rt MILL II1 G N DAL (.LIL ild Comipally aMERCHANT TAILORS ;. We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- P gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. W ertakle Fezl Dress Sits a Specialty AI,I AD SE US 311 S. STATE STREET At thi New Store G H a. Wild Comipanly ?_ ES THE S':SIT PERFECTLy +, rIEN SIZES Sold inAnArAbr by p WAGNER & CO. State $Set A G, SPALDING & BROS. l w or ldmoo (,[lse paldng a ato etrrs ile thewold Ti - Sp ttl_ lI6 sit OFICIALEQUP ~4sprtanrd pstites. I1 yo are inolrtt- et in A tti Sport ,Io told e a ea t of to SallinCa- oalp' otooe. I'a compleel ii it'opetdio of -e t Whatn New in Spart C3st.r-sr'iOe¢ of sloticentfree onr- Ai. G(r>1sALDIY tNG ( SROS3. SAME P ound Paper 3Packa es Envelopes 40cIN Iyper ttfg Papers Carbon Paper Ribbons I)NSUOOKSTrORE Ilielin & co. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Ediftor CLARENCE E.ELDRnIDGE. BIusiness Manager CARtL H. 0. ADAMt. Address: MICIGlANtDILtY, Press Bldg.. Aloyniard Street. Oiffice Hooro: Mansaging Editor, 8-it p. om. BusintessMtantager, t-2, 7-8 p. nm. Except Sunday. Both phons. EDITORS. News.........Lee A White Assistant .............. Harold Titot Athletics.......... Wilhnur D. Elliott Women ........... Frieda Kleinntfiek Music arid Draoia...Hollis S. Baker Exchanges........... M. B. McHugh Jamies K. Watkins Morrison Shafroth Charles Good G. S. Lasher John T. Kenny ASSOCIATEgEDaTOnS. Walter K. Towers Harry Z. Folz Elton Biroes ID. A. Hinckley Arthuor B. MoehlmnaisRtussell B. James Fred Lawton Ilarry G. Myser Fronto Rowell Charles H. Mylander Morris Ilouser M. Maek Ryan Wade Oliver BtUStMESS STAFF C. A. Bowman Norman It Hill Walter Q. Wilgsus Myer Ruhin Kennieth Oshorin Norman Wittet ICogsswellIt1. 1P. I s, Id. t'erliatsser, Thomipsono Lotlsrops, 'S.\0V.lTayho, i. C. hector, Phil Knisoere. ist IDepartmset--I.. I). ovtrill, R. IG. Hulrlbturt, (G. Laostoss . M . Pioloertlo, F. J. Slator, I I. F. qT15555son._ PhiarmieclDepartomonot-F. F. Inogram, Saul Greenboaum. . .Pryor. STUDIENTS AREIDEFEoNDRI) lBY IRISIDlENT .T1Itt INCY Piresidlenit TIising, of \Vesterni Re- serse lUnsiversity , ins ani article receistly publishled in ThsInterior, a religious periodlical pubishled ini Chicago, to' fenslsuniversity studets against the clerical aiid other critico swho declare that the masternnivoiersity is a hotbied isf athseism.Ilietracrs Itse changes that save oceurres inith le foriiofi the col- lege mian's religio oIIlateyeat's, owhich loie edout ssidle oservs rtoo seliteve that Ihis religioss i ut '"Csllegs'miss o loit tllisMuschttoo each sotter, excepti i isssi', dasot stseir religious expserienceet.'' tres. Thwsinig says, "bot they slot seek tos sells each other ilto the test life. They give si- lotecheer tsoeichithller Its the sipwaord progress. If assessof tseir imesmsbers falls ito the itsoral tpersis,,sothtrp is imosre sanse,umsrersusie t' itsmores efficienitst ltst sellssf te collsgc fellow.s "Coillege oenttimten tis tess it so St agoiiist tdoriningtog anfsori ut Ottit i isto- da.Thecolege sudlsis theeitolve5s tire telltog's sort' good 'exampile foorlt'e coleegrduts t oIslitiliwwes thIey not cIitslthei lumislubsantastooa tions.t Mr. hrisisog thoenggoes oiltoitssay that thes blicus1isn alieisotnal Gost is fatr mlore goutral intshlstcollege thsan isntstilecoti- olstsit lithatIh college mcii of North Ameorica are sita lly the cleassest nitens int all the isord nddts that sdesptie the eo- 'i tt i. towilt thei.'college imanis's igno-s ranceofte itle ias liencitadvseri'isedo, the ls si Bbew slst iedIIsol snir ini tse'eastir 0500thus itsmsisy ireviosis y'eair. In consiscluittisg his tintalysis, IDr. lIhingstatsb' ot ii .' religsisosnsicthis isodsernitcotlogosmin is sless' ioi'ssotisd emtotioniasl andilIstoreisraictiecil assief- fective thanuthto(f foirty'yeours