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February 19, 1910 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1910-02-19

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( t

Vo01. XX. -


No. g5.


Speaker 0f Woman's a tBranchl 01
Sufferage Association, is1
Barred from Campus.
the C'\ nanII's Letigni ofithis uni-
siteichntiiin ofiially ietitfiet intl i
thetwomn ii oftragiiiiovemnt is ring l
ighere a lprmint iAm'iercan sffea
gette itn addlelss theii nint rsti girlst
and ton aseople. The women claim1
thatitacting esient ltcliii iiih <h
ceed thaltit'e 'hall ot speainBarbourlt
gy lnin)s i n itthe subljet (f'aoman
nifferagcand the lineaters iof te league
are iate taccrdinig])'.Thi atin iis
basedtott the rling of the board of ren
gnitwinh phi itspliticltalkstinh i
the rteonui'ldingt''ndtoin itsn o uta
cli iste
T'he girlIsiiint tliat tey'rng
dicriminittedl iatga institias nIot ies a e b1e
alomedi nito icsstpolttuicaliquetins u
evn in ci' i i nttt hall.I ciThee tthavi
evnig ecur i Y mrum "t ii liid
it tent (t S I rac cii Ii ill ntucoad , o lc.tilt
oftelili t s ilhe ca C. i t i
execetht a large inn ioftholseti
'whonuare iist i l i thetet for vot
gihenobjctin ofttiii in i thuleait
girlsninthismv sta hyaccm
SinsI tif be in 'ciallowed it uetir tict
'Pvnhitltilt. ti
of111ii trciititt o l oradticc lt I mii'' ihet
veing addmrtsc she Iill a t h
me bit ftes tut's au te iniii, li-
Sourgymasim iliteiatinoonin
neltles tn TheI ltitii
Iegicatc }~cofndealctfoiGtits t
Thisti onfi t fti he i i rlsini ittit c
uivrit y tort is it bogt o
tpulllic n tnete rathri asti shn fc
ctha t te itls 'Ift is551int ilii'sitiiair
ofinent ltengncli in thestrggl o
voe f rwo e . ,Iliiitl(io h
't'iteniii) tint 1 t heledng ora iz-
itti'of Iini t \ ti en i teilca
liretaltieoi tCtolii Iiiircii
nlgieml tutuflrag "oiai li
Asiion ''sttihin liii itl c ii ti ain
sufficen it lcalstreghi tin thoucied
unvriym vmitic 'N 'nnnsth e onil
Ii t tinorloftil lit gcli ii t totttn in ct.
Iteit}I inu1hori tiinibaritgiteir '

if pupss) l lse ith ani- Nlwtlictii nn o ii t lnus ihei-cv bt C I SR M
\'t eit orianiziattions av uedii
I ensiti Innllditmet fornpiltical hurl c-es.I1Prof. Johnson Lectured Before
tint sprt~ 1in inCithe curces sedt' -Woman's League on <'Intel-
nity Hatll for tlal oitnm assi itt iii n ectual H'onesty" Friday a. m.
in itli the cosntti an'ti suppoi t f ti
facult~ty If ll (opjttio ai't p l ticl lterg lr ii fe i ) iiH
innue here list snglt o l ie t ig \{niti ~ <<° c.ti Kcl
k o wtil t pitil i sse i.ti aieioo ,1 1-. K lc joltl u i the
lt li g Senaii ictor La'F leti te eoitti llte iicc f"l~elctal1o e<
lit himtt l l iiitics ill nig i' l i mii T e ,1c-if h'''rartar Stii
noitictall tatttte 1-111111 lw t ) (1ic
Inbhll oil ittit iati cilbelli (lin
isstue hcre ii l liteii C \l Gi iii tegrs l h il rit ?c 1?c
ising odci~ v~~n-lir i1-:ir.it n tiiiltoii whiictthou, 'ht

a~ li'mtic Pa

l'ii c

i;l kIn

V . . CS'B

91 "l t Ct
tlr k Ii t II

Coilonradot,,nut in ii 7ulinli. 'The
jc''t iftier tlkcin turerno't a it
net tiw iitce i itlt=' i tup o r in ci
yo aid r't l a l
1r. IHtcthtins rmi in' (,sh;c

In }. Jei
hid 11i<l
m i' i 1in 't

iii ni anulcc ii t~cIa l h r
a hi i m i(r l , cii lrint
't ')i ) I iti imi \ It ini <
{ ii tife l ci n i i m ' m )i(il
e si l. 1 n' il cll ilt 1)111 i i I

GOD A GOOD NATURAL PAPA 11h,-i 111 i sl

* k, ., t I , "

Conference of Religion Opened with
Startling Statements.
of ieindtc tch"Reliions m c-li -;f
soia inlitterie nntnm1t tei la c n {
teoeinglicit i nl hecnow e
pice oft theii In,' lfi lt''i h olof
lign andth R ln ii(1ioilni \.ii-Io
ahin t ofPrsidInt uinns
Prof.t Gos get ..ICtin o UnionTheo-i
R li iious t'' atcli Csoi i Cn a ht
mitustspaer. ro . l(en'imb nki tert
i'iltii tl iew thatI Cri sin itymum n ,L ,.i
moti rditaitl iagcn'liictnftr tf i t . K l-
tnsint tieiri
Mtlthw ninieintofthe U ieriy o
c 'rhto f the greai t t a fo
cia S ti r cnt i csidwehd im
' thi c t Int as con ineiiha ,
haiii taIti' n ' . do trtinonsm t
of sacrific. Inle deignill ted the inl i s
Sn\ moe eta' h raet:u iyi

int iiiichar iC'Curt lm, io

1t lia li
ft 2+ mit

tin 111 1" 'mlaw ic)f cl un i
c01i li h fcititht \in .
s 1 111- '(>1>CICICC dI c a

