THE MICHIGAN DAILY sij ,- pany I NItIORS :. vecomplete lines ei Woes for Suit- }Rcoatsnd Trou- PIyVestings for TrLnakCe Full Dress S speclalty r- : (Al, AND StilL I'US 311 SO. STATE STREET I t OW New sore l, IdCoimpany 73THE bb X99 i7E P2ER& CO. Stat Steet )DING & BROS. (~fIll IALEs QUIP- c d pastites. 51 ole si , .t.NĀ«iSprt n._..4 Paper R .c , ibbos 1OSFk TIN&GCo THME MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Eitor CLARENCE E. ELDRIDGE. Business Manager CARL it. 0. ADAM. Asddress: M\/ICItIGAN DILYtn, Press Bldg., M~aynsard Street. Offie Hosurs: Maoaging Editor, 8-11 p. its. Butsiness M~anager, I-2, 7-8 p. m. Except Suinday. Both phones. nEDcITS. News ................. Lee A White Assistaist.............. Harold Titus Athsletics.......... Wilbur D. Elliott Womten........... Frieda Kleintuik Music atsd Draosa.. Hollis S. Baker Exehangen ........... M. B. McHugh EDITORIALS. James K. Watkins Morrison Shafroth Charles Good G. S. Lasher Johns T. Kensny ASSOCttATE FOtIttORS. W~atter K. Towers 1-larry Z. Folz iDions Birney D. A. Hinckley Arthur B. '1stoebboan Rsusselt B. James Fred Lawton harry G. Myser Frank Rowell Charles 1t. Mylander' M orris flouter M. Mock Ryan Wade Oliver BUSINESS 5SI'APP C. A. 'Dowusas Normsan H Mill W~aiter Q. Wilgus Myer Robin Kfenneths Osborn Normsan Wittet visor. Noar d(Is t ise needt Cnd stbith heclosCilng ofthir st year, as seconsdtyear msensscially staring liseir first semester, could iin many cases profit by adv ice from uppecrclassmsen. The plan stoold brinsg thte twoIivi sions of students ctosely togetiser, tper- msit as associations swhich baths neesi, as- sturelteipreserviat. of Uoisversittradi- tions andisideals 1,151dimake for aswisier and (deteper tollsersityspirit. If there it a a m npuls electiaos swhere lt tquestion ofI pestonl a piopularity shsossltita cast asiste anld msen se lectesd in resplect to list abiltyt)thseypossss to f0ilt te offices, it is th e electisosni Stuto Counsscilmn. It is a mlanifet ldsty of Cser rstudsesst to casthissvoat fsr men swho ihave tsossssstjssslsess, maaturtessinss sssd goosd commonllI snse, stlisssllregard ts swhethser h1st inadsssse iih 551 11is nt atisletic fieistor Is 51 jolly, gosi felss. Thse Stsssesst Cosiuncit is raidisiy becssss in~g tiltorgansizationllt 1 sldsesigsned 1to ise, anllorganization55 worthy of thsctoss fiidence of thsc facsslty ansithte studsits body1, onethtiswsill bet a leadsir ill stssdisnt opsinions, iair-msitsdest, conssersvative, yci stls tecousrage to act ansd sirect. Tfierselrteso 111a15)ways ill whichsthse Cossscil can5 li5aeitslh ltt, soss uch thsst it canssdss fsr tilt usiversity thsst its tesiniset ecoms a551matter emndn cresfutl csssssiderttions. \'stigls eery noinelltl.tcartisslly, thirs vots, n sot ftes elstsake of fritsssly)isler-I est s.rt iersonal tpreferensce, isst fst thse sliesthtiat still inaikelteIlmostsIcapsisble iSssdesst Cssssscii 111. 1882. 'T'here ssere saiss sler ofathter great cossmetIs oathue secosndirassi.. 'lT prtesen~t comte",says ProCf. I I u555 Iswsaulsi bse1of thlssclass. Iti sstse Iinest on enill ltesnostisrn1 heisphtlAere sissce listgrelat cIome t f182. Bi~(OiS iFOR tDR. HiCS'CCU SE. \W11,1, CO.\i FitIM TGERMANYX Intesecond isemlestet,itr. I icssri Iinis wsill give ss cousrse intendledifol thossse whiso hasve snsstsmastretshetsc ermasnss lan-5 guaige, bsut sshsslsicsiretispirsue sciens- tifis stssiieslisst essssssssssrseparticuslarly alossg tse linIe sof curresntt)boltnilre- seasrchi isin Grmane s. 'iTie test book tar lt cour~se swil uosti5l cetss or less, btt mutlst tssesbisissesd from1 absroadissnsit is diesiresthtiststa lllnesmplastinlg takissg till coulrse shalllnotifis li. fassnstyMsssssav sof next week, so11htitetexsst~s 155he ordertteid lTetlassswiltlmeeticessis steels, prssbablstbtenssel st rsosft4 and isTe dastil l otb11et dsettrmsinesd ssstiltdepitmntalt ansnouncemesn~ ttts ill-I isssseds. Oness1hour1 ttediitwill h1 iv Iesn tor use csurlse. 'Tish ,r5 i sisparallel. Il ltesorse gilvesnits tile first sessester bsy lDr.fisllfrthlistudiyiIof rencsesi- ii ?I Xl> '1'CI KLNO R lt t'tt' L Markedl prosglr ess has beent mItadelltill thes diretlsi111sionf scuins'. sscriiirs from1 tte stsusesst bodyis for thes ipurpse ot obtallinling Ig suitable tgifl for thitsa- orisfthetbattlesipts.11itiiglal. liht mthod ofi It stlailillg te necessary amot l htI a iseisensso lstce ttedepart- metnt lls ts s ldes Iwholselt 1-11it is ito cansls s hatllisectiosn. " lthous~ghste sworkstill srssceesd tery slowly dusitrintg ltetxaiations ils, w55r ginglf togeltist e hassto Ikieeps siter it fosrever," sail Chsairmitass Cieeks last snighst. As set Ills secisisnsis eisent reaceinl regsardi ts sitskinidi sf sdonastissnsto se givensslit tilecomittesle m to favs ssor ill a greast extentleitiser a sitter bugle or as tsotlslii. 'ile lielurteseas bss eent Why Worry? Itt-tEN A WAHR'S SPECIAL Fountaill Pen FOR $1.00 WAHR'S BLUEBOOKS FOR 20c kin aredpesie Tyit WAHIR'S University Bookstore LYNDON 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. Pictures Kodaks Photo Supplies Developing Printing Enlarging The largest line Pen= nants and Banners and Lowest Prices. 1 PRtOFEISSOR LISILY MA Ki'S t5REAII''OXS .:'MtL'i CL)MELT urLNAst Oinsg tosthieslossudy sottdit ssisnoft hteves, 1555 sbsertvatisonst softenew ___________________________________comaet tave iseenss ible since Monday. v TIi IUitSli AYJANXIAiLS27, 1910. E~ditoraTo7day---inesrtn A.I fiINcKLCY. U I IViEiSIl VCLEND3AR. Jass. 28--Stnstas XlaeMassss, S. L, A. nsumtsber. sen 28-F lit esis hsgisseer sdaice, Bar- isour gym.s gestlatsofs'1'1sss IsssI SN itsss istha tstntel