aio, N1{t\ Cf)LRS1h I \' SiOCILOGY s comiipletet' ss'sipisiosf 5!esorse tw sill sti fote tots foiliso S kits. ti:'l'IG. A isiselsmesit'ng i of the senior lit claiss waos iedliso Rosom \, Isiersita tall, y'esterdlay. Tue ituoeVats i 000s iltithe foriiofi asotetigto eat, saisdsichtes fronsi sle sktisng Canorivalobeisigfuir- nssisedt too the ts'orts ythe hVotimsts Ieae. T ios fetu re'asioed spie los ste miting. lihe lbusinss sositu of st'e sseeting lou lit e .stirs sisonits the eetionisof MootriotoSitafsrstiltas orator;(lihts. B. IFranln i stoisastiaste r; I ,e'hit':,Isis- toria; ; Aiss Cm-gt ri. ets, n It wsi is eidedl tsnotio site so large oilhlietss U tyoutfistir leassiteits. hClilssit L 1)ls tl ] ' otAi iii i ii ' Al't''eitltt ithoug theex t it ofguthit it still ttiltis sithislifac t ta terS'oo0 ticketis wore ssit1d augurs iell firts'hes Vers little its-Aiwss adeiitnithe55 re- lutst enijoyabsilie5partiofithe iito'it,'i- ii lise et ssitw slthich wee slttis-y ts fssa'tstetcanivoalisere t t ra utisets liii '''silt sutaits 50ia'p'isis eilunc'h'eontis. hsg sive ytheiso 'lii's lisaeto ttie 'isot ejuirsn ctadteafi isiasltrItsuetss. oraleetis foste Sanuewiich th reila l a'sit is itoiive ti \Vlit- t'ttii Lakeits'r'eOtt f in'i charis's 1f5a loitltceata eein o iteiss' tconssstinsg if Bigeowii ippitsg otisd .\lay. ittas'iititset 'situitwadedd to arranth lasteis'tern.ts 'T'ilec las~~sitlstufthst''or ised t'e in'si list tsoscirculas tsbsc'ription slists it, isis'sr io, e ?4' ium i n'.r tso s ii-.;' , it'o the sailes of theis' baitteship.\Michigan.i WhyWorry ? 55 HF:N A WAHR'S SPECIAL Fountain Pen FOR $I1oo WAHR'S BLUEBOOKS FOR 2c ttiai t it es ure Tryit- WAHR'S University Bookstore C. [. DAIIB[[ BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock itt Michigant Second-Hand Law Books Law atnd Medical Ditotares Quiz Books, etc. Conmplete line New andI Se- otnd-hand. Old books taken itt Exchange C. Ee BARTHELL, 3265S. TATE STREET Second Fler Tel. 761 Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optia11, \ Dept ine Wthad Jeweley Repairing HIALER'S JII[[RY SIORII 21e Soueth Mains St. 19 Michigan Pillows hh'EI)N.SDiY. JAhNU'ARYf26, ,i.C Edilore Tod(f---I lits. S. lIRos s. I I, I~PhI) iNlA '.N' S P51M sit sos (': C sttlet, i. ist r l< [;IIhIRSI'Ih'C ALh IDAR. Jan.ifs-";Sosun'seSi isisols et Iiersirs'," Jani. 28 -Senoias MslcManuos, S. L. A. nsunmber. Jans. 28- AresPisgitteer iance, Bar- hour gymt. AS hlPhl Ift S OFi5CuINCCII, Studesns t ouncil 'onosin his 9a nie unor 5fon s itour dept' Inis' itis still h l i ttes. 'iT'e se c oii crt ties tsoihe'illedtifismtheslot ' ossso'osss itr ti t, re lro thel ilit . is' idep sri- sitt, 5, si frt the los' .to s is'e'fronts thlo at' u' of ithe lists iin 0's t '- i i. ilts (o in o the s s i~tion ' 5 s ite co lil has takeniinsillsge its's, 06S is ts' ofth twson is 5 ii n i wc polities plays no part tiunils it n his tan s lassY ii isne of te s'od'sesss't' ,,as tits as t i sirisisso sssNossisso ii ts bsinssisgati enieytnth1aing hereprt oIt Thle folloingitisttetiae )ntm isstosh by ltevaiuts cas-. lilt sty Iii , E(n t h o ssi Rsos J. ig I t. i slst. I Ic los ih e I mi i ill A('I'' Jusi I Ic W ycsS tan- i fiel it selisyV Si" s1ils( ,1, .W t sisCR.ssssss Iin inncrig D a~i e . 11.I'.MhI , '''(' itscou seIIsoisolsgy (Couset suitSocil I ii s is I ousints li t-.i raiet}n tucmt iscisn st hess rolls itt out stmet, ill lbe soffnsr1dts' stcOssineoster b ly ie I-. 'arl Pa'rry. It wilh Isal wstls tse trasitonsisfroitsasis sitl lisfe to s isiitutlte(condition of ssigs' tsociety, 'thestintterpretationtiof the sicts isis th iii isoca ite of litlitis's' isribes. htis tissis sill lit gisv5enstolt'e g iene isisomuiscaionstssocial class- ess 'eissoio s t sisssssssssindsra sitd posliticaliniui on155555Amor ti' FOWNES GLOVES win Fashion's races "