Woman's League Annual Diie
Comes in April.
i l~ ir rct i miii' I C
willi it c litili >t,_,
tnt w'1tctlitlI~;tr t '-
ci nn'i 1, i t a ci inttr <tt
in 11, i ' il
n(il w 'w"1. ! t1 ti C_ t IhI
S infr It l t'it v "-n In l h:_

uI n it Il n c inf :c(Ii
t1 lit' 'It t
ii i tlit Y t 1' t
tirn,. W e'm l'tl,}

! he Iai I 1(1 loll
h ntrl rlaiii ticT
ni1t in rci i1i' Uin 11a t\a

no ai ruhs Brought Out in
II am' osceion at School of
f,eiiinu tanquet
r ;liers m y notlose their
I if the'mliltirtil
ilOl ey .C.i Ctti ng
c. c il 1!'l i .t t e i Cnu
l~; I it iin liis trett
I,'C c Stuent's or
m ii um,'' W itht ill
Ii linitll, bhckedetupl
imiii le nshnowetthan
_ i hdIsitditbIefire
i'l immm,., iitettisitni.
h te fu ismotenirctnt tati
i ;,ian ul f it are hat
I 'ta okgattn spirit iii
lisR y r B ittigtde-
nirtli dyspepsia Tnt thin
r-:-nlilithe ra ition l tetnht
icii t intellent thomi ugt.e
'1 mir miistr." he ecteaime,
Ii ish ns Iili irrtiat
ml i ~ hsIa ien'i tiginitido ii
o le isi motri-Irelitintin
tictmima hutn itea
cu icf i laltic lit stt
cl ci _im ii o inklB tht
thtnmn a sli ii the
ieru ciiiti" thin
' m ysill reconcilienCitheit
n Ict n t he n ti nlr
it a I it mnthe
c11 ul eicie f llhi
I i~cilI ii ind ha int i nth
ml mmi: ihr k f rliioin
o. Ill t Ih Ii'ac deitat- i
l it '-li fitl inderI isil
u cr i r iiibarari,"
-" Icis intsli'.tn r om tt
Id nm n ni iltihnni, poiti-
i 1 I ut it, a th ten-
" [. TI1 ( ;e iIda um u tmosph re i
ii'l inyicaI eigc~iontit'can-
zlii pueyin teln'c tu '
I , ,.' riiilcXrei ut ichcii
- ' ait ut fthn uihiriu
n 63 ntisnrtifinturl
III tcc utu il lilt,fhuh
'It' quic uwitet
1 eskrs, ri. ieu-
.in lue e et it j. Cal'e
C irt I. , hsncPaxsnut
'I ,Ta lcIk it St

( i I)ii mit Ii i t thn i t in I 1h tit'
Cii m511111 1"i t?'e ta ' <1S iitn t tInis t i h( t
Ci tn muii ali it ti t


ii c ili Iw. I 'll a'
il l i't ci iltic ci
t ill i';n lInt 'Il'a
i I ii inn" i Iiai
,inis c n iii mint
-t' cliiI"in l'idntIri t

lis he e. 1 1e Wit TV w het mItIn
\v l ii I 11i 11i 'in°ar : is ii
I t il tthit 'i n '' illes t t Ec
chin muc i i 1'i iii
11(mc 1,\.mt ~resikut (iich''


JI CCC 5, CC "'hl~,KsS1- 1

C tuctui ni uringth', lis 'm mceri nnCii
Cry~i' e many m ii exl ct n iee ihe till 'mmr
i ii ni n mm el:;rtly wichaiin tr- w
in! itef1 in~iindoormiCworki consitingi
ci tin oni iimii andm n ii ii mumthutsnibui
i'm'r il ' n op t ing apparatus wmm illmieic"11
the min in' cluie coupi iic'Suchi'plantil
:Miss bth Paxs n ititilni ii iiry


Tlci i li
nlil~' Ill n~
Id. All ca

a lic Il C in 1

us tutu ).iiiomum 'cli dci mm o a
isilium Dean hl ilerlii Si multisun nut 1
speak Ion "r siona lI 'cmi i mIII-ium
tlto '111( so intu it e" t(1 I cN F
itopc andchu S tnlcrinMit'ti'cnu'shwid 7 iii 'I
mat hum( p Illr,n C hebbl Iiclua
lCaI)rthip,"miwilmu1wI(iiscus mmmiii33 (a
m.. ClGerg CC m c m rmiiit xI;


I ) iit i'at
Iid. S 'i-i'm

mcS. i 'mm i inho'). , a
lilt. a t (M 'sc ]11 ca mma ml t' (r ll 't,' 11 w i t im mtc s 111 it 11 r1 i, ll. , p
tar c lci) l of. the cmi ni - 111 t?,c in - I'r1 i mm-n
c111 'c i sa Cidh llte l i ll Ii ii 1'''I' prn it i




Conference Meetings Today
Prof. Geo. A. Coe, New York City
Pres. 0. S. Davis, Chicago
Prof. Shailer Mathews, Chicago
Dr. Henry F. Cope, Chicago

1 0:0() A. iM.
3:.00) E. iM.
7:30 P. MI.

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