This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchfielc i0 Coo ii n Aran Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court 11ouse J. L. CHAPMAN, Jewekcr ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Flly G)ana sua Westcah'inog a Sp.aiaity lTlE FARMER~S AND MECH1ANCS BANKf MAIN ANI HURtON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Prntitn$01,0OO Gdeneral tBanking inon'..,s. 3 pe.'. et pad Ton ne and3 Savings.t)dosis. Safety De- PonitBoxes no rent at 0.00 and upwards If. A. WILLI.AM',,. (ahier 3 3 T, -ro rAsst.. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank itk'rca'$: ",00o3 A (Jenenni tBanking BlusinessTrasated OFIRn S :n Chasin..E. Hin33n '3 res3;' . n 3). HarimsnanViceesn.: 3l. J.Ft. Cash.ier STATE SAVINGS BANK W.J. Booth n. V. 3lShechan Wi)n. ArnoldU lb. V. (C. Vanughan fas. to. Waden F+ .Mil's Jonhn It atrerno. Inl. n Christan IMatOn 3)an i 4t / irra FIRST NATIONAL BANK 01 A)NNnnnBO, MICn. Ca ial,3I100,000. Surplusa.and Pofis -01 . 00.3)U f ciinaw11Alner0C n t iii ' Ban Conrn~ercia..1 et.,.mnd Stu.v1ngSs Coo-. Meonino.nand Liber'ty Streetas CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING F OR REAT. (II~ueic anO Drauia 3o N3 at- ode3 flati~t (3, furnished; fur nace 3hea 1,(1ight )331 gas. No otther 3 333 )r. Secon~d house fromSitl) an aldSlotm3333'i3.3333 ,3) , 33o)d133,) street , (30,3 F;. 3)ashi)3a3o3)3 street.3 ('3333) 23)3J. 31 33o 3.3 - f)urnished hous'e; will rent33g333 at -1:3333 331 333gwl 33 31333 tro)d 3f the school 3 ye)3 r. or')) tilt:333)3)333 133ll.,)r. 1Ir. .\. Sle pbril~ ', 324,) - 3 s)3) l '.33) .33P n. 1181-3J. 83 I3 3 3)3IS CR'l. 3)NRh'33 ' . 3 r c e s))333 033)11)33 ' '_3 3 's3)c edte 1 3)1)r.311'.a\as. 33. 333.)31the. nnar3 Pam R Oal"20 . Lier)ttFfI'lcro he3 t3'wfr fclm hp LO T 3.) the)clssic3,rie33{t .'tits'ant 1"wwl Los--tu en L 333 :ss ciaio3 tck '3'. n) 3 )n (;3ll 3lar 11c333) idl c. 3 ide3 les3lav1 at A umi33llad3333 33)3 C)ltlnS qu sif rooms or School of Music. 3 .33 cht1lY , tltlr lcusao 3) 3)3) 3513't 33,k ii th s cr(I A Dog Worth 50 CentsPt.33.ff3 if Sold at 7 °C OUR ORI iNAlIh1 '.1' Ol I'IATS tUR Ph~dl I') W We are always fair with a and the People. j 0/ of on [all Suits, Ovecoats an4 ut Iasings G-ct your "J" 3 3otpshines 5at Moe's- .he3t." 87 73333)33 (at, tilt,3 33( 3,3)3)3) 7 3.,.)) s,= :}lo S. 73)3)). 34 the3 3ri3)) kin3ds at 3 )gll 313) 733 3333)3' 3oo3)3 oe.))3 o. tf s art in"'. 33'. 33.333333 '. 33 i .3 .3).)just3 t,\() .33)3''. 