THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAY YOUR CANDY BETS WITH GILBERT'S CHOCOLAT ES Best in the World 60 to 80 cents AT A QUARRY'S Money Loaned On SWaches, iDiamconds. Law tBooks. or-other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 331 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Hours:-8 toe11:30ain.. I to 4:3 and 7to S p. in. JOSEPH C. WATTS THE[FAR1M[RS AND MECIIANICS BANK MAIN AND HUROON STRIEETS Capital $50,000 Sarpustaned Profits $100,000 Gleneral Banking Business. 3 percent paid on Time and SavinsacDieposits. Safety On- poasit Bunes to root at 2.0 nod upwards tR. RotEN'. Pres-. tG(. PocoeTTias, ice-Pr(,s. Ht A. WILLIAMSishiPreF. T. STowE. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital StoolskfSi0,S oSrplucses,0 Rtesour-es Su,-5l5550 A (General IBanktng Business Transacted Orraccs Chans. E. iHiscock, Pren.; W. 0. Harriman. Vice Pros.: li. J. Fritz.Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. tBooth Jno. V. Sheehat Win. Arnold D~r. V.C. Vaughan Tan. B. Wade E. P. Mills John Haarer Jnon. Kobh Prof. H. S. Carhart Hdenry W.Dosaglas Christian Martin Dlan P. Zimmerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK IOFXANs ARORs, MIens. E. i1).siN itARItSON tSULtS tees. Vice-Pres. S. PP. CiA ttS0N, Cushier. Capital. ;1i0,000. Snrpiusanad Profits. X60.000. GO ran merica-4-I iI sank Corzr,.eraroen.I ..nid Se.vhsngs Corr. fMein. aread Liberty -Streets Tipe Tipsta Dilita Ciiff1 1,1 osl o1-°1 b 1 W ill e-hldii i11 Cipipssgss o ib.' the loscl chsaipter ill attnd. 11t ps CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 1 rt FOR RENT. JO p),(, Por Rent---- arior anpipi Isp- up5it;bahis 1=, eiectric andi s I ts list, is. ispr e p- at. \ p 1103 f"iHcrons. 1.1 s hs rs«a11 o upsp spps. io oswIte pot; S- C t kitcipenettes-privilepges. is er tiipg 11 moseirnp. 1pOp(aiklansdAvep. 1p Dsirabsle Possss Sippclp-; ppb lo~:io ) i, sWANTED. fa .I~ i-Pciid-Coiicgcmenso aIccot as aes Y(l * derieg siumecr. Gosssid sssmoney por right theni. Caii Bcii 302-1., or adihress or caliionoGeo. F. Brsswni, S6so E. Ci p i iit versty. soif ._. Roomcasdsoa Jssrs-l Foom ss2 pisws s 't1)h $2.50o;5o110pisonsl, $2.00. tsoardi Siss t 5 ,t ss 3 ibiocisS fromps s;PlPiPPs. 1127 F. II sr- os st. ; Psone 106 1i.. tp2-9 . LO ST. C [st-ie)~ smalii PP 5P fo ntai P~pe iile oiasssils1 Itedai11+cn 303 ilisi. blidg. ippplcavr rtr Vo21 S haerS.,an t11ic Ih tss I p i. ips pp. ppla d MISCEL.LANEOUS PSoopsisrasit over, or rollsedat Ih Palasis Reocal,"200gC. LiietySt. It I s t1 syPi'iI~i; - X Fi P1i, i-l ' P c-ll 1, P" ]-.ill 111 1 1 _ 1* ss a-l p pe r d p i1g h 'I(c 1r s Iia P Kis pw p IsI I 1 pp o 111 r (I -h' I outsps pr IpippSh ip - Isi: Fur isi gsand 211 SOU TtH MAIN STRIC-T pp lilire Ima, s ke Pp ltlgr a heltle s1-1. 1- si. 5 '' 3P-s-Isis. - I 1O0OKS, Law Medical Dental ciagrolStok IniMichbigans -ecorid-Haond Law Bosoks iwts- s Mes i l Dic tiosnasries QizsBoos, etc. Chinese Chop-Suey Restauraii Ullsiese l{atssy l tsss -p I.>sn tp isP }, Americant iLnchs ofls l lons-. FIsp l Is pp..' -ir-55 or5 5 '. -. - +ttl ~it Cssl a psiicieinsssss asp Ps 314 S. STATE S'1REFI Rowe's L aundr. THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Ate. wi _.,t Aa °Notch 1in iho bothersomte p1 ,,Co, Make-, "NOTiCF-SENiIOR i,XXXJS. YouP callP("et lips-onyips s o;s Lorenzens's Confilit ft Iss s at Zvadpsl ski & bane'ts, 310I S. State. 9 I3 1- I i t I 1. I.. K AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch Room Youacan find a lice line of Confectionery MID)-WINTER CLOTHING SALE All $1j-0o Stuits cnd Overcoats.. $12.00 --$~i~op- - - - 4- 0 $2.0 ....----------$16mo $2.0 ....--------- -$20.00 Aii Trousers ctsme discount. .ALLEN'S CLOTHES SHOP, if Mcinp Street. Rzaxz= ,2 SIATE. ST., UPSTAIRS ii Ii itsrcssitps p in lidsipofs bookus ac the Studpents Shseehiant & Co. rI-V 011"$1 FsountapiniPein ifliaier is the bssiecsre. Ltsioor -isp Itsoiksporo. Sl{s Csompliete li no Ne- ndtitsiec- ond-b landr. Old oo iiks takeni in Exchcaige C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Yo-sa can ,get spi\i ss - p 55 LI .t We give satisfaction. Core and sees IMMIAOMM C -,U 7--,' -- I - hlu y I SHIRTS jA bunch of shirts JU-so li Iis I n( pp p I ),s-is W * l sli ip rs i, iws piis c i sitpitrs--liss- p rix is -s Pso idpP WAGNER & CO. Stae is t. 'sgn sf tic tii i t u si e.s I k SHIRTS L i ,-"x F , . FIFTY=SIXTH SEASON SIUDENIS' L[CTUIR[ ASSOCIATION PR IiOPNT5 The Premier Lectu~re Couxrse of Anmericak- May Festival i-eservs-o at sic10eats issws isogale $ 3.00 and $2.50 $ 2.00 SALT BE(iINS SATURDSAY, F-IEBRU~AR.Y 193 New for Sprint W-c ar showinig .anextenisiveslineisof Woospsv-ifior inp The assrtmntPcomprises everytihing thttis tnew aco o ipisi siesign, color and quality. We-cain say wvsiot rxsnggs-ra sl soit stosck this yeatr is theiNo-tihand~some wetsravetever OP l ii aA wisill readily sippeal top the molsut partiitular patron.s LIEU r, ERNESTr H.SHIACKLETrON Whoi has reached farthest Soutih DTOTUNITED LINES etoweecn Detracil, Ant Arbor and Jackson ioace'ot airnWest hound _9:'?4 isa. -5- - .i~ast Bou-Ips P rot,5:5 - t .sp5 5 Pa i s , i i s0:153pp. i. T p isi- - :1i I : sial' Ish I liii ii P:lIp. Iso. - ~ ~ ~ 1 -i t55 . i- 5 . ii u pi Ii at Cos - t'-Bound -545i. s a-isp :15 . F< ATIBRNITIES SisrLinks Saf Pins WII. A L t CLEG, 20rJP jot li t : Watch for Port Season Tickets on Safer $1.50 JW.Tal E.-tt7 . Lbe- SO udo- 31East IT)