THE MICHIGAN DAILY I G. H. Wild Companly MERCHANT TAILORSa We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- irgs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Full Dress Suits a Specialty CALL AND SVE US 311 50. STATE STREET At the New Store G. H. Wild Compally CINTOIN - The ",11VE ASY" BU;T~lii IOLE AES THE ITL iNi!. ftttSIT PF_ .FC.TCt .. R tal il iA:.,;lL i- e(a nAn Arbor by FWAGNER & CO. State tret k'.5tPALDING & BROS. Saling et argetCa e1 fpalu acturrIn the world Trade-Masok of OFFICIALE QUP MNT,oraltI athetic Q~p tIV0 $ prts nd pestime. I7 pI 'ao i 10ar ntrst- x~iS in Athletic Sport sc ~ yocichooldl have Ccopy _ tdr0II~h of the Spldcitt at- +; ato10001 Itao mp t l i Inon Choghot etcylclo iof the world5 as a wat's New rnSport 'G8A1 eawtee of ollcI mli'tfi'cort' QRuakiiy, jet. A. O. SPALDING eSft BROS. ichto aDetroitt UNVErSITY TEXT New and Second Hand THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing IEditor CtLACNstCF E. EoioctIGE Business .tlanagc'c CARL H. 0. ADAiM, address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Cross Bldg., Maynlartd Street. Office Hours: Macnaginlg Editor, 8-11 p. mc. Busintess Mtatnager, t1-2, 7-8 p.,0m. Except Sonday. Both phones. FROM i(THIRE CiOLILISGE MUSIC AND I)RAMA terof Ciolmiis saoid tt) b W fvor o ()-vzn11cadelc crdit iiiot' i~'o o cci! c ocr it colicgi i(W-il1110 Id a i c lc citr ic 1 s t i rcit Io t nde laut Icli cli Ofc Icaicif illW ic hs t evc l opd n I" i o iai1 O~ilca ic ;s, cubs and atlt iriricctam . it[ niert l Il ,tl V l~~e t(e i c1 ozilrities. ' saiis htProfesir iicccl oicccs i. elitl ias 01111 I''ilt'o fur ttlllc bt en (l l i gc'i i to i ios i i the Ireciitl ill- ccoroc'litiii to a report of the iticsptc- diis ', tl i ccl I ves)ii t ocii theii keys' tian b( iad, lltcetl it' C alifoi a ac ndic \ft thoil l ayicrg ei. n tic hh itcitcio thiio C> iAiC i nk hist11cc l.ilitaryl. stand--15 Piei n t is it liicci I CiiA Citinsthtocti , seems i ii1 to be in-n -na o d't,1 News .....EIOS ...IOS .Lee A Wtcite Assistant .......Harold Titos Athletics ...t.... oibr D. Elliott Wonmen......Frieda Eleinstiiclt Music and Dranma...Hollis S. Baker Exchanges ......M. B. McHogh EDITORIALS. Jaomes K. Watkins Morrisona Shalcottt Charles Good G. S. Lhastier John T. Kennty ASSOCIAmErDIoTOwS. Waltet K. Towers Iitarryv Z. Colz Diiin Birney D. A. Hickley Arthucr B. Moellcacl Russtel B. jailnts Fred Lawtonc Harry G. Mystr Crailk Roswell Chlarles 11. Ltylitcitir Morris Hooser MI. Mack Rva'Ei Wade Oliver BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Bowosan Norman It Mitt Walter 0. Wilgucs Myec Rubin Kenniethl Oshorn Normcan Wittet SECOND's E;ME)STER aTEXT-BOOKS Instruments and Engineer's Supplies The 11111t cmplilete line intthle city. Laboratory Supplies Shop Tools Fountain Pens, Etc. Your montey's worth always. University Bookstore I LYNDO0Nj A LI 0111 tlI t i t 1115 it y1 It l l i t It epde icoflagippe ad11 eu1 ni iol Chilago twli il o 'rotItll lin ils as1on of the liltners of ltheds schcolar- s ipio hxoof INublethastil t l ats1 it. deidd wht oleehe wl ll'teigu law atI will101 t ill trt fill la d t heclseofth shol yiltarl ti 11111 onitr a he i ve rs1 to Itl Hisonr treaeu tc it 11 1111I 1111or okso, peill i ted tp friili ng 11 in liopt' .1a 1111ay lof toa 1Ii ilrlitli , atl ithe cCW 1itne litnar ti pr fo h Ci tlli11 b W.J.1 (. e li importan 'hl it lt- MOt~NDA.Y, CEBtRCARYL'14. 