THFE'vMICITGAN DAILY THE MIC ;i'ANd -ye\IY.PROXIES WILL VBE HONORED 0. 11 Wild f Comfpany MERCHANT TAILORS ; We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- irgS, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We "make Fu~ll Dress Swits a Specialty CALL AND SEU CS 311 SO. STATE STREET At; lia N-tiStarr 0.H Wild Comipany COLLARS Warranted all linen. Glade in l=4 sizes Tship t (l_ 1) -k :t ti.;r 'PS 'r 1}'!10 l t)11riiit , tis iri f ti f least ei"hItc ii iti f1it rewifre min sualcf- l)tr ift itoffie rs if th Iti t il t i s ilt tn BUSINESS STAFF Si Il it" o i xcc t ' Pitt . aii iii ":11t 1 Jtli hsi. PP ti iis itcc P. \SPItl( it ) it f llir:ti II. P1. \lt Ki 1).l . lsI IS i l l Athletic Association Installs New Method o Election. Fia ; - it c c s fr SAttiaf' _ ii \\ rl orale 1 th sd tirco iit -it-sitsuits ea I c l lstna~ iir 5.1-tllii- i \;ric tt~~ lii n i-tc . \ l t it. Their sti- iit il it ti re u ii t e 5 11.1nlttl <, f r Il( it t ti ilifthe -s-iwil- to 1.} lrif. to t cii I- i i till Mi i iticitl i 111- tii itl'd tO t 't t i -iitriOw - iie\ i ,a l t, p-1st r Pt=1 a htlt iim- 1hit 1\ if s t d i t and c iist if N irtit ti lli. Jo ' i ii. tt.J i nT .I K" 11t1-.-\\S i ifltttIl r " iIL~ II I hI, TIf l-f .1 -f5 In 11c it lcrclss I slI \'lti 1 still id H (rric h s fet I ii I tcdi;\i l: snkn " I r i t1ac1 as1 cii ttttisi "ttiit tar i~l. \itll ii iii i tilt ni - ' h tf i pl is '111i 5 111 ttiim lt "t' c ttnd itt C' -uu i ifts i ti it lthei ;c iti inl fir ti ta i tha tstfirittitI ,1> tliIr :~ts s cc I is the iltisiill 1Is ,ii 'i~ t, iu t c it- )itt5 -111i i iclas ltai the ;iffah \ i he ft-i t m l l , gid:, P \11 n u coffreing - Sli it it:RGiiNC111ii sh;- llc i rticti \ s Ill -t - i it-iw t t it ii ic s ;i t ea rd igtl =.: 1 i it hesde Ift ioit- ~{I ttti ilt tilll l it- ii I II t~t I t; I ttt tl' ,tsch i i i 111 s ir 111ii sillhepar1 cif 11 It ti it tilt t i I litoolii it In',cr} ipill t e .s uiitin I lii. i4)thifs- -ac-tise fitifi 111t litnis footbll teary11-111 ,) to 1.11 it sit1. S!is-t-ii i teettie is lt-t hlit-C STATE ST. A.ti.SPALDING & BROS. li al i fx~~ s l i t b 1cal Trrda-..-kii ofUOFIC.IALS QUIP= MENITjorellethletic ll , sportis and pastiches. If-i x" ls-e- -:< t ite titi i- is ; ts itSport A. (S.ttS AS. N t3SCM JISReoft. ~tlld$ ltS'Bookstore SeodHand Books at Brig Reductions X9 1g ieeing Books " edicalBooks Dental Books Drawing Instruments and Engineering Supplies Agents tor K. E. end all other best enakes oI instrunments. SE E OUR $1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN Shean & Co. ST[ATE ST. ii i11 tc I-t "I- 4- tf thef i Ciii sit iil itroughtf cn V t,\ lfis till stilltic. n(i. .ft5- i c >1; lnt t ~i~-cii i st - listlc 1( i sis ii -s wlo arsca n lt< hirst 411 s itt l ti tt di( itt ii ii\6m av n 1 1 ti-hpt 1th 1=nca t -;lalitwI c resttc ii d btetiit r- t: