THE MICHIGAN DAILY I G. H .Wild Comfpanly :a MERCHANT TAILORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- lrgs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We makes Ful Dress Suits a Specialty CALL AND SEIUS 311 SO. STATE STREET At the New Store 6. IH. Wild Comlpally 'LINTON The " SLI PEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BARKER BRAND BUTTN EASILY All SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK ~REGULJAR AD QUARTER SIZES I30 2 for 2508 WMJLAKER C9 MAKERS. Sold in Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. Stt $tret A..SPALDING -& BROS. heSpldng are the largst mo jII tacturesln the world Trad-Mark of OFICIALE QUIP- MlNT,forallatbltic INDOQ sport and psties. a t p If to are intrst- 5' ed in Athletic Sport 'Uyousohold hueeaopO qQ o Nu b of the Spclding Cat- v u, aopoue. lto a complete enyctopdisi of as aow throot Wa's New i Sport the; world as Ge"ae-aetos of a?,od is sent freoure- Qooolty. que. A. G. SPALDINo ea 11BRO. Chiosago Det.oIt STATIONERY SALE 1 Pound Papr 3 Packages Envelopes 40c THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. ManagingEditor CtARsCEc E. ELDRIDGE. Business Manages CAst B1. 0. ADAM. Addres: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Mayoard Street. OffieeH-oturs: Managinlg Editor, 8-it p. mo. Busioess Manager, 1-2, 7-8 p. to. Except Sunday. Both phoocs. EDITORS, News .......Lee A While Assistant .... -.. tarold Titus Athletics.......... Wilhbur D. Elliott Women ........... Frieda Kleinsliick Mosic and Drama ...Hollis S. Baker Exchanges...........HM. B. McHugh EDITORIALS. James K. Watkins Morrison Shafroth Charles Good G. S. Lasher John T. Kenny ASSOCIATPEEDTRenS. Walter K. Towers Barry Z. Folz Dion Birncey D) A. Hinckley Arthor B. Mcloelnan Russell B. James Fred Lawtotn Harry G. Myser Fratnk Rowell Charles Ii. Mylander Morris Booser H. Mack Ryan Wade Oliver BIUSINE5SS -STAPP C. A. 'owmen Normcan H Hill Walter Q. Wilgus Myer Robin Kenntetth Ostcorn Noromatn Wittet ent timeeis5tie le )1Iat to dot a ncl Conl- stitutiocncforthlie C(onc-il. It is probaisie that a new~ costtituttionis-eited as it i not, stranges.lthattile organundse~r swhicht thce Counciilibegans its existence has grown obsolete ins manty respects. lTce mtaint questiocn is, thsen:. "Who shoulid frame and at ptsithtis nest csnstitutionc? Serets-,scat tine-Coun~tcit itself, ibecauise it is merciy represetttive--thteoretically at least--ofte stutisb osts. Oughtt not tile tcndergradctle ibocdy as ac whole le givenc a chsances io expressan sopinions osf lice concstitutionc andcorganizeationlot lice tidy wichi is tio repsresenct it, and in ihse iseactivities it hcas a sital interest? We tinki it oucgt, ansd are of the opiscin ihat tcc Counccc ilshouldic at least submit lice psroposeud constitutionc iccthe uncder- graducate iccody for its approval, iefore a fcomal iste i fastotiotn is taheic. JOY ilt L l lR R RIft I-Ft IANICIR1iG IN CANADA (Contixndfrom Pace 1.1 ccci ppea hccserccc. F'Sv-ncrumcor sad it thact lice cathlte-wascciccCiccago.Susb- sequcenct stories saiithcat icen-as isn Seattle. Those swho arc- ccecitversed ill the facts ofl lie Hitter case cold a divided op incionc regardiithlie story that camne sut sif lice