THlE MICHIGAN DAILY Spring ,and Summner 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Original and Exclusive COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and liarmonioas ___IN - Suitings, Veslings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Examination G. I. Wild Comlpally TAILORS 311 SO. STATE STREET CLINTON, Trhe 6S Ll PEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BJARIER BR N BITTuE. L SIAND SIT PERFrCTh MADE 'JF LINEP. BARCOD S Un K THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Maaoging Editor t.L.',etNct C. ELocscGE Busainess anager CARL H. O0 ADAMt Addrrss: MICHIGAN l).ctcs, Prrss Bldg., Maynard Strrrt. Office Moors: Msanaging Editor, 8-11 p. to. Business Managrr, I-2, 7-8 p. m. Except Sunday. Both pheonrs. EDITORS. News ....h.... er A White Assistant. . . Harold Tittis Athlreics .....Wilbur D. Elliott Women .....Frieda Kleinstfiick Music and Dramla...Hollis S. Baker Exehangrso......M. B. McHugh EDITORIALS. James K. Watkins Morrison Shafrotlh Chartes Good C. S. Lasher John T. Keinny ASSOCIAEEDITOeS. Watter K. Towrrs t-arry Z. Folz Din Birney D. A. Hinckley Arthutr B. IMoellian Russeli B. James Fred Lawtoin harry G. Myser Frank Roesell Chartes H. Mylander Morris Houser M. Mock Ryan WVade Oliver BUSINESS SUTAFF C. A. Bowman Nornman H Mill Walter 0. Wilgus MyereRobin Kenneth Osborin Norman Wittet le taikenibefore that dae. tiiscdeirdC i\VI:1T Fi 1;i tlhat all cenirs make their clii lie- exT1S fore sethaelate so cthat tie'pocgrpir ciin theintell just leotv Wig, iiltae; mes to inish thee epictues and furncish .1 iii' dI 01 Mihilianensian Wth celeec It taes1.At Ii aneciomentsoe oe's ctimie toica'll Lhi a phoiitographber adIrrs oirecia c sCieeting. C Thlicseut be done cib~efore:cilicia. 1,11itocI)( Thee artisscare Amc cccii cming c in tci iii ' wthldraweeingsc. .n wicii"Iie-Th .Cm sty who'has letsho'iulielp in A ii e mWi wvork. Todaylci lbexecii iw i pacein atlei-cied c'arioae buiillings tieroughouteeetihe c. ceecyeis ee ci togete.rwstllsthe snwbansc er esns.te« seesiors'hlouldell t.11 ankatoneadi ~ eh i i see plaiselegibl.leccecendwCiting andiiieit Iwh ile it ini the hex. Tlii ln sfieol recored of seniiocrsthe Mi iciccci ie ccc ie l~lc ihes 'cecilshousld eli retpared C itecte. simi la scu C Wills little heclifrteech sci tuden. it1ini ciaiCi of thle seei erits tice edlitorsCArtiCsec'ec o i culiC c give the eeeiirity cne if the hieseer' 1lods isWc booekse ever puebllisede. \\hile it CcI h ilb el iii cyt e e irclaiccthics licesc n tc5 1.1e 1 i,,1ii iwi meaceehatlas cistane is n ct idcesreel fromeie,i Cimte ce isle everiyestudent."' ie cmods. lie,. (11C. 11)1111'iii{ hR I MI N" Illstrumendlts and j,{ cREngineer's Supplies Th otc pete n h Laboratory Supplies Shop lools C~i sc)! Fountain Pens, Etc. University Bookstore ti ti ;. Medical Dental LO)CAL FIRfM I iF'S NITS TO STARVING S(ilRRltS. Foellowiieeg tie'artic1 III i lti 1il} Thusda se morn ccceincge .tAmin-c thicI ice wineter these urele are l e iCciiIlice Mr. Hutechsisof thec.. hi. RirbyCotic cecil ee cset stoir', hac ciit i