Thei Mlichigan Dil VOL. XX. .\ N\ls 1' \1 IC1lll( N, Ill Rd ): \' 00 lOIfLR 4 icy. :,Not. i. POLE DISCOVERER TO MAKE EARLY LOCAL APPEARANCE Dr. Cook Contracts to Speak Before the Stu- dents' Lecture Association Next Week- More Solicitors Wanted. ali l,(nttlcsandCEntii \\ atkins. U LIIC A L Ui lira i tl h i u rk ii ittrd. \ 'rie otto el )]L~ I aristyo om-t EKR polscrre tehalovrth crbgol1)4-c11"1v n1Ilcsn Nominationscrtatte eere ofct re Nmnainso hx h-i tirutovit cers and Stud! Itt in playeiaitroll-tig giitiunti 1l he 111,1,'dner hemidl o tl i rset Come Saturday hstiiii 11 tin elsanee h liltv lur, butiiheii wt hi Ir iiput ('Itark iniihlse place. lhadlthei clycctiii i a Iiicn ' sci 51iitiiiiI i'1s e iei eI, vI I tmu I ll iitiil. In tall the kil w1 is largcl respolsihle"f)I- h n' ;tin , i r v OFFICE RETICENT All Class Offi- tent Councilmen y. awiiif th e clas (f th cases h lDe. Fredlerick A. Cook will speak int University hall text \Vednesday tight. H-Iis lectttrc, whtich is acctottpantitl bty stereopticoni tie ws of the frioen inortlh, will bie the opentitng numb er if the coutrse given liy the Stunits' Lecture assoia- iti. lDr. Coiok'smntager isas in Ann Arbior yesterday anti compleed the tae- elangettlet fur tihe apptearatle ofii the exploer. ThFie ticket sale fete the ecoulrse is proi- gresstng rapidlly, attd tmore solicitors te bteinag engagetd dilye. One hutttdeed moe ca eoble utsed. Advertisitg htas al. reatdy Iteeni begunt int stirroutttditng cities, an corr'esptondetnce dleptmnt wt'ill lhe estabilishted. The S. L. A. betarilniet last niightan set the trice otf sitngle aidttissiotns tit IDr. Cootk's leetture at $t.;o. Itt eiew of thteecttrse offeretd it is helieted bty thte mnaetment that thle tiotse weill he prac- riel. Sittgle amtissionts fotr anl1 the nituters weotltd totatl sevent dollars. 'Fle pttte discoverer's lecture tottr hast bteett rettarkabily sttccessfttl frott the tutlics tpointt itf view, for hte tat troved it fascittatittg aitt ablle lectttrer. Itt $t. Lottis, last tweek, the tdtoor receiplts fur his leetttre wtere $231100. IDr. Cooik's ttattager eut $t,75o froitt lI'l'IS l'l ; A' INS \ Il ACNI[).\llIN Cs I I P'ittsbuirgforegedl toithleflent e'. ie iri lie fifili gamte cittthe celionititshillseries Iev dlefeatinimi'the Tigiesinia wellpLiltd Stinvel's essayedlii titilldtheI irt iii butt lioedii no'i liii l t o iithe hard itil iii ii' lteds ft'ottth le SimokvCiii, tlniitsiilio matd' tiff tiesileliverys. Maigstcn eClame if the iipeliig lay . Ciloit tilloli dithei i teere ititide ib'Crettwford. 1111' sixt nate iof t'eseres will lii' chiie. VARSITY RUNS UP SCORE ON SCRUBS ,,Michigan has Excellent Chances for Unusnally Strong Team," Says Eckersall. 1 thle reeguttartrie illthelecetttee ill eoti- C'it'll testues if C'.ilter l'.cet'e~ll, sideratlion tofIte tattteofIte l'al ;otn rtcade-aonsauo Tickets fttr tecoursel' mayt be oh- lelilee's httsky'scrtbslto ii teatlto' ttitned frotttseolicitoirs or atIthe S. I;A.