111Cc NToday-Cii 0.'r: UNIVERSITY CIRND od bargtLo 1liI le / t 11111 t olititll111perati fc':ust o r~ II1iSt. l If )i Reor.Kep ifecr Cot t ll it III SICCIalt Stud it. 1 iia t l ii i'S4 o. J. L,. S K 1N.\i,,1: in,-I lo e" as a ad i ita l itirettoh thl lii'Cu 11cbllcn i aidi''llll'i ii i 11111 r ited his i oil tilt ri thettil I mntt t 101he eiii dama.100 many velo theartof podutioin 1nd il thisO failed to iipp lilth.iAsoaii 1 0 i I cc exctplited il "hhe ig-Mng ill, 11011 thedll pen fIisholo I lso i o t in o r mti farit us poit o fat trou hou. te lay-tbitt onl tilt' , l(t Ii i lio' ii c'ci t to 01gu lit 'The i 00101 011 11 '''lo li duei itv of the story develpedill the thre act oftefayadte011aat~, AliHtes. icli cntrlltc111racter listeds is Anna GrantirlilT'is lei oof li 110111e itense i Cii t i t tilt her chidren;thaio'tofirahitlende101 1r~oot for anit ort hy C t Cli 00; that,1 wich grows aii l mostii i m ii I t ib iia CFii.,21 Cet. 22- Fco. 23 - iFti. 24-- tst. Juiniotlit oaoi- --FreshLit11 social -Juor oLawoootoi i FRALL I)EPARTMENTS Drawing Instruments We ari Agnts il.ll Eugene Dietzgen, Atleneder and Keuffel & Easer Instruments Oil.aarate1 ll 11Ien ltleclcriloanid tauplili t cftall lkids. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE SI iehan & Co. 7 1 1 E S t I .! t toit. I:"t. 2i- Senoii 10111 g 10icall cntest. V ON iLLN hIL' Cii DAY. "DIJ rlo Mausllil," lt h lay seti d biyi the I itoitcti' 'VeNein, wiillhlit'eliltdo it the WChIitney Thetatre ol onc'iotoy ee-n' Api i'i dt a et- 1100b, LteVeei terl sevt'rtoo thcci tic'. 111c0states that Ilioktortlausco" twill 1eq11a1 f"NIIroI , la1st y tr'splay, loot teotasitiltexceedinly i lkely as tol~ i ti ri tden l'.cts av ldy piold7 011easily hlot restedt'iat all evO i toatlier eliteif netctay. Sevra ortIof tilt batts Ite very diffiocllt bti iDi. Lee aictlhis assitants areN 0011 satisfiedwooithcllt11thanriniccwich ctiii te siitof thteoly hcs beetno entereod 0110. Grottartecha ccciieultakcnil ncstiN tooe play iaod c in i thilespecit will priuob aly extceed tth ttreiousttprodcisos of the Veeicc t Wiersitt2fv~ ios PRESS BUILDING, MAYNARD ST. 0 tou11ho it ti' ' t l li. The New J-Hop Numbers "IF WISHES WERE HORSES " "THE LAST WALTZ" Also the New Song "I'm Going To Go To Ypsilanti" 00 1411i i l olei iotr'odoi oc to (l e(' h ub. An invitation is extended to call and hear them You Vn's Have yonte heard that slieger at the Theator'IUm Pictures Kodaks Photo Supplies Developing Printing Enlarging The largest line Pen= nants and Banners and Lowest Prices. BAILEY' & EDMUNDS J IL. Lberty St AnnArborMihgan R. LieF.JOLLY'S 308 S.STKATE STREET Lunches, Tobacco, Ctgars and Cigarettes. A cli: o tii-i iE ey stuAn :iit B3-B-B3PIPE Every Pennant in the store I-O3-off E, E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. ) I Q s MflQton C. RANDALL & PACK, Photographers Phost 598