THE MICH IAN DAILYS This Sae Reserved FOR Sam BurcIhfiekI Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Colly Guaranoooteed Watcoh Repaa~if,' t-a~ Specialty THEt FAil 1S AND) MICHtANICS BtANKi MAIN AND HURON STREETS01 Capitol $50,0010 Surplu, and1 Proftis $100,000 onlTlimoe and Saving loll d s 0aity De- pousit B~oxes to 'ent, ;, f, and upwards It.AN1.f,l, Pre. . . iI YMA 1'i.oo'Ao The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Coitl oltoc 1:'. urli 000olo 0tso r ?, 100 A Geeral Btanking Busioes ans oacted )rm m'tolo Ch as. E. to.''t ise lPes. V. Di. Haorriman. V ie Pr Fes. 'I.1J. Foioz. 'asiieo' STATE SAVINGS BANK Wo. A.oBooh 0 to. V WmCrod D.% . Vfiogao Tas. It. \Vade E F..I1 "s 'of. I. F. Cariaoi il Itlry NV. Dou a Cii ltion Matooin Dan i' 1 10im i. 00 FIRST NATIONAL BANK () N voR MICH.00- E. If. 1(100001. '1,11 1t ' r ti t I~-L rlPre. , i (I -Pr1s. Capital, 4100,0100. )1 i' S o I 'roofits,.00001. Cov,. Mae.itm, a~o'd LtbarO' Stt-eets CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR RENT. For oelt-outei' iiiLadies' atpproived roooolliln 0.00hose. Ht 0010-teheat; modeorin. 000oiOakltaidii oi lbicai R0 101 looom-Sinogle; liokfo capu. I iooiiro' 141 S. Ingalls. \92-tN)3"t) Hooood-coillege ' ii i'iito tict as0 agen0ts tduriog summoett.t Goodtmoneyoo o'fr igh mlento.t Cailltell 3102-L, 1-oriadroess orutllo11o. F1001 Brown i, 6o. toi- vorsity. gotf $2,0 1( ~ro,$2.00. iBoarud $3.00; .0 101000c0k 001fr oliom Ca pu. 1t2.;1 t. 11110'1 LOST. 1'. Sno . 1)ll1 toil. 14o82. 0)2.0 t1OR SALE lot .Soolo)- esit, laebbcuit, 01010-10 but .0 la f 10000 tie. bargati~in. ti to ,21 1?.JO'Ioo 000ooionIC210)J. 0l0 'SISCI,'11 2 OUS S.o 0, 'o 0000c0t0over, 00-repatiredtat "Thoe Pa1ms Royal," ogE. Liberty St. tf \otICl -SLI;OR t.ANV S. 10100angeI hit onio brl0-efsonoi 0110000 0 (.Confict of 1Laowsoat Zooooo- ski & [,axle'0,310S. Stoole. )4 FSA1ID"F 111',.OtN. Y- -~erdv's ig ein n drwilog- 11- 000000000lo ojod olplot upptltlies'id ot qu00- tke 0ll 010ur lgo bargoinso. S tcoolr $27.00 sets o tboo'000 $016001, l ictr K" o& 1to'roooets aot .0 V roe0 oloooo pri00s. C(n100000' ar00 ,ud ;c godchice. .FI.iiooo'0-s. Ao ' I.I'01111INt. 1100100 ttlIlll ooot $.c o'lee 04 kto s0l0-fillingo e1000000 ric010100 ha 0at000a l 100ra l b ololnce ,,in1)000r oi. e Ill11 JS lotHS I I 0tli100 o Iohere, blot 000000-000 too o'ltlolt wioll nl oot 11000001a t light dollrs. Nol oilnIeed n l"ot Ile Iian 01000t 00so is ind'' loul 04.00 Fabero 0-ololo tratolotof self- 11 1 00000ts 00oil looat uontil Soatuird100. 0)o elsa 10: $4.00 1010s $2.000; $.o 00 e00s00$>. o: S6.oo 100000 $3.;o0; $F~oc we ill lo oo lmo. 100000 f)2l00 00 i d m100 il lo 0.1111ohlf ofll a sheeitlt ))f 0010in tt iooofl ood ' )f 000000 ave li l ll$; o llhenss-dI lb'. ooo'ck at Skip cr' fo $Io.012. l_)ingo oloiit lo o' oel%611'exchangeo'tlforo te od rlc it and lo' 1' Ioooepi r it110 fo tmlc)- a e t S ar0 y'Boi nt0o 1)1- ta Fae 0,0ilig-pe. W e want 'o10'1o 1 0000 pel100t.ade. 0000000t0 000 O111'ASSO\. 