I THlEMICHIGAlONPAIL'Y G, IL Wild Comlpally .MERCHANT TAILORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- ir~gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Fuzll Dress Suits a Specialty CALL AND SUE US 311 S0. STATE STREET At the New Store THE MICHIGAN DAILY. MVangng LId ito r CT.,' RNCE iSI?.0'55555.E Bdauasess isaager CART H. 0. ADAM. ato, lust5aledhurlto anher.olieman, t dar "vsas.contro~lle place by his c ril Friday miso 011Dc( men05 sttthoeisi (rt IN a c rl I1 c 114 11x-loed to d t11 Red a11 lA] ,vs r Idather r, Address: MICHlIGANos Fmsio, Press Bldg., Mlaynard Street. Office hours: Managing Editor, 8-II p. Isa. Business Manager, I-2, 7-8 p. nII. Except Sunday. Both phones. EDTiORiS. Newss.......Lee A White Assistant ..... Harold Titus Atisletics .....Wilbur B. Elliott Wonmen ........... Frieda Kleinstiici Music and Draiiia.l. ollis S. Bakter Exchanges...........P. B. Mcllugh EDITORIALS. James K. Watkins Morrison Shafroth Charles Good G. S. Lasher Johin T. Kenny ASSOaCIATE 'I ORS. Walter K. Towers I tarry Z. Polz ain IBirney D. A. Hitickley Arthtur B. NMoellais RatsselltH. James Peed Lawttoin 1harry G. Mysor PrantkRoswell C11tarlos il..'lyaisoir Morris H ousser I. Mack Ryan Wade Oliver nOUSINESS STJAFF C. A. Bdoswmani Normsain II Hill \Valter Q. Wilguis PMyer Rulsias KennaethiOsbsorn NosriaaitnWittet 'AS the dlNi t10assoi%* sooitti awa.asstaila'anotolcal stat' tisag as i l h as c w1 Ief dtas es' oillo. -1 'Speil'i all Moll- Mt N CO S01 1, 15 IV START ANNUAL REVISION Football Rules Committee Plans Radical Changes. 'Tha'ait's.c llopgiaefl als. 11 els 01111 1tittee caommenae't t'ri asrsot "ottl ons tha a n alt i's itsts astthe rilsos r theana-' tio ssal acollaga- spota's Ia slss', te gilta- tions ata .sittaa liatl aftr th laa' c ofasltleasl)00 fatalt'a ' atlass.. a soni t ' althl ifs.'ttft'aCas sis asI) thisrala wia har. \ lat's l 'hi sa t ICtle nt sss stat a« 5tl s sm,stlt5 o'ns oi ert ) 11 II IL~ct cl 55o ' c r WAHR'S SPECIAL olililaill Pon FOR $1.00 Lh)AN A DO 01O' WAIIR'S BLUEBOOKS sO 'as sl ]til, INs la~ts IG l. Wild Comfpany O LNTON BUTTON OLE MAKES THE BdU~T o l 10St IiT BPESFECTIA O'oasj O EUA'c0S'N 2 fo- 255~ Sld in Ace Arbor by WAGNER & CO. Stat Street A. U.SPALDING & BROS. Th pldingl ar ie Clot esistisaiia 'adeo- ak sofFTIC IALI5 QUIP. MINT,o alltheti b'D SR sots nd pstims. ) f ou¢r iattiiises- t ~ttbi tleisSpast y of ai tissthe'Smlwi' t - ol st assaoalot wht's NeinSpot seae'a- tee of n. 1Af ee utiift'et'- Qouaity. qist'. A. C. SPALDImG eCA BROS. Chzicago Detrot FOUNTAIN PENS FOR EXAMINATIONS We hta 'li ,st Ut'ssiteit itliy Watermfan Deal Conklin Self-Filler Moore's Non-Leakable Sheean's Leaer Ai Ts ST UDENTS BOOKSTORE Sheehan & Co. -md i.; w it IILIvstats al ia s sne al ad Cicas. goi l 5' 5 tte ( 1' ta 1 ahe(dstanc t( as.ll s 1( ' 5 1! t University Bookstore It's a T hat's all you1W t' o knowv GLOaw I bt shwdhe sldcetrlya 1 lin(. Th disan Net'.he"as 'Lds i t r e m Iis. a II sis andtstls Iads is a th' therafte. He alst iu 'stat ansd~ ta t all tte Ill as rs.tasi keep v, inin 1.l . dr wn ar 'slitI( t a e11 the . 