The Michigo",a t,,,iY .AT ARBOR, \IIC IIGAN, 1f111 CC, JANI;A1ciV c}ztic-cc Vlot.. XX. 91 " THE INSPECTOR" APPEARS TONIGH Comedy Club's Productioni Ready for "The Boards" Critics Forecast Success. "The Inspectcor' i rccidycfop hiearsal ccwibehetiis titernicon complteiiccthe ~prpartio for thcotc totight it willibeioffiiedlticthtticam critics iprofessional ancd othiicto-c If the judgimentiof ci Vici Ciecac c thie c-iniein t drtatatic cii f\ -d iti wirong; cd tilric ssctI rectccr -t Johntiaccoidsthicatart t motiecnthuiao stic inticiptiins. Writingit airc-viccc ccihe itiII-i Cit canii treeitact ci i cn o I T c citt c it- Nltr. itlctolfc csiii theicuimost ipoipilir ad iiiihiiyiiitiiut- Rtussian comdii hac ean i thturciirpo icice kiow s -ccii li abiocut gutvtg tandtkigbibeis,-cbutt Russintioffiictc cccias c cciie iiu s i ii start ciiidItic-cct miicii t ithoughithi --i igccs cdramacctic- itccicakitnti vecrycgoocdc, simipicicfucd tisichisc be welii prserc-cciniiitictranslai ticcic " TheInoispctorc is too cgoodcIai1) to bc cotfitiiciecntiry to ccligc p senttttioin, and offers otitytcc professional usihrccaft, Reispectng thecaccstc Mr Sti Jc says: I hivecvcecr secnia moiiicapa tc grocp of aateuiir actors cud tic perieceic extnds 0vr -a ugrc--at cm conficidt tictitheiiclayith isticcc-tilli ciii rspectscsurpcaiscticat giccnatct ccit ticdiI bcliicve Te Ctdiiiuu ricict wasi aiccptedi as ivertecellint iicc cihsenitmntiti cchoed byict ccci of incembers oftec faccltscihoch cwinesseciticerfcrmi tac ii the i tng. Lat tight aimicicitil astc ccst Ierscly exprtecssediihit-crcIiti tusly: Its g1otcsfadcl atmil. lice follotwcigmtticciccal rogram Ito presntoytic heiicNuelpiici cic itni. 11. IPopuilr--"WhoIic i Jolly \cew Yorlicr. ()Id I1st icnc Ict , 1ifi. tCassic-1-ImitigcriciciiDainicc Idiiaiti (Rcssictcs. UNION GIVES BANQUE1J Koanzaland Members Make le in Club House. Lavery icmtmtbcr of tilt Ktccttli casttcocmtteeiirs c-tiltorches-traicccccc tihccUiondci diclub hose- last cI %iji thie ibccinqciet icigiven tc-t th l- i recotgniiicfctcci cr efforisito n: thecclopraia succes-. Tcicirciti 0a coas charactcerciiy a srtnt fg informcaioci city nd iodfelowip.hc enctire vocal score cwas sncg b1101 .......... ... T is r c. to Ill- .11d )Ii fe e r 01- ilot the er- f -()f lea irl0' tile, Zile. lie} is Cell Aay >re- for fTe menuci conissted if lbtouilloni, fishc roast Cia itcciiriiiscing, inashedicitnc swc ccipoc ttescoWldofsac, c ciiiamccitvelandttoffcci Afte cu he1cc"ceiitsichadcbeenisposeiii ofci all the cias ci c ccc IiIci cig t Prior.ccalledioncsomecoftlin con- nctedi 1 \\-]t I it 11iitta ifr a few shtic te cst cand othetrs cciibehalf it the C ticitcilnrteerst dihut ithd c ad his thanksand1saiclitori hedto han tiver cih d bore icc ii dcli vbtic iioil pel e tt dealc with." cilii ci 111 itt ccc lthetsonstill rl cutlists- at he ime of til p I Ic l t 11 11 ", liet cciil Mitotorctte c s idle ld do ii itcliiig for the ttwitrkidone on he tiopera.iiioi- tend ics iccis itn>01wc Yorkc puttintiitlt the siechooltiakitig bho tting ce 11mo1110 the huittovrsefomf "li ight" chichcic -wonderdc-c cwhetherthcte ilorai ticghit' icc- ccclactrip. dhe fet-iiitie~s thoen ccsedi wciiit lte iniinlte of tleii 'C lioci -1111 13111cc SENIORS SIT FOR PHOTOS JUNIORS NOMINATE GOVERIGBD Close Contestsl-Resulted in Stu- dent Nuomincaftins--t titins Ihic c. dci --Jan. 21. V ccc - t h( tic-c ic-c -ct Ji. F,. ADAIR F. B. Kicc1: 1>. Cityng 'I'lls tllrrr l1wi> w11(, tc- MICHIGAN DEBATERS!,'{t TEST SKILL TONIGHT orC Teams Are Confident of Victorywhc Ovcer Chicago aid Ncrthw ' st llSe ern. 'il isr- dcro btt cctttt-cc ci Scc-cit wistt 1 li t (l tc fctea AlOfficial Photographers Overworked Ih 0dcac hc t-l x tb by (Graduating Class. oi-c hl wid llcii cide ittiechc it posi cc- Angryc membicrs of hitseicr lit cs'a tia Otlr lad}ie l ade11111 ofcc ftnc- icuzzecdliltbout theit sthli shm m ottretstotostdebc-cc iilis i2 fe iitctiici t h ci t ographc ertic t eratic cc t -l, hiag , cot cc cii tir, iiig 11 ths t111111-stccttvas n-c the1se- ric- u ccitt 1;1, e tsc toi1t' ict li ciciIirey thlesl o c iiidetaci itit anieastIthiIn Srcso cii-_ At theccuct iing oftheiu c c ls f ie et essNcc-c a ho i n la ne- ic Nas loftic tills annuniit ccccd c ctnsh ri pcili \ih C i tibe-u thact $2 chad ito lise ccpa icto 1tec pho-11cc- ucti hascti hadic cci i tic c ii ctI s iacc ' oga- e actiatic the 1ccc tlie- If sitting, th1c fctf hese N iiiiilitc chas cc cc eig t. ia _ underitsitita ig ittg tut itis cccs all to'--icag td ft edtt-c Aiichicc i laso t tar, ir tse dichargcdi for ie iseriit ccof thec- fortic-1cctt~o t c tirtnitvc . hi-ci stra, ciphotographer for t 1 li tciga ten ian a t ftne; cci iih sh tIt the ph togra heruth c i ti only ciatilt Aschccc I lce h sa uhy pi-os iitttit tc sth c lasttit ciut s I tc av u ci tnghcc.k t rin ti t inM moilU}calitthicc tdte tti ciittwill Niccirica d C itcag 11100 g ,an C i iticstiI titareuls iture ciiiot Id\othscH ~aei order ie tit-hdep csitimac tiltpli cil;L s er ac fte tr~ Die , talic of iaidozen11or 1111110stands1111 ntl f t e t hre cal lin Thec othert dusen i ior class lidhave imite ci h inttt hip. T oligI otrt arrancgemts exacccctly shccuu to ttic-t oficik te icuchampionhipc oftilte tic cc. the ftic. lTe tp icccare ithe samt s In te fnarrutnssn d itchrgedIni iiftotmrcu yearlsc lcsidsejthceiuc lii cicicutci ccticded thcia t h istc ctthe iccsen ior ~ n etsc ci 11111 alla itte11mehin cilhe c ing theirpictres tken t e ticlt s . i tte frh r p ls ig a 1 gorseslare hain t eir d ne tciteractce andthe Moil c c ticnd andalhut ck's.1?crnt:tthaitheyiarutcl iot itit ticitat Boctthi grph rs a ditteiccol- fetetscitt I vcd s w llt>i for i c ic 1 of the cic sen io - reetre ell ig tas \vtii ongI,\\( cnt itc 1c ci tt ft i aethiricusittus tn beit eacchcci ) et 1 firt lore, the tlt ci-iu ex miiio s t hL ii Ic ft i i t i ef t 3 a I ii i 2 tra ncssr f h bo i oco eou n ills:c0iAmic-oc cullte icit h iit ci ccc ito.II T~w p icce tlc 1-cit itwch Niadelm,1 I' cc , ittcc lcl em t t- . el (;oit I ~ t >hCrag, itGreenc ~1 ,rcl-j C. A. I ictc-Iccc-t . . ic I ,llcttlt Ni. iictl, N O cc, IMlyI -lcld t , 11, SCI F1N chiCc c 1~ >i cl- 7i r ]it f the Chi i. 1