THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAY YOUR CANDY BETS WITH GILBERT'S CHOCOLATES Best in the World 60 to 80 cents AT QUARRYS Money Loaned On Waches, Diaond,,o Lt. toBooks. or other personal properttyt Watches and Jewrlry repaired. Hargain;o in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence t3t E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor. Hoars: 8 to t1:30 a. In-.. to 40 a nd 7 to 9 0. M0. JOSEPH C. WATTS THE FARMER[S AND MEfCHANICS RANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS \ Capittat $50,001) Surpttus ant Profits $100,f00 N General B~anking tBusiness. 3 per cent. paid on Ttime and Sartngs Deposirs. Saety De- posits Boxrs to rerno at 52'.00 andr upwards R. tKEMPFr, Pres. tt. ('. Po rET osoA. Viooe-tPoo. ti. A. WILLI Ams. Oolotor F. T. STOooo. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capiral Stoc '0,,.50,000 on ooiu $0,000. tReources :',ft ,000o A Uenrral Banekineg Business Transeated OrenicEano Chat.. P. Hliscock, tees.; 10. 1). Harrimn, Vtice Preer.; il. J. Ftze Castier STATE SAVINGS BANK W.JI. Biooto ,Jeo. V. Sheehan Woo. Arnrool tDe. V. C. Vaugthae Tas. H. Wade E. F. uls John tiorere tnoo, tKot; Pot. Ht S. Cast Hetrey 0V. ttrronoao Christiran Min D re tae 14'oot;; errr FIRST1 NATIONAL BANK OIF .\No :\ROR. MootoI. t. ). tNNt. It ROttxN t)C01 S.00V. 'tAKO N1~i',0 ';osoii'o'. Capiral, X1t0r000. Snrplu and 'o P rofi to. 6r0,000. Cer' arxid Libaet Streets CLASSI FIED ADVERTISING FOR RENT. IFor R est-Largre torlor oaodi bodroomo suites onrio rot axd seoor orors. Neat- tl orsixiorlT.Uxt.o15,o wiOSff1 h 0 Istouronished. Facir srotabletx r'tro. for thrroo.. Rootoxrrd Ihoardro$ por weeok. GirlsIrriprefrrd. \\'raloxhravex othe desrabl roos trtgirls, ery reasroarbre, 00ithtorrrdtr. CFllt once00. 2rrr N. State St. Ir RenOxt-D~roobrtcparlrors, soite, sinogle rrroo. No piaooxo. 407 F. Unio'ersity. f'r ~Rrnt-rFruornirroo, stitaole for rrrrror tor, $3 for or.$2 fIor 0000. Verydeo rabltreort. Nerroampusro. og 01 rrroo st. rof \WANTIED. lor 'ol d-Collegenroorto Inact ao agenots darinog sumrmeo r. (Gorort oooo for righrttoorer. Cllt 11011 102-L.,ro rirrss Or'iorcalo n Gor. t,. trrooto, 61o I. ('ot LOST. ot A leaotooero watchrfrobt r rootgorlot 1o. Fxinder'plasertuornrto O0. Mx. IE,718 Sroo St. FOR SALE For (otto-Dress suit, lecut;, 000000 butt ar foo' times'.. Atbargaoino. nirOexttiC1 ; 1 I. Jo'lt'rrrototoneoC o-J. rI MiISCELLtANEOUS .ottocors otooer, 00 repaireol at "The FPolais Rdoyat," 209 E. Liberty St. tf T. W. KOLLAUF, "Taioraotd C("tet', 0000o1E_1 Hurono, Fhoone tdo-J. ,a0 000tf N0kTI CbS -SENIOR LAWS. Yo 000 al000get. theonotttobrio'fs ono 00000 /000 's Confoliot of tLaoxs atO Zewad-o ot c l,a~ooos, JooS. Sroote. 94. IS vlNUVF1S 151 RT'SYto toe Junooioor 00000 oool at ,pe tTh sdyelIlg F, arbool 0,1000.001.00 3 orVill bresooroo onde too tiospice0s ofthe 2oc oirts oftheItio pr' 100 01000 seOO s. ,ite'oaotyI sloea ng xl " ooitto o 0e0a supper, buot dr ts 01 Iak thr fto 0000 'or t'' .00ad 10000.e oreo" poloy to toh"oiorl000 attoendlance'' muost O pla 00 ia 00hoe0 to sseletedo, oandtlby Omeans0 00 01lbe trot \orro ooboooo'it to 'o"fat"ot 000 ..bee nire. ,Purnishi etNi edoo t 000I 0 o, o oo os ltroo' orb to go 1000ot to see 000 i t rsroll tsosib too 00 oOOO~~t00' ooit.0 50. 00C loti Thoo 000101000 i00011 o r ee000 c x l irot ido 0000 00000m to io o 00otooo andoo oill toott0000 It I I o ot tv- lo HUNGRY STUDENTS BOOZE l 21)1 SOUTHI M "Poor Foon! Causes Drinking" Says Prof. Smalley. Ition00 'o 00'0t~hi 'o'o''1 0D0 .0.00.0000aroir c booat a00 O o por t00t00tirono foottheue uo '0tiORuE 0l stiatosoo especially-ot ams ooornrg coltlego otll- tChinese Chop-Suey Restaurant oons,\v sotooue to t oonsofieon ott roo , - Chinese Ftno ooo Dishesotoro. 