_______ THE MICHIGAN DAILY F e u t o S e o All Clothing at 2 -35 6c discount. This includes the STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING which we are Agents for in Ann Arbor. All Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Etc., at 200% discount. Terms Cash. Lindenscliffitt, Afl & Co. Clearing Sl All Stiff and Soft Hats at 25%. Discount. All Trowsers 20% Off. MANHATTAN SHIRS UNIVERSITY7NOTICES Petn ot0ciat IPrstoteran chatc tonight. loatryo 1)0110ceand 111bringt your omall canoge. Tltere will bea no more bsketbal pra tc atill after e a aotll tos. P1il1Kills- Iorn, Inttrctlaso Mtlagr. Ill mIf b rs Iftheljuntr l itf lt attttttros1e who staoyed Illho1111111 Room AUiversitytll at 7o'lo ofesstor WiV~. l\ IbNryIoIth1de bote c t roo , toop11110 hoita l, 11 Ia tay 22,l gt 1011ubec1" od ltonIl tto1 111etdic i t i All01111 n1 inter- ested co 101100011vit it1No doo tofte SOCFT it 1 P itttga iOt 111111(0 a t be 0ni on l t nght.111T1 it. Icomvs Its Jllobet ito 1 e1 1011lh i, spit Lde corpsJ amongtth tudts Ji. civitl egcrlo iitgldto tlttT 1anLin1( L~es illt1 pofssi t ro d prcical ture thc° \%'eb and lng Stnds pri Lioricotttud.Iootislttto Lttipurodi~ oh tooo iten lnnbeso f t ilei lorttc cii o lss The, pin is11 a 1 m00 ti titu rtlifta leo ltroughli ariplat1etgird1e1riandtotil 'mate iooFlaingleLiotioa."litn lollhe mebr aret W. S.ta Cotok1111111ao'L(CA. A. C. LIoud, J1.0 rivio hgI of iolcJ.ot t. Ill Itve,Joe aidon1..C.My Ge Whiney Theatre::" SATURDAY JAN. 22 TUESDAY, JAN. 25 1 Matinee and Might MUUTH. SNGERThe Big Musical Treat J Chica~go's Greatest Musical Triumph Thc Goddcss oef Libcrty WITH SALLIE FISHER AND GEORGE PARSONS And the Most Beautjiful Chorsin America Prices Matinee: 25c-50c-75c-$i Prices Night 35-50-.75-$141$.50 A !Stubborn Cinderella WIoTH. HOMER B. MASON ANt) LARGIE(COMPANY Box Seats - - - $1.50 1st 14 Rows - - - $1.00 Last 7 Rows - - - 15c 1st 4 Rows Balcony - 15c Balance of Balcony - - 50c Gallery - - - - 35c $1.50 Shirt now $1.75 i" i $2.00 4" 4 $2.50 44 4 $3.00 44 t $1.00 4" i $1.20 $1.35 $1.50 $1.88 $2.25 $0.85 SEATS NOW SELLING Seat Sale Sat. Morning 10 o'clock THE ANN ARBOR BIBLE CHAIRS 444 S. STATE ST. TEL. 937 STUDIES IN THE LIFE OF CHRIST FOUR LECTURES BY G. P. COLER SVN DAYS. 12 TO I P. M. 1. The Resurrection -- - Jan. 23, 1910 2. Christ's Program for His Disciples - Jan. 30, 3. Whit Shalt We Think of Christ? - - - Feb. 6,« 4. What Shall We Think of Christianity? - - Feb. 13, t int ibl nst rtol n o to n i vettt rsity tudents. All lectrs and classes0 are1free. A opllasoftoo I totlecItuIlIr is iven tIoltholse w1ttendrlt. iSltdents willbItleresteod inIIt 1, 1 o to l0O11at 1ein icatedabtotve. 111Y 0 ou a e oily1invi1te 10111(10111nd 1any1or al 1101es etoor11111. Class Toques Foar (1110differenst classes of the U. of M. have been received asnd are stow on sale. PRICE 50c EACH Bestl ((ake andc mlaterials, fu~lly tsp to the samples furntishedl by tse claso cosmmsittee. -MAC K & CO. ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP 1 10111' Iletoi atn oom 50101 Under IHuston Billiard Parlors GEO. V. STOLL, Pro~irtetor I f ormeer wit Harry & Charies') Hotel Cuni-berland oulo, Conlin & Fiogoel 200-202 South Main Street. Motion Pictures S. W Cor. roadway, at 54th St., Nea r 50tht. 0 too ltt 13 111331.1 t. file(alt. NEW YORK 1T T E7!^_! _C' AN A XT . r ! ba D (, IX L MAa.IVtN College Men Always Welcome Special terms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops I ) Go to Major' s -Q 11ait - , t se o om2tilo40%tl ft1 sel0t 1 t toth 011t',; lo i ces;p I nto s111 aIlmlot11)1 ver, 1 15 ? p i to: 1o.12 htal gallon 65t at3t5t. C. Ha MAJOR CO MA ES T IC THEAw'-, O'TR IE 01ONDAy INITAL PRODUCTION OF "Thea Junior Partner" s. A NowoG0its Act Play by D.N. (Sqtxire) TWAVIS, '0 Law sspebCaaL ~t PlacyaK ; ra Five ]Bi41Star Acts SW W Wedesd.ay 1) GIt11(TILt. lA Fi ENG. Lsually ilcottltt0 ov(1011 mall11010 11 tlCtof I }I goesoo Ic lot otntigitt 111 101 C ii 0 E~ h rNew, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof 11as ollottly1101111"Stosput ItA) 110i " f+- rs-y-. f -t. -s- s-t -+ ar-. .._aw y1 '..All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. 111 1111 $1ieatFout tai o '(It ci1 'sVNDE;R THE MANACEMENT O tooler0islthebet er . t0 f HBar'y P.Sttmso., formterly with lHotel Imperial. R.J ilrighm.aa, forsserly willsh41ho teWoodswardt 'c i\