liege bag of hiileckoiry, ius toi the I cit 1'it for distributione. '1r. IHutchinsi' (Iicclaticcc cille ts- fotll: U'i l lI 1 \\hi r c 1c. \I i I' cc l" CI tribustedl todayin alliiipacrts of the icy ceemesro f lice Iidleystacffcclii little animeles ar ue mosit freqc icecc theccueh meore scocues e icetedl lic Arhbor anedvitienity, the ciicri.. ie suppitly still see0 cidoubt 'elieve theI ics ecneditiscnowiesixistinge. C'it i ctic Ai- liii fow fl-c tread 'I'lle lical'11 IS IS 1'117117111 '; \Vk ro all y" ' lICl7 \\ C' II1 I llf' Soil~ M II IIIcsota Rouscr, Mill III-]lc-;()_ta. 'I o v(,gIr ci)1() Firm alld sir Pali, rzlh. ra 11 i'('cLANAD UARTERS lZES N AE '50 2 far259 __________ --trechme n ici cueoraetorical coie- ', I u . oueueildilaaecopssile telt. ,s f' acfruelice S cot~l e te F(1- hil (iJ- Seilice ,c oratocrical conetest. iknw thogot encycltopediaesof Fete 2?8-Setnior ILiccoratorical contest. tieswolasiCa Wa'sNw aFpr Gua~eaxre'e oof slid i ent frecoitee, - Qcaltty. quo t. SENIORS MUST GET BUSY A. G. SPALDING C. BROS. Chicagoe Detot Work on Mich iganeosian Rapidly Progressing. Vith ( ntie csceeieec e ir antiithe ewci VYNI'VE .SITIY smetr ctirteecithie Miclcigaceeeii Staffhas egun work- ill erltest ce bok icc r 51ccrth piesc. Is sacsumet TitXTdfficieebutitrapidly oi con B O O K S mostl c 5 clcl; of cpraction ieeh New and Second Han~d o h aius eiegruiiectiocan reccei th ;cts i i b cysee s heettheir copty FOR ALL DEPARTMENTCS adpi ire re' ice the handscicof the ________________________________ edrictoir it ocei . 'lie cntracts sigede by the iigi camu rganeizationcalefrol Dirawing Instrumnents icileecoeibyli etireecri cciiithecre ire cecj Y sil isii iicele trsic for crr Agthtir iotentcot. Eugene Dielzgen, Atleneder iregacrdl etot etor and Keuffel & Esser "Tite sInor elases hdatcit Instruments elect their clehitoriiascacidcrendlee their colic. cA Ifewcoftthe' seniorsec ae' ____________failedl Co 'irrange fo r their sittinsegeanci espte cilyis hi.stt ue e oee fcIthe sencir ee- Weigu ranteeol Instraments andel gilteri. Ileocrtier teecoi le ~ii'a isatisfac- ioup sdic fatall cued .scory boioukcthe edistori musit Ihae'e cpyt il oil tie. Allsioci rs i.are redhtu AlTITHEIsittneutlc be a1 rranedCitfor at onece. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE In ordritha tie sta iiff sily know enee tic 1.51ct te se Icitpictueres f ronese the "' cleccioeshitogapercste c cchvi. set tnext Sctsr- 11 rticday iFebnarythe. nie teeneth as cthe ILLA~.1IJJ.J.~ LA. ~~las afur rris riceisg her issiisg. 'hist cYc cececece eri.I TODAY. CrechemienI gymseecitss(~ g6 o tat' teedall m~embesiNid vethis' haecreas~osfor che C C hoe h ied it necessary toi hnetersc pcatrick imsmseiaitely. ceICt..Xce;\, ii"G T IN(. Intierclacscs'Track - aer1oiimi epeccillyt acecic hace lccdkae fur classi.rehay' teamc ciiccici 'rain- ig iseidiateit'. . Ie i iecms ciii ie pickedhthee ltter liart if cccxitccc i. ceci tis absolucticely c'sctialithticthiii dcc meneenet iiocciicitiuici iefhere the Ia iry-octsic are held. hLargetst Stiack its Juihligais (Zai i l rah i ale , r