THEI MICHIGAN DAILY. *This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchifed 0 A n n A rb o r s L ea d in g TAILORS 106 E. Huron SI. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 7Sc ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch Rspsairiirng aSpuuaislty THEt FARMEIIRS AND MEICHIANICS BANK( MAIN AND "URON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100,00 General Blanking Business. 3 ercenti paid oun Time and Savungs Dleposits. Safety lDe- p'osit Boxes to rests 'ati $2.00 autd upwrardis IR. IdEnee'. Prs. 11. (J. susTi sne. Vie-Peec. If. A. Wss LIAns. Ca'shier F. T. Scowre Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitol Sleekc 311o,0110 'srplus..211100 tR.'escs J2,0).005 A Genneal Banking Businss Transacated rruCEso Chas. E. Hiscock. Sees.; W. 1D. Harriman, Vine Sees.: M..1. Seite. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK. W1. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wms. Aenold Dr. V. C. Vauaghans Tas. Hd. Wade E. F. SMills John Hianeer Jn. Koch Pro. 11i S. Cahart HenryW. Dousglas Christian Mar tin [an 1+. Zimmeman FIRST NATIONAL BANK t~*On N AntOn, MuCH. I'. Is. 01NNE1. 1ItIISOIN SulilF. P res. Vice-Sees. S. W. CL5A lllS10N, Cashier. C'apital, *'100,000. Surplus and Profits. 000.000. C r lllAn c ntao Bi1~ ank Con r',ercie. laekrvd Coe,. Maim. aend LibertyO S~n'.nts \Ioccct, atler htvne tuotdiedthri e'e Il'12R1,E-N(= v aa sa and ah l t'e Belin Poly-I- tehic In stitutle, lies tassedllte finle letotecsothe r lill.rt exam11ination s l.1electrical etngilnee rit"tl1oilllie campuits Iesterda1 it msark '"excellelnl" in ll 11subjects. itoof the litera1rv clss She is tile firsi twomlanlto cobtain ati- iii "'eet t eIt.' 1 hd lt (llty- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 1lieen il llsliiirtit little" lihesstere silicersof tI ii I OR RENT. P 13e'. 1i tisiti. nd on s i- l 111 bteathl .1 1103 F, I lurort. W-06 ra11e1'heyt l J'it 1111 11111 11,1111 Is «-lli 'Its' ds 'o n'ded.slut l,, 0111111 it til31 11 11 1 illo tl eros, iteilassit i se t pecdn til3 l 11lock tsfronti tlltsliii2[i-sTh ctil fths IIiSC l131 IAN EOUS i-sin ii' s"irtda .Iwtcr secut otter, er repiaredI 't ''The Po1 rl01111 te. 11alalssRoctal." 209 E.tLiboerty St. if lmen 111111 ii11111ike ci, ills toi biiheldin BarbI NOTICE,-SENIOR LAW1S 1rccn olwdb Youcasnliiget tse essly bie fs oliof liwhishlls sto eli tst i,orcssaes's Cessflict of Lacs a ewi lnti/s s iif111 heii ii 11111 si &$Lans', 3i0 S. Sttate. )4. illfite chasirmansof't 1101 WINTER CLOTIHING SALE ito blit is sissl hti iii u ''11 $15.00 Soils .sssi Overcoass. ...$i.uu so lotssi llostoior i c $s18o0 " " " .. ..$14.40 fmtti1111ii ial ei the iIso $20~o " " .$s6.oo thurlycns I iciso $25.00 " " " ....$20.00 tile di set aisie fort i .111 Troueers at name dincont. itsolidaythelregiiiar site'. AILEN'S CLOTH4ES SHOP, anodlJuillosas to i- IoMale Streel. with.Inseld ioilthlist. -- - ten11 stits p1101 le fo barsgtains its tllkitnsds of Uivrsistmiy lt 'liii lo etoisll sts os boo sa ite Sisdesnts' iBoosotre. Vas~5ily-utu 11011 111" too Si 'ellis i Coi. if or lis-ilss cc eliii i der11 mi niis t o iiij ssilll irs outr $1 Fiontaisn Pest-Shseehasti;'nrintld anthe ios110 lc Iudr is tile lest ever. tf 1 eetlti was it I an1 1en111. t s i1 10M lv1 -five fr lll l c1lss i o sodid '1p101s' iations 14 3 c 11 11 1 00 'Ie ild o orde11c ireiliner'o i Soiii 111cc 00. fiilts or "a tillrit'pin il l. j trs ur r' r(,- ji ol1 . lassi' 10 1 1 ben till1 I s'ss heselillsi - sitell' los - red i lfls c it 111;C tl >rile gulls. 0>- so , 0'w0sop! - ai ilt'li }' It cs'si. .iso iSk 3 ;rci 1 ol i llstr d o ll d h e e r ' ! - wa ils oii 1ici so iali n ii ilisth 'iiid ps artiit .01 dalii to ~ i t1 edt co11st ool 2 O ( e.OR wi a yTrips ht h~ 1),tcrl ti , O;s f- Laudry .4 S. STIAT n ' 1 ancd st.e - Coirliss S05sits i'arstiert. 'They --- - -i- -, ha d matde collars. Ah.tistllls'il, yost can- + wes j.,jj'3 s Osot gthetteru-e _t I7'otnce, style, fnt, THOMAS ROWIO. P' I 21 eoiltresisontwear. 326 N. Fifths Ave. . hn 57 F5l ~mr 7- AT 'FUTTLFE & 9 FED)LB Lunch L ' 215 lan9I You can find a (sue lsne oiS ml 'I'l 1 11 IC. .F. WETili CO. AT Yoa cal Wen give 32 .' .v et :1i 1 i t' C t r't't t' t t1tlE ST'A'T- SI',,UPSTAIRS ape 'ts'sslt til-GOat('. t 'i CO a'e am~d see ins No' I n satlsfasshla'iess Spring Suitings Seenthemninsnourindow- many moresinnside. When youfind onenthat sits yoahaeila'd asid toabemadeupswhn yuant it Ban onen patern af a kind, Importing Tailaors Stain Strenni F'IFTY=SIXTH'ISEASON SIUDENIS' IECIURE ASSOCIATION PE'1.5 l's The Premrier Lecture Cou~rse of Ameriea.. LIEUT. ERNEST H. SHACKLETON Whoe has reached farthnent Soutth (IERALD) STANLEY LEE mnnnt Editstr, Essayist, aad Lectarer Watch for the Prospectus Season Tickets on Salel $1 -50 r May Fesfiva Reserved sent tickets ioonit sale $3.00 anal $2a50 $ 2.00 SALE tBEtINS SATURDSAY, 'EBRUIARY i9 New for Spr We are shooing an extensive linle of Wsooleisior list 17 The assortment comprises everythingl that i isrw asuit ii . design, color and qtiality.. We caIInsy withiouit1n0 0 our stock this year is the ilo. I handsome lye isast.'ten't. and will readily appeal'.oltne Hest1partcl11.1air to W. U. DIETERLE& Vae rity Tailnr $17 E;. ULbat"' rotUnited Lines erg(. elos, '1ttsi ti, oh the IDetroit 1 lf 1} liiehots ofoh 'arsity or- Of's 0this Isovsem~ent, ibeyondt t lo o h 0'w selo-t11II',So-e.' t, iof