The MichignI Vol". XX. .',NNARBOR, IICHIGAX, pAC h.. LALN o t FOOTBALL SCHEDULE tiln-ct li his hr in"l ipictedl MICHIGAN DE NEARLY COMPLETED s inlf ''~n "'- -dne ~gee TEAM IS VIC Fiv GmesPrctcal Sttld lRE ET KNIIIEEEX ANDI O)IlIERk FieGmsPatclYSetd Northwestern Orat -Authorities AeneSg- _- quished in Close ingr Smith Charges. judgeX I~o~ 13I'pwh a News From Chic -ha" tci recci f the din' issiti o i ch li-n ,ichigatis com pleted 'ittl~l scle i;a sic lix-} h s i e pointe he 1 hga i i td ahr trill he announiced early nexnt week, Pes iet 1af ai s United 1~ tS cr nigh its ti 1eLfth , after it meets the applrsoval Of the ior suii t juid''e int Mlichigani succedcing Lt'c if D~irectos. The ahsecec oft Prfsis s Jiiil"' Ierc I~rtu too Patterson, chtairman nsf thei board hat Arthur C. io, anothersi Mihia The g ,;ii. t! dN '1 matte it inmpossie to have ai mi ng graduatet was als appoi tiii in ted at s I tuit Lihat te ott1 u the latter part tif the lpresent weiei. A t atisins Cicuit jug.ii~shSs 1iiIhc t a though not impartitng any piositive it - -i -i iShud ''tiit ' ' formiatiton i regard Co the iteats snhi( it WTER WAGON IN DISFAVOR 1 Lit. 11 a in itiueit tiledl, 'Mr. Bartelmo is if teo iio nii i ti I I ,, t t i I, that it trill meet irith approval ite odl I', wii Reptorts from Pihiladelptia inditlate Colon (ierms Are Troublesome if eni n utrari itat Penn and Michuigait liaves'ig'nn'd tip Eaten Alive. rnic nh : r for two more yearn at footbaill in its tlis haril iiirk tihnes, do ' i'ucriuig ichii I th< ,turdi' i expected. \Vith Pienn, Syraciuse, EM ho i o ecnalpc te dirm resulis ofi tie 1I".,hli.1 tric' di( neso'ta, Case antI Ohio 'Stte otnt the atotu tiiiii aiii Clic 'iii hits uicu ' list there are hat twso tilenttieis whlih th 'ioiloti kern. Noi t at a in' Sri- aps i< si, ii t I I iced fillintg. It is dlouibtful it itlhni ietutuai. nipl} blilvcis thtth C olniit, t''i Ntitre D~tane or ,ulttriltitte, wh inch tint n o hn ne in Annu At-Io drili i T he N 'tllsc i oit last fall's scheduile, still ptla it iil C l l int'iiisi Ity noesectiiiiiii at ties gait this yeair, although Cther is a pitsse ite rt bt it erinltofis ithe will notl flt i hility that Ntitre IDim still Ito tint mccc i th ol.htaritr e againt ttt niore Cliat 'ii n ma Fii vtn sincen hei wanintg's siese psti h ii ;n1 , ii iretige her list year's Inefeat arun th c ampuiii~is it hasbn hadt t litiI I I. ihtlt sipslw Althouighi 'Er. B rtnlii had si otme task t tlii t i ice anyon ht t d in wtr' sit. hhV iip ,s d ststit hostes of hieing 'ible t seocure Chtic'agii k l li tm t n Ittirt lt s ti t h tai ' ci1111 as site oif te attrac tio fur nt faill' de it re dining oii led waiit at a Jsii it s ~~, h roontts int regarid tci tlic Mi inesota-it h - it houtis's itis slfert.t' I Ic tl e- 111\ th u t nli 1i ils cs itCinht directioin. Consequientli neti s.C ettits the tr ce 'it, li tl Lst fall still nmake the fiftht succis sa- erbd drink mlk itt hice aga i ii c o riii the itt lt soti that Chticago att i chrtrtian have -:hire iislitnger Cite 'a g1tli Si' 'it la'sIs h [°I~el "''icc. not