-itoatervFld\chsd fc- 45l. loni0li rte s ielifieheitscore't te BASKETBALL ASSURED Catatin C:li etlleekicmet "oa Schedule of Twenty Uames Will Be cedethe gmelylitrig;Cipeie Arranged. Iildl froImitt h ir ii ity-vardlite lelieiig that te trial givtt 11asket- The firslttlf waslspclilly 11 ii 1 Itt11 atCMichtigatt ltst ye tsWas 111)11aiable for lte wot: ofhele I tileonlethe Iletrld tf direectirs lastttightt stoteky tth-aielieter a tteIi pasd e eselntiotittatthtle sarsity betae w11 ilhIthi.faltyadinti reprle'senlted intlhis spoet attd tatl aetI ta. Hslc fpatc sceduellle of tt least 20 gamtes he (drawnlIslttn edint l hit s"lltipl ill ndiMtheilbatll t'e''litliionii will Ite'sent ltthe boardteillittshotsi'ofi 11pp1lnscfeomthet l fa1irized contro IlIits a ecommentdat lltion. Thtis cowdthaIl t bliete rll it:d maytli actuplott tte mttler as t sees 'F reellee lootks liebstomef;v lit. 1111 frthttiresenlttindiatiiots it looks tklaier I'veseeill te\Vii tisYa, toS if SMictigatn wtoild hIace t good hIas- saidiI 1 kt cc ll. lltt"'itilihs CCII- ket'~.'ll seatsot. let proset s forI P t i i 115ts lt str it ivt ithIll.wesetiernteamts htate a sehetdull' be a iwea1111 ()f 1rilln t atril.CVow of1-,ogami'tes rlmore, thtcutiv'ersatltipitn-111must 'have pletyogls'acler iii It of sportt. her i' Theii.game11o1111eus IithtiLtawmtot i full- A special lsetionl hats bienresevedlil ineak, clt-det and Frl 11a1th t' blettehers at tle lniv'ersity' of Kan- hlveh s 'andtl t telti at II tc h sals lie lie excluisivuse l toif lthe gils tiltds were etldI c11l iebyIClet's '1111 who conetic 0111totroot. Ihtrleski lthe tickleliplliitittlebylii Cf Z'll Itt ; ,% t t w y1< s b ige bill Inii citif 1theim (1m it mi' IIIt lu'its il b ig c elli il isctlsseil. Perh aps 111 (III c icif' dashies thru gh ttiel t he mi uim'erlelelsses it is 11ot1 bin tm akin I le mle 1 111(y thir 111-st expeience 11 'ttt't' i par tmltme \t u i emo tii luhem utiili be i i mlii mt 'l'tti i mii ii' s'h s Iectdedi' is''ilstlidashl .itho ut t lell to ls li'' in the elets ite ol tir' m lod ly li 1's1ie Crailtuiin t' e cllr iiiv. In no e if thi'eclaeses ttit'uiil ofii1 the lii emutieit tt le ]atr ec e wili lt FrecI~V'lu ch tolteml u se- cSnelimit mistlt atit cll h ad wt s liii' tuili tu' Pt il i li t ueut lo i l'.leek ftlic'i. tmi f Iln ) W fs.i'iiti' lttmk u i C lii1d tll'i' il=- ii'tttwtltasi iml (l11it it s the lf dotsedii at ndt he li hsenit irslihark-li'ic ti ntuei~t!s us eailsI i ' tcc i ''cti tstiim1'tl t he i sil i p etilI i ti ch n latt. I lt act, iii I o lithe men ii ul 1 ltttli wills piretio'lhdti he lulltaus crn mcks c tIms hullnc va io s s st'iio 1 l' s ik e~s eiie c th n 1111m use CC illsveII In he Iitiar iiatm ntl issm is sihut (Ii' lsiuth it )111111 th irt laf ii tilt' Ih tlts il's' illptill lill nt 1rgts n tile n tlet n . l ithtcontiir. gat l I s aet Iw tall w ssu sifut l sl ttt hi ii i at tixtt ii iiitro tussng ''i t fi tita ime ''ftihl fu. I -hi t the Sl)tutis it ''ions' 1.itie i a t hey ha e l])ellreoi izi 1 )sa lit mustw is ' I C h n seill mocltss hum mr.IIme s mmltlu Jt asl ttt t hese i' Is I4 +) 1 t a tifories uli uttug . 