0 andcoo or 000 00 propr nurihmet, i~a th delar i ti erican Lunt ooto allO 00toorr. I0\ 000v omadeto lb Itr. tH ootrion sooroot O f rthItr C1'e0anes t;tocenoitAnAo r or. o tooliticaol ecOOOono' dpatotenina al i314 S. STATE S TREEI' erity-of1 Chicagor. Th tal oo n d tsoolojoot of prorotseleoctiooweof foodndr andinitDr.Snaleyglae he stteen i THOMAS ROWVE, Prop. thtoneo-fifIoo tho the oosbadssoor s 326 N. Filth Ave. rastoo thtorooght Lackoo'to o loororo'nr t h eu selecotionooro of oo. 10000 000001to the'use New 'tonoet57 Boll 10ohoe 450-0 of1 otm ts0000 ormoorg colleO tt udn t sro ngs and AIN STREET ORRILL ( tt CO. S. ,or 00.00 tell 1at8 t. TYPEWRITING TYPEWRITERS 1 c00 tiob tor e t Sal (1 " iyf c _ _"The____ rotto .0 00000 t 0000t 00000chtI tooamln ooiodSouvetnir Scoresoanditid ot ortoot.010000,tnto o000 Stocot Mutrsioc for sole at Schaeberle & t" It cases00000ti'soomaloo'tracedortto fl i0 ot'srMtci11l Louse, too S. Mains street. bo,01t ot -0lreoooo 6Iot tokind. 55e' tino thaot ill(,000 .o t 00 f 0 0 Y0o 11o"oooooo ' theoo 1 1\ oroir'rO t~to ' h(o)oo g 71 Ito WINTER CLOTITNG SALE 0000000 .00001010000hobe. oo tooitbordiot \11tt 1s0 0 Stols ooodOvercoats .. 0. $t2.0 oo booC000rotO r. Itandldies 1000000ittte of $2o.o0 ....$e.o otaoeouterunchrit rollm-dw or- G2'. 000o' ...0.$20.00 OortrIool' te middto t f teoltroo n o too it \t1 'Tr~osrs .at5snor disceottt. Ote resultanot ;lsofo eeo tatsf-the 111N'S FtLOTHIES SHOP, Oappeotite bo rtoom1000000 or Mlain Street. ''Buot 00 v o mal O houldhayOc0000 It,-11 U to e go'rooOteo f Am or- shooitorotoul a lotoistbusoooso,0aroothem r 0w-t i h ls f 04, 00.00 0000001)}- scientift he b w' rkt bte'ooico's to' n'ro 0pwned ea oooe olm iao I oaw ioto'r'otil00'00001n to.less lo rol o''or oow lt t AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch Room You can find a fine line of Confec tionery I i i 3322S. STATE ST., UPSTAIRS1 Yoxa cari get w(Otoo'oo utoo' 'O00 00io' ' (0 000000' atro'o o' o r hor allotits (Iced00 Insiogniat 0' 000 o'o Nookotoosan oroot'boO 00otooo ooo oIto in M itoto i looe ottor ol0'l Notirotno, ..ooooo We give Satisfaction- O h p:o \'0o VO'000o-tso oitIn -roctocoed r.0 ( O ftoort he ot lge oap, towrlo Comme axed seeta us Spring Suitings Sen theeeeieeaureiedaow--eaymeineside. Weeeyufid oneethat suits ynu have it lad asinde eeade aprwhe yownt ist)Bt onee patten of akined. WACNER & CO. Imeprtng Tatlrs State Streetr FIFT=SIXH SASONAdv nce aleDETROIT UNITED LINES SaleBetleween Deroit Ann Arbor and SIUD[NIS' L[CTUR[ ASSOCIAIION O ako May estival Reserveod Seat Tikets OLitedt Cars01E.t Beetd a.01r1..0 59 I I ESETorS ayLh ~U~I ~ ~ ~etraiedCars West Bnd-4ad ~~o .,r l .ro.. 00., .o. 8:'4 p .in. The Premxier Lecture Course BEGINS MONDAY, JAN. 31 knoees Cars Eastn Bound-01)0 trorot, od:a ______ ror to' 0tOO1>.ro. To Ypi- df Arierica-. O . 000.h0alfOOhouyt.oll~tio. SCHIOOL OF MUSIC o.ehtaon ,. Ypiant.0 Loal Cars Wsn Bound-0;4 a. mo.. 7:15 a. LIEUII. ERNEST H. SHACKLETON ___________ whrorliss rehed arthet Suthe GiERAL0D S'IANLEY LEE F A E NTE 'aiet idtn oEays, ando Letrer, New for s p rin g WxFR ivAERiNI TPTIES We are shiowintg do extetnstve lirae of Wooletts fotoSprint. Silver Links SEUMA: MacMANUS The assortment comprises everthitnEthat is tew ad tol~tbotnS r in rladnreesPetAahrasLeterdesign, color and quality We.atn sy without te.aggeratirot Fobls our stock this year tis the mtost h aandsome we ave ever sownoot and will reaodily appeal os the most parttcular piatrontIR ng00strro W. E. DIETERLE WM ARNOL COLLEGE Watch for the Prospectus Season Tickets on Sale $ 150 V raty Tailor- 1t7 E. Lbetrty St. 22t 5oath Main Stret.L~ Portrait Studio - 319 lEastHflron Street