5)<)t15 ls ase 1I)t i 1a'1 al - I 'l SIlls a"la r;14-' ) ll N1Il 1.s(att sils. a I ld v c 's Al rer smeds~o~lt N~ lsa 5'aaoi'I O I I-' Ss Il.C ti. las a ..$12.00 .:$20.00 :sret Medical Dental 'NilSIN' l1l1llli'.NBN' 17, stasi hI ?R A N(2IRTI T. G - ' 0,0ITIT I' Health Renders Change of Climate sleia N l, t'ss.a'. Necessary. lr t' J ssa.;11N;e11II ass'. A br Ni )-hwli, ~ 11on~ty 111;e tc'11 ( 11~t11j. m - orn° prces -11ta. 01110 1)I. ]i1(~'a' I sa1)t ls ''lia. P a' s Irow a learia's. ) 1)clast l ai'asala'asha'oid l ' 1111, 5i' il'lsaa'a NN a'.a r;, ass ': til co1 1 ntnu I ' Ni I'u'---l ' l'' t 5.11 10 iJ.Il le.ola. Ju nioritsais a t c~lczie Febl. 22- 1 fresh It 115 soca l nat ass n gym Feb I. 2 -J Soiass' crI..st t' irati al 'ilon-'.5 test. Fea. o z3 ''-Fre oa sasshmnL a rsasas's al ait- to st. Fs-cl. a Baseitar ]isat oaote>f oal>tcSot. lilb.a -lStaisr lassoratorical cnsit. STUDENTS !CAUSE TROUBLE (live Police Busy Time Before Being Arrested 'Itlls a t a ts a s111s~t ill s 1soa t sal ss assailsbstealiiiii tw s clsunliil siatlets an th1m 1 o clc fo. a. a 'ostts.. ac as a c~ ntlaaklstip soyth al a lty i as sat lsttWstll a silts.'hislast at'e Adniasta i Sass l ieeiig It hI sasassa ts i slats. a. a co dr7; t hits a~f irs )asist ia" als NI .taiaa wsasi tfre s tis were coatnil as tati aLsllatsis t1 streetlteal tos sasS 1. las h aldIOlc-cas O' lsar assiststarsda l'pItl5 Thas poc' sass g athilede ftI s adshtateda tos theoustasi j ail hiatbt htinlastshClas treaithas thaonelasos Alanas ai str'atsi bys thash ,.11 iii t that reiiiaa' the 'rea'l ]a a si st O XIts. tal ha slah al sass tashssa' to ogl ofssts ther ats hesslasonFligas aialco las assI;las 1s s)I-ts1catt ill !!s i' t s til11ls It as el'1 itIs lit 1 'as. l1 las sllots'' t'\V.l\ cKs r as n d 11s ''zala ratnci Blot ittsi' f s)Infl t all di lin- t' Nh'' s 1 is' is.5 lls i ts a i jS It a .j 11"( i l l( d a 'l l a ' a I'(_o Scors an(Is '11 oh~l Largest Stock iii Michigan Second-Hand Law Books LassroamssilMedical Dictiontaries Qutiz.Hooks, etc. Comtplete line New and Sec- Oah hooks taken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 3265S. TATE STREET Second Flour Tel. 761 f Get your MICHIGAN KPins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical Y Dept, line Watch and Jewelery Repaeing lIALItR'S JLWLIIY SlORt 216 Souath Mains St. ~,.. V 'x 44 AO I OUR UNTlIRE LLI'11-4INti 510015. IIDED htIN tislPI(I' Lot I - 13Of Lot2 1=4 Lot 3 - 1=5 All Odd Trowsers at 201/c Lisoo . t Every Pennant in .the store 1IO3 off E, E. CA 324 it r d"- .o*r 59 r 121 W~shPnqton U. RANDALL&