33 3~c Wtv-mu,3 . h' 33)333.h) rc h)3lo3."I 3(3}.lw (1 )'lit 3a 3) 3. 3) 3) i 33 c'.3 3 3 33)tc a3) '3333, p o,3re." 33 a ilt 1w Sty 111-)3)3)3'., 3) 33 ' '. 3~s)33') 333 3335t"l' is Ii OFORGII YEEi2 3'Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant ChnseFn ihe s 0351333. 3Steaks 'mid3)Chops). Iia n Ameican Lunch'lesnofal) ),ind '. V3.33. Clans Kice in 333 h A))))Arbo. 333l- 314 S. STATE STREETV Rowe's Laundry, t THIOMAS ROWE, Prop. tl* 326 N. Fifth Ave. (s witlt 102 osti. 3 rt o'ototoF 3 I3dc,(3, 33 3 3 33,333)3 Souv enir Score'. an)d jam _usicfor alea Schaeberte & <10 usicHoue, zIo5. M)ain street. 6otf 33r3 3333 33.$I 3Fountain 33. 533333't).3I)'5 ,t "ir 'is 3the 33), '. '3G.3ER .DAN CE 31.33h)u g n wil e te ccn3 )f the333' rst da ce ;i 3l h he 3r- l 3 ia 3r n3 rdy eeig atI3'lc, T Al oftikes )asWe 3)ey u 33 'fl '.3 a3)33)3) 333)33i31, 3)))dtor ti33).l ote ~ultleilelac 33 oral 3)333)3atues) re) +))h3In3. 33lt 3) wr Im 'ds an A T T U T T L E & C O . __ 33 . 3 333" t lr l ,3).e 3)) 21133 t3 ti111 '.3~3\' i Lunch Rooni 3) ;li ,fta c3 i~l.R o ~i tt . caJ,1M «~t You can find a fine lie of Confectionery 3 . .. _ te t' 111.0?1 t t) IIct11 i1 3.) 33 3 3 3c 131333333. .3 '3MI' l 3 ti '.)-.'- 3333)33 R"3 33,33'3O'3.3IN(; SA)3.E 3)l3 SI,. c 3Stlts 3 3 (333333333.. .$t2.o $37,3) 333 .. $14.40 (.oo ~ ~ ... .$2000 )ll 3T33us'.rs' 333 s 3)3e 3333u.033 .3)3.3.31'S Cft 0,3 3 tS SI 303), 33 M)lainStreet.j Motion .itr~ ~1I~and - -and SHO' S $5.00 Early Spring Syles 50 None beternadn Lihwighnnt tans- in lace and bttnn-jast renied Mn Early Spring Shoes trfad WACNER & CO. -( .~ WAGNER & CO wl r _- 1 tiF1 4lSIlXTiiSIEASON SIUD[NIS' 1[CIIJR[ ASSOCIATION The Premier Lecture Course of A ericas.. LII 1731F1RNEST LI. SI'ACKLE.ION WIh), Ias.renached farthenst SonttO OE131.Ah'L)DSTANILEY L'1E limnent Idlt'r, I )Otylst, and Lecnturer SL:l.UMAS'.MacMANUJS Ireand foemat Pot, etAuthor nand Lecturner Advance Sale ()3F- May Festival Reserved Seat Tickets BtF.'ilNS VONl)AY, ,IAN. 3i SCHOOL OF MUSIC "That Somnethiig" Mevche~nt Tailovitrj I'. 333) 33. 3 in 3) u3333 a3l333))))) 1-~ 3') 3'30 3' . 333v o o 30) 3333 11al, 53)3(3NI." 3)33A'.f'3'3 733t, () 1(, )T IN('. W.E. DIETERLE varsn'ity Tanilto' 117 E. Libert'.y St. Dentr itT Unitc 3)33)33 33333,)? 3)) 33em3 4 3 V3 33 d-Line r vice Watch for the Prospectus Season Tpickets on Sale $1-50 MEMMA95awammem "dk 404 - 17'1 J; r - I-- C 1 1 - 1 . r Et 11, L-21-1111 / I A .r B K a K r a v.. r t w s w r w"