_ A A_ V -- . . . PAY YOUR CANDY BETS WITH GILBERT'S CHOCOLAT ES Best in thet World 60 to 80 cents AT QUARRY'S Money Loaned On Watches, D~iamconds, Law Books. or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office' aresidence 331 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Hocurs: S tot11c30Pa.om.ttop 43and 7to P p.. JOSEPH C. WATTS Tiff FARMEtRS AND MECN1ANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURaON STREEBTS C, apital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100,000 Geneal Banking Business. 3 per cent paid eu Time and Savings Deposits. Safety Die- posit Boen to rent at $2.00 and upwards It. (cmr. Pres. it. G. Pace.' Y1An. F'ier-PerV. 14. A. WittIAAMo C'asbiee P. T. STOwCe Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capita] Stock $,50,000 sueplus J2S0,S00 Resources 02, 01,000 A (Senerai Banking Busineas Transacted OFrICERS: Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres.; 00. D. Harriman, Vice Pes.: Mt. J. Peitz.Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jto. V. Sheehan Wmn. Arnold Dr. V. 0. Vaughan Tns. B. Wade E. P. Mills John Banrer Jno. Koch Prof. B. S. Carhart Henry W. Docuglas Christian Min D an P. Ztimmeenman FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICB. 6,. I). KI NNE, 11A RRItSO)N SOit'iP Pres. Vice-Pres. S. \V. t'LAOIK'xtN, Cashier Capital. $100,000. Sprplus and Profit. $0,000. cuan-me camn$ yif s Bank Commnrrtle. and Seiswngs Cue,. Mnnliw rind Liberty Streesa CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR RENT. ForC Rett-Moderntflat, futrnishced; for- tnate hleat, light and gas. No other 'oonters. Secontd hoose front Stole street, 603~ F. \Vashitcgtott street. Phonce 249-J. tf MISCIC.lANETOtIS S''tzcctrctcocer, or reipairedi at '''hle PaasRoxal." o09 E. Liberty St. tf 1W1IiheGccclcccccttvcc Io tooklite lair of Ralstnlhoes f rom lice floor itn fronlt of locker 1035 it Wale rccccc gyre, Tuesdlax', bItenc4actcl5,please retundsamne toJanitler. Party is known. LOST. L.ost--Sccotchi collie; fouremonothis old. Reward for returnc. A. D. Ri oe, 1221 S. University arenuoc. So MUusic ana )varna .lA1ACI SII1T 10,111 Xl,. TIwo-iano xw'ork, somtethcincg' rarey ietard oncc oneicert programts, w5illIce thce feature of tconighct's "Fality Recital' in te Secool of Mtusic._ The recital, wichi is free, contsists almocst entirelyeofC011coi positioncs fccr tcwo iinocts, bcut ittcles ciso once cncumber hryiMiss 'iciilv e bb ec Sadler of the riolici cepcarltcent. 'Ibis recital is cot once of thce reguccar series giventiby the School of -Mucsic, cbul is free to aniy' whcoitae cre toCaie It is to he field icc lie SchlcIof :Music auiditoritum. YS Yii'~''S IcIccTUI'-t'nC i'rext.. With thle lectuire-recitcl octmodern Germaccompoc~~cctsees yesterdacy afterncoocc, Vie . WailliamiHIliandclcompcletc'dilie iHistoricail survey ccfte nitsic ecf thatc contry, to whicht ie hats cdevctecd ihe last three tnicmhers of the series. Thec ccotpositiontswhichc sere chocsen to il- lostraie thin period of {Germactsongc; wnerec varied antd offered somie ceccellentl oppclortun~ities for effecielt woxcrkbotlic to Mr. lHowlandi andctcd ccMliss andocc ieyit.wo assisted himt. ii tic xcx asIl'eccifcc jcilitxlcie} J'cs'ihttc' Lovetlt, fI dccc Macbt'l, Bliace W\ea- verr, Maggic. lllccxay icher, Cordelia Mdacdiocnald, El eaictor Shldon.ciccc Csc Lor- itier, JoseiphcRacriex , HocwardlHail, Lawcrec'te V\indcomcc acnd Jacmes Grady. Incrcext iccltte' ccc'c shccct'tcwcill openat lice M~ajestic this srec'k is celltee rudtemreosato le Icegolil, ca1'recccwcomancccwho'lconices tth loavaudeicilie lt'ectr'ccthca lprotranatcclictl t t hasseitht}e .icc ecille wocrid Itciking;. Focrty chacnges ocf cox- I ttme ill fifteecn mit ies, apipeairitcg itt foucrtc''te ifferc'nt l es, is cite of thce manxyI thob lttethcis ceve