THE MICHIGAN DAILY Stein-Bloch- Smart Clothes WHY? We want you to wear Stein Bloch Clothes. They will fit you better, wear you better and give you more style than any other clothes you have ever tried on. We sell them and are proud of it, because we are convinced that our reputa- tion as capable clothiers and good judges of which our trade want will be greatly increased by our association with these clothes. Try them on before your own eyes. "Lindellscliffitt, A fl & Co. The Home of 6ood Clothes MAKE A NOTE Every effort has been made by us to gain your patronage. No store carries a more complete stock of clothing and furnishings. Knox Hats Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Spalding Sweaters Perrin and Dent's Gloves Ne ht'UNIVERSITY NOTICES Ne Wht y Theatre Metigofozea>li aur~a SATURDAY, OCT. 16. THURSDA'Y, OCT. 14 in Alpha No rooms. Matinee arnd Night Onie.Night Only All freshmsen girls lo h te not orderedl their gym suits mt d sr) CIIARLES FROI-IMAN Whednresda-y at 2:30.T Thes Girls' ciub of the hit>art (71:11(1 rt,;-it s II irrts Ital1 this aftermisti at 4 o'cfish. The (Oreat lDramatic Sensation All I tiscotal girl studhenits cr5 1 tii,- Jutitrt lung itter mtemtbers of isLthe 1? giteeriitg stitety twhotSrs- inttresfsd ita1 thie lTecfttic itd itish t ryte ititfor t, ststattt butsinesstttiager apptyI ) tJ . k Cumis ttdtti o N. Tltayer. *e11t1e DASH For the Thiere still he a Vrt ittoreii tittt e n titg of lie hlelgait tm1tit tistt ti*NlORTHF POLE citittittte at 7:30 toititthe ii lii i T h ie All stitttiettet an ttif isistatt illSTRRN O TED R MA I lease be tpresentt. l A. Klppilt . est l-i,- I S. I let 5TIRR C NS OF COTHE Cltaitit~ii NT ICImpsrtat SpecialA ROA E ft N(,) i ta:exti~e ltsittit5 MetropolItarv CastRA E if college yea 12., $6.i eti iatr1 titi silt-er tIlisre- .. 2; $3.; rio titntiattldlpien. .. . ... . ntirs StaieSt. Owutigtoite liielieu-n-dlsiveyfh Typerits-oiier h yeri rili tr iii i poniyt Cilrpeeir sIc-r tat thO Irangedlto sititturchlaser. Dn'I ms li-i & StioddiardlTilet ProI ,m N. Uiviersity. IPhonte autfiJ. ;-;hiss 1 ],'verylbody traudes at 0-itlnssih)tus And all the latest styles in Neckwear, and wie hSl it S t. - allow no one to undersell us. Reule, Cnin&Fiegel Co ln&200-202 South Main Street. COVUPON TICKET sEeptionially out2'fattle II ii io Qi tItS e Bring this coupon which is worth from 25 to 5t0c in payment for hoard Phone 88J Ttu to goitisortewu s iatuis. Vouidf altegr Sot. 17 Change of bill Mon. andl rhurs., Oct. 7-9 llarzetta Sherburn Cartoonist - Whistler Coleman & Garfield Playlet "True Blau" ~otion Pictulr-es Fountain Pikens ta Never Leak $.100 and upward We can sell you a Pen that will satisfy you perfectly. EE.Calkins, Drxaigis# 324 SOUTH (STATE ST. Swe-aters ciiut-rSit liI h iialmi P At," 2o9 F7. Itet. 1i1 Prices testlPennaniits blt, iof all i l h-g es. l". f01.- Sispiecialty.-- Te ais Roval," ,co 1V. LifetS t.Si 1. te-tiest vairiety if Ps-allt samPi lii 5Siat loiessiprisesiiiiniiiuii& 0 0041 litl iii 1oo 7. lietri1 streit. 21 11 e itigselor t ie youii ssit Si t ititir, ortiet-itritir suiefs. if Ba~rgaiiisfitlSll hitnls of I l'meit iS h o s a it lt'. - Stit itts flt ,stsirs l-Stlt-CitlieCast iii litst $Itxo fitltiti St elt ii i i lit -citl. ttisltiigs ltlirii iss: f I irat-ig te right ksitds atit taft fites -,Sit te Stid tifii- t iiisti is. Sliti-fat & Cii.tif toyuu Mtusic Suppitlies, h.titi slitt Cmiars iBajois andi IStinss.1(1k) stisi-lisrl- & Sit, u.Otsitc ilmui-i 1T- Sli . Mafl StitS. 1i Diissectingf' an11111 f t r ysi otit s. Cs ingsPhrac.t Fieln Bt uple.Cusii' . d i 't III i I ... .. (lose meeter that wvill try neither tie, thumb -nor tempter Iiic.- 2 fur 25c. NO*.26 Fast Evening TRAI.N TO DETRIT Via Michigall Ceiltral heasts, 652 P. MtAtrive I vs u ifais exceopt Suniiiay, Ini amtphiltitie for a I S. cial, 'fheatreo tr Butiss Engage imeritsi. Zew dsk & ane310 SOUth ewadki & LaneSlate Street OWe isill si-tellci l typerieter, ori-doi yoer tvewrtiiii for yout 4 %S Fratetriftystati1o11ety it speiatlty. Carriage and Baggage befreur itt-itiet$1.50, utter P2 O'cloc $2.00. Fo chi ru-ti ti- oriftmtdootittr piewli e 25 Ceiits. Ifturrieditoi ori rtGr-stair s, tie pticte tillf te 50 Cris. Driviers Sue reqiriedlto50colleetcal forrsiirriane and batua-gie surir tOINttSOat& ill Majestic Matinee 2:30 Pricest Adults t5c--Chitliren t0e Baseball returns will be read from the stage At MACK'S LABORATORY COATS $1.00 Made of good strong Covert Cloth, extra long, in all sizes MACK & CO. "T hat Sm IEBEINTHE, ng"S Merche nt Tailorinjg is Apparatis trt~arieiis ft it 00 tiWoolens in for tall, S[I I INGS, VS'017-I7Z, UV ItCtOATINGS. W. E. DIETE&RL3& Ve,. -sity Tals.- 1t? ,E. Liberty 3t. 51 ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIWRT F ALOR THlE BEST OF EVERY TiHING IN TAILORING