41 THE MICHIGAN DAILY _____ TROUSER SALE I -C We are making a re- duction of $1.00 on each winter weight trouser in our l ine regardless of the price. An early selection counts. SPRING LINE NOW READY J. K, Malcolm, 11 8 E, liberty a I -in I CAN YOUV DANCE? Private lessons by appointment.isGRANGER'S SCHOOLU OFii iDANC(ING0. tCallat Academy or phone 246. Office hones I to l' M I ENGINEERS' DRAFTING LIGHT No shadows Perfectly steady Easy on the eyes Perfectly illumination of the Drawing Board All engineers are specially invited to call and examine this light at our office. Ann Arbor Gas Company UNIVERSITY NOTICES Imtpotantt rthtorsaolofth Ditoln club 'Tiltr'tiytnight. at Dlitta 'ionDiltaiohonsr Nll ttbtea pea i et iin Romtiitli- vtrsity tll, o iveryiportntit litlit Nh ittlitit t. lit Roomtii Univesitttihtall FmIai wilillblipliacttiuponlithetlitetrarytt ut i tr 'of tilioefasoteluastur'n its iii i- the tudeit t ofgt urti otl iursof i lii tcred uit orgtne ti t o dissot rd asmyh eirediiI'it istopeni'toLs'idnS whollavhittatdiit two' Iritort' yeaiisoi extr chatrge If'tituition. ,Athe itwi'it ininthe Ut n iersiit f is- ttuittixptitrsfttttclbrtd ttit ti i it pa t rctiit l.'itit t '.l ii t il Sidettm1't ofii''tttiiviV cI la Ittsloit iut th1it intioftiltwo tenitteloassibaiii'tba l lites" car aod reartigliof hildit rnlhaof bee inothitu tattMisougri tntivrsititt h tiAit ac' en ot prtiatiChristianiollegeIi 'iler onehurtid gitl eretdott"irit toss oilndtttclad . tin iingham tiptigst \'ii oitracklmenil haive iduali asi oiti' thi oloc rn it gcotlle, listit tilt tout ttlt joun ai ticn tl r n lit has een rgazedtiSrYace.,Th TUESDAY, FEB. 1 st THE GREAT 1B00K PLAY THE HOUSE OF ONE THOUSAND CANDLES YOU HAVE READ THIE BOOK, NOW SEE THE PLAY. Prices: 25c-50c-75c $1.00 SEAT SALE SATURDAY :: Whitnzey Theatre :: Hotel Cumberland S. W Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., NEW YORK ,t y KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN r ; . College Men Always Welcome '1 Special terms for College Teams 'J Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park 4' New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Y ransient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. VNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF Harry P. Stlrassoi., iformeriy with Hotel Imuperiai. .j.Bla'.jghm.eam formterly with Hotel Wootittati ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOPI CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP titittittlt s11~triit it iii"tout Under Huston Billiard Parlors GEO. V.STOLL, Proprietor it' ietrtry iwitti Harry i& Charlir')' SATURDAY, FEB. 5 Matirieo arid Night The most talked of musical Comedy in America J0S. rl. fUAITES PRODUCTION 01F 3 TWINS WITH CLIFTON CRAWFORD And Original New York Company of Seventy, Chorus of 50, Orchestra of 15. Prices Matinee: 25c-50c-75o..$i Pricts Night 35-50-75-$1-$1.50 Sea salecnse'Ttitt',tiy, F~tt 3t it t'tl.ck laul orders gier protnmpt attenttioti ¢ THE QUALITY SHOP HHENRY aild C 'S QI HABEASHERY DEPT. U A L I T Y S H 0 P PRE-INVENTORY SALE Jan. 26th tot Peb. 12th. The leading merchandise event of the Winter OF SPECIAL INTEREST 10 ALL COLLEGE MEN Prices on goods (a few staple lines excepted) are sufficiently reduced to render buying a great saving. Early buyers get the choice selections. Our Ads convey facts to you. HENRY and CO'S AT THE CAMIPUS THE QUALITY SllOT' T H E Q U A L I T S H 0 P. _ e res te comp rishedT success and Fatinr TURKISH .CIGARETTKS players. A shot. Ac- he pride of na Cigarettes. R M AJESTIC "Junior, Partner" One Great Big Hit 5 - ACTS S TONIGHT Matinlee Today Carriavge and Baggage befreti Int hut k$1 .50, aftitr :i'coc 12.00. tricetwiltl be25Cents. Ifttariilt or frup-sittaoirtuo t' tutcewill lie 50 Cents. iDrivrs r eq itui'troet'i iii c~ iltitti(oti & CO. A o ad c f o it Iit is essen ti I ii ioodiowl 307-304 S. State Si. H USTON BROS. MOE'S BARBER SHOP 703 North University Ave. 0. A. MOL iThe distinctly different smoke. :1 A blend of fine t urkish tobacco p ~ with an exquisite taste. An in- " { expensive package containinig c, sten extra cigarettes. °1 'HNAMERICAN 'roltAc{o (;O. a ALWAYS AHIEADIN STYLES MIILARD, THE TAILOR THUi BEST OF EVER Y TIIINO IN TAILOW~NO