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February 16, 1910 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1910-02-16

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hi - - D- I e ic an . ,L

\tV X X.

*NtN :ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 11if] i)\1;lif).1ICIIERUARY t16, 1910.

Phenomenal Third Baseman
Receives two -Plucks" and
Decides to Quit.

Washington Reports Show 25 AT MICHIGAN
Members-Virginia Second.
\cceloiitt to tihe latest report from Believed by Students to bel
\\ toiigttl Mtttgtt 011 lttsttfit Growing Worse Every Year.


til lca

Itls tist k-i tll
fittipp)S0 ta
Ciii 111 ahe
tra ititA l I t c t
111iIt*Sci ] e
tea se )lthe

I 'L Coll gv, W to Murn.
n for his leap i ), schoi l
-As Wcal l6m in the
artni(,nt, one )f chich
n t as not des(,rG ed. It
an , f-ort v,-ill he made
reinstatcd in school in)t
lie shall not return.
,rs Meml ll ichi;gan in
with thin) an enviab le
ehall player o); tllc 1)e_.
(ub and Dvtrc}it Central
MIns. H c played third
irsit% hall tcanl, in the
with c .s<, and at the
oll had the high(-st hat
any' of t1w riĀ° met))-
)d. t') idditil ,n t') hoin
.r , hall

'i'51115 \Vl 1'k11

Ift tilert)
()ftIt tIe t
will nt
1111 1: t Itl
tItlt tlsort

poigtief61st etong~ress titwithattattitf
?. Virgttinia is settndtt oith ft.
Inthlit1 ntettt, Mici ogtttt1toreresetteti
b.% Stierete tf Inttiantat, Mofttttier tf
hatitetc1or mor1111e miettiers i contgrless
1gi1 s u Vad b it sx \'t soi ot ttt
siX- \isour si, oocatixttt i Oitiilt
talolio. 11 1111 i thr1111 ri nceton111111
cccsten one, Mnn set ttmi, ttt, n ,
Ill nc11111non, ra t se. 111
S1111 Gdo ttttltehigh 11}c!"
it 01111' tind 111ok11 atc
'1itt ig l iii111 i tiue 0 1 tou:
t'. hial Inest 11 ittl Itoue of11111 ei
11. \ . Smit , 011111hi 1 i all
1110 1thig ti I tt lait1 issouri1111;
.Itt Iito t and iiai d I-aza
fThne lruli~t fpopck
1, sicss mci, h toomerial tc1 lub
11011 Itffiertt's t-itt metintttt e il
li-Il. \\ llia 11.1enks l its ilett t t
t s ietheideti11 s11 tf te 11od1'1from
1111-111A.. .0 He0111:0striO ii it0a tita 11s,
Iclt onniittNo m n\Aitt
Mr. 111111f le otest t 11 11 1111
atetonwsp itteptot lem o1

thett oll d 1it itt (n11u111IS. ()l
pumpd b1 a p1 siitt 11111\' epoterit
sai, 'Coaitons h<,e aci e r111 hadit
No tttt itt f1ac t ta a e e'r s
}ctt. l ott oftt iIg tii itc
ittl 1 tndinttg ithe \o lit ttrittett ti
Juit r ittist 11 theu Iiit,>n
hett 11ril s It li1 a il vc's
til t so11 lii iift's I ft tit i 11,II 1that 1 1a 1
ca'tstgyhee e 11111 tem W 1
II c o iln t Ifte tlif 11n 'tti-itiOOOs.
0 itttttles lit loteto theJ "tiottoolt
II aii 1l i a pu t p 0.tat. i I h
can't le hcitcd. IIll it~1 11ar1
soltIl 11111 11 t h% them till 11111110111tt
setltoitand111Ittei t m1111 eri f011 ut
thatthin s1 tIl llsh1e 1 oig tt 111 1u0p 1
111)0!aiii is kilO tillSecnt sn
11c11c1tonne1tuneiitill titheiltterprt
Ithe ltit 0111I110 r s p, t Ito I ltte
1fu t ie i ot(I1111 II I 111111 /11 itii titeih li
s tthititit li tutu c tielt semesi er
Sttitit 111 t11 li t htit i r I iii at
thseko ritt ar111 nextt.
tit \Iii iitttttt tIII 1111111 I Ii tFI S I
\ oit clitheliii o 1,m h 15 11tr
1111h11111liri I tltttti.Abbitt
11111ti tt 111 tltr
tork -al l itttu iiitiitt,
V1lg11oftitLa itpattt 111Toe111
io t lctcd t io oa itI rh

1)ilfth le 1111 ttee ut'asa
1c01' if firetes tt s b ll 1) fn


C~ause Many to Leave School.

