6 AW t, A* I f,, 'Y' Otol Sle for January All Clothing at 20-350/ discount. This includes the STEIN BLOCH CL OTHING which we are Agents for in Ann Arbor. AlFurnishings, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Ecat 20 /o discount. Terms Cash. mndhfitt, Apfel & Coo arigSle All Stffan Soft Hats at 25% Discount. All Trowsers 20%c Off. MANHATTA N SH I RTS UNIVERSITY NO'TICS _______ All members of soph lit footbiall team ________ report in togs at gym Saturday ii a. 111. for -football picture. Good, Mlgr. THlE GPF Holders of ice carnival tickets please return unsotti tickets and mittyitioI M!iss Rankin, Saturday morinsg is i fa Reed's office.113 SM ALL BLAZE AT DIELTAI S CHI HOUSE-DAMAGE.'511111' 0 Fire causeil a slight dlamaigitiihe Delta Clhi fraternity hotsse ati liii.corier of Slate asnd Hill streets eairly Friday1 morning. Eight o'clocks.were usoIisar CA skip for its members, as 7:20o'iiclicle1 found the whole organizatiiin valiaintly fightintg a few flanses swhiecs stairtedl on the roof supports aboist the chiliiiiy. YOU HIAVE Io tA A few pails of "culot" water wss ull- NOW Sli 1"l cent, the fire departmsenit ,finishinsg thei' job with chemicals. ZWE11R PEKS ON.GIT Prices: 25c-50 Samuel M. Zwemier, F. K . . i., ill SLATI S AXl speak at Newberry bail tosightit ii7_______ o'clock. Mr. Zwemser is as recoii'iei r.-i°y ', 7 v SAURDAY, FEB. 5 Mafrireearnd Night Y1 dl mosttalked of Musical Comedy in America .1. 71 (AITES PRODUCTION 10 .1 OF 3 TWINS IWITH CLIFTON CRAWFORD) And Original New York Company IIi s of Seventy, Chorus of 50, Orchestra of 15. Peices Matinee. 25c-50c-75c-$1 C liO ricesNight 35-50-75-$1$.50 I) 'o! ori ri tr proi tttientio ii I O BILE CHAIRS TEL. 937 I LIFE OF CHRIST 1 S l'iG. P. COLERl !,2TOI1P. M. l# I?° it C- ll lit_ $1.50 Shirtnow $1.75 " t $2,00 $2.0 " $t.00 $1.20 $1.35 $1.50 $1.88 $2.25 $ 0.85 vie, nlin & FiogoI 2022South Main Street. ', t P itl. B j nt,'man fa tarers of paint r drctothe onscuimer, there- 'n,1ot ozov , 1.1 p r gallon. Single C I.MAJOR (ea CO. I0 E Washington St. e Cnieland authority upon the religion, custitos gid life of the Moslenms, tatvlng sent a great share of Iis life sworkinig amongit the people of Arabia. le will also spseak Sunday everiiig at a mass meetisng of the Youtig Peiil' Societies in the Methodist church. YALCF ATt1hTFS GOOD setticT's. "The returtns for the lat teirmiofi scholarship msarks at the office ofite dean of the college sisow ass isioi iiiiiii ly good record for the sens if lt'eiiiii- bail squad," says tse Yale Alumnsi \Veek- ly. "Bettered schoslarshitp has syiichriiii szed with the trainsing of a chamnpisoships teamn, and, perhapus, the test teamtshaii has ever represesited Yale oni the grit- iron. Such a result fur a sinigle seasoiss is not, of course, conclusive. I ttay posibly be a councidenice rathicr thatu co-relation of athletic anid menital isirces But it does snake pretty strotigly fur lhii idea thsat in case of the istiidlutl atilt Iete there is sno excuse for his eltarciti athsletics witls his lowschoilarshtip tiaoid if he has one." YOU KNOWs us, thsat is you ought so. We gisve you its for yotsrmsossey stnd goiod litis, iii we cast get more ofi your goiiid moiney. Weare Tailiors, Ifahierilashiers, flat ters. HENRY & si. ASK OUR SALEPSMEN We will sensd you, if yoiu w lisiiii statues andi addresses ofi all "We at- Ever" salesmess. Write to thietti,sverify every recorsi prinitesd, take store theni two thossasnd to ass adiiicielto, et te average for yisroo $7.42 profit a day. An "averasge" snade his 2,oisi sisciteh cosnes almost a certainity fie the ateriage msass, does it-snot? Thessthink if swhsat te .77 te-v propositioss means to yiot. For a cut-filled. twii-iolor magaziiii showiug tise houseitt "Vseutr-eer" steti sils, telling tse story of their sistitisti ture, givinsg testasmes antti tl uresscs ansd records, of alt salesisesi,wirt, "Send me Bulletiss 20," to 'l' l'tut- inumn Cooking Utensil Cosmpany, Pitti- burgh, Pa., or call ottCloser I'. Grier- son, Stus. Mgr., 433 Mayniarid St., Phonic 1376-J., hetweens two ast iv ie s'clock this afternoon. THEAN I Christ's'Eu 2. What Shall W' 3. What Shail CHARLIES' 131 Under Ilustont ls intity? - - Feb. 13., Thir u rpii seii i sii to o ii cure 5Iiiio aiciuasseuaetree. AU iilOiiicisteiioaiterdeats'or KHF= Si. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP -;O. 'V. STOLL, Proprietor I 1pls ii l ic te Jan. 30, 1910 Feb. 6, , , A I I I m ,.. ,.. i k " ° q r r H 4til St, NEW YORKI :. ;. E 3 k X Cariage and Baggage ('11 C uple t and f op rties, iii 5l o. $1.50, afte !iluckt 11 Trun to or rom doo ,h liu 25 Cents. 55 carriei toi u p-ostairos. tie crice'wiltie ats.i ititi i SoilS& Cs). N1'. 1.STAtRK TNIGIII'S SHOWS iiiiu tosbti i- 1 11 os t l~x Itnr. 'otitpuOpens' Mo l sy X ot in iislp Ct actnd Maaarch brands),Neck- )0Shirt'. 79c. $1.50 Shirt, $1.19. W tis Susts, 5.19. $4.25 Sweater o s~ny29th A Stal 'KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN Colleg( e Men Always Welcome , oId erms for College Teams oialI ittion. Near 'Theatres, Shops - and Central Park NeModern, Absolutely Fireproof ,risast Rat:es, $2.503, with Bath, and Up. Sit s id- uRmsSend for Booklet. t E.t ~t P&NAG FMEN f4T OF K.J ?Bto hi_ , tjril orerly wits Hotel Wwardu Hdeasy wear, l k) 25c Hoisir, Coats, $'9'1' Low prices quoted to fraterntis, clubs, and committees ott large orders oh cigars, cigarettes or totacci. 307-309 S. State St. HUSTON BROS., MOE'S BARBER SHOP "f0North ulvrolty Ave. 0. A.MOIL -4 I FiAt) IN MLWAIRD, TEF4 - fill E~ST' OF FEVERY 'FiING IN TAILORING