THE MICHIGAN DAILY ____ J TROUSER SALE 1 - We are making a re- duction of $1.00 on each winter weight trouser in our l ine regardless of the price. An early selection counts. SPRING LINE NOW READY IJ. K6 Malcolm, 118 E, Liberty e i ColAN YOUi DANCE? Priat lesos b apoinmen.11 GR1A1NGER'Si 505 1111 OF l)AN( I . Call Ac 11.e y or {Bone 2146. ffie Fus1o I Al. a t: ENGINEERS' DRAFTING LIGHT No shadows Perfectly steady Easy on the eyes Perfectly illumination of the Drawing Board All engineers are specially invited to call and examine this light at our office. Ann Arbor Gas Company -IO Bio. Motion Pictures C.lass Toues lorl the hifferetnt classes of the U. of M. have b)een11rece ived and are 1n0w on sale PRICE 500 EACH Itest mIake and1 Imaterials, folly up to theC samleIs lfurishedl by the class colmittee. MACK & CO. UNIVERSITY NOTICES S-enior enlgineer class mneetinlg today, 4:31) p. in., Rooni 309. Senlior lit class mfeetinlg, RoomI A, Unliversity 1ha11, 4 p. ill. today. Meeting soph lit track candidates in trolphy rooml, Thursday, 5 p. m. Tile Independents wh110expec~t to at- tcendI thecjun~ior 15011 will mect at thle Union this eveninlg at 6. Socuvenirs will be selected (Old other imp~orta~nt Platters decided. IHinckiley. Seoiors, make date at 011ce withl pho- tographers for sittin~gs for senior pic- tules Pay Michiganensian fee of one dollar to phlotographer. Please attend to (his at on1c. Kniskernl. Bns. Mgr. CONFIDENT OF VICTORY Chicago Would Hang Another Scalp in Her Wigwam. Tomorrow one of Michigan's varsity teams goes to tile Univcrsity of Chicago for is anlunal dehate. Chicago looks foe a repetition of its last year's suc- cess, hasing thle ilopes Olonioe of the stronlgest teaims that las eeer repre- sCalled Rockefeller's plet institutionl. 1F. EtFergusoii, 'i1 law, who10opens folr Chicago, las mad~le anl enviahle eec- ordI. Before enlterinig the University, he tol:aii actisve part iln the Chicago H-igh Schlool leaglue. 11n 1919 lie took first 11onolrs inl the Chlicago varsity oratorical econtest an~d later inlthle sanme year woil a1 111ace onthe Chicago teani whichi de- bated agailnst Northwestern. TI. S. Soikey, thle second spleaker, first 111)11 house ini the Interscholastic Be- hating league at St. Louis, Mo. In 1)08 lhe again won deistiiictionm on the ('hicago Uiiersity iiitercollegiate team. hill graduatiaes ill 1912 ironm a cominled lerary 0a1d1lalecouirse. P. Mi. O'Dea, '12 lasw, closes for Chi- Icago. Althlough his first experience on a1 uniiversity team, lie has made a record elsewhlere. lHe represented his high schlool in the Southwcestern league, and ill 1907 dehbited for Drury College 001151s Arkansas Unliversity. Ini 1908 he represented thle same college againist WOashington University. SUPPOSE you have cilee all the spots from yoreldr01 clothes, 1w110waints to look like a shiahby genlteel? You 11011t look pros- perolls. A nice, fresh, iiew outfit brings c1(lllllrlandelbegets coidenlce aiid with rollfidellce coiies success and coiifort algain. Let us adds your coiifideiice to our long list of satisfied customers aiid thus help Inu to success. We are Tailors, h aberdashers and Ilatters. HFENRY & CO. WTednesday, Jan. 1 9 KNIGHT TEMPLARS BENIFITI DENMAN THOMPSON'S The Greatest of all New England Plays Twenty-Fourth Tear of Uninterrupted Success. The Original and Only Company. :: Wi*iey Theatre :: Oasto i olal) -tl111iW-iiul 11No z7,e 5,11e 11,11 BY Anna Steese Richardson and gffeets--Tile FaosI ) 1,11 ( 1111uarte. Henry Leslie Fridenberg Prices: 35-50-Z5-$l-$1.50- SEAT .SALEP MONIIAY Prices: 35-50-75-$1.00-$1.50 51~v Clisi arl, a The1ni is i_ I cnc SEAT SALE TUESIDAY MORNING Hotel Cnbeld THUSRDA.Y, JAN. 20 HENRY B. HARRIS PRESENTS ROBERT In a New Play of M~odern American Life ",A M'AN'S A MAN " S. W Cur. Broadway, of 541 N~f eli.t th St., NEW YORK . Ejevmuc KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special Terms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near 'Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof 'Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send ior Booklet. Go o ajor's haf),llt 5, u r 5 . . C. H. MAJOR (& ,XCO. <,ctrr~ o li hGad1Pits123lVahigoSt live unmi~ounitedl photograpshs for ap- plication pulrposes, cost 68f cents. WHITE STUDIO, 8o itoc E. Huron. Ba naland Souvenir Scores aind S'heedt Music for sale at Schaeherle & 5 oi's Mus~i louse, z110 5. Maistreet. flotf Ilaiie ,.the right kinds at right ricc 5 .at tle Studeiits' Bookstore. Sheellal & Co. tf Bes as sort ment of Scraphooks at 13a illii all kinds of University books at tlhe Studeilts' Bookstore. 0110 all & Co1. tf 1,()\v pIri cs qulotedl 10fritermmities, c111 15, ixonqente s and ommlititees 01n ar-e rrs11fcigalrs, cigarett~es or to- 1111,_ lusolnBos4-I 3017-309 S. State St. IlEUSTON BROS., MOE'S BARBER SHOP 70a Northi University Ave. O. A. MOE. UNDER TIDE MANAGEMENT OF Harry P. Stiraiaori, formerly with IotelIImperial. K. J. l nha.. rm oclerly withiHotel \Voodlvarl ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Opposit l 111111 ri 1111W11ailn Rom Under Huston Billiard Parlors G EO. V. STOLL. Proprietor Frm1erly wih Hrry& 101 T1 s ') 20~ for 15 c-ts. THE College Tavern. Happy hours. Splendid chaps. Old romances. P l ea sa nt recollections-- I and F atima Cigarettes. cis 1' 'I he 'lvrkish Ci t4arette of ~ ~~1~S ~ distinIctiont. \ blend of mild, r~lllo, [i'avo red to ba cc o \ FTCxqulsitely lcaslh1 to) the taste. Te mercan TIobacco1Co J' 3 r: inJ k&' 4/ a _ _ _/ ///ii~{~ ki1 7i1 \ I7/ "A Ot la&JAY CIRCUS" Ih Laughing Hit of the Year Ma.flne Today 2:30 Carriage and Baggage 11mm 111'sl'111111111155n 1,1111, J:.o'cllmel$1.50, aftr 12l'c'lock $2.00. For1-0111 Trunk to or liomlor, b he 1 picewll I 5,25 Cets. 1 Ifcared o 1. Ill front l sta-irs1,the pmie gill 1he so Crnts. ivereresrrueplll)'tollclletcs IIis(N& C'). IIlolm. 1r1.1;3N, ALWAYS AtTEADIN luffAwsRnLAlFTAI.R Tli4E BEST OF EVERY -VH1IJ1NEJ "rA I If"DINlT