001 1000' 111'. \ 1ZF S N, 0010) 000- 1("VS) lpor 100., 000 Ooi' caltee b 0,)- 0000lonot o to b tter. W thn t 1011. Si 10' riglo -b tI ItoA I: V & C'> S2O0 DISC0UNT Furnishings and 01 Clothing 'Jr 211 SOUTHIN AS tot Li tChinese Chop-Sney Restanrant ' L OA Americano Luoootoosot alt kind. tEtor- Cleanst Kotcheonoin0AonooAroio. 314 S. STATE STREET 'Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROWE, Prop.' f . , 326 N. Fifth Ave.L «yo~ New Phonet 457t Belt Pione o50-1 Am_- comf ortable and stylish AT TUTTLE & Co. jAR OW Lunch Rooml OLA Ynu can find a fine line of Confectionery 15 cetnts eacth -2 for 25 cents CI' 0,F . Is 00Co., toioo.s -M1 I-IlNTER CLOOTHIING SALE 1\11 1joio Stui toldOvercoats .. . .$t2.0o S18.00 " " " .. ."$40 $20.000 " , ..$t6mo $2 io " m ....$20.00 .111 "Trouosers oal s0a0e0discounot. \1.1RN$ CLOTHEIS SHOP, of M~aintStreet. IAT LOVELL'S I 332 S. S"GATE ST., UPSTAIRS I You can. i~ 000t 00 001 000 '.. . , 00 b l lru in o oooo r'oio'oool seots anoolelt 11000,0000 ho in ll 10'ki1nods 'o nivr oito ussl h m foot' \-000. W e'000 ca1n looloo orm1bo oks a te Stuoool ts' Bookstorte. ill thoe' ri- o " 1 01.00Plc 0. Syly' I100 1$04.1000 Sloe'ioooio & Coo. t or sh1) ok 00lb itoo weoo 'ca0llttyou t001--- - c(Ilolbolo tbo for' $2(>g. Atd 0w0'still T' 'to $000 o un~o tinoh Peni -Sheo h's'ioo lB k 1 fit'-Ipi-Nit. Siuo o '''. 012. l.e'ooolois'o 1100 boes t '.rtf oor foaniyoteot 0it,01010ing.-Dor' cleaned Slour 101all illdyed ox0"'Y Pterset.tro'oit) InsigntiaNmrls 4 o l 110onil o'Oter-, etc Nektiesad t4 Studtentt in, tool o Stichigoon p1001100010 bl i b oo ooll ottheo' collet, Nootioons, a. ma t'> op, tool s We give satisfaction. Come axeda a 5 see us t A I Spring Suitings Seenthen our.idowo--anay morinside. When yaufiand anthatsuits ynahaeittadasideatabenmade upawhenyo ant it But oan aternofatakind. WAG N ER & CO, Impnortin Tailors State Street I-I ,i C lITtY=SIXTH]SEASON SIUD[NIlS' LECIUR[ ASSOCIATION The Premier Lecbtire Course of AmnericeL. lilt1AF. ERNE.SFTH. SHACKLETON Who o sa'e d ftootathtes't Souatt (aURAL.!)STANLEY LEE I. noanenot I oltoor.IEssayist, andotlecturer' Advance Sale (Ot May Festival Reserved Seat Tickets tEOIlNS MONDAY, JAN. 31 SCHOOL of MUVSIC New for Sprinag Wse are shtowitl[- on extentsive litte of Woolents for Sprintg. The assortinent comuprises everythting thtat is new attd nobtoy tn design, color atnd qttality. We catt say withoout exaggeration 0ou10 stock thts year is the mtoet han~dsome we ltave evet shtiwnt ao'od wilt readtly appeal *o thte mtost particutlar patr-on. W. L. DIETERLED Vaa.rsity Tailor I1,? E. Libsety S4.t. Detroit United Lines Ott iofonlion1100010D1ivislon Sloptrit 1000 bot S ileot.Yslilanti, (of the TDetroit ' l.itted olesbyo lliero of \'arsityor- (;a.oizio it'.ofl Ite o' oveoent, beyond o'1wo 1000110 oilo11the regular soeice. of any( 100.1011 of -e~ts~ to or frorn Anen A\rboor extra cars and extra service wili be promptiy supplied. FRATERNITIES Silver Links Scarf Pins Fobs Rings XX Al. A QIOD, JWEE 220 Southo OAlanStreet. Watch for the Prospectus Season Tickets on Sale $1.50 a 1 Fa Portrait Studio - ~319.Last Huron F tree