THE MICHIGAN.DAILY 0.. Wild Comupany ,MERCHANT TAILORSa We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- iLgs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Fuzll Dress Suaits a Specialty CALL AND SEtEitS 311 SO. STATE STREET At the New Store 0. II. Wild Comfpally r1TG Mk.L 'I "7THE Sold in Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. State $treet THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing EIisso ('LAte~cE E. ELDRIDGt. Business Alanager CARL H. 0. ADAM. Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.,' Maynard Street. Office Hours: Managing Editor, 8-11 p. in. Business Manager, I-a, 7-8 p. m. Except Sunday. Both phones. EDITORS. News ................. Lee A While Assistant .............. Harold Titus Athletics.......... Wilhur D. Elliott Women ........... Frieda Kleinstutck Music and Drama ...Hollis S. Baker Exchanges........... M. B. McHugh EDITORIALS. Jaines K. Watkins Morrison Shafrolt Charles Good G. S. Lashier John T. Kenny ASSOCIATE t)tTORS. Walter K. Towers tarry Z. Fobr Dioo Birney D. A. Hlinckley Arthur B. Moehlman Russell B. James Fred Lawton Harry G. Myser Frank Rownell Charles H. Mylander Morris Houser M. Mack Ryari Wade Oliver BUSINESS 5SUAFF C. A. 'howntalt Normanl H-IHill Walter Q. Wilgus Myer Ruhin Kenneth Oshorn Normlan Wittet secoinilstory atpartmnit's whichIt uescots easy ingrecssor ere ss .11Thost; pIp uarc of tic Iocatl shop s(,tesne targc coonm, iwhich is ginerlly ocupicet Lay' feltossdutringithe. s11111r tonirs. Th roottmsrsetilpat frwmn n hi sscorts are.smaill, t ciiiitd n gn erally untatractive Thirointostr of this 1misti popular of tirebtiiieseiireitstore sself- styl1ed '"Fhr Chopi Fury lin,"isi awrlli built Celesiial, d-id of t an ii icl. stanil- tog of kniteriitian motlsi tai'ards,-- roughtilutalkerthensoftirand ut tisemi-i respoiilerittiheniint iit. l Iattay tie has tius ftic conucid l iiiisi 1 itthini lawful ounodtlcs, hut his demeanoit frer quently suggieits lai tcii iciiiess ilia tmanrthat atiarms thie visitoir. Regretaity , slits eatfinigestalliishtiri b oasts Ar eof tiut lirbo'sferirkir able cootks--iineiswhose iciccioiis arc a satisfying trrat after biiardtiing ouse no- notony . Iii ralitiy,this is thii siiigti attractive reiiiit of tie ilacs.IProbi ably at lino asii stiimeo tayadsuitely it tin tild btter aiid iiorei lialti distucs clsc- wshcre. LUtfotiunaeliiiiisret n its viciiiity tick sital aesevcitr tiig therlate ecc iii. Thii ishs ifor cit escorts to iiivitethir gue sts to tirchiopi suory. tWtec advinsectiisalitiieveiry such case. A girt visitiir it tiechoplitiriiy rentatirant is iiot tnicessai ly ovesciii iig propriety's titits, hut stie isvoltittitaiy (Uswic an81Dramia Toorowitt'si Chral Um11511coi- cert hrit's toAAtiitibor11a1musicl itor- ganiztzion tthit mhls a high laiticii the 11151ustica twrl-The tc Knistlt Strinig Quartet.Itriginsti a 51er 11fth loistoti Symoniiy Orchtra r.ii Fc5 r Knecisellefthits poistioniias ccrt- 1meiste1riiitth this litgalit liitini( atnd otgatizeditheltKn~islQuOlartet.iThe atiti csuccss wicht his illchieslieict rss commengtist 1ave 5favorsed11111 ittk ifrth quartet511with11ut1exciptirn, bltu t esia1111 iintstis tht Ittcr wrt-i In it lieisayIll Tile1strI ingy;ctnitthp resent 5steiilihighst n tr os l firt iiny Illsiza tiins s iit ttworld whic devte teirtimeexclsiviyct the cltivtionof ths brnch. T h e g c ' r c iis li, 5 1 r t i r uS each ll f 1\111 1 ut i aI leadngliiiss 1( St licis l X3111 iti'< 1l t *. t1< l i it 1: III )rileitl >cliii I c the I tiniiiA ' i llf ill { k01 tlt3 1.o . .. . fo uIric 7.c1 tiii.i .SIjic. IlOp '.'sciu~c (1 it.' slirp LI ha -i A. (I.SPALD ING & BROS. jj facltl.1tas siatiawrl MENT,forallathletic ~yiDIl sporsueand pastimes. ' 1 0 Ifayoularelinterest- P '1 ill} of t lraitlli Cat 0110 I'cltctoplrliill 11 2. 