit
its MVCIa eu Nltt e - I' ill ti
prei sidcti 'I'lsl( '''''' i' p i sc it is ar
l'rst.kiss' 'assislets Dvs cd e
FI Cois.ts heistt~s subtilt1k.- it sitsl

E t y t l i t'sshsullt ttisttit sureit(l-
IChiic'ago Orator to Speak on Ameri-
canism of Washington.

t cs tl isied p c clcitts lt
stt e il ts's lii sti lt sits it~tI
),: hithdav cme i iiit
'lsit t> ist i N-l
i i sits Tilt it i it hi ch

Enmma (Goldman Speaks to 'sl
Houses but Fails to Arouse
Student Sympathy.
ths-risse t u ahissii ti'si'sa 'sttii 5
tits i ".\n rctisti's nd it -
fo iii cltliii !i t e itc n~
'hi-t-a t colilois 'tcli tl it's -
isiso silt\ sitrf l sits ter o-' its- iss
overi l ,tit e r foi'r is' tsas-si'sram'si ttc
tsis'an's' aii itistist co isgtheIrs
et is'tti l'ntic ii Ittttei Inth" I l i list
t, ts itis-tt ii iitti s <tst i i-icu s's
sivtl ititi ttov r i resilt eyitit iii t o
ti ts '' nd soh cri" Her ii istist u
Was t~t p stsii titissv cittit tutu it'hall'
astissi e l 5with cii t's ), ii lii o
' i it s-ihe its Sail "e s-a i~r is =
itsni'iteualtg tos-ts)"cclis'ndr
plssa ii itt its sttl usime is ef o, I
olt ir intistt t''i's csiti
Sl eintsi ii te itil I'' it ti
dr m slit- itieriitto r lia des
Mis sit ldman tt ose ii Tosti'osi, te did,
i ii t1) 'cttsstsslyis 'unI n\ in t e
ltow s s ci al sit ormtt ordtit tiii ii
\st sit i~i -cit t'"raiai smt' e i
not swI risisiane it t 'ii us its '' z..
tailedtoiii - stu l i ts i s met o h5 rpri5 ipa
ii r duislSttu Stisnutu'sarch, tsn ii
ee igtas cltai andsotituSinpsit
huts itish ess turned st matu r ah l
ss fauiledto p cnt raicing, her'silt
tilts a fte t its sltes lic% te c i
"pictured stscitetillu wci hr"s
heisnco sitiesut t it,, priate t rncr u-
liliesof'land, t ote siai i si s p rtiin
itIs tlSter scctut is siht s11s(I, rit
titi tis Is i tis ths 5ait ist n l
o\ is ltleboto iiru d n i t I'
'rion tbuineis ithi each 'tuler, sut ithat
'st t iee ol e nr11~n frg lt
ths m c isne sitr ti it i t i ' thu tilt~
,it wa s c' i 5tt i
Silo defiel ti iitheas tusr'ra hteut
mad ls awit sl" It' s e p et i s o -
shills ariveievestihuitonlthsillseental
'ia tintf tit istil itsoifisp tuswer, 'st'
tosue Fo this st e ''ni asredy
Sheit sli ets ofi s uit i uttune
SI ,fo it Shu S'ilss itstrgan i1ize t t inar
wcc tei si si his f hils actedis'

Famous Vioinist Sbeduled for
M~arcoh Fi r st.Engagenents
Made for May Festival.
is tl, at 1 1 5 t pto l5 irac
[it-i tI- 'l he t tili i'isc'itthis
tt, eri's i-5'+,r ttm l u ce sii's ltier -
s's c a's-s ln c stsl ito 'itsartist
c~tr ,i, i~tcr slcd ill tilt it st m
-rsl s-stl il :;c tilts this ii'sti
~[ I ci:':t is int t at f ii tilt utrti s.
nhc, i~x t Ann .Aros-a-s' Vtehull
rohhl' stands for1iii i i l th mid
of i,>i t thi i ii t iut eta I'ts lii
+1 , ilii it n imui 'ic, ' tt
l rir ri le p~\ , t up lin S titiut
Mac s tilt li i. it ttil s ii' ii' i51c'pon
the triks tchih it,, tiltm utue v i is
,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~sif thi rtrnp c Spiitytihted
i :tt~ir~tlncss rsitu s'spla tns; lr ristasi
I" iithitep f'hstti
priii in is , is;t - o 1the55 5 it li t'
I t' t is ltslti as sitse Sit Sli
,ct, 'im itc.; nc~. seta s ; iqtui in
in hit an lt '.u s's tt hup s t ahu)
tri Ii I omm wlpl s's thel for thes
;,d< ~ c lcc. cnl i llso matic li ittSt
hedrcsno ,cc~cthn ., itt ips i-
t hi, :ii t i-it' lrttii ii i llt e(iai
tie t d ie s nd iii , il, tcaui sts
list'its''isttu rf, is i n hsis p ro m n
nltta ld it it h s hi
:te d ri n a ti ot lls a ltiu t- i'
its ii t unc ic 111 s i'arss'sitt di
thii ra .[t fnuti inii; work
ihrtt tttichhe p ts t iat therei
ttcl l;,t t c h it li .,ld is1sd t i i
itrs ,.n i t !huiiut .'cs.it' ts reporsit
li~ ,.t~s t i sits is pa t. sh;
\\ic ii'. l it ,it, s a lid' thatIs i
',~il ils ~ i;,~rd hussistioSc of
r°aeil5111,:>;t he ii'' sl isit I iBtrare-i i
ttlich ott it it t.<s c s its \it is-
t ri.lttci ~ ttlc i~lii of theutuststilt
suit-i fr Irs c nt sa i "'sts ta'siii''s'
tt-i-~ci. o e h rceitic
his I,-t tit J~ m t po bli t w hic
a raartist WASHrouc iGTo CNDY
l'I STORE ~ttili telato
IhIencrS wi p, IN Scthe.1a


r til s Ai c II st 11 1()(-eI
'illP c,1s r w lla t a-s j-i-
tltes- J. I. tFack Stit11
(,'l's 1c h , . li lai rn

l?1I ,I\(r i llt's 1 1)1 ' l s -t.(n
17 n\ Iliii I".k Cop(' ses°ars- if
the ack II" IA IcatoII assw~aiI)I Ii

---- -- - r- -- -
: ,: :

3:30 P.mM.
Prof. Geo. A. Coe
a ~Dr. A. W. Wishart
The Reality of Religion"
h Congregational Church

6:30 P. M.
Prof. R. M. Wenley
"Christianity- The Wa In

McMillan Hall

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