tmet ott te gridiron, i ii e t ii1 iiss ii I of A nAnotilitkesn da or places the Uttivrs its o Pittits- nit iti file Cl t iroi C ittr ha a 1Iai<,lnlb bunig, formterly te Un'ivisetsity ofi est sut fit ht i i hc ad tii Ch l :1 wa tdltl"Ii Auri sitt wh ii ertn Pennstylsvania, as tite ofiiMihIntiga s it Ioni d feted itt I Itmt 11ti'r 'ii'1 n t fototball opopnenicits for ito Anty stict ieis cit tilt it ;it wrork as no intfosrmtattiot ithl rn""ard toi Thr Ii C iilt r Iii Ie acbout tntu' ctt n prt is fiLL t "1 it the teamts Co he tiayedl ott lit tice ou ge its Cto t miillimtre ofi watiti elolti hsit tuu cissiptij in i until thte schiedttle' htis it t e proa Cli then sit i; I, itiak stist siseinltit of the Bitatd ittI Cotl .n skesl 'ars ort t of gatheringt intisi ittilt slo tig tiitl tiC' itl titt[si.uu ahletic litrector Ilirti 1m at nd t he s li tints, haie tush it cI ietll prop t Ititit sii sit i i rtid rs tiesntly agitted by at C',inisn Ir isn i~~u~ sitpitt os r'tu nsctty urtnotltuartt ts wliit them fits tltne cme newspapie i tolithet liset lta s t nun'r v l sit'1'1 I 11na, Cci~sh ul lpst' eeryioitt icltorsti and, ith LIC I Stel has Wvrie toeate intot tauo iii" lit, liit 5 to Cl Litnety for~ wrelngc i afo nd itnc as lit sCe lan itbefoire s Cttu i i I' ' ~i'iii~i Profess~e nl' f )tler thin thu - s is ttl hh is t Isi ire d teAs It retli ltieutsiha i t s 'C5d rrtn bain thei asl us m isuuI Itt ut lon Itsdire tt nI A\, its toth n umer'f li'ousuletes i t 111 s'r c mli at e u oiurse itf I s Cii uuutsIt h haliiIii ,,n 11 relmetie s i ttcn tot rn- iths ito smit fs t plc if t e slit tit r. ges 15 f iinics c r tl dts' u su s a t i tis Cli i t iis I it rg s sitin iti ott Tit -ti t tints i tie)} c n withot ,;tin It ;tnts it' repliesitu ott v be Clii've ''its ~ it'i "tlut wardtt~ tusarn~s lit i ai rly~ tilt 1asfllee ttes a hren lrsu ststust sen soie i ai "ttt I I tutu timeagi st atpas thai t n tnformation us'scn_ su chang tt titi, uttalnuthei verycls 'Iue Chitul tutu tito us assit li Inf an reenit Cintervif in C'iatuoetuc aeodrdlat ftt- Hghpie, ec snek, of r i si reig t a t noii sit1 lia i ab l i tottti iiiise v l a1e'y src tiss te t r frn t clttt insuitictti-ts t tut ,tu In 11, ti . charge agist w shomther ,in#s aCu Itsn tillss ite nts lesult u u~tit 'rIflicl iilnk y off ts y ksi ndu' -u'u Foril'ui th t s tiritilit sust 'ro t ti~cittu si f\ uln Etans let to lt helie tha l h r s gt sh pr -ti u it r l. itt EBATING TO RIO U S ors Are Van- tCotitestaNo sago. intixtst lc ~tt ir c hi tr i ts1 cititti -ttrd t III .\\ a I Ine Pult ho )t ,a i h e : l t at r tuden t, t~c l N o.8i °AM1ATEUR ACTORS FULFILL PROMISE Individual Hits Plentiful in "The Inspector-Immense," Says St. Jthni. . C l , A-1??c'ipic t il-}t ;ltli'l pa-,I l'tiltlt lt, tl .ll"lii t{ t}?t X11" tlI ;irl c 1 it ('us 1<< its I')ftheii Cliit ca sltn tit( 1)('t sl,)\1 III ts it st l stnig'ht's i'iiit(t the tuti miittoftt uccsC i s. >.112' i ,r ~ N ttl, { ~ r l ?i'i' L l Lil t-i5 c° .11trts' R Wm J. AW4LONDON'S GREATEST PREACHER UNIVERSITY HALL, SUNDAY, JAN. 23 8:00 P. M. EVERYBODY INVITED