1t1 r ,s hv i W ata sNews in Spor Qa Sley illsit A. O. SPALDING tc. BROS. OChixaea Deroit FOUNTAIN PENS FOR EXAMINATIONS 4l e hanit lii' )"li e initt , lCily Waterman Ideal Conklin Self-Filler Moore's Nor-Leakable Sheehan's Leader Al' '111 STUDEN'TS BOOKSTORE Sheean & co. SIL'NDAY, JAINLWSRY 30,11,0t. Editor Today-H'ARsRY G. MYstt. UNIVERSITY CAtiENDAR. Jalt. 30 --Dr. Zsnrtter. Mtihodist ectarch, Juit. 31- Knliesel Strintg Qumarete, Chor- at Uif ontconcert. rem. 21--Junlior lit ioratocical 'c111test. I'cl. 22-FeshLtIit solciail in ltirbour11 gymt. Febl. 23--Junl~ior I,,mis ratialIollil lst.l tebt. 25 tFrrsltn Ltla tsi ratoric at cli- tst. Febl. 26-SetniiirLit oratoricall cintetst. Febh. 25-Scttillr LIaw orutoirical contetc. tir s''ondt semter. Atispercialt J 1111 ttuttter sill hr issued,. thowe'v'er, 1111Sit- Neauly every Un.siversity girl as a(- ceputerildterlitidtan'invit iitttiintoi(Ill t ati onetror a111othert ilf tir local ch11olscd restautrantsi.Whtirr noli t h e lt r5laticc ofi visititig ttese places is .1 osomenul onet is ai tmttht disculsserb lemllctt ilotit the 11mi 15thescsrlays, tortheticthloritiets; hiave opently urgedlteir girt cha~rges to iextermntet it. Evtery U nirsity girl is fully compeltetr ito tsrthe sultimallte judgei 'cii'svits'cittitcitd nitshibh'estabilish- lii 'its it is we ill that slit'hast: cittiglititi- meni bi olc htr decision. uaboutt su~ch a re'si'taurint. Inthe ir Ist lace, for srsooir orut oltuclthct, tir Chi- It's a FOWNES That's all you ne'd to know ahout a GLI.OVE tI IOAV1I:''h'R CLIOTHIING SALEt .111 $t'i.oo Suits and 3Ove-criats....$20 $18t.00 " " " .$14.40 $20.o0 """ ....$a6oci 511 Trousers at same ieIsciiint: titIE>N'S CLO(TIES SHO101, t f hlattSitrcet. Isomi slaiti So.8uvenir Scoires mnd SIhcci ttist'I itorsarleiatSIichacre S111's ]hIsic Iousei' tsS. hMaintstret bot W1 I 'sA WAHR'S SPECIAL Fountain Pen FOR $.00 WAHIR'S BLUEBOOKS F OR .20c i Ifw I t'i o. l l I 1ulTry I- WAHRI'S University Bookstore C. [. DARJN[[[. BOOKS Law Medical I Dental batgest Stock itn Michigati Second-Haund Law Books Lawv atmd Medtcal Dctiotaies QittoBooks etc. Cottpetelitne Nesyaitd Sec otnd-hand Old books takent to Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical ' v Dept. Fine Wach aid ieweler Repairin IIAL.IIR'S JIW[UtRY Slilt 21e Sou~th Maina St. Every Pennant in the store 1-3 off E, E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. i lulls ... at ( it hill( If . r , , 11 is _ ; i ,; n fk. \ ' j r . F ; ; r,. firm j . r ,; - i ,_ r r ! i r ' 1 lil l F. s Jf t. - _ f s= i ' ;J f ': '' {. i I i; } t , i tt $: f ' t 1 z # x ) { s ; 'ClevprCfrt Se, 4 . ° R ' i y, ' y { 1 tl Clothing Sale- OUR EINTIRE CLOTH1ING STOCK DIVIDED IN 'THI'REE LOTS Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 1=3 Off = 1=4 6 All odd Trowsers at 2010 Discount Wadliams &Co..