nosrthwcest yesterday. Sotme hoist it upcs sccevidecse of joys msental iuncsmcpetenicy, ascii stters are incliiced t icc- sheptiecal. .. C. itter, te fathecr, is said to be exevrtinsgccvery effoirt to ncatle isis tact. "-My- chief (list is to get Joy backin c IDetrosit ancaes-for simtu iltissreaso is cmpletely recsoresd,"ice said yester- day. "I h acv bc-vn-citt communsc ications with masyuseolessi onsithl~e Pacific coaist, lint never thsousgiht of attempcctincg to locate sty-itt Canaas. 1 thuck it woulcd save beentsuttralt for cuss to go there, cow- eer. Ysou see, Ice intsendedI to locate ouin i ita ssicountry safter gracducatinig." BEATRIX ON ,J11 HOP Society Editor's Hints for Event Very Apropos. Thetispccciciouss tidies is iceres-ag ain, to ic : welccasre lhavcincg .1January(scat a H arry Kendallit) thawss, exasasre cocci- tng (yoiss say-notcl ies-cit, hut they arey), cccii tutmewheret-fsinccthe siing is ctht sparcagons of scisntillatincg, stairtlinig Siociety ee-citscsnownas lice "J"Itop. Nowsth ie --J-- clop~, ir cmlire correctly. a tie-ihsnitsev insititu- tiosti. candi to get there es-cry promssisincg i"hoipper" las Is, iollowe timse-establtished elissciIsessand sormula. Youtremsembcler our sadviceabttis iicg tier at Chcristmnas, gettinig acceqescfrui tsh~ter, andcslaosa nubb ithdsress stilt, thesis sre the prelim- is- sres, fruse c Dr. Prokohissid isit ac isisicessisgist-ccitt honosr if lice Gcr- itan dcicetmsci-ct recentliysteccsrtis yet to slcom-. Pay hed, ien5, Iscisisff, to tics flloinsg sssssimeiirctis:ssc -. 141 - one ic e iicciwchilts tics acid pratie upi adIo-itknssts dauily untli sthe sisy of sheIhoup, sliest like ai, otslyou will tie caicleaosic a bostwcchid wsill at tessnoiiihisve tile apupearanceofsal chasr- i ste rnse sir ac iesec ihed fence. N(sitaIsence :Ifa ssivfiess I registrations cast lie secredi, trasighclie instigations ill ctheDAILe, ltcesartoiriali pride of the fcutlty hticsosentledtso gie ccseries of fisve lectues u-ill th ccmpacncyintg labtora- tosry pseriodss icnsthe art cccii history of tyinig a wvhite tie, andii also lay specical rescuest, TueiPsychlcogy ofi Shirt Studs wit isis pcecial vemphasis upason their icse dusrinig clivrencaissance. ec. Wear yasurIpumptis sir patentcs, if yosu liatse thcemt, tic trill sir to- the bansd conscert. If youc refse tic pay heed to this caustio,sstlie classicofianiiexcellent bionsss Ire-imesdystill ibe-gil-etccheerfully tic reuest. 3rdi. iy all mseancs get iciest to wvearinig y-our tsike-tail ciat. IDon't stanid aroucind stllsarissstiff andii acbitter sn-eel cx- tire ssion sis y-our lice. Wteatr yasir suit ac lestsisses ansd gel sedstoiiit. Itsotase sif isue leasdinig cities it is conisidered quite aci ht i ti-swsir eve-ning clthes at the thea-cter. Yositscs-st Iget its s-ry had if yic wieasr yourss tic sthe Majtestic for tee- eraleenings. I scid notl s-ry sail. 41t1 cciii lastly.