This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burcihfieki t" Co. " - Ann Arbor's Leading k TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch Rep a tri'li a Specialty TIME FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Sorplus aot Proflls$OS,OOO General Hanking B~usiness. 3 percent paid on Tiee and Savings Deposits. Safety De- pous Boxes to rent at 02.00 and upwards R I. K Estr, Pres. HI. G. PRe..YNIAs. 'i~ r H. A. WILLIAMS. Cashier F. T. SOWE. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock 5,00} Surplus -210s.000 Resources $2,1O00W5 A General Banking Business Transacted UilrrCEnne: Chas. E. Hiscock, Pros.; W. D. Harriman, Vice Pros.: M. J. Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W0. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wmn. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Tas. H. Wade E. F. Midlls John Haarer Jo. Koch Prof. H. S. Carhart Henry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan F. immermsan FIRST NATIONAL BANN Or ANN ARBOR, MICHo. Ei. 13. KINNIE, IA IttISON SOUIs lres. Vice-Pres. r S. 1V. CLItSN, Cushier. Capital. $100,000. Surplus andl P'rofit, 00,000. rmnan:Amecan~avings Bank Comerrs~aa. .ed Seevlengs Co.-. M ansd Liberty Strea TH9 MICH4IGAN DAI CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I\G'lRli (lllI> FOR RENT. For Rent -Modern flat, fllrsi2shed; for- t1Sirvvi'i "l~li> "9tw ccce heut, light sod gas. No 0111cr dle as rc h1e ,cte 'mit' : roomers. Second house from Stale thatIthistwo u01(1's t- street, 603 E. Wshalington ts i. 17 Phone 249J. tf pelscr ti r' iid ha l MISCELLANEOUS ocpto .S'ts satcs O cat over, or repaired atl"Te T hew third n1 ,li ilrt ,>'i Palais Co}'al," 209 E. Liberty St. If ussisi eittonI ~r1til.;1r LOTIdilstail dccexd rst-Stitdent Lecture Association tick n ithelwsementiisii I i 1ii et. Finder tplease leave at Alttitmn iisi an meha ical Herin tc rl rootms or School of Mulsic. 84 I isa buiingo iii s r tcr ________________________________ so___ ii iii l I t()1?' iii.. iiti i~ Lot-A lady's fur collar, hetwveeti 214 is hard toIitell i lt chvi it l i S. Itigalls antd Dr.IHowrell's office msoncpue,sa1idi Ii' i N. University. Phionie 17o-L. Rewrard. is reii 1 'sis 1 v it~ lc't FOR SALE tnthlid ldttxsnl; i ' it,, ' For ,Sale' T,aw .lshryveansd busiiness foringdint a ws~td; saiv-oneo fItheittissit prol~speros -ii euldng. wilh lirtrltt calitiess Inithe wesl. lbeadlingla office ini the lowre. Write for sartcuCs 111,'Gl hiiiil'I/ 'S 1; ° '. , - - ; - ,, a' ' .. ,: i .. .. lars i F. sW. agntsr, liail,Wsh. 86' mUusic ana Mrarna M~sjl 'Iic 1111 OTRV T'he initiallsroduclltin if salnew ons- acti trustsienitled 'The JunsiorIPsrt- ner" swiltaske placcsit the Majestic tue- strs tomsosrrowsrnight. This slaylet wss's ititesi byv."Sqisire"'T'rassivss agradusaste if thelawscls~s sof 'o$.Acst 5o1 cpro- fessionlla ctsors hissbeess enigagedl to presell the srI 1o thle best Ipossitlie oil vasntage stndttheeesnt wsill tie is notable One. Later cii"The Jstsior Partsner" wiill tie elabloratedintolls a three-act dtramssa snd receive a prosdsctiosn at the ihasnss of thc Schutiert IBrosthersthess ssell kttoswsntteatricasl msanasgers cif Ness Yosrk city. 'T'here swill is five acts cii the M1,jestic bill for the first tree dasys of this week asid addles interest is attiachedl to thtis sloe to the fasct thsat May Rerelelle, onse of thle smost popssiar girls wsho ever appiearedl here, srill lay' aretsirsienigagesmieit. .MMaty thesatre iartes will lie in evisdetnce anit a ilarge' dielegastiosn silt coesisefromsiFlinit toi li iamtong "the first nighters." ldoasteaiasis Sosivenir Scores attd Sheet Music for sale at Schaeherle & Sitn's Missic H ouse. ttio S. Muli street. flot f I alovllili s h ,-d ntl: serry halli. isers if theii' s i iaio i f thtisii alesis, Hai ad ndssn 'al si' s <~a higs ch >1 l ill os1 wich al("stp -)tiib isissiof his y ar i h'C+)1( isiool h s a i ni tmels do iin I sisor lne uria I 11055 ha1aii ilviiiii s hinasisshs i '55'. ;v i I s a icii made forth ned ofa i. ~ 'til '5 tNi'ic-t ( has as iNet 511 is;a ciniti ols i i ll sC' ina Sli ,i ding;isiidea isis ii l''~is Iim . a all~ltt o 'ils C eo sur"n'coili.i Ii I.. e _, A' !4ur.; SA 1.1 .. Ii {,,, Try ouIP $i Fotultainl Pess-Stseets ian'S I I eaderu is tie hest ever. tf 1 "Chet." ** and 1 SHOES $55.00 Early Spring Styles I Noeabetter made Light wnight tans--in lane sod bhtonus e eive WAGNER & CO. State St. Si r ofuthesh!s,silsssesd Earl-Sping -hoe FIFTY-SIXTH SEASON SIUDENIS' L[CTURE[ ASSOCIATION I' i ' )N 'l's The Premier Lectu~re CouArae of Ameriee. LIEUT. ERNEST H. SHIACKLETON Who hns reached farthest Soutth GaERALD STANLEY LEE Eminent Editor, Esnsayist, ned Lecturer SEUMAS MacMANUS Irelands foremot Poet, Author and Lecturer May Festival Rsre SCHOOLOIF ii ii T i 1 5 Is A 's liii Veaoty Tixilte Watch for the Prospectus Season Tickets on Sale $1 5"0 at Portrait Studio -yp-