First Year Men Expect to Suc-
ceed Despite Sophs.
111 itte bendingttti t heill 11s1 le110
te text iookso atre putrchtsd I lrt 0
itgitsh tucked1 11001 t colec iste lt
tat is 115reoved si it o tu t~ o tl -am-itl
ott the ittttch exhausttted stttett. .Ac-
tiiis ill' sjihtooks11a11' i i 'is nt o
tpla tt laitl oe Iegt o malfs
iee ttet or titittt t
urtieatktt eae rs t t l s o teii ell
titl ba re Just till lItttoittli too
1ki ti hl r e r ts k o% , n
qu itl i psibl e. itit until1 all1 <111
r11111111111I t i av e a11 0 0. l te it I I
thu s totigthe fesl mtittlo s r ll
when o tml itc tille tc 011r11G i ca t 10 101tl
snakeitit i il IIIII 11I11
It thei i st Ittt isiamptilel
tluh oaem kigBil' e p o ts. It t
or11la t tro gt he N 10' '1111 110 btt i
tilt twilind ut t t he i fr111 shmanlt sectll et. I
't'htiletearfthe frlitmat lttioe hot' so
torutt. ()List s u on'k owist~
ha t he ele td. u orlit s it11 h01
Roscfioe 1111l111111111beingtcit li t t It t ll
tcotoely m tei oti i mttt t-o5 g ilntlttt liott
moresttfi. tl1 Io1t ii i
TrnYete ttol-vhut 11111 It ilt
tilt( iistruggle ptecedingi iti attractlit ide
Spiad til t tttentio tilt lndit g tcl
lute effoti tot esca 11111hIt 1e1otd pgiar
mte tee itn brin abut m ny11 li lo totitl
Ills titeibatuett: llth oot 0 1110
st-fli t into 110111 gli r's 01111 h~o 1detec-
tto It-dit n t tk t e t pr, Itl
1111011 ittito tesieged1toetheitre
stti tittito efoor iits i t ool 1ke t
ed ~ t oO t-attemt igt tl ili
ass isteiire111011 t111111 hot tot 111
S 1 tt'iti it-fi' tt 101 11mi tt1w0 n th
Ihe tiets h1 frei ii Iu t it it i iti l oItt
te ottslit tto pe0 to11 nte1 1100 1 '
I sttlst hadtt lannei d. tlt lii poss ibilit
the thte l int awnd w ill Granger'
a it anceittot en fett. hi s matei di
l aitlttetresit t hat10 ther01111111 ii iltli
iifeshen idfotf.seemits beTmidb
f uhmtesfottf eit-tiadtille1(10.
ii r ;Itttrst. i' 0'5tt it
1 tttto ttrd 't is ottld lstligt i t 511i I ll tilt
Thei1010 boitsdeided to citt ne-st
it io if nit d seniot r lat~5 contt st It in
tog'the mst-totmali OttittIofieou
11111s.io di dedt0 uoniifot he ipo t 111_0i

' h loot tit-t'tot iitoltitl tter nuned
ig The tiillhelotifmit edi sticttly tot gills 0111
(' are to tem1110'httt te oilottttlo dIr
of t I -tfg'ott 'lbUnfottarto th As

o o2
)utlook Promising for' Success-
ful Season-fifty Men Coni-
mence Training.
i as I c t < t I blMa'sfrt
41,,ml all > r lfts tck catitdtates
;e:;cre~i .iflnio~u. For the first foot
itmii toOight1praice 00wilhe iulgedt
too )l to tutoth at oO tiotooeek srit
Ir> i an tuu, it thad piatbites-wi-ll eco-
oils to e it il he odiv ied ito
1110 squadt ei nslg 1111de te
.ialst~prcison o a eteran.1
im l im I ndu-oh btyooug11001111aroatnd
th" taco to n i tzpa1t1rlis 0 alsot rill
j~ iix ti-t al rollen itht
d oprtmot ik fi mtotthus frestitiei, i
orde Ilaalint ma hegottnothellO
iit % ;ncii i,1101111omitg tast
sca s Tam ech ha n to retretdtto
,cl~ t 'lt ill a ,I 1-1011er, Craig,
\1'ea. ~ o r, owe, Raittsak, Kk,
ai d (.i ~ bl ac :ll nic ifs year an
illsc ~ hriis r" -oeteuttoo formt
tilt mwi us fr tog'nn teami. (f
hundred oin I teoi y er's t in t ille iat10
meto , l ft to tot seoh d ioo toh tte q ur
ter mle. lc~ni~r o tsid the1 o
,Iwtpill :Ak plced thi Osin 1111mi
'I' \ l imit n te Om this tasd 11e10
it1, l ith e ootwo-mi u n.o tt~~tt ti
11101 itle ea lithw e sout nreto
, ~ ith I c i lto ii1011o111t11101trctk t ten
ths a, in.1t itttt1 tooth to pres-olentiiiao-
to i I oftt h1000iiolt m eck, ri g'
ir l -at eics tilea tbit.td
toa il ist schtdo lelou ofot44r~atie
hwii hasbeendra n iu , adfoo to -~
_toa it ito:4o'yr Tourder 400 iiid
Crmto Irnr .tt~o.t oto00 k 34 0 0 tos
'01111 tilt t-,itGamIliii 4s00otolt 3 oo
I to 1111:oo t le uiiMiay, Toeo're00 ts
I oo hig up onr mt,30
tiN rcit t:o o I014:i01
(1 09 1- tRO'U illtA fii tlt''
'I'll jilm i- I illgu 0s Iou ttittst
11' i to thicampus'orgaiti otts.oThis
pnj i lls ine lout it uotrecomp-enseio
for t,, hi; fy su hss slothnd enjoyable
(0 tot~ii i o~tot tlih \4-10e 00eigivn lt
.to hotid -I liii- the soey u b. ntdtItis i
th nit Cus ut 1110tisccloutndswitcthi
to toc a ih im d db teoittitotis. ta
Tlw \l hitnt tooc0101atrewa e fist
Thisplaes tile Co edy ieru
1",(n ii sc c al y~i 01 l t ie the fact

(('ile tncsiv I Il 10110 rattler
1 Mll-, Wll C'11 111111Ll tool bi g'nia re
i-aia~l outi ho 11010$;o:) w1as0 ltaen in.

1111 strontgest
I1,ttte-srs dt


fai t

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