- Keep inc couch with tics fairy catishome; site ccillbe ihavinig jsit s hardcaIimle is yost.Tell her abouss t lte icetty flowssers yost are go- tng 5 t lusts h owtlistsve left a sciecial orderitllstics i-cat lityler's for a less- ciscd boxtofsbog-bonssgs swhiichas-c oise Onisciscly by lier sitecfudge. That'll mare ahitsure. Fell icrcase yasir stilliodirc ce roommcsccl at h sbrsougtiup his $20,seesi0,1 it. s. tos-scadr all lice way trustm oP a cePawjust foir yousr sthats slight. Yous iundserstanthosisse little ede- tisis iieasteccgirl so uchi. Bud, whent site gets liere, use dliplomtacy,- lad, and tel a tearflitale ccl costhlie torrid fa-es cylts Iforbid all shots cciiiscrusip- tuossses. If ysucanccl get aivay with it, smsre epowier toi youcreunilversity training. liIe dfiialvadmonitiocn:S prepare now for tics "J ii sty.--usch test fromcith~e l)csiiii ICardial. c Lots of people never worry about style, just boy FrOWNES GxLOVESa and bit it right. Get your "J" i-op slcines at Moe's- j"Chet." 8 Why Worry ? it IllF\ A WAHR'S SPECIAL FounitaillPoll FOR $1.00 ANDi A liltZIN 01' WAHR'S BLUEBOOKS FOR 20c iot rn i cliii 5 c yit WAHRI'S University Bookstore C. [. BAIUM[[ BOOKS Lawy Medical Denial Largest Stock ini Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law acid Medcal Dictionesiale Quiz Books etc. Coitplete line New and Sec- ond-hand. Old books taken ini Exeange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optiali6 Dept ine watch and Jeweler Repiring HALER'SIIWLRY SIORE 216 South Main t. 119 Michiganl Pillows FRID-AY, iANUARcY 28, 19co. IiT oda13 y- \is E. itI istis. 1i .sccctsi Sniswc flurries, coststincued CNIVERSITY CAbLENDAR. Jail.2a--Seussas NlueMacs S. L. A. tucher. Jacn. a8-Frcsh Enginteer daicce, Bar- hour gymd. Jans. 3qsv I~r.!ssettsee, :Methosdsist church. at1 h:30. iJin. 31---Kniesel Scrilig;Osccrtetie, Char- aliI ii csits t lice resuls cci the v-arioucs depcartimecit- cit electionst cciStuettCounscilmenes - e terdacy- indsicate that lice Counicil ideed is reaecinuglice stage wehere it cact accoccc plish soslice ofl lie obijects fur which it esas coceveed. rice mch loseni, tee are incliietov sbelictve,wee-electedt oct m eil ceiicth lite empl~aoymttt ofst olituiclc msethos.ic Cosequenccctly they arc likely t ie th mlic ei stsIfilled to repsresent thceir cisses tashsid-parttssscinc lie ssudets-cgoernsdinug siciy. Gtratifiedt is wec sre wills cle cprogrees tics Counscil itsdmaidng, ncwaecano tc- tetchly slidle a fear that a tenecey to- wacrdsiecrecy asdcii ntrlrcizationicma.y its chic luteure isispair lice efficiecy of tlie Counucil. Iccthlic ase of lice recenst itn- vestigatiositofcljocy Miller's ccitt, the Coucsil revealed its Efiriiiigs, hut cidinot italic pubilcicehe cotplete eiienceviii wchiesit basetd its fisndigs. Insm~such us lice cuavowiedrpose oflhivesistsigac hisn wceas Ito smake knowinntihic true facts ocflc t ecsec, it sees thaus a comcptete reissuetIccl lie testimonsy wuldcsthays- hselptedits slice the pudrposse .itewhichs lice Coucili was aiciing. Of evenc Inre impdlorancee at the cire- - I ,,. ; t: , , Y Clothing Sale OUR ENTIRE CLOTHING STOCK DIVIDED IN THREE LOTS TYPEWRITING SUPPLIES Typewriting Papers Carbon Paper Oil Ribbons AdTIAHE STUDENTS BOOKSTORE Sheehan & Co. Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 1=~3 Off 1=4 1 =5 ' C I All odd Trowsers at 20O(/,Discount I Marked Down to Close Out SETTER COME QUICK 11' Wadhams & Co. I E. E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. 121 Washlat09 Ev RANDALL & PACK, Photographers Phase 591