'hit k uenssui l g t fatntist he ir Cini- sue)cd thet)1si1t. th ie s hbs im lte el litd hut il tar1 adeaiir5 Im 'w a his sthltihse t e is niseele gttle e l r a\;sben eg dd asc ssp I i1i mm mm the hal ml egstitili liii cii nmly- tai te e i si t iit it ii r as es, ft' ii mtrredlt'C s '' e-- 14 l ''sal(t il r m ai(i" te 11 cci'tiltfIf hand passes. techusky pende tltimtistilt' diesusvv i a ter timi' e alm i field, mreaiy a apig; tem evsi i llmi th )(l o ,r tle ()] lim t't\\ il. l iti cal oi ni tion. I in . CI, I crn t - slim iuss it hi'. "p eet)"t ndts l u hiiill itno seinghi iii' 111" ilt l()l ad 11 shl ucm i es] byi it railie r m l ~l lng'. fi1uclumu s pirit andslush i' l' hil).t 1101l wltl k t ilI t m'nll fthti e eif lid ar tit us l hs Crr i tesihalsf w C'fi.s itll- iters, c s pc W ieit to semstmma I01 liac .i~iit. etilg 1mvl un er pi is i tll lTh sni orii ~ ngit Smsmmli.'m m tle wi < rc t sh pe. 1'.d 1111Is as, noth r 1 1'( utttsa iti iii ii 1)f i' itcrmit ill he i It t ile lime10rk flitr i th e tterie'f-itt i sm tltcos s a1 tecr re utr itt 1 est-i k lts 's i v ithe rlt, f 'thnfe oil is thititseIlss stehtill Itchlr. sut 4 m tcirlg"7 teir8. 1al'O ltit s hi i sit sm'ssmrslmith 1?'ini'ti list' nit thatisoliis ~'hint i mt-lineo l1ie " sp.t ttchhte Glee Club ey- atud. sss VI' ~~a mielnsin 'ol', 'ttioin at 'ieeiluefarIssu it a e fis d vl w t fi onitec. I ur. s hnis telionly sue miss idtiem ui hit cgs, the 1,-arsit end's t ~ cittitro iher it r1u edtt halt' 1,0ui'ti is kernwi . Nonminla tios st' hallbe mdlt-this IecndSaturdtay taftere hop'intg mof emol l eg e. 3. 'Te na.mts o f 'sidtsh foruh eat'chii order munder' thiii'rsp't' ie heads _t Patymmtik'etts me his'. stedmide mte mlls. C. lTe i u se tfsCariages eii electiosti miis rohibited.i HEAD-GEAR FOR GIRLS Enthusiastic Freshmen Want a Regulation Cap. ''t hSiStu1i'll u' il tssouerdthe ltesmt-i CC e ii'eshmims'ugii'hs hiz t' isetou hearts on hav~tingrgula rshd lcas 0hi nos!mnot thisem'horid pstgestmp Cht h hessor. I wansit a I'Tii hl'Slmtsm for l i ti si D, lstilltkniowietmt Itik a "limit nu d sit hlst us lovetyswitoh \mustl su e omu"h umeers l siwt' Canis. Tc' stckn fr hoeiii o lktttc n it T recliii simm lii lict s tou CAndilasspic ciritit is cthatti va' freshmentit' sar,'ho ing. eti Jr daniiiis uptimistciitoi a t hhe et mush hritt frsma ai rtheltt ~if te imier shimm asto .me 1eiiand cottlormh canibi 1 atell ~ Ct et tleuoni ittiliformit sisie. 'limit smith1 summithslit i llitih e t ileliiJill'dItni. 'istheimoti t hu51 s'mmiatst tha Ins eer nteed thlt' 'niet'rsiti. seI'mrl pro'ssmics.i girls'th ie' Clasi hae si-a om omie'amushav.'e'esetemed Pereianiii esthatiiaI regulthsionmcap e~ihm luotedfortiltgils HARRIMANS IN DEMAND eincouraging Outlook for Students in New Railroad Course CMost 'mspmi)ts seis the s tat ofti newmm tti ra i tadlco's'e,'.givit'l tby'the' eo- hiscs faul f this' Iiter e parulit- mctutu ai. tc-ti Ih}l e it'stis os f tel' 'limt Cingell I ha s mmended'' iuIso' welilli stdetsinth itcoret. IDeati C'iiiiiii'andiiPIrtiltJohntR. l~Cle fthef :ui ;pokume imsuri mtthto i li'Cohlt'sit. \11 thei'miimbmes iof theieconmuisfe- 111.1wer tCmi tmmii and tle d ith'"thle Itt l's.Adam~s hiaidl in prt : "'F i itled course mii"' is lt t'stmi.'upo i(,me i st i ta ing ei s ius it fr hi n Cslit' udm e 11 a1ctii that sill ior m iianits peiet wi'lssinm a lge elii Ii ' 111bythe ntiatthis clas s sal aml it 'eatlevoling~t tincttdeand foriheipreprtion whtsichtti telu lst .ts ittt ira uts of otc '51 ietabished. is i'-ms it i 7 P sl\ti tlssil lub" N re lan-hut hill' forC'trisutls v ai z~ DR. FR'EDE;RICK A. COOK BUY opens S. L. A. Courwse Wednesday, Oct. 20 BUY NOW More Solicitors wanted ew t Once NOW Couxrse Tickets $2.50 Single. Admnission $2.00 OEM