rxxccciaci cioc's. Site plays 'acl entire onct-acet drcica icy herself xxithccnc cssitcccc'eexceplt 11ha1 ca'f'ordedi cx'ther'stage hacincs xx'cocsrt tee sceinery. Addced intlerest is givein tisci t dcl cce to tlie fact tht cancccffe'r of $ tocce ic gccol cchasbeen offered fore a suitabl laycithattclslh'e cttl osc' where sill call playt all cf t11chiaraccte'rsihersr'lf. lilt thre cs ittt isters cilIce anc- othiertbig fe'ature ilclice ewr xhilctico c andt thcexe c Ig ci il pre'senc it'neoftice mttt itixtrcacltsccf tile seascon. Miuch itrcstxl x iscmai'fc'stc'cin the ncc cc ec playltrtcwlcc cl ciieccpr' eete nerst Moncday. x Tlie JuncirIcPacrtner~''is the ilctesi tccifotccl 'Scqnire"'Iraisxof tce 1awclass of '08tttandlit is ccctr'of the hits olftcseson.ccTI 'raitscciii e it tilt Miajecslttic:frthe11cr enirngctand'cc isi ccc i renaetx lic annccicngIcctic'make:the even t ntaibleircc r all'coinrccccerner'd. X111illINI \'ltCL'tOTH ING SALE .\1i 'xc5. o 'coci',sanlOlereccats. .. .$ia.oo 'xt.cst " ....$44 .5 "c$16.00 $-:c;to " " ....$20.00' li1 T'rous.ers at sante discoucnt. 11,1,1,'N'S kIOTI IRS SHOP. if MaiStreet. Fivc ttttil tt~ted phtclogcraphsiifocrap plictiont purploses, cost 68 cenlts. \VHIT'E STUDIO, SoI10 E. IHuron. fi cc ccc cc l Souvcenir Scores candc Sieet Nec-Ic fee sale at Schacherle & S cc', dci Msic cecre, t to S. Maint street. Gotif A Dog Worth 50 Cents-Price is "H IGH" if Sold at 75 Cents. OUR ORIGINAL PRICE FOR TOQES-5 0 Cet iA'IS OUR PRICK, NOWa We are always fair with Patrons and the People. 20(/-. off on all Suits, Overcoats and Fiurnishigs UEORGE YEEZewad ski & Lane saesl Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant V-e"1, cxI ,'i~i t ,c1)(wjkt r Chinese Fancy tishexti eaicks aChosccla[ pwicv o ovuI American Lunches of all binus. Feet t«e-ro c iicc c clungfirst classfoe ladies anintl c . c prc c'xtitti cc k icc; Cleanest Kitchenic Attn Arcor. 314 S. STATE STREET' Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Ane. New Phone 457 Bell Phone 457ti AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch Room Yen can tied a fine line of Confectionery eih l)~to w va spe iacc, D raingcii;tlhe right kiinds atrih AT 'eit wtilxt.Y. pincecs at tilt Studienits'iBookstc re. Roibert Edesoti, swho is Ico be'seenat cclltelittin 'Ccx. tf the NetsWittney this eventiig'intt Mtan's a MNan," a mooderit Amtericanctliy) rBe scssrtmienct. of Scraphooks at lby Atnna Steese Richtardsoncantcll It Ie' I ccl-man's. tf Leslie Friedenbherg, is suirroundcedciich icc' ofl ihe mtost tadequtate sxci cit ug iL'citt i til kcclxof Untiversity cminicis orgaiciedinttrecentl yeairs, iiiokx cct 11cc'Studcents' Bookstore. ihe cant cotatininig souch well i.ccccccccSihee'hat & (Cc. tf Casino Theatrf.-N NOW OPPERATING UNDER STUDENT MANAUAIiNT Best Pictur es Besc lign I Best Treatment A I special importations coming in now. These Spring suitingsaseaiiexcluiven. pattens and cannitbe duplicaied when said-But ann patten of aiakind -Have ann laidaide i pea wish io he wade up nie-$30.00 and up. WAGNER & co. Slain Sireei I _ __ - _ _ -_ FIFTY=SIXTH SEASON SIUDENTS' L[CTUIR[ ASSOCIATION ilt xt"'s The Premier Lecture Course of .America, LIhEUT. ERNEST Ni. SHACKLETON Whit han reaohed farthesi South, (ERALD STANLEY LEE Einent Editor, Essayist, and Lecturer SEUMAS MacMANUS Ireland foremat Poet,Author ad Lecturer Advance Sale 01? May Festival Reserved Seat Tickets BEGIiNS MONDAY, JAN. 31 SCHOOL OF MUSI1C "That Sometidng", Merchan .t Taiiorit Is Appararit Ini our iGarments i;xclctie V Woolens ho for Fall, SUITINGS, V RO+h Sit. O)VtiRt;U(ATtNGS. .. DETROIT UNITFI) LINE Between Deir.lt, Ann fArbel' xx Jackson Limied CarsEst ft3cemili:>{.' .11 4:5 ttp. t.. :.ittcp. 111 Limitedt Cars. Wesi Bos d- p.titt., 5:24) p. titt.. :e ta t Loal sCarsidEast Bndee ciaw .. ):t;, .c.tt wl c iii ic 1