THE MICHIGAN DAILY . . I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING \VA\N I- L) QUARY' You find complete ind guaranteed Zoology, Pathology, Histology, Bacteriology Dissecting Instruments Ke carry Cerbrlssseut flfjesso; QUARRY'S Drug Store Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds. Law Rooks, or other iersonalIprope'rty. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Rargain-. in Watches & Diamnrds Ofice at resrdence 331 E. Lrberty St Ann Arbor. Hours: 8to11:30a. in.. 1to4:30arnd 7to 0 p.msn. JOSEPH C. WATTS ITlE FARMEtRS AND MEtCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Prrfits$00000 General Basking Basrneaa. 3 percent yard on Trise and Savings Deposits. Safety ire- soas Boxes to ront. at $2.10 and upswards rt. Kmss's, Pres. li. G. I'lrEo-rs'sAN, Vli--Pr-s. 0i. A. WrIsANS. (Cashier rF. T. Srowrs. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank- Capital Stock 5 50,000 Surplus .2000i0 Resources $2,8.00 A G-eneral Banking Business Transacted OrrrCESno Chas. . iacock, Pres.; W. D. Rarrimarn, Vrce Pros.: M. J. Fritz. Casuhrer STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wnr. Arnord Dr. V. C.,Vaughan Tas. R. Wade K. i. ils John Ruarer Jno. Koch Prof. Pt. S. Carhart Renry W. rDougiass Christian Martin r anise irmomermn FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oe ANN ARBOoR, MICHt. E. r). KINNEs, HR~ittSON 4017iLE Pr-eu. Vrce-'res. S. . . LARKSON, Cashier. Caprtal, 5300,000. Surprus arrd Proits, $60,000. Corimarcaa~l ad Se.vtnrs Cr. Meus nd Liban-ty St-t. i Ii otd--Ternor arid boss soloists for cbctlr-b positionrs. Apply at icc iat 3li2Stucit I Is ision St. Iii ]011 RENT. Forc Nif-Estloc ite-forcr cpt;li -lt hesat. 'phonie. rkN-o disr slicn p05l. 230 S. litayci. 7-i8-1 Fori Rent-L~rgc, iha-dsotsessigis si, Ieather furssioscid:laisrk ('1(mti1t ts t- ts is. Sieasiiheati. iha t nd-Cld teit IlI'rii . ill. $3 ii6 4 .01 iiirsss St. Iq Fort ksiii large. pe slsiroos tilt ableformwir t oS pleniIs- - - tc o sit sti r si lts. 3 F.1ii ~ -ri Poeiii3T, I oii fa1,tllictilThetasi I ritsiritity t-s. retiurnttoiW.1iS.j S tcStan e- rei~var . 8-t)-i o is ilt 7 ,. 1 into m ec i- mUusic aW) Mraina iMsisr-i-sit-ars-tll Inami hn de sc bes Itvirisiti 11. I Vsitu s 1iii ii \s- Aroptsii lan sacincats itob presnted int hNt i-cl ti- \Ic ic slit s i - t rie fa l- sslslo m i i l i Fanearsf ls talillutsit~ t stI ii irte p ide sftiltslit st ttis h \Ici crti(ttistttric tS arcstol ilt-i-r ls l th ttare qu ll tIrc ' sh°ie rs -cistoftlns Cui tiss sar-11 itc t tr-gsrllsl )t llt I - : spectacle i th timy w(.1till ke t he s s itsit t- torbstil. s i naznet.rl itints. so i li- ta ac)npi lltn ft-lil sosoisi unti l l thiussi stpe sits sir~s 1sf 0sili imachineissithat siiss l thi 0iti tsth I tolt-craces1 il1 0it-t tlt is alltsrnstinal.flihtsireit-curt-- hl lig un ~ i it i t ton is siel fir iiit lise Slcil nee t il titschldsto theti s t s i tt s r i e s ois iiiCo ce t ths - inut fo tstheifacts tt i i i s - t its--cin n A ho . iss s S a dit cr wsiienaddd t th gtititte tilt ,Iw~lt )f th iSchool so s-sirs-nd Ita acl~i eel c~ns l li sciss instiss s-i si]e the-iasi-oni sthe re m ,-cstf cns to ur lists astil \Cclcn co cet , t ()it I rSi tilt- 1> t'cd l.S m e it t Ii- itslit iii !Ed I. _\hert ~ockV(stIillplyian \It- W iliam l i so fullsl I rs. 1,:. She ill fo me-y I liss Dlis, It ! i The differenlt Store; of Better Clothes i College Suits r andI Overcoats I furnishi ngs, has, Caps, Etc. COMPrANYI MINA kha s iii- iii 00 iltiti I lists lists Aiss is c11111 ad Sde fa iicit liii- til t,tts i it sit '1 11c1 lt stalilt Icit Mbiii ci -kv,() THE ANN ARBOR BIBLE CHAIRS 444 S. STATE ST. TEL. 937 111S-1 RMON(ON THE MOUNT A Course of Five L~ecture Stuitces Given by G. P. CortiRt Sundays at I1P. 0M.,- begirnriig October i7 wilis Nsi li r I nit i rs 5 nl Wis it s le f i ts- sut111)( titThrou h iti ti is- lit t ten c1 tu c)fr s ti he listafft if t' n I ii-ii ,Ik! isle r,)iot f(sr ls thsne lyi lht~ ci iii ofQll andtill h issi", sit the st stit iduringi thlit- lst c -1! - sitc (' l t is ill sitv its its, slywc tititit ci stits liitrayi t i la t\lt 51"IndIlls lit/litsis. Imtj r n nlist r wisp i asits to ' si~e "t ote, Limied Cars Kanest riudoi:07,Ia.i,.l(t "Ntr ife", s+iii ,1ts_" Limited Cars5West Botisrd uituI -s r1n tde a\i s i LocaltCars stBousnd -- tissisiss t::5al st_ n i tyost t o 11 )1)i Il.its 'o tl sis chool of Music itt htge za sits il ittts lii il Local Cars West Bousnd- ?:5itsIi., sa Rowe's L aundry1 B 0 0 KX. THOMAS RO WE, Prop. 326 N. PFith Ave CTIONiARIES -Nu Pom 11 mlPhnii G MICEGMOESBARBER SHOP 7085 Northe Untversity Ave, . 0. A. MOE. Jniversitv of M ""cian Union's ;E;0. V. STOLL, Pr~o .rttor LAW 40th ys' De4 Area An-bor- L :GAl AeCaan-b, .q I P. I rA S